2:00....Trump and Iran

/----/ Easiest and fastest way to reduce health care costs is to reform the tort laws. Get the lawyers out of the picture and the costs will plummet.

That SOUNDS just 'WONDERFUL'! Let me give you a dose of reality:

The S.C. State Legislature, after being pressured by Insurance Company lobbyists who argued what you just did, changed the laws regarding the ability for patients to sue doctors / hospitals for Malpractice.

Mamma Easy has to have surgery on her back to release pressure on her spine due to a pinched nerve. She goes to a prominent doc in S.C. and is told this will be a simple procedure. When she wakes up in the hospital she is in pain OFF THE CHART - so much that she is out of her mind almost screaming the whole time for nearly 3 straight days while they try to figure out what is going on. They finally figure out her body is rejecting what they did to her and the hospital had been givng her 3 pain meds they knew she was highly allergic to.

Long story short(er): A company called Medtronics makes medical devices that have no patens and devices they pay doctors to use in surgeries - without telling the patients. Her doc lied to her - he performed 45 minutes of the surgery then let 2 Medtronic doctors using a robot implant an experimental device in her spine after severing her spine. This all came out when a judge demanded the doctor turn over ALL of the documents Mamma Easy was entitled to but that they had been hiding. (Medtronic, BTW, has been sued nation wide in several class-action lawsuits and have paid out millions...but they make so much money they don't care and prefer to settle if they have to.)

When Mamma Easy tried to get help from any doctor afterwards they shunned her due to her filing a medical malpractice suit...HERSELF. Doctors would not help her or talk to her, and Lawyers would not touch her case. One lawyer finally told her:

Almost EVERY doctor is covered by the same Insurance company / Union of Insurance companies, and these insurance companies have told doctors across the state that they (doctors) WILL NOT provide any support to a plaintiff in a case like Mamma Easy's or they just might find themselves without Insurance and unable to get any. The lawyer told her that the decision and change in laws made by the State of S.C., after being pressured by lobbyists to make it harder to sue doctors in order to 'lower the cost of medical care', made all of this possible.

Mamma Easy is now suing the doctor on her own, acting as her lawyer, against 4 to 5 high-priced lawyers defending Medtronics and the doctor. The Judge has allowed her case to continue, much to the opposing lawyers' anger. Good news is several law firms - firms that turned her down - heard about this, her acting as her own lawyer....and she has been getting anonymous tips and advice on how to proceed with certain aspects / steps to help her case. LOL!

Mamma Easy is representing all the citizens who have been screwed by doctors and huge medical companies like Medtronics, caught up in the BS claim that making it harder for victims to sue them will lower costs for everyone. Mamma Easy will be in severe pain for the rest of her life, will be unable to get around / stand more than 20 - 25 minutes for the rest of her life, and the doctor and the medical company who used medical experimentation on her without informing her is being protected by an enabling state govt all in the name of 'making it harder to sue doctors so the cost of medical care will go down'.

If 'medical care' is allowed to turn into what happened to Mamma Easy, who the hell cares if it is 'affordable' or not if the results are the same as what happened to her?
/---/ And for every story like that, I can produce stories like this: Medscape: Medscape Access
And all you do is prove 'blanket' legislation protecting doctors and medical companies is NOT the answer.
/----/ Easiest and fastest way to reduce health care costs is to reform the tort laws. Get the lawyers out of the picture and the costs will plummet.

That SOUNDS just 'WONDERFUL'! Let me give you a dose of reality:

The S.C. State Legislature, after being pressured by Insurance Company lobbyists who argued what you just did, changed the laws regarding the ability for patients to sue doctors / hospitals for Malpractice.

Mamma Easy has to have surgery on her back to release pressure on her spine due to a pinched nerve. She goes to a prominent doc in S.C. and is told this will be a simple procedure. When she wakes up in the hospital she is in pain OFF THE CHART - so much that she is out of her mind almost screaming the whole time for nearly 3 straight days while they try to figure out what is going on. They finally figure out her body is rejecting what they did to her and the hospital had been givng her 3 pain meds they knew she was highly allergic to.

