1983 Beirut Bombing - New York Times

Show me where Reagan lied about what happened. Then we can have an equal discussion.

These jackholes are good at the game of false equivocation.

I wonder if Reagan or his representatives met the families at the airport when the bodies of the slain were coming in and said the perp was in jail for a video that caused it and was going to be prosecuted? (Like Hillary and Biden did with Benghazi victims).

Beirut was residual from the poor policies of Jimmy Carter.
So, how does an administration declare that there will be no military response on the very day we are attacked?

DAMN simple dumb f...K!
We had idiots like you that helped the Chinese overrun Vietnam and our country turned on our military.
And of course idiots like you have NO MEMORY of what 1983 was like! Do you realize "Al-Queda" didn't exist! Our enemy was USSR /cold war.
So of course there was NOT any type of response!
BUT today... after 9/11 do you guys understand how at least during Bush period the fear of terrorist attack drove everything including a NEW
So I have NO problem excusing the LACK of response because OBVIOUSLY dumb f...ks like you are so sucked up to defending Obama that you
completely ignore the problem which was THERE WAS at least NO attempt in the 60 days before re-election to honestly tell the truth... all because
of re-election!
How totally disgusting and to bring up a period of time where there WERE no histories of any attacks...
''We also intend to respond to this criminal act when the perpetrators are identified,'' Mr. Speakes declared after the meeting. Mr. Reagan himself expressed sorrow and grief earlier in the day.

What did that response turn out to be? Beuller? Beuller?

''There are no words that can express our sorrow and grief over the loss of those splendid young men and the injury to so many others,'' the President said gravely this morning, standing in the rain outside the White House after a hurried return from a golfing weekend in Augusta, Ga.


So, how does an administration declare that there will be no military response on the very day we are attacked?

DAMN simple dumb f...K!
We had idiots like you that helped the Chinese overrun Vietnam and our country turned on our military.
And of course idiots like you have NO MEMORY of what 1983 was like! Do you realize "Al-Queda" didn't exist! Our enemy was USSR /cold war.
So of course there was NOT any type of response!
BUT today... after 9/11 do you guys understand how at least during Bush period the fear of terrorist attack drove everything including a NEW
So I have NO problem excusing the LACK of response because OBVIOUSLY dumb f...ks like you are so sucked up to defending Obama that you
completely ignore the problem which was THERE WAS at least NO attempt in the 60 days before re-election to honestly tell the truth... all because
of re-election!
How totally disgusting and to bring up a period of time where there WERE no histories of any attacks...

We knew we had enemies in Lebanon. The people who attacked the Marines were connected to the Iranians who had taken our Embassy staff hostage. Not enough warning for you? The very same terrorist who attacked the Marines blew up the Embassy in Beirut 6 months previous to the Marine barracks bombing. Same guys organized both bombings. 63 killed at the Embassy, including 17 Americans. The date was 18 April 1983. You seem to be the dumb fuck. Terrorist were our enemies. We knew it. Everyone knew it. The Marines knew they would be killed if someone didn't pay attention. Reagan let the orders stand that left the Marines pretty much defenseless. Unloaded weapons and insufficient barrier protection. Marines died and Reagan gave a speech four days later attempting to cover up his negligence. [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Peacekeepers-War-Beirut-Marine-Commander/dp/1597974250]Peacekeepers at War: Beirut 1983— - The Marine Commander Tells His Story: Col. Timothy J. Geraghty, Gen. Alfred M. Gray Jr. USMC (Ret.): 9781597974257: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]
maybe you can dig up something from the 1920s

how cool will that be

I doubt the Synthia was even born in 1983

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Carter installed the regime that began exporting terrorism from IRAN to neighboring countries like Lebanon; where they STILL meddle

left-wingers are loses who lie to themselves
maybe you can dig up something from the 1920s

how cool will that be

I doubt the Synthia was even born in 1983




The Beirut Embassy bombing and the Beirut barracks bombing led directly to the birth of modern day terrorism as we know it today. Ronald Reagan created the terrorist blooming in the 80's during his administration.
We are still living with the results and repercussions of the barracks bombing and the failure for Reagan to respond to acts of terrorism during his administration.
Carter installed the regime that began exporting terrorism from IRAN to neighboring countries like Lebanon; where they STILL meddle

left-wingers are loses who lie to themselves

Do you know anything about anything? America had a history of sending Marines to Lebanon. Marines were sent to Lebanon in 1958 by Eisenhower, and yes, they had to deal with terrorist. The difference was, Eisenhower dealt with it.
So, how does an administration declare that there will be no military response on the very day we are attacked?

DAMN simple dumb f...K!
We had idiots like you that helped the Chinese overrun Vietnam and our country turned on our military.
And of course idiots like you have NO MEMORY of what 1983 was like! Do you realize "Al-Queda" didn't exist! Our enemy was USSR /cold war.
So of course there was NOT any type of response!
BUT today... after 9/11 do you guys understand how at least during Bush period the fear of terrorist attack drove everything including a NEW
So I have NO problem excusing the LACK of response because OBVIOUSLY dumb f...ks like you are so sucked up to defending Obama that you
completely ignore the problem which was THERE WAS at least NO attempt in the 60 days before re-election to honestly tell the truth... all because
of re-election!
How totally disgusting and to bring up a period of time where there WERE no histories of any attacks...
No, retard - the question was:

So, how does an administration declare that there will be no military response on the very day we are attacked?

