18 U.S. Code § 1512

and presented as fact before Congress.
A lawyer presented a specious argument to a traitor who then sent that bullshit to another traitor who was trying to find a way for a sore loser traitor to overthrow a duly elected government.

When Schiff saw the argument sent by one traitor to another, he wrongly gave credit to the first traitor for the argument instead of the shitstain lawyer.

Big. Fucking. Deal.

And instead of being outraged by all that treason, the tard herd is getting their panties in a bunch over a mistaken accreditation of the traitorous argument.

I have never seen so many idiots so easily led around by their noses.
The tard herd is desperately throwing out red herrings and tu quoques in this topic. A sure sign they have nothing to defend the Traitor-in-Chief.
You're kidding, right?
I was being facetious, yes. Lol
Personally, I dont give a shit what happens to the ex peaches-n-chief. Or reps in DC. Or civilians that were involved.
I was just cracking a joke at the picking and choosing of enforcing laws. Our justice system is such a fucking joke.
A lawyer presented a specious argument to a traitor who then sent that bullshit to another traitor who was trying to find a way for a sore loser traitor to overthrow a duly elected government.

When Schiff saw the argument sent by one traitor to another, he wrongly gave credit to the first traitor for the argument instead of the shitstain lawyer.

Big. Fucking. Deal.

And instead of being outraged by all that treason, the tard herd is getting their panties in a bunch over a mistaken accreditation of the traitorous argument.

I have never seen so many idiots so easily led around by their noses.
You have quite the TDS afflicted imagination.
The tard herd is desperately throwing out red herrings and tu quoques in this topic. A sure sign they have nothing to defend the Traitor-in-Chief.
Has this so-called "Traitor-in-Chief" been charged with anything?


Then he needs no defending, Dumbass. The incoherent, moronic ramblings of board Dimtards are laughed at. Nobody is trying to defend anyone from your posts, Dumbass.
Didn't rogue agents in the FBI violate the Code when they used a fake document to try to undermine the administration of the President of the United States? Certainly the former governor of NY violated the code when he issued an Executive Order that caused the deaths of an estimated 10,000 nursing home residents.

It's not a crime when a democrat does it
Has this so-called "Traitor-in-Chief" been charged with anything?


Then he needs no defending, Dumbass. The incoherent, moronic ramblings of board Dimtards are laughed at. Nobody is trying to defend anyone from your posts, Dumbass.

"Has this so-called "Traitor-in-Chief" been charged with anything?"


I guess you missed his 2 impeachment trials!

Impeachment trial are unfortunately determined by politics.

This is leading to criminal charges - Trump's zoombies won't be able to save him.
"Has this so-called "Traitor-in-Chief" been charged with anything?"


I guess you missed his 2 impeachment trials!

Impeachment trial are unfortunately determined by politics.

This is leading to criminal charges - Trump's zoombies won't be able to save him.
No, I saw those shitshows by Nazi Pelousy and the rest of the Dimtard Clown show full of losers.

Twice 100% exonerated.

When will we see him charged for being a traitor?
No, I saw those shitshows by Nazi Pelousy and the rest of the Dimtard Clown show full of losers.

Twice 100% exonerated.

When will we see him charged for being a traitor?

Not being found guilty by the Senate impeachment trial is not the same as being "exonerated".

Especially when a MAJORITY of Senators voted 'guilty' in the second trial.

Trump won't be charged with being a traitor, but history will remember him as a treasonous loser.

See the OP for the charges that Trump may face.
Not being found guilty by the Senate impeachment trial is not the same as being "exonerated".

Especially when a MAJORITY of Senators voted 'guilty' in the second trial.

Trump won't be charged with being a traitor, but history will remember him as a treasonous loser.

See the OP for the charges that Trump may face.
Your side Fears Trump. Good.
What Congress is doing is not legal.

I am far left and do not support the Jan 6 capital takeover, but private documents like emails can not legally be demanded by Congress.
Congress is not an impartial executive body that would avoid abusing the private information in things like emails, etc.

If there is a case, then it is the FBI that should be doing the investigating, and the standard requirement for documents to be subpoenaed by a judge, can not legally be bypassed.
Congress is not impartial.
They are not a legal investigating body.
Congress is supposed to be the body to discipline other members of congress, but now by violating the privacy of all the members of the executive.
That is not at all legal.
Not being found guilty by the Senate impeachment trial is not the same as being "exonerated".

Especially when a MAJORITY of Senators voted 'guilty' in the second trial.

Trump won't be charged with being a traitor, but history will remember him as a treasonous loser.

See the OP for the charges that Trump may face.

But clearly Trump WAS totally exonerated, in that it was proven there was no illegal collusion with the Russians in the 2016 election, and it was NOT improper to ask the Ukraine to investigate the Burisma Holdings influence in getting Shoken illegally fired.

I do not like Trump, but it is legal for Trumps campaign to ask Russia to hold off on retaliation against illegal US economic sanctions.
It was NOT legal for Hillary to use the British to create the Steele Dossier.
It was not legal for Biden to with hold US foreign aid to the Ukraine until Shoken was fired for investigating Burisma Holdings and Hunter Biden.

Both the impeachment trial in congress, against Trump were totally and completely illegal.
The difference is arrests were made in both situations. However since the Kavanaugh protests were non-violent the charges filed against them were for lesser crimes.

In the case of the insurrection where the purpose of those breaking into the capital (Kavanaugh protesters didn't break in) was to threaten Congress to overturn an election. Cops were beaten up, the Capital and many Congress members' offices were vandalized and there were loud verbal threats to assassinate at least one politician if he didn't perform actions to satiate their moronic conspiracy theories.

What do you think should of happened to anyone who verbally threatened Trump's life while he was in office?

Another commie equivocating in a manner the law doesn't, run along hypocrite.

The tard herd is desperately throwing out red herrings and tu quoques in this topic. A sure sign they have nothing to defend the Traitor-in-Chief.

There's nothing to defend, and it's the committee that is fabricating shit. Of course shitt has been doing that for years with no consequences.

Not being found guilty by the Senate impeachment trial is not the same as being "exonerated".

Especially when a MAJORITY of Senators voted 'guilty' in the second trial.

Trump won't be charged with being a traitor, but history will remember him as a treasonous loser.

See the OP for the charges that Trump may face.
Learn how impeachment works, Dummy.

100% exonerated, twice.

Trump: 2
Piglosi: 0

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