19 polls show voters want taxes on wealthy raised

Maybe its just me, but I know several very wealthy people locally. They ALL give a tremenous amount to charity. Is it really any wonder that many of the have-nots would lust after money? Bottom line, if you received the money legally, its yours and not mine. Otherwise its stealing and not justified by any well intentioned efforts to legally take it from someone.

Expecting people to contribute to the society that enabled them to gain wealth is not stealing

They are. You just want them to bear a more disportional share. Got greed?

The wealthy benefit more from what our society has to offer, they should pay more
I already posted it, it was 400 something


as of 2009- 3.1 millionaires in the US....so....

#top 5 percent of taxpayers paid more than one-half (53.8 percent) of all individual income taxes,

# The share of taxes paid by the bottom 50 percent of taxpayers will fall from 4.1 percent to 3.6 percent.

# The share of taxes paid by the top 1 percent of taxpayers will rise from 32.3 percent to 33.7 percent.

# The average tax rate for the bottom 50 percent of taxpayers falls by 27 percent as compared to a 13 percent decline for taxpayers in the top 1 percent.

whoops I am sorry.. that's the bush tax cut results...my bad:eusa_whistle: ...

here we go;

* The top 50% of income earners pay a whopping 96.5% of federal income taxes, while the lower 50% pay just 3.5%.

* The top 25% pay 83.88% of federal income taxes

* The top 10% pay 65.8% (these are people with an adjusted cross income of about $95,000 or higher)

* The top 5% pay 54.4%

* The top 1% pay 34.3% (these are people with an adjusted gross income of about $300,000 or higher)

why yes by all means soak those cheap MFers!!!!!!!!!!

Hmmmmm....do you think that may be because they make the most income? Income taxes are like that

and so what? that means exactly squat and just speaks to how hollow that argument is.

one more time, there is NO finite supply of money, this is an upwardly mobile society, anyone say a black man can become president eh? and open a bis. if they have the gumption.......

don't like the fact that you earn 30k a year ? do something about it.
Reasonable people want shared sacrifice, not a partly shared sacrifice that exempts the wealthy.

I agree, so since the wealthy are the ones paying almost all the taxes you can stop being bitter and jealous, right?

What are you willing to sacrifice so the wealthy can keep their historically low tax rates?

classic false dilemma and the usual sign of an empty argument in this context; ..there is no, if not that, then this- only.
it's a pretty save bet that those who want taxes raised think that they themselves will not be affected.

:lol: And that's the real punchline. They somehow think that because we raise the burden on people making more money than them that somehow their burden will be less. When the fuck has that ever happened? When has the life of the middle class magically improved because someone making a million dollars had their marginal tax rate rise by 10%. These people clamoring for the rich to pay more will still be paying the same thing they are today and their lives will be no better.

Expecting people to contribute to the society that enabled them to gain wealth is not stealing

They are. You just want them to bear a more disportional share. Got greed?

The wealthy benefit more from what our society has to offer, they should pay more

Wow,"The wealthy benefit more from what our society has to offer,they should pay more"

Our government should be allowed to spend like crazy....Why?.
The wealthy benefit more from what our society has to offer, they should pay more

Our government can be wasteful...Why?
The wealthy benefit more from what our society has to offer, they should pay more

When we have borrowed more then we can ever hope to pay back why it's no big deal?
The wealthy benefit more from what our society has to offer, they should pay more

Interesting...I keep seeing comments that the rich should be paying there fair share...
Let's ask those who feel this way.What do you consider a fair share?


I would love to get an answer to this question,but don't think i ever will from the people here.
It's a pretty save bet that those who want taxes raised think that they themselves will not be affected.

:lol: And that's the real punchline. They somehow think that because we raise the burden on people making more money than them that somehow their burden will be less. When the fuck has that ever happened? When has the life of the middle class magically improved because someone making a million dollars had their marginal tax rate rise by 10%. These people clamoring for the rich to pay more will still be paying the same thing they are today and their lives will be no better.

No, the real punchline is that things will get much worse for people who get needed services cut... Programs they've been paying into their whole lives(In My Case... 32 years).

well heres a clue for you- in the never ending search to give more to more to more people, they have spent ahead of inflation and population growth, they don't have the money to fund all of their 'help' that they have NOW made part of the baseline.....now every logical person realizes you just cannot keep spending without income to keep pace, yet they did and at some point you reach the abyss, the goodies cannot be paid for, but they hooked the public on the giov. handout narcotic and don't care they say tax more and just keep funding despite the fact it screws the financial system because there is a limit where in it becomes counter productive to tax and tax and raise fess to keep paying for more and more despite low inflation and low pop. growth, see?

do you get the point?

