17 year old Dindu burgler shot dead by homeowner

St. Con. Lol

As kids we went into neighbors garage refrigerators and took beers. ....

Figures you were a scumbag even then.
Like you never did anything wrong or stupid either.

I'm still waiting on you to provide just one example to support your claim that I did something stupid.

You can't prove something by simply claiming that it is.
it already fact so nothing to prove
It's based on real life experiences .
I've seen it first hand .
If you claim race doesn't count , then why would the race of the person or persons matter?

Do you have video of your claimed experiences?

Request for proof of yet another claim you can't support with evidence. You have a rough time understanding that if you make a claim, you must prove it and you saying so isn't proof.
Also false !

Are you saying all you have to say it something is true and that makes it true? That would be false.
Similar fact evidence
In the law of evidence, similar fact evidence (or the similar fact principle) establishes the conditions under which factual evidence of past misconduct of accused can be admitted at trial for the purpose of inferring that the accused committed the misconduct at issue.
Subjective and evading.

You admitted to breaking into a house. That's proof you can't be trusted. Objective proof.

Still no objective evidence to support your claim I've done something stupid? Just one?
False! it's proof of my honesty.it's also not objective proof .
Your claim of not to be trusted is about as subjective as is possible.

I've already provided objective proof of your stupidity, you are alive (technically anyway)

Objective proof would be an example. You have provided absolutely no proof.
Asked and answered.

Yet not specific example.
Similar fact evidence
In the law of evidence, similar fact evidence (or the similar fact principle) establishes the conditions under which factual evidence of past misconduct of accused can be admitted at trial for the purpose of inferring that the accused committed the misconduct at issue.
Like you never did anything wrong or stupid either.

breaking into neighbor's homes and stealing from them? No.

The only one doing that is you. Your entire mindset can be summed up this way:

1) You admitted to doing something stupid
2) You claimed that I, someone you don't know nor have ever met, has done something equally stupid
3) Despite being asked multiple times to provide one example as proof, you cannot do so
4) You call my DISAGREEMENT with you proof of your claim.
Your disagreement is a lie, your denial of any act of stupidity by you is a smoke screen .
And that action is proof.

Again a claim you haven't proven with even one example. I have an example that you did. You gave it. Just because you are a piece of shit housebreaker doesn't mean everyone else did something stupid. I was raised better. Apparently you weren't.
false premise

spot on discretion of you
How did he get this way?
A narcissist grew up believing from his earliest years that he is special and was most likely treated that way even as a small child. A narcissist develops a pathological sense of self entitlement very early. Truth is a foreign concept to the narcissist. His personality is built on a “false self”, believing that he is a superior, perfect being without flaws. As a child, he was not held accountable for his mistakes, lies or cruelties. His parents did not provide a sense of limits or respect for other human beings. He learned as a child to exploit and manipulate other human beings- to win at any cost. The damage to another person’s life was just collateral and necessary to his own immediate goals. This “golden child” learned very early that he had free rein over others. If someone got in his way, he would simply push him aside or knock him down. The parents defended their child’s inconsiderate, cruel behavior; they believed that their extraordinary child did not have to follow common social rules that apply only to others- not to their child

What does he do when he does make a mistake?
The narcissist is never, ever wrong, and he likes to present “proof” that he is correct. The narcissist cannot accept responsibility for making a mistake and he is expert at diverting the blame to others – (“It’s not my fault. I lost that promotion because my team let me down”, “You were acting so stupid-you made me hit you.”, “If you weren’t so cold, I wouldn’t have had that affair”). A narcissist will never admit even horrendous mistakes and when confronted, he will deflect, delay and tell more lies. He believes he is invincible and perfect.

When we look deeply into ourselves and know we have been wrong, we are able to say “I make mistakes”. We apologize to the hurt party and continue to have a healthy, solid sense of ourselves as positive human beings. A narcissist is unable to do this as that would require acknowledging that he is not perfect. .
breaking into neighbor's homes and stealing from them? No.