Long story short(er): A company called Medtronics makes medical devices that have no patens and devices they pay doctors to use in surgeries - without telling the patients. Her doc lied to her - he performed 45 minutes of the surgery then let 2 Medtronic doctors using a robot implant an experimental device in her spine after severing her spine. This all came out when a judge demanded the doctor turn over ALL of the documents Mamma Easy was entitled to but that they had been hiding. (Medtronic, BTW, has been sued nation wide in several class-action lawsuits and have paid out millions...but they make so much money they don't care and prefer to settle if they have to.)

When Mamma Easy tried to get help from any doctor afterwards they shunned her due to her filing a medical malpractice suit...HERSELF. Doctors would not help her or talk to her, and Lawyers would not touch her case. One lawyer finally told her:

Almost EVERY doctor is covered by the same Insurance company / Union of Insurance companies, and these insurance companies have told doctors across the state that they (doctors) WILL NOT provide any support to a plaintiff in a case like Mamma Easy's or they just might find themselves without Insurance and unable to get any. The lawyer told her that the decision and change in laws made by the State of S.C., after being pressured by lobbyists to make it harder to sue doctors in order to 'lower the cost of medical care', made all of this possible.

Mamma Easy is now suing the doctor on her own, acting as her lawyer, against 4 to 5 high-priced lawyers defending Medtronics and the doctor. The Judge has allowed her case to continue, much to the opposing lawyers' anger. Good news is several law firms - firms that turned her down - heard about this, her acting as her own lawyer....and she has been getting anonymous tips and advice on how to proceed with certain aspects / steps to help her case. LOL!

Mamma Easy is representing all the citizens who have been screwed by doctors and huge medical companies like Medtronics, caught up in the BS claim that making it harder for victims to sue them will lower costs for everyone. Mamma Easy will be in severe pain for the rest of her life, will be unable to get around / stand more than 20 - 25 minutes for the rest of her life, and the doctor and the medical company who used medical experimentation on her without informing her is being protected by an enabling state govt all in the name of 'making it harder to sue doctors so the cost of medical care will go down'.

If 'medical care' is allowed to turn into what happened to Mamma Easy, who the hell cares if it is 'affordable' or not if the results are the same as what happened to her?
/---/ And for every story like that, I can produce stories like this: Medscape: Medscape Access
And all you do is prove 'blanket' legislation protecting doctors and medical companies is NOT the answer.
/----/ No. House GOP quietly advances key elements of tort reform
It places caps and penalizes lawyers who file frivolous lawsuits.
/----/ No. House GOP quietly advances key elements of tort reform
It places caps and penalizes lawyers who file frivolous lawsuits.
No, as proven, it makes it nearly impossible to sue a doctor and criminal medical companies for actual damages.

In the earlier case a lawyer informed us that these companies now bury the plaintiff in bureaucracy / legal challenges, motions, and paperwork, to delay as long as possible, escalating the cost it takes to sue them. By the end of the trial the cost of suing them has exceed or gotten so close to those caps that the cost of the lawyer to sue these companies is too much or results in the plaintiff almost getting NOTHING.

There is a reason to have a JURY trial, for a jury of a person's peers to hear a case and decide what is 'frivolous' and what is not. Mamma Easy is lumped in with all your other cases and the passed legislation in SC protecting doctors and this criminal medical device company from 'frivolous' law suits.

Mamma Easy will never walk again the same, her quality of life is in the toilet, she will be in extreme pain for the rest of her life, and she will incur huge medical bills to address the problems they created. She has asked for $1500 a month since the surgery to cover her medical bills for the surgery and treatment since the surgery. She also asked for them to pay the medical bills regarding her back related to what they did for the rest of her life. As far as 'punitive damages', she asked that the amount be left up to the lawyers of the doctor and the medical device company, saying it will be up to them to decide how much pain and suffering they inflicted is worth. Tell me how 'frivolous' is that....

