2:00....Trump and Iran

I wonder how North Korea will feel about Donald showing that he doesn’t honor agreements

Where are you getting these ridiculous talking points?

1) he never agreed to the Iran deal to begin with.

2) it’s not binding since it was never ratified by the senate

There literally was no binding agreement let alone one trump made
Details, schmetails. Donald is Potus, and he just backed out of a signed and done deal. It sends bad signals ahead of negotiations of the same fucking nature with another nation. NK could reasonably say, “Why should we enter into an agreement with the US when they can’t honor previous agreements?”

It’s not a done deal until the senate ratified it. Every nation on earth knows this. The Founders, in their wisdom, made it so the President could not unilaterally enter into international agreements that bind the United States.

Even if the senate had ratified that, we could still leave the agreement with senate approval. Every nation is free to enter and leave international agreements through their official processes. Every nation knows these things

It’s absolutely absurd to think otherwise. If I have a deal with my cable company and I’m not happy with it, I’m free to end that deal and start one with another company. The fact that I end this deal doesn’t at all indicate I won’t honor deals I make afterwards.

The whole premise you guys are working with is ignorant and wrong
/----/ Easiest and fastest way to reduce health care costs is to reform the tort laws. Get the lawyers out of the picture and the costs will plummet.

That SOUNDS just 'WONDERFUL'! Let me give you a dose of reality:

The S.C. State Legislature, after being pressured by Insurance Company lobbyists who argued what you just did, changed the laws regarding the ability for patients to sue doctors / hospitals for Malpractice.

Mamma Easy has to have surgery on her back to release pressure on her spine due to a pinched nerve. She goes to a prominent doc in S.C. and is told this will be a simple procedure. When she wakes up in the hospital she is in pain OFF THE CHART - so much that she is out of her mind almost screaming the whole time for nearly 3 straight days while they try to figure out what is going on. They finally figure out her body is rejecting what they did to her and the hospital had been givng her 3 pain meds they knew she was highly allergic to.

Long story short(er): A company called Medtronics makes medical devices that have no patens and devices they pay doctors to use in surgeries - without telling the patients. Her doc lied to her - he performed 45 minutes of the surgery then let 2 Medtronic doctors using a robot implant an experimental device in her spine after severing her spine. This all came out when a judge demanded the doctor turn over ALL of the documents Mamma Easy was entitled to but that they had been hiding. (Medtronic, BTW, has been sued nation wide in several class-action lawsuits and have paid out millions...but they make so much money they don't care and prefer to settle if they have to.)

When Mamma Easy tried to get help from any doctor afterwards they shunned her due to her filing a medical malpractice suit...HERSELF. Doctors would not help her or talk to her, and Lawyers would not touch her case. One lawyer finally told her:

Almost EVERY doctor is covered by the same Insurance company / Union of Insurance companies, and these insurance companies have told doctors across the state that they (doctors) WILL NOT provide any support to a plaintiff in a case like Mamma Easy's or they just might find themselves without Insurance and unable to get any. The lawyer told her that the decision and change in laws made by the State of S.C., after being pressured by lobbyists to make it harder to sue doctors in order to 'lower the cost of medical care', made all of this possible.

Mamma Easy is now suing the doctor on her own, acting as her lawyer, against 4 to 5 high-priced lawyers defending Medtronics and the doctor. The Judge has allowed her case to continue, much to the opposing lawyers' anger. Good news is several law firms - firms that turned her down - heard about this, her acting as her own lawyer....and she has been getting anonymous tips and advice on how to proceed with certain aspects / steps to help her case. LOL!

Mamma Easy is representing all the citizens who have been screwed by doctors and huge medical companies like Medtronics, caught up in the BS claim that making it harder for victims to sue them will lower costs for everyone. Mamma Easy will be in severe pain for the rest of her life, will be unable to get around / stand more than 20 - 25 minutes for the rest of her life, and the doctor and the medical company who used medical experimentation on her without informing her is being protected by an enabling state govt all in the name of 'making it harder to sue doctors so the cost of medical care will go down'.

If 'medical care' is allowed to turn into what happened to Mamma Easy, who the hell cares if it is 'affordable' or not if the results are the same as what happened to her?
College "Education" Is a Fraud That Must Be Replaced With Highly Paid Professional Training

If all you slaves jealous of talent believe that college should be work without pay in order to punish those who will get rewarded for it, you deserve the kind of doctors you get. They are bitter little Mamas' Boys who didn't earn a living until they were 26 because they were afraid to grow up. The result of that is incompetence and bribe-taking. After 8 years of college slavery, the MD comes out obsessed with making as much money as he can, as fast as he can, any way he can.