The only one doing that is you. Your entire mindset can be summed up this way:

1) You admitted to doing something stupid
2) You claimed that I, someone you don't know nor have ever met, has done something equally stupid
3) Despite being asked multiple times to provide one example as proof, you cannot do so
4) You call my DISAGREEMENT with you proof of your claim.
Your disagreement is a lie, your denial of any act of stupidity by you is a smoke screen .
And that action is proof.

Again a claim you haven't proven with even one example. I have an example that you did. You gave it. Just because you are a piece of shit housebreaker doesn't mean everyone else did something stupid. I was raised better. Apparently you weren't.
false premise

spot on discretion of you
How did he get this way?
A narcissist grew up believing from his earliest years that he is special and was most likely treated that way even as a small child. A narcissist develops a pathological sense of self entitlement very early. Truth is a foreign concept to the narcissist. His personality is built on a “false self”, believing that he is a superior, perfect being without flaws. As a child, he was not held accountable for his mistakes, lies or cruelties. His parents did not provide a sense of limits or respect for other human beings. He learned as a child to exploit and manipulate other human beings- to win at any cost. The damage to another person’s life was just collateral and necessary to his own immediate goals. This “golden child” learned very early that he had free rein over others. If someone got in his way, he would simply push him aside or knock him down. The parents defended their child’s inconsiderate, cruel behavior; they believed that their extraordinary child did not have to follow common social rules that apply only to others- not to their child

What does he do when he does make a mistake?
The narcissist is never, ever wrong, and he likes to present “proof” that he is correct. The narcissist cannot accept responsibility for making a mistake and he is expert at diverting the blame to others – (“It’s not my fault. I lost that promotion because my team let me down”, “You were acting so stupid-you made me hit you.”, “If you weren’t so cold, I wouldn’t have had that affair”). A narcissist will never admit even horrendous mistakes and when confronted, he will deflect, delay and tell more lies. He believes he is invincible and perfect.

When we look deeply into ourselves and know we have been wrong, we are able to say “I make mistakes”. We apologize to the hurt party and continue to have a healthy, solid sense of ourselves as positive human beings. A narcissist is unable to do this as that would require acknowledging that he is not perfect. .

No worries. You are just an idiot.

The only one doing that is you. Your entire mindset can be summed up this way:

1) You admitted to doing something stupid
2) You claimed that I, someone you don't know nor have ever met, has done something equally stupid
3) Despite being asked multiple times to provide one example as proof, you cannot do so
4) You call my DISAGREEMENT with you proof of your claim.
Your disagreement is a lie, your denial of any act of stupidity by you is a smoke screen .
And that action is proof.

Again a claim you haven't proven with even one example. I have an example that you did. You gave it. Just because you are a piece of shit housebreaker doesn't mean everyone else did something stupid. I was raised better. Apparently you weren't.
false premise

spot on discretion of you
How did he get this way?
A narcissist grew up believing from his earliest years that he is special and was most likely treated that way even as a small child. A narcissist develops a pathological sense of self entitlement very early. Truth is a foreign concept to the narcissist. His personality is built on a “false self”, believing that he is a superior, perfect being without flaws. As a child, he was not held accountable for his mistakes, lies or cruelties. His parents did not provide a sense of limits or respect for other human beings. He learned as a child to exploit and manipulate other human beings- to win at any cost. The damage to another person’s life was just collateral and necessary to his own immediate goals. This “golden child” learned very early that he had free rein over others. If someone got in his way, he would simply push him aside or knock him down. The parents defended their child’s inconsiderate, cruel behavior; they believed that their extraordinary child did not have to follow common social rules that apply only to others- not to their child

What does he do when he does make a mistake?
The narcissist is never, ever wrong, and he likes to present “proof” that he is correct. The narcissist cannot accept responsibility for making a mistake and he is expert at diverting the blame to others – (“It’s not my fault. I lost that promotion because my team let me down”, “You were acting so stupid-you made me hit you.”, “If you weren’t so cold, I wouldn’t have had that affair”). A narcissist will never admit even horrendous mistakes and when confronted, he will deflect, delay and tell more lies. He believes he is invincible and perfect.