Then... God forbid if any of them are one of those "evil" public servants. You want their livelihoods destroyed and their pensions slashed. Pensions that are obligations that have already been agreed upon.

thats taxpayer money sued to buy votes, pure and simple, there was a tipping point reached in the late 70 early 80's where in these pension promises via union bargaining began to eat the public fisc. to the point where in they became equal to the private sector, do I need to explain why this is not what is supposed to happen?

Then... when those same "evil" public servants try to reason with them and talk about downsizing by attrition and making reasonable cuts instead of gutting everything, you refuse to listen.

cry me a river, I worked for the private sector and was laid of after 18 yaars at a co. in April 2009.....no one from the gov. called my co. and said hey keep trajan on the payroll, we'll pay for it......tough shit. I got laid off, why are you or they sacrosanct?

BTW... the Bush tax cuts have been in place for about a decade...how's things going for Middle America? We heard from the GOP during the budget debate... if we raise the tax rate to Clinton levels, no one will hire... guess what? They aren't anyway.

How many times do you have to play Charlie Brown to the GOP's Lucy and realize that they are just letting the wealthy take more and more at the expense of everyone else? They AREN'T going to hire as long as they have slave labor in other countries. They AREN'T going to hire as long as they have virtual monopolies on most everything.

You fear tyranny and dictatorships? Let me remind you of something an old Robber/Baron turned banker said....

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws."
- Mayer Amschel Rothschild

That's where we're at... and you want more of it.

you labor under the same Marxist misconception too, there is no finite amount of money, or earning power.

if I earn 5 million a year that has zero to do with YOUR earning power or ability to earn...IF you don't want to get off your ass and improve your bottom line, hey don't, but don't take it out on them just becasue they do......

the only box you are in, is the one YOU put yourself or KEEP yourself in......
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Expecting people to contribute to the society that enabled them to gain wealth is not stealing

They are. You just want them to bear a more disportional share. Got greed?

The wealthy benefit more from what our society has to offer, they should pay more

uh huh. tell that to the illegal alien who by virtue of their having got here (illegally) and becasue they have kids can claim food stamps....as one example.

the wealthy help create the wealth of the nation and their own and all those folks who never ever will put in say via fica as much as they take out? what about them?

theres only 3 million millionaires in the us and 400 billionaires......there is 330 million of us, do the math for Christ sakes...

If you're pissed about "trust fund babies" --- income tax brackets won't do the trick -- you need to fiddle with cap gains.

If you're pissed about "family dynasties" --- income tax brackets won't do the trick -- you need to fiddle with the death tax.

WHY you're pissed ---- escapes me. And it escapes the MILLIONS of dirt poor people who are also defending "the rich" for reasons you'll never apparently understand. In terms of ADDITIONAL collateral damage you''re talking about folks like the offensive line of the Cleveland Browns. Are they STEALING from you? Even if they suck at their $$mill jobs. What did the 1000 lottery jackpot winners last year do to deserve the sacking? Explain the fairness issue to me using Venus and Serena Williams.

I know we're getting jaded about collateral damage what with predator drones and all, but I'm wondering how much tolerance the left has for dinging FIRST GENERATION wealth bystanders like 30% of the Forbes 100 richest are.

A writer could be "the rich" (according to class warrior standards) ONE YEAR and be a chump the next.
So could a building contractor. Of course, they get to income average and carry-over losses and stuff.
So they wouldn't get punished by the raging mobs..

But how can something that fleeting be SOOOO irrating to the class warriors?

And I've got a different face for "the rich" than my lefty-buds.. How about Oprah? Does SHE piss you off? Want to lump HER with your silly robber-baron rhetoric? Honest HARD CORE class warriors will. Let's separate the warriors from the whiners..

Sure... her, Michael Moore, Bill Gates and all the rest. The difference is... those people know what's going on and are probably in favor of tax hikes.

Well then congrats.. Your gonna screw them all and the lotto winners. At least you're consistent

By the way... I personally am not out to get a local building contractor making $250K... or even $500K. I want monopolies busted, I want Conglomerates cut up into manageable pieces that need to take on Competition directly, without the 200 other businesses that they are involved in protecting them against competition.

I want small business to thrive I want Huge businesses to choke on their excess. I want to clear cut the whole damned forest so that new growth can arise and make the system stronger.

