18 U.S. Code § 1512

(c) Whoever corruptly

(1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or​

(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

(a) As used in sections 1512 and 1513 of this title and in this section—
(1) the term “official proceeding” means—​
(A) a proceeding before a judge or court of the United States, a United States magistrate judge, a bankruptcy judge, a judge of the United States Tax Court, a special trial judge of the Tax Court, a judge of the United States Court of Federal Claims, or a Federal grand jury;​

(B) a proceeding before the Congress;

(C) a proceeding before a Federal Government agency which is authorized by law; or​

(D) a proceeding involving the business of insurance whose activities affect interstate commerce before any insurance regulatory official or agency or any agent or examiner appointed by such official or agency to examine the affairs of any person engaged in the business of insurance whose activities affect interstate commerce;​

The 1512 statute has been used against a lot of the insurrectionists:

At issue is a statute the Justice Department has employed against at least 235 defendants accused of corruptly disrupting Congress’s certification of the 2020 electoral-college vote.

Prosecutors have brought the obstruction charge in many of the most notorious cases, including against members of the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys and Three Percenters groups who allegedly conspired and prepared in advance for violence. The government has also leveled the charge against scores of individuals not accused of attacking police or destroying property but facing some of the most egregious allegations — such as occupying the Senate chamber, sitting in the vice president’s chair and targeting government officials.

But wait, it gets more interesting.

After reading the texts sent to Trump's Chief of Staff Mark Meadows from members of Congress, Fox News celebrities, and Don Jr (which I'm sure you all heard about), Liz Cheney then asked this very tantalizing question in regard to Trump's inaction for over three hours to stop the insurrection:

"Did Donald Trump, through action or inaction, corruptly seek to obstruct or impede Congress’s official proceeding to count electoral votes?”

Notice how she worded that question.
So why is Hillary Clinton not locked up? She did this 33,000 times!
Sounds like a desperate attempt to rally the idiots on the left. Trying to narrowly apply this to Trump, without regard to the separation of powers is a losing proposition. Expect liberal tears to follow as yet another TDS fantasy falls flat.

So he made a copy, altered it, and used the altered evidence in the commission. But you claim he did nothing wrong because he didn't alter the "original email"? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Pretty sure that defense would get you laughed out of court, Halfwit.

Great, if you're right, then it should be easy to prosecute him.
What Congress is doing is not legal.

I am far left and do not support the Jan 6 capital takeover, but private documents like emails can not legally be demanded by Congress.
Congress is not an impartial executive body that would avoid abusing the private information in things like emails, etc.

If there is a case, then it is the FBI that should be doing the investigating, and the standard requirement for documents to be subpoenaed by a judge, can not legally be bypassed.
Congress is not impartial.
They are not a legal investigating body.
Congress is supposed to be the body to discipline other members of congress, but now by violating the privacy of all the members of the executive.
That is not at all legal.
But they are going to tell you that thus committee is 100% on the level and not a smidgen of bias among them.
Really? You think throwing chairs, breaking windows, beating cops equates an outburst at a senate hearing?

Once again, show me in the law where that distinction is made. BTW very few were charged with assault or destruction of property, that's another distinction you seem to have trouble grasping. Most were charged with illegal parading or interfering with an official proceeding. Why weren't the Kavanaugh protesters equally charged and put in solitary for almost 2 years awaiting trial. It's clear to me, most of the Jan 6 protestors are political prisoners. Also it's clear we have a two tiered justice system and you commies could care less. Just remember, that pendulum can swing both ways.

Once again, show me in the law where that distinction is made.

You want to know the distinction between shouting out at a senate hearing and being charged with assaulting a police officer, violent entry, weapons charges and other crimes?

How many Code Pink members broke into the senate chambers or the offices of Congress? None.

BTW very few were charged with assault or destruction of property,

How many?

that's another distinction you seem to have trouble grasping. Most were charged with illegal parading or interfering with an official proceeding. Why weren't the Kavanaugh protesters equally charged and put in solitary for almost 2 years awaiting trial.

How many have been charged with only interfering in an official proceeding are rotting away in jail? I'd like a source and specific number.