I am not talking about some opportunist spilling hot coffee she knows is hot on her crotch then suing the business that sold her the coffee.
/----/ Easiest and fastest way to reduce health care costs is to reform the tort laws. Get the lawyers out of the picture and the costs will plummet.

That SOUNDS just 'WONDERFUL'! Let me give you a dose of reality:

The S.C. State Legislature, after being pressured by Insurance Company lobbyists who argued what you just did, changed the laws regarding the ability for patients to sue doctors / hospitals for Malpractice.

Mamma Easy has to have surgery on her back to release pressure on her spine due to a pinched nerve. She goes to a prominent doc in S.C. and is told this will be a simple procedure. When she wakes up in the hospital she is in pain OFF THE CHART - so much that she is out of her mind almost screaming the whole time for nearly 3 straight days while they try to figure out what is going on. They finally figure out her body is rejecting what they did to her and the hospital had been givng her 3 pain meds they knew she was highly allergic to.

Long story short(er): A company called Medtronics makes medical devices that have no patens and devices they pay doctors to use in surgeries - without telling the patients. Her doc lied to her - he performed 45 minutes of the surgery then let 2 Medtronic doctors using a robot implant an experimental device in her spine after severing her spine. This all came out when a judge demanded the doctor turn over ALL of the documents Mamma Easy was entitled to but that they had been hiding. (Medtronic, BTW, has been sued nation wide in several class-action lawsuits and have paid out millions...but they make so much money they don't care and prefer to settle if they have to.)

When Mamma Easy tried to get help from any doctor afterwards they shunned her due to her filing a medical malpractice suit...HERSELF. Doctors would not help her or talk to her, and Lawyers would not touch her case. One lawyer finally told her:

Almost EVERY doctor is covered by the same Insurance company / Union of Insurance companies, and these insurance companies have told doctors across the state that they (doctors) WILL NOT provide any support to a plaintiff in a case like Mamma Easy's or they just might find themselves without Insurance and unable to get any. The lawyer told her that the decision and change in laws made by the State of S.C., after being pressured by lobbyists to make it harder to sue doctors in order to 'lower the cost of medical care', made all of this possible.

Mamma Easy is now suing the doctor on her own, acting as her lawyer, against 4 to 5 high-priced lawyers defending Medtronics and the doctor. The Judge has allowed her case to continue, much to the opposing lawyers' anger. Good news is several law firms - firms that turned her down - heard about this, her acting as her own lawyer....and she has been getting anonymous tips and advice on how to proceed with certain aspects / steps to help her case. LOL!

Mamma Easy is representing all the citizens who have been screwed by doctors and huge medical companies like Medtronics, caught up in the BS claim that making it harder for victims to sue them will lower costs for everyone. Mamma Easy will be in severe pain for the rest of her life, will be unable to get around / stand more than 20 - 25 minutes for the rest of her life, and the doctor and the medical company who used medical experimentation on her without informing her is being protected by an enabling state govt all in the name of 'making it harder to sue doctors so the cost of medical care will go down'.

If 'medical care' is allowed to turn into what happened to Mamma Easy, who the hell cares if it is 'affordable' or not if the results are the same as what happened to her?

You care to post a link backing up this claim? I google it 10 different ways and I get nothing. Your post is deceitful in that you used red letters to make it look like a link when it's not.
Last edited:
You care to post a link backing up this claim? I google it 10 different ways and I get nothing. Your post is deceitful in that you used red letters to make it look like a link when it's not.
As soon as '60 Minutes' does a story on my mother I will be sure to post the link....until then I really don't care if you believe it or not, even if it is the truth.

...and I use red letters to emphasize points. Perhaps you want to critique my FONT as well? :p
Oh so its some BS about your mom, who knows if its true, to make your case.

Ok, that's worth the same as a bottle of muddy water, but WHATEVER.
Oh so its some BS about your mom, who knows if its true, to make your case.