Try again.
''We also intend to respond to this criminal act when the perpetrators are identified,'' Mr. Speakes declared after the meeting. Mr. Reagan himself expressed sorrow and grief earlier in the day.

What did that response turn out to be? Beuller? Beuller?

''There are no words that can express our sorrow and grief over the loss of those splendid young men and the injury to so many others,'' the President said gravely this morning, standing in the rain outside the White House after a hurried return from a golfing weekend in Augusta, Ga.


I know, right? :lol:

Every time the wingnuts try to start some new meme against Obama it comes back to bite them in the ass.

Obama plays too much golf/Reagan found in all sorts of articles playing golf.
Obama uses a teleprompter/20 photos of Reagan/Palin/Bachmann using a teleprompter.
Obama puts his feet up on the Oval Office desk/photos of Reagan, Bush with feet up on desk
Obama is always on vacation/Reagan, Bush took twice as many days

C'mon kids - add to the list!
I wonder why the Ambassador to Lebanon was not killed this tragic day, I guess its because the Marines were in a Combat Zone that everyone recognized as such, even the President Ronald Reagan recognized that Beirut was a Combat Zone, I guess that is why the Marines were there, not an Ambassador.

Yes, thank the precious baby Jesus that we only lost 240+ Marines,

and not some ambassador...

November 2016 approaches.

Nervous much?

It's too late, lads.

And the mid-terms? Fergeddaboutit. :lol:

Ah yes 2016

Lindsey Graham: "We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.":laugh2::laugh2::muahaha:
I wonder why the Ambassador to Lebanon was not killed this tragic day, I guess its because the Marines were in a Combat Zone that everyone recognized as such, even the President Ronald Reagan recognized that Beirut was a Combat Zone, I guess that is why the Marines were there, not an Ambassador.

Yes, thank the precious baby Jesus that we only lost 240+ Marines,

and not some ambassador...


Wait a minute. 17 Embassy staff were amongst the 63 killed at the Beirut Embassy
attack 6 months before the Marine barracks attack. How many Embassy staff equals one Embassy Ambassador?
I always thought Reagan's biggest lie was the act he put on that he was surprised at the Marine barracks bombing. They blew up our Embassy and Reagan kept our Marines basicly unarmed and unprotected so they could be slaughtered due to his negligence.
I wonder why the Ambassador to Lebanon was not killed this tragic day, I guess its because the Marines were in a Combat Zone that everyone recognized as such, even the President Ronald Reagan recognized that Beirut was a Combat Zone, I guess that is why the Marines were there, not an Ambassador.

Yes, thank the precious baby Jesus that we only lost 240+ Marines,

and not some ambassador...


Wait a minute. 17 Embassy staff were amongst the 63 killed at the Beirut Embassy
attack 6 months before the Marine barracks attack. How many Embassy staff equals one Embassy Ambassador?
I always thought Reagan's biggest lie was the act he put on that he was surprised at the Marine barracks bombing. They blew up our Embassy and Reagan kept our Marines basicly unarmed and unprotected so they could be slaughtered due to his negligence.
So when did the Reagan admin blame a video? Did the people at the time beg for extra security they never got? Did Reagan go to the UN and blame a video for this action? Did anyone on the Reagan team lie and say it was anything less than a terrorist attack?

You seem to think you have some comparable here so let's see it.
Yes, thank the precious baby Jesus that we only lost 240+ Marines,

and not some ambassador...


Wait a minute. 17 Embassy staff were amongst the 63 killed at the Beirut Embassy
attack 6 months before the Marine barracks attack. How many Embassy staff equals one Embassy Ambassador?
I always thought Reagan's biggest lie was the act he put on that he was surprised at the Marine barracks bombing. They blew up our Embassy and Reagan kept our Marines basicly unarmed and unprotected so they could be slaughtered due to his negligence.
So when did the Reagan admin blame a video? Did the people at the time beg for extra security they never got? Did Reagan go to the UN and blame a video for this action? Did anyone on the Reagan team lie and say it was anything less than a terrorist attack?

You seem to think you have some comparable here so let's see it.

What stupid questions you ask. Did Reagan blame a video. Like that means something to anyone other than you nut job fanatical Obama haters. You sound like an idiot when you ask that question.
But hey asshole, since you want to mock those of us who choose to remember our lost warriors and not sweep them into the dustbin of history. Ya, your fucking A-Right there were folks begging for not just extra security, but normal security. I posted a link to a best selling book written by the Marine Commander that could clue you in. And there have been all kinds of links posted to educate you. It was common knowledge that the Marines were in for big trouble and maybe a huge tragedy. Everyone that had empirical knowledge of the Marine situation knew it was a negligent situation. The commanders knew it and the grunts knew it. And Reagan and the assholes that surrounded him knew it. That's why he lied and tried to cover up his negligence.

It is amazing that the hatred of a President can bring people to compare what they perceive as a lying about the cause of an attack on the same level as a President ordering Marines in a combat zone to carry unloaded weapons and fail to put up proper security barriers when car and truck bombs were in common use to blow up building, including our own Embassy just 6 months previous in that exact combat zone.
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