18 Republicans vote against resolution to support Finland & Sweden joining NATO

What the hell is "American" about NATO? The problem with NATO Commie is that 90% of the money all comes from US. So, how much do you think Finland and Sweden would ever spend on OUR defense?

That's right Ace, adding these countries to NATO only represents a greater burden for the USA and the likelihood that we are caught up in it.

You may return now to sticking your fork in the wall outlet. 🤯
Finland already spends 1.9% of its GDP on defense. Sweden only spends 1.2% but spends it very efficiently. Sweden expects to reach 2.0 within six years. Having access to Sweden’s defense research and production facilities would be a boon to NATO.
Why would an American vote against a resolution to support Finland & Sweden joining NATO?

Do you live in Europe?

Me either.

So you explain to me what business it is of yours or mine what goes on there?

Wait...let me guess.

"We have to fight the Russians there so we don't have to fight them here!"

A country that can't even handle a war with Ukraine on it's own border.

Remember when the left kept saying "We aren't the World Police."

Well...you won...we agree with you...

...and as soon as we do...suddenly you want you be the world police.

This is why I say leftists have no ideology...their whole schtick is whatever the right is for, they are automatically against.
The Parties have flipped. The Dims are now the Neo-Cons funding wars and looking for wars (i.e. See Ukraine). The GOP wants to stay out of wars and foreign involvement. This is much like how the Dims are now the Party of Elitists and Wall Street hedge fund douchebags and the GOP is the Party of the Working Man.

Funny how things change, isn't it? :D
Good cop / bad cop.
The sides flip every 10 or 15 years or so, depending on the issue .

Having been a Ross Perot, Ralph Nader, Jill Stein and Donald Trump supporter makes me a fairly qualified observer.
There is nothing patriotic at all about continuing to tweak another major nuclear power in the midst of a proxy war with us for no benefit to us. It's actually the opposite of patriotic.
Yes! Sadly many Americans are too dumb and duped to understand expanding NATO is a provocation that could result in nuclear war and millions of deaths.

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