Ok, that's worth the same as a bottle of muddy water, but WHATEVER.
It is easy to research other cases just like hers...but it takes effort and the desire to do so. You have neither. Then again, what would one suspect from someone who refuses to accept the outcome of elections... :p
Oh so its some BS about your mom, who knows if its true, to make your case.

Ok, that's worth the same as a bottle of muddy water, but WHATEVER.
It is easy to research other cases just like hers...but it takes effort and the desire to do so. You have neither. Then again, what would one suspect from someone who refuses to accept the outcome of elections... :p

When in a debate I don't have to do your job too. If you want to use other cases to back up your argument, show them, don't just say "they're out there if you want to find them." It's not my job to do your work.
So Saudi voices support for President Trump's decision to pull out of Obama's nuclear deal with the peace-loving, mis-understood Iranians...

...and not long afterwards Iranian-linked surrogates launch missiles into Saudi. Yuh, the Iranians mean no one harm in the region / world....You can take that to the bank.


Iran-aligned Houthis in Yemen fire missiles at Saudi capital
When in a debate I don't have to do your job too.
No one asked you to do my 'job'. I wasn't debating you - I shared something going on that was relevant to the conversation. As I said, I don't care if you believe me or not. And I suggested some things to you to research, not to as k you to do research that would 'prove my point'. I just suggested doing some research for the sake of educating yourself.

Have a nice day.
All the more reason not to deal with the devil.

Iran should be dealt with the same as NK. But they would be easy to take down compared to NK. We could eliminate the Iranian guard in 4 weeks. We could own Iran in 6 if we wanted.
Why would NK strike a deal with us?
Topic is Iran, stay on topic.
Did you read your own op?
Did you read the subject line? Can you read?
Using historical events to frame a discussion does not mean you get to go off and divert the topic of the thread with that historical event. Stay on topic.

shut the front door, moron.

her comments are on topic, so enough with the faux outrage.

"Well, if we're going to talk about evil foreign powers seeking nuclear weapons, Trump certainly has Kim Jong Un paying attention. I have no doubt the mad mullahs are paying close attention, too."

even without the very first sentence of your op ^ the topics are inextricably connected.

What does Donald Trump’s stance on the Iran deal have to do with his relationship with North Korea? It turns out, quite a lot.

Why killing the Iran deal makes Trump’s North Korea talks much, much harder
But poor baby, Trump actually earned the Nobel Peace Prize.
Nuke Till They Puke

According to the swishy Swedes, he would only qualify if those working on the Manhattan Project had qualified.
/----/ Easiest and fastest way to reduce health care costs is to reform the tort laws. Get the lawyers out of the picture and the costs will plummet.

That SOUNDS just 'WONDERFUL'! Let me give you a dose of reality:

The S.C. State Legislature, after being pressured by Insurance Company lobbyists who argued what you just did, changed the laws regarding the ability for patients to sue doctors / hospitals for Malpractice.

Mamma Easy has to have surgery on her back to release pressure on her spine due to a pinched nerve. She goes to a prominent doc in S.C. and is told this will be a simple procedure. When she wakes up in the hospital she is in pain OFF THE CHART - so much that she is out of her mind almost screaming the whole time for nearly 3 straight days while they try to figure out what is going on. They finally figure out her body is rejecting what they did to her and the hospital had been givng her 3 pain meds they knew she was highly allergic to.

Long story short(er): A company called Medtronics makes medical devices that have no patens and devices they pay doctors to use in surgeries - without telling the patients. Her doc lied to her - he performed 45 minutes of the surgery then let 2 Medtronic doctors using a robot implant an experimental device in her spine after severing her spine. This all came out when a judge demanded the doctor turn over ALL of the documents Mamma Easy was entitled to but that they had been hiding. (Medtronic, BTW, has been sued nation wide in several class-action lawsuits and have paid out millions...but they make so much money they don't care and prefer to settle if they have to.)

