19 polls show voters want taxes on wealthy raised

Sure lets raise taxes.

Lets raise taxes on all taxpayers. Hell. Lets get that 48% who pay for nothing while we're at it.
Then lets sit back and watch the economy take off like a rocket.

Don't hold your breath.

Just had to emphasize that ;)
Yup. And Democrats long ago said they don't give a shit about what's best for the nation; they just want political power.


They spoke loud and clear with their actions. Are you paying attention:

1- the Federal Reserve Board
2- graduated income tax
5 government agencies from AAA to ZZZ
6- ireedeemable paper money
7- ad nauseam


no.... I want a quote where they said they didn't care about America and just want political power.

That's just your typical bullshit.
Sure lets raise taxes.

Lets raise taxes on all taxpayers. Hell. Lets get that 48% who pay for nothing while we're at it.
Then lets sit back and watch the economy take off like a rocket.

Don't hold your breath.

Just had to emphasize that ;)

First off.... that 48%? They pay for ALMOST as much as you and I. The only thing they don't pay is Federal Income Tax... why? Because they are too damned busy using their money to survive in this fucked up expensive country.

As far as I'm Concerned... people that are making $33k on down with families to raise aren't the problem.
The link might as well be titled:

19 Polls show voters want someone other than themselves to pay for the deficit.

Gee, color me shocked. :rolleyes:


thx for that I was to lazy, I am sooo tired of this argument. frankly anyone employing a modicum of logic can figure out when the gov. actually spends money by sending it to people to simply KEEP them above the party line, it has got to come from somewhere.

since there are only 3 million 100 and 4 thousand high earners the math is frightfully simple.

The "earned income tax credit is a total joke of a taxpayer rip-off." You can actually work for 2 weeks out of the year--make $600.00 and of course pay no federal taxes on it--yet the Federal Government sends YOU a check anyway.

View attachment 13983

Rip off is right.

Only in America could folks who pay no federal income tax at all get taxpayer money back.

Some of these folks, depending on how many kids they have, get thousands back.

Thousands of dollars of other peoples money.

Only in America can you contribute nothing and make out like a bandit.
thx for that I was to lazy, I am sooo tired of this argument. frankly anyone employing a modicum of logic can figure out when the gov. actually spends money by sending it to people to simply KEEP them above the party line, it has got to come from somewhere.

since there are only 3 million 100 and 4 thousand high earners the math is frightfully simple.

The "earned income tax credit is a total joke of a taxpayer rip-off." You can actually work for 2 weeks out of the year--make $600.00 and of course pay no federal taxes on it--yet the Federal Government sends YOU a check anyway.

View attachment 13983

Rip off is right.

Only in America could folks who pay no federal income tax at all get taxpayer money back.

Some of these folks, depending on how many kids they have, get thousands back.

Thousands of dollars of other peoples money.

Only in America can you contribute nothing and make out like a bandit.

Yeah, I know. All those douchewagons below the poverty line, living the life of Reilly. :thup:
Yup. And Democrats long ago said they don't give a shit about what's best for the nation; they just want political power.


Do you really think it's going to be on the DNC's platform page? :lol: The truth is out there for anyone willing to see it. But you're not.

No... YOU said that they said it... I want proof, not conjecture or your typical blathering about policies you don't agree with.
Sure lets raise taxes.

Lets raise taxes on all taxpayers. Hell. Lets get that 48% who pay for nothing while we're at it.
Then lets sit back and watch the economy take off like a rocket.

Don't hold your breath.

Just had to emphasize that ;)

First off.... that 48%? They pay for ALMOST as much as you and I. The only thing they don't pay is Federal Income Tax... why? Because they are too damned busy using their money to survive in this fucked up expensive country.

As far as I'm Concerned... people that are making $33k on down with families to raise aren't the problem.

As far as I'm concerned everyone should have skin in the game. If you have no skin in the game you could care less who gets taxes as long as it ain't you.

Those folks have no problem taking taxpayer money via EIC. Money that someone else earned. Some of them pull in thousands of dollars come tax time. Its a good rip off if you can get it. You pay nothing in taxes and yet collect thousands just because you have kids. You get to collect thousands of dollars someone else earned and you don't have to contribute anything.

After all Fair is fair. Everyone needs skin in the game. Everyone needs to pay their fair share and that should include that 48%.
Sure lets raise taxes.

Lets raise taxes on all taxpayers. Hell. Lets get that 48% who pay for nothing while we're at it.
Then lets sit back and watch the economy take off like a rocket.

Don't hold your breath.

Just had to emphasize that ;)

First off.... that 48%? They pay for ALMOST as much as you and I. The only thing they don't pay is Federal Income Tax... why? Because they are too damned busy using their money to survive in this fucked up expensive country.

As far as I'm Concerned... people that are making $33k on down with families to raise aren't the problem.

yeah so they get to keep an additional ~20% of the money that they may earn over what I do since I have to pay federal income tax and others who make 5 figures dont. Im not rich, I make 5 figures, why should some people whom earn income not have to pay any taxes when others do? How is that fair and equitable?
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They spoke loud and clear with their actions. Are you paying attention:

1- the Federal Reserve Board
2- graduated income tax
5 government agencies from AAA to ZZZ
6- ireedeemable paper money
7- ad nauseam


no.... I want a quote where they said they didn't care about America and just want political power.

