18 U.S. Code § 1512

You have no idea what NYS did?
Daily murders in Chicago and other Blue Cities?
Are you demented?
Are they letting people get away with it? Moron.

It's called crime, people commit them every day.
Don't even have to ask if you are demented.
Are they letting people get away with it? Moron.

It's called crime, people commit them every day.
Don't even have to ask if you are demented.
Thanks for admitting you don’t read the news.
NYS Criminal Reform and Chicago’s Mayor blaming business owners and citizens for not hiring their own security.

Your ignorance belies the fact that all you do is search for headlines that match your emotional requirements.
Thanks for admitting you don’t read the news.
Evidently, you don't.
NYS Criminal Reform and Chicago’s Mayor blaming business owners and citizens for not hiring their own security.
So, stores have done that for decades.
WTF is wrong with that?
They are there to prevent crimes, idiot.
Your ignorance belies the fact that all you do is search for headlines that match your emotional requirements.
Your ignorance is you do..............................and fail, miserably.
Evidently, you don't.

So, stores have done that for decades.
WTF is wrong with that?
They are there to prevent crimes, idiot.

Your ignorance is you do..............................and fail, miserably.
No police protection…period, moron.
A store is smash by a group of your fellow hoodlums and the police are commanded not to respond.
I hope you get assaulted and the mayor blames you.
(c) Whoever corruptly—

(1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or

So you don't like Adumb Schifferbrains altering evidence in a Federal investigation?
lock Shifty up! he can’t use his “parody” excuse a second time. This was clearly intentional
Reuters, AP News, BBC, ABC News, etc…
Thanks for admitting you don’t watch anything but CNN and MSNBC.

The problem is that you’re not even embarrassed being an ignoramus.
Where is your link, moron?
That states mayor called on police to NOT respond to calls?
Didn't rogue agents in the FBI violate the Code when they used a fake document to try to undermine the administration of the President of the United States? Certainly the former governor of NY violated the code when he issued an Executive Order that caused the deaths of an estimated 10,000 nursing home residents.

No, and no. Since neither one of those things actually happened the way you claim. Also, this is a very weak attempt at deflection.

Trump is a crook and a criminal and he should never have been elected.
You missed what every news outlet was reporting 2 days ago!?
Than again, I read your posts and you are on the side of the thugs.
WTF, idiot?
Every news outlet was reporting?
You're that stupid, you can't provide a link?
Can you tell your mommy, maybe she can help you.

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