When Mamma Easy tried to get help from any doctor afterwards they shunned her due to her filing a medical malpractice suit...HERSELF. Doctors would not help her or talk to her, and Lawyers would not touch her case. One lawyer finally told her:

Almost EVERY doctor is covered by the same Insurance company / Union of Insurance companies, and these insurance companies have told doctors across the state that they (doctors) WILL NOT provide any support to a plaintiff in a case like Mamma Easy's or they just might find themselves without Insurance and unable to get any. The lawyer told her that the decision and change in laws made by the State of S.C., after being pressured by lobbyists to make it harder to sue doctors in order to 'lower the cost of medical care', made all of this possible.

Mamma Easy is now suing the doctor on her own, acting as her lawyer, against 4 to 5 high-priced lawyers defending Medtronics and the doctor. The Judge has allowed her case to continue, much to the opposing lawyers' anger. Good news is several law firms - firms that turned her down - heard about this, her acting as her own lawyer....and she has been getting anonymous tips and advice on how to proceed with certain aspects / steps to help her case. LOL!

Mamma Easy is representing all the citizens who have been screwed by doctors and huge medical companies like Medtronics, caught up in the BS claim that making it harder for victims to sue them will lower costs for everyone. Mamma Easy will be in severe pain for the rest of her life, will be unable to get around / stand more than 20 - 25 minutes for the rest of her life, and the doctor and the medical company who used medical experimentation on her without informing her is being protected by an enabling state govt all in the name of 'making it harder to sue doctors so the cost of medical care will go down'.

If 'medical care' is allowed to turn into what happened to Mamma Easy, who the hell cares if it is 'affordable' or not if the results are the same as what happened to her?
College "Education" Is a Fraud That Must Be Replaced With Highly Paid Professional Training

If all you slaves jealous of talent believe that college should be work without pay in order to punish those who will get rewarded for it, you deserve the kind of doctors you get. They are bitter little Mamas' Boys who didn't earn a living until they were 26 because they were afraid to grow up. The result of that is incompetence and bribe-taking. After 8 years of college slavery, the MD comes out obsessed with making as much money as he can, as fast as he can, any way he can.
/----/ Easiest and fastest way to reduce health care costs is to reform the tort laws. Get the lawyers out of the picture and the costs will plummet.

That SOUNDS just 'WONDERFUL'! Let me give you a dose of reality:

The S.C. State Legislature, after being pressured by Insurance Company lobbyists who argued what you just did, changed the laws regarding the ability for patients to sue doctors / hospitals for Malpractice.

Mamma Easy has to have surgery on her back to release pressure on her spine due to a pinched nerve. She goes to a prominent doc in S.C. and is told this will be a simple procedure. When she wakes up in the hospital she is in pain OFF THE CHART - so much that she is out of her mind almost screaming the whole time for nearly 3 straight days while they try to figure out what is going on. They finally figure out her body is rejecting what they did to her and the hospital had been givng her 3 pain meds they knew she was highly allergic to.

Long story short(er): A company called Medtronics makes medical devices that have no patens and devices they pay doctors to use in surgeries - without telling the patients. Her doc lied to her - he performed 45 minutes of the surgery then let 2 Medtronic doctors using a robot implant an experimental device in her spine after severing her spine. This all came out when a judge demanded the doctor turn over ALL of the documents Mamma Easy was entitled to but that they had been hiding. (Medtronic, BTW, has been sued nation wide in several class-action lawsuits and have paid out millions...but they make so much money they don't care and prefer to settle if they have to.)

When Mamma Easy tried to get help from any doctor afterwards they shunned her due to her filing a medical malpractice suit...HERSELF. Doctors would not help her or talk to her, and Lawyers would not touch her case. One lawyer finally told her:

Almost EVERY doctor is covered by the same Insurance company / Union of Insurance companies, and these insurance companies have told doctors across the state that they (doctors) WILL NOT provide any support to a plaintiff in a case like Mamma Easy's or they just might find themselves without Insurance and unable to get any. The lawyer told her that the decision and change in laws made by the State of S.C., after being pressured by lobbyists to make it harder to sue doctors in order to 'lower the cost of medical care', made all of this possible.