When we look deeply into ourselves and know we have been wrong, we are able to say “I make mistakes”. We apologize to the hurt party and continue to have a healthy, solid sense of ourselves as positive human beings. A narcissist is unable to do this as that would require acknowledging that he is not perfect. .

No worries. You are just an idiot.
More delusional yammering.
Explain how she can shoot someone while they are there is she wasn't there.
The 54-year-old woman told police her surveillance system alerted her to the break-in of her home. She said she rushed home and found the teen climbing out of a window.
any more willfully ignorant questions,?

Since she found him in her home, she had to be there. I don't care whether a surveillance system alerted her or a neighbor called. She was there when he was there. End of story. The result is that a piece of shit can no longer steal and that's a good thing.

Any more stupidity from you, you dumb son of a bitch?
she was not home at the time of the break in ,she shot him as he was leaving ,
we don't even know if she was inside or outside the house .
the report again is ambiguous about it.

as to this "The result is that a piece of shit can no longer steal and that's a good thing." conservative 65

If he was out of the house, but moved toward her in a threatening way, she was entitled to protect herself. As she has not be charged yet, there must have been evidence that he behaved that way.
Nope but you can keep wishing.

How do you know there was no evidence of that? What PROOF can you offer? Was the homeowner arrested? What charges have been filed? Or, were you just offering your opinion as fact and are really just here trolling for attention?
The 54-year-old woman told police her surveillance system alerted her to the break-in of her home. She said she rushed home and found the teen climbing out of a window.
any more willfully ignorant questions,?

Since she found him in her home, she had to be there. I don't care whether a surveillance system alerted her or a neighbor called. She was there when he was there. End of story. The result is that a piece of shit can no longer steal and that's a good thing.

Any more stupidity from you, you dumb son of a bitch?
she was not home at the time of the break in ,she shot him as he was leaving ,
we don't even know if she was inside or outside the house .
the report again is ambiguous about it.

as to this "The result is that a piece of shit can no longer steal and that's a good thing." conservative 65

If he was out of the house, but moved toward her in a threatening way, she was entitled to protect herself. As she has not be charged yet, there must have been evidence that he behaved that way.
Nope but you can keep wishing.

How do you know there was no evidence of that? What PROOF can you offer? Was the homeowner arrested? What charges have been filed? Or, were you just offering your opinion as fact and are really just here trolling for attention?
Not a felony idiot! Comparing a robbery to speeding, what a joke!
Bullshit it's called felony evading.

Speeding is not a felony. Evading is a felony. Learn to comprehend what you read.
It depends on why someone was speeding.
In the law there are for good or I'll there are always extenuating circumstances.

You mean excuses because you don't want to follow the law.
wrong your lack of comprehension slip is showing
the statement was speed in was not a felony that's a half truth .
what would make it a felony is why the person was speeding.
thanks again for proving more evidence of your obsessive nature.

There would have to be another element added to make speeding a felony. My statement did not add any element.
Bullshit it's called felony evading.

Speeding is not a felony. Evading is a felony. Learn to comprehend what you read.
It depends on why someone was speeding.
In the law there are for good or I'll there are always extenuating circumstances.

You mean excuses because you don't want to follow the law.
wrong your lack of comprehension slip is showing
the statement was speed in was not a felony that's a half truth .
what would make it a felony is why the person was speeding.
thanks again for proving more evidence of your obsessive nature.

There would have to be another element added to make speeding a felony. My statement did not add any element.