Then you're using the wrong damn tool here SteelPlate. The upper PERSONAL INCOME tax brackets are NOT gonna touch these problems. You're carpet bombing an empty forest. (I might actually help you clean out the corp/govt collusion part, but we're gonna have to agree on terminology and tools)

But what I want isn't going to happen when our political system is inextricably bound to those large corporations come election time. So, I settle for what I can...

A Health Care system that allows people to get out from under the yoke of Big Business and with that particular risk(themselves, or someone in their family getting sick and losing everything) eliminated... creates a better atmosphere for someone to say "I can do this better" to go ahead and try to.

Social Security so that even if they do fail, they have a safety net that they've been paying into their whole lives and won't starve to death.

The massive theft from Soc Sec was EXACTLY a skimming of excess PROFITS from the public. LIfting overcharges from even the most challenged workers in this country. And NOW -- we gotta pay for the same turkey TWICE. And you lefties are naive enough to think America is gonna trust these thieves with another "UNIVERSAL" anything (like healthcare)? That's full-on delusional. It's also delusional to soak ONLY the rich for that massive theft that has to be repaid. Because ALL OF US allowed Congress to be criminally negligient. If a corporation perpetrated a fraud that massive, you'd be ready to roll wouldn't you?

you know.... things like that.

Too much collateral damage --- doesn't punish the TRULY guilty --- which is the very govt you seek to expand and exonerate from any guilt..
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Broke my rule about posting on "polling" threads for this..

I'm soooo f'in tired of the "one note solution" to fixing everything being to "tax the rich". Here's what I want to do..

Rescind ALL the Bush Tax Cuts NOW!! That will have the same effect of really bad chemotherapy for the economy. Probably cause a major disruption. BUT ---

Then the leftists will have NOTHING LEFT TO CONTRIBUTE.. No ideas, No solutions, just dumbfounded stares.. No idea of how education, jobs, taxes, technology, regulation, and risk are inter-related. It would be worth it just to take pictures..

As if the rightists have any solutions. They got into office criticizing the left, but they have done ZIP.

....and around and around it goes.. You party animals had better start getting some serious scruples and political backbone. Til then, I'll have nothing to do with either party. I think at least the RIGHT is not antagonistic to business. And if want to save this country, we better allow innovation and technology to create NEW kinds of jobs. That's the only advantage the RIGHT has here. As opposed to an admin which knows JACK about what America does when it wakes up everyday to go to work..
The left is failing in its class warfare stragtegy two ways.
1) They refuse to define "the rich."
2) They have no plan for how to fix the trillions of shortfall still remaining after said "rich" is fleeced.
So is the sales tax 'unfair' then too?? Should the sales tax have different rates based on income???

Can't wait to hear this one

No... not saying that at all... I just get tired of hearing the same old meme that the working poor don't pay taxes... they do... and the taxes they do pay hurt.

But INCOME TAX? yeah... ought to be a progressive tax.. based on INCOME.

I never said they don't pay taxes.. I said ~48% pay no federal INCOME TAXES..

No... income tax should not be manipulated by this subjective 'fairness' bullshit... when people who earn pay disproportionately... and others are given free rides.. those getting free rides will continue to vote to get those very same free rides...

It ought to be equal treatment under law by government on INCOME and without loophole or difference in rate on any dollar.... EQUAL on every dollar earned by every citizen... anything else, is indeed by definition unequal treatment

Sounds like Democracy in action.

They are. You just want them to bear a more disportional share. Got greed?

The wealthy benefit more from what our society has to offer, they should pay more

Total bullshit. They can take their wealth and live great. YOU would be the one to suffer if they decide to do that.

To think that the wealthy generate wealth without taxpayer help is simplistic. In fact, the wealthy get more from our tax dollar than any welfare family.

They benefit and make profit off of our transportation networks, free education system...heck, they even make money off of our welfare system.

They rely on the government to protect their interests at home and abroad and our military to maintain their international commerce
I'll be brutally honest and I'm a small business owner.

If it means a few hardships and a couple years to rebound ill take it as compared to another 4 years with the blind man driving the car.
The wealthy benefit more from what our society has to offer, they should pay more

Total bullshit. They can take their wealth and live great. YOU would be the one to suffer if they decide to do that.

To think that the wealthy generate wealth without taxpayer help is simplistic. In fact, the wealthy get more from our tax dollar than any welfare family.

They benefit and make profit off of our transportation networks, free education system...heck, they even make money off of our welfare system.

They rely on the government to protect their interests at home and abroad and our military to maintain their international commerce


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