That's just your typical bullshit.

Well, you won't find one.

When the system finally collapses they will claim that they had "good intentions".

The "earned income tax credit is a total joke of a taxpayer rip-off." You can actually work for 2 weeks out of the year--make $600.00 and of course pay no federal taxes on it--yet the Federal Government sends YOU a check anyway.

View attachment 13983

Rip off is right.

Only in America could folks who pay no federal income tax at all get taxpayer money back.

Some of these folks, depending on how many kids they have, get thousands back.

Thousands of dollars of other peoples money.

Only in America can you contribute nothing and make out like a bandit.

Yeah, I know. All those douchewagons below the poverty line, living the life of Reilly. :thup:

The life of Reilly?? I doubt it.

But I'm sure they appreciate all that money they get at tax time though.

You know. The money that someone else earned.
Sure lets raise taxes.

Lets raise taxes on all taxpayers. Hell. Lets get that 48% who pay for nothing while we're at it.
Then lets sit back and watch the economy take off like a rocket.

Don't hold your breath.

Just had to emphasize that ;)

First off.... that 48%? They pay for ALMOST as much as you and I. The only thing they don't pay is Federal Income Tax... why? Because they are too damned busy using their money to survive in this fucked up expensive country.

As far as I'm Concerned... people that are making $33k on down with families to raise aren't the problem.

Yes, TAXES do make things more expensive....
And I'm sure that another 19 polls could show just the opposite.

Fuck polls.
Just had to emphasize that ;)

First off.... that 48%? They pay for ALMOST as much as you and I. The only thing they don't pay is Federal Income Tax... why? Because they are too damned busy using their money to survive in this fucked up expensive country.

As far as I'm Concerned... people that are making $33k on down with families to raise aren't the problem.

As far as I'm concerned everyone should have skin in the game. If you have no skin in the game you could care less who gets taxes as long as it ain't you.

Those folks have no problem taking taxpayer money via EIC. Money that someone else earned. Some of them pull in thousands of dollars come tax time. Its a good rip off if you can get it. You pay nothing in taxes and yet collect thousands just because you have kids. You get to collect thousands of dollars someone else earned and you don't have to contribute anything.

After all Fair is fair. Everyone needs skin in the game. Everyone needs to pay their fair share and that should include that 48%.

For the love of God..why don't you get it? They do have skin in the game. Do you REALLY believe that the Federal Income tax is the only tax you pay? You don't want skin from these people... you want to gut them.
No... not saying that at all... I just get tired of hearing the same old meme that the working poor don't pay taxes... they do... and the taxes they do pay hurt.

But INCOME TAX? yeah... ought to be a progressive tax.. based on INCOME.

I never said they don't pay taxes.. I said ~48% pay no federal INCOME TAXES..

No... income tax should not be manipulated by this subjective 'fairness' bullshit... when people who earn pay disproportionately... and others are given free rides.. those getting free rides will continue to vote to get those very same free rides...

It ought to be equal treatment under law by government on INCOME and without loophole or difference in rate on any dollar.... EQUAL on every dollar earned by every citizen... anything else, is indeed by definition unequal treatment

Great... Ill tell you what though... Prepare for the Revolution. Suppose you set it at... oh, 20%. For a guy making $50k, $10K is a life changing amount of money. For a guy making $10M, $2M is a drop in the bucket and will never feel the pinch. Why do you want to hurt our working poor an middle class?

And your subjective fairness again... to justify unequal treatment... What you make is on you... whether it be 10 per hour or 10K per hour... it is not up to government to redistribute or to disproportionately charge for services...

Funny that the 'rich' will still be paying more in total.... and also funny that with a stake in the game, you would most probably see more people calling for cutting the size, scope, and spending of the federal government.... which they won't do now when they pay no income taxes into it
For the love of God..why don't you get it? They do have skin in the game. Do you REALLY believe that the Federal Income tax is the only tax you pay? You don't want skin from these people... you want to gut them.


Where were YOU when Congress was skimming those $2Trill in PROFITS off of their excess payroll taxes?

That's theft ain't it? No outrage for the working poor then eh?

The "skin" that they DO have (you're right about that) are payments into a couple "insurance" programs for their OWN benefit at retirement. OR usage taxes for stuff that use. OR sales taxes to support their LOCAL communities.. But they SHOULD have a token amount vested in buying HumVees before they vote their war conscience. Or a token amount vested in Wind Subsidies before they spout off about that being the "RIGHT" direction of energy policy.. By a "token" amount I mean some small dam percentage. But even at 5% of net income, the sheer magnitude of the NUMBERS of people currently excused --- would add up to huge amount of govt Income..

Let's say 150Mill filing working families. 50% excused == 75M workers. 75M times $500/yr ===> $37.5BiLL/yr

That's less than $42/month.. Probably less then their cell phone bill.. THAT kind of skin...
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