Nevermind daws. He's an idiot. He made a claim about me yet provided no evidence to supports claim then used that I disagreed with him as his claim of proof.
The only one doing that is you. Your entire mindset can be summed up this way:

1) You admitted to doing something stupid
2) You claimed that I, someone you don't know nor have ever met, has done something equally stupid
3) Despite being asked multiple times to provide one example as proof, you cannot do so
4) You call my DISAGREEMENT with you proof of your claim.
Your disagreement is a lie, your denial of any act of stupidity by you is a smoke screen .
And that action is proof.

Again a claim you haven't proven with even one example. I have an example that you did. You gave it. Just because you are a piece of shit housebreaker doesn't mean everyone else did something stupid. I was raised better. Apparently you weren't.
false premise

spot on discretion of you
How did he get this way?
A narcissist grew up believing from his earliest years that he is special and was most likely treated that way even as a small child. A narcissist develops a pathological sense of self entitlement very early. Truth is a foreign concept to the narcissist. His personality is built on a “false self”, believing that he is a superior, perfect being without flaws. As a child, he was not held accountable for his mistakes, lies or cruelties. His parents did not provide a sense of limits or respect for other human beings. He learned as a child to exploit and manipulate other human beings- to win at any cost. The damage to another person’s life was just collateral and necessary to his own immediate goals. This “golden child” learned very early that he had free rein over others. If someone got in his way, he would simply push him aside or knock him down. The parents defended their child’s inconsiderate, cruel behavior; they believed that their extraordinary child did not have to follow common social rules that apply only to others- not to their child

What does he do when he does make a mistake?
The narcissist is never, ever wrong, and he likes to present “proof” that he is correct. The narcissist cannot accept responsibility for making a mistake and he is expert at diverting the blame to others – (“It’s not my fault. I lost that promotion because my team let me down”, “You were acting so stupid-you made me hit you.”, “If you weren’t so cold, I wouldn’t have had that affair”). A narcissist will never admit even horrendous mistakes and when confronted, he will deflect, delay and tell more lies. He believes he is invincible and perfect.

When we look deeply into ourselves and know we have been wrong, we are able to say “I make mistakes”. We apologize to the hurt party and continue to have a healthy, solid sense of ourselves as positive human beings. A narcissist is unable to do this as that would require acknowledging that he is not perfect. .

No worries. You are just an idiot.
More delusional yammering.

False, you are an idiot.
breaking into neighbor's homes and stealing from them? No.

The only one doing that is you. Your entire mindset can be summed up this way:

1) You admitted to doing something stupid
2) You claimed that I, someone you don't know nor have ever met, has done something equally stupid
3) Despite being asked multiple times to provide one example as proof, you cannot do so
4) You call my DISAGREEMENT with you proof of your claim.
Your disagreement is a lie, your denial of any act of stupidity by you is a smoke screen .
And that action is proof.

Again a claim you haven't proven with even one example. I have an example that you did. You gave it. Just because you are a piece of shit housebreaker doesn't mean everyone else did something stupid. I was raised better. Apparently you weren't.
false premise

spot on discretion of you
How did he get this way?
A narcissist grew up believing from his earliest years that he is special and was most likely treated that way even as a small child. A narcissist develops a pathological sense of self entitlement very early. Truth is a foreign concept to the narcissist. His personality is built on a “false self”, believing that he is a superior, perfect being without flaws. As a child, he was not held accountable for his mistakes, lies or cruelties. His parents did not provide a sense of limits or respect for other human beings. He learned as a child to exploit and manipulate other human beings- to win at any cost. The damage to another person’s life was just collateral and necessary to his own immediate goals. This “golden child” learned very early that he had free rein over others. If someone got in his way, he would simply push him aside or knock him down. The parents defended their child’s inconsiderate, cruel behavior; they believed that their extraordinary child did not have to follow common social rules that apply only to others- not to their child

What does he do when he does make a mistake?
The narcissist is never, ever wrong, and he likes to present “proof” that he is correct. The narcissist cannot accept responsibility for making a mistake and he is expert at diverting the blame to others – (“It’s not my fault. I lost that promotion because my team let me down”, “You were acting so stupid-you made me hit you.”, “If you weren’t so cold, I wouldn’t have had that affair”). A narcissist will never admit even horrendous mistakes and when confronted, he will deflect, delay and tell more lies. He believes he is invincible and perfect.