It's clear to me, most of the Jan 6 protestors are political prisoners. Also it's clear we have a two tiered justice system and you commies could care less. Just remember, that pendulum can swing both ways.

Most if not all the Jan 6 protestors are gullible idiots and some of them through mindless group think have proven to be dangerous.
You want to know the distinction between shouting out at a senate hearing and being charged with assaulting a police officer, violent entry, weapons charges and other crimes?

How many Code Pink members broke into the senate chambers or the offices of Congress? None.

How many?

How many have been charged with only interfering in an official proceeding are rotting away in jail? I'd like a source and specific number.

Most if not all the Jan 6 protestors are gullible idiots and some of them through mindless group think have proven to be dangerous.

Child you need to check out a new documentary called Capitol Punishment, you've swallowed way too much propaganda jizz from the MSM.

'Capitol punishment'?
I watched the video.

Trumpards did do that?

Breaking it's glass.
Breaking it's doors.
Breaking it's chairs.
Breaking it tables.
Damaging it's barricades.
Spreading shit on it.
Your mercs burned over 200 cities ......Murdered people and police. Nothing compares to the BS your side has done.
Child you need to check out a new documentary called Capitol Punishment, you've swallowed way too much propaganda jizz from the MSM.

'Capitol punishment'?

I saw the documentary.

Trumptards broke it's windows.
Broke it's doors.
Broke it chairs.
Broke it's tables.
Damaged it's paint.
Damaged it's barricades.
Damaged it's lawn.
Spread shit on it's walls.

How patriotic.
Your mercs burned over 200 cities ......Murdered people and police. Nothing compares to the BS your side has done.
Weren't mine.
Those people are scumbags too.

Over 12,000 were charged, arrested and sentenced.
Do you hear of anyone on the left defending them?
Weren't mine.
Those people are scumbags too.

Over 12,000 were charged, arrested and sentenced.
Do you hear of anyone on the left defending them?
Sure did Your politicians said it was mostly peaceful as they gas lit the entire country. Doubled down on DEFUND THE POLICE. And now as polls drop they suddenly go......we are for more police and CRIME IS BAD. Bunch of Hypocrites.
Sure did Your politicians said it was mostly peaceful as they gas lit the entire country. Doubled down on DEFUND THE POLICE. And now as polls drop they suddenly go......we are for more police and CRIME IS BAD. Bunch of Hypocrites.
They were mostly peaceful.

'As they gas lit the entire country'?

The looting, burning and violence happened after dark.
Those were not protesters.

Democrats never defended them, called their arrest unjust, demand their release or called their persecution, a witch hunt or claimed they were political prisoners.
Trumptards and his cult, did.

MOST of the protest were in daylight.

Defund the police was/is stupid.
Do they want to defund the fire department too?
What about ambulances?
They were mostly peaceful.

'As they gas lit the entire country'?

The looting, burning and violence happened after dark.
Those were not protesters.

Democrats never defended them, called their arrest unjust, demand their release or called their persecution, a witch hunt or claimed they were political prisoners.
Trumptards and his cult, did.

MOST of the protest were in daylight.

Defund the police was/is stupid.
Do they want to defund the fire department too?
What about ambulances?
More excuses from a party who promoted this. Period. As you complain about the 6th when massive damage was done by your side in most of the country. Hell in Seattle even the MAYOR got hit with Tear Gas out their chanting with the protesters.

Your side has no ethical ground to stand on.
More excuses from a party who promoted this. Period. As you complain about the 6th when massive damage was done by your side in most of the country. Hell in Seattle even the MAYOR got hit with Tear Gas out their chanting with the protesters.

Your side has no ethical ground to stand on.

Trumptards even trying to compare the the two different instances is ridiculous............ 'But whatabout'.

ONE was about a death while in police custody.
One was about overturning an election and a government.

Your side has no ethical grounds ...........................period.

Trumptards even trying to compare the the two different instances is ridiculous............ 'But whatabout'.

ONE was about a death while in police custody.
One was about overturning an election and a government.

Your side has no ethical grounds ...........................period.
Your side votes for leaders who allow violent crimes to be committed 27/7.

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