I paid a college a 'gross' amount of money to 'teach' me and prepare me for a career. The 1st 3 years they really did not provide me with any training I did not already have / did not get from the advanced high school I attended that taught college-level classes the last 2 years.

When I became a Senior in college I paid the college my 'tuition' but worked as an UNPAID intern for a company. One of my ideas used by the company netted the guy I worked for a bonus of about $10k...I got an 'A'. The point here is that the University did not teach me what I needed for my career (that I never used because I went into the military for the next 30 years) - the Company I worked for did.

A long time ago companies used to have internship programs where they would teach people all the skills they needed and how to do the job as long as they agreed to stay with the company for 5 years (or so, just an example). NO massive college debt - straight up paid job where you were taught everything you needed for your career.

IMO, a lot more of that is what is needed today.
The Unrecognized Key to America's Decline

College graduates have bought their jobs like a set of golf clubs. But imagine a society that was economically dependent on how talented and well-trained its professional golfers were. In order to ensure widespread prosperity, wouldn't it not only buy golf clubs for the most naturally talented, but also pay them a lot to train, more than they could expect from "working"? But brainwashed slaves are incapable of figuring out that the ruling parasites' phrase, "working your way through school," implies that schoolwork is not work.

Also an oppressive misuse of language is the term "gifted." The talented are given nothing but insults and ingratitude. So they owe society nothing. And if they ever man up, they will overthrow the King Apes who rule it. We owe nothing to those who own the world.
It's 10:50. I'll have to watch today, unless we get nuked.

Safe money says we don't. Even more says if we do, it's not from Iran, but the CIA.

The CIA was/(probably is still) supporting ISIS. Why do we pay those people again?

That organization and the FBI need razed to the ground and rebuilt.
It's 10:50. I'll have to watch today, unless we get nuked.

Safe money says we don't. Even more says if we do, it's not from Iran, but the CIA.

The CIA was/(probably is still) supporting ISIS. Why do we pay those people again?

That organization and the FBI need razed to the ground and rebuilt.
Evidence came out showing that when Barry drug us into Syria the Department of Defense was aiding rebels who were fighting a different group supported by the CIA.

:wtf: Who was in charge of these people?
Syria elected their leader. By and large they support him. To the point of joining the military and fighting ISIS. You know, the assholes that fight to the death and leave bombs behind for jihad perversiveness. It takes a certain amount of dedication to do that. I've seen a Syrian soldier get his leg blown off after killing an ISIS fucker. That's all I need to know, that and the mass slaughter of innocent children.
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I wonder how North Korea will feel about Donald showing that he doesn’t honor agreements

Where are you getting these ridiculous talking points?

1) he never agreed to the Iran deal to begin with.

2) it’s not binding since it was never ratified by the senate

There literally was no binding agreement let alone one trump made
Details, schmetails. Donald is Potus, and he just backed out of a signed and done deal. It sends bad signals ahead of negotiations of the same fucking nature with another nation. NK could reasonably say, “Why should we enter into an agreement with the US when they can’t honor previous agreements?”

It’s not a done deal until the senate ratified it. Every nation on earth knows this. The Founders, in their wisdom, made it so the President could not unilaterally enter into international agreements that bind the United States.

Even if the senate had ratified that, we could still leave the agreement with senate approval. Every nation is free to enter and leave international agreements through their official processes. Every nation knows these things

It’s absolutely absurd to think otherwise. If I have a deal with my cable company and I’m not happy with it, I’m free to end that deal and start one with another company. The fact that I end this deal doesn’t at all indicate I won’t honor deals I make afterwards.

The whole premise you guys are working with is ignorant and wrong
/——/ Of course Libs premise is ignorant and wrong. It’s all they have.
Caught in the Crossfire Crossfire.

Yeah, Susan, sure thing. But when you use “crossfire” to refer to the actual, literal shooting down of an airplane you’re not using the word that way. You’re just not, and the fact that you’re trying to make it seem as though you were only makes it even more clear how disingenuous you are being. This situation involved no firing from two points in which the line of fire crossed, nor one in which the forces of the sides met or clashed, and it most certainly was not the rapid or heated exchange of words.

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