When we look deeply into ourselves and know we have been wrong, we are able to say “I make mistakes”. We apologize to the hurt party and continue to have a healthy, solid sense of ourselves as positive human beings. A narcissist is unable to do this as that would require acknowledging that he is not perfect. .

I explained to you criminal that making a mistake and doing something stupid are two distinctly different things. That you're too stupid, criminal, to understand isn't my fault. That's another sign of a lack of upbringing.
You admitted to breaking into a house. That's proof you can't be trusted. Objective proof.

Still no objective evidence to support your claim I've done something stupid? Just one?
False! it's proof of my honesty.it's also not objective proof .
Your claim of not to be trusted is about as subjective as is possible.

I've already provided objective proof of your stupidity, you are alive (technically anyway)

Objective proof would be an example. You have provided absolutely no proof.
Asked and answered.

Yet not specific example.
Similar fact evidence
In the law of evidence, similar fact evidence (or the similar fact principle) establishes the conditions under which factual evidence of past misconduct of accused can be admitted at trial for the purpose of inferring that the accused committed the misconduct at issue.

Unlike I have with you criminal, you have yet to provide an example of past misconduct by me.
Figures you were a scumbag even then.
Like you never did anything wrong or stupid either.

I'm still waiting on you to provide just one example to support your claim that I did something stupid.

You can't prove something by simply claiming that it is.
it already fact so nothing to prove

You've provided nothing to show what you claim is a fact. I'm sorry you were raised so poorly.
You seem to think that what you took matters when THAT you took it is the important factor.

A thief is a horrible person. Someone that tries to justify thievery is a horrible person.
God you think like a child, a very stupid one.

Kid took gum, my gum, so I killed him...

TOOK is the key word. I have a simple solution if you don't like the potential results. Don't steal and you have nothing to worry about.

Like I told you before retard, EVERYTHING I own has more value than you.
There again is rock solid evidence of your delusion that you've never done anything wrong or stupid.
Your solution to the situation PMH brought up is both wrong and stupid.
Your obsession with material good being more important than a life isn't just wrong and stupid it's
Psychopathy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And yet you still still have the temerity to call myself and others worthless.
It's hilarious and tragic all at the same time.

What's hilarious is that someone admitting to be a housebreaker actually thinks he isn't a piece of shit.

Since a housebreaker has no value based on the choice to do so, things I own of value, by default, are worth more.

Don't confuse obsession with the right I have to protect what I'VE earned. Like I've said multiple times, there is an easy solution. Don't be a thief and you have nothing to worry about.
thanks for providing more evidence of your lack of empathy
I was not a piece of shit then and am not now .
your extremely impaired judgment of any one or any thing is fucking hilarious .
btw this statement "EVERYTHING I own has more value than you"
is just the kind of thing a psyco would say
example "They were just a bunch of worthless little queers and punks." John Wayne Gacy

I don't have empathy for criminals or pieces of shit that break into other people's houses. That, something you admitted, makes you a piece of shit.

Someone that would make the choice to steal what another person earned has shown he/she doesn't value him/herself. That makes what I've earned more than them. I guess you having been a criminal is why you have no problem with other criminals.
Let's play a game, Con65. Let's say that I have a gun to the head of someone you love and I say give me you wallet and watch or I shoot. What is more valuable at that moment, their life or your stuff?

You make one false assumption. Guess what it is.
Can't answer?
he making shit up as he goes along ..

That dumb son of a bitch actually thinks he would get to the point of being able to ask that question. He assumes too much.

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