Mamma Easy is now suing the doctor on her own, acting as her lawyer, against 4 to 5 high-priced lawyers defending Medtronics and the doctor. The Judge has allowed her case to continue, much to the opposing lawyers' anger. Good news is several law firms - firms that turned her down - heard about this, her acting as her own lawyer....and she has been getting anonymous tips and advice on how to proceed with certain aspects / steps to help her case. LOL!

Mamma Easy is representing all the citizens who have been screwed by doctors and huge medical companies like Medtronics, caught up in the BS claim that making it harder for victims to sue them will lower costs for everyone. Mamma Easy will be in severe pain for the rest of her life, will be unable to get around / stand more than 20 - 25 minutes for the rest of her life, and the doctor and the medical company who used medical experimentation on her without informing her is being protected by an enabling state govt all in the name of 'making it harder to sue doctors so the cost of medical care will go down'.

If 'medical care' is allowed to turn into what happened to Mamma Easy, who the hell cares if it is 'affordable' or not if the results are the same as what happened to her?
College "Education" Is a Fraud That Must Be Replaced With Highly Paid Professional Training

If all you slaves jealous of talent believe that college should be work without pay in order to punish those who will get rewarded for it, you deserve the kind of doctors you get. They are bitter little Mamas' Boys who didn't earn a living until they were 26 because they were afraid to grow up. The result of that is incompetence and bribe-taking. After 8 years of college slavery, the MD comes out obsessed with making as much money as he can, as fast as he can, any way he can.

I paid a college a 'gross' amount of money to 'teach' me and prepare me for a career. The 1st 3 years they really did not provide me with any training I did not already have / did not get from the advanced high school I attended that taught college-level classes the last 2 years.

When I became a Senior in college I paid the college my 'tuition' but worked as an UNPAID intern for a company. One of my ideas used by the company netted the guy I worked for a bonus of about $10k...I got an 'A'. The point here is that the University did not teach me what I needed for my career (that I never used because I went into the military for the next 30 years) - the Company I worked for did.

A long time ago companies used to have internship programs where they would teach people all the skills they needed and how to do the job as long as they agreed to stay with the company for 5 years (or so, just an example). NO massive college debt - straight up paid job where you were taught everything you needed for your career.

IMO, a lot more of that is what is needed today.
/----/ Easiest and fastest way to reduce health care costs is to reform the tort laws. Get the lawyers out of the picture and the costs will plummet.

That SOUNDS just 'WONDERFUL'! Let me give you a dose of reality:

The S.C. State Legislature, after being pressured by Insurance Company lobbyists who argued what you just did, changed the laws regarding the ability for patients to sue doctors / hospitals for Malpractice.

Mamma Easy has to have surgery on her back to release pressure on her spine due to a pinched nerve. She goes to a prominent doc in S.C. and is told this will be a simple procedure. When she wakes up in the hospital she is in pain OFF THE CHART - so much that she is out of her mind almost screaming the whole time for nearly 3 straight days while they try to figure out what is going on. They finally figure out her body is rejecting what they did to her and the hospital had been givng her 3 pain meds they knew she was highly allergic to.

Long story short(er): A company called Medtronics makes medical devices that have no patens and devices they pay doctors to use in surgeries - without telling the patients. Her doc lied to her - he performed 45 minutes of the surgery then let 2 Medtronic doctors using a robot implant an experimental device in her spine after severing her spine. This all came out when a judge demanded the doctor turn over ALL of the documents Mamma Easy was entitled to but that they had been hiding. (Medtronic, BTW, has been sued nation wide in several class-action lawsuits and have paid out millions...but they make so much money they don't care and prefer to settle if they have to.)

When Mamma Easy tried to get help from any doctor afterwards they shunned her due to her filing a medical malpractice suit...HERSELF. Doctors would not help her or talk to her, and Lawyers would not touch her case. One lawyer finally told her:

Almost EVERY doctor is covered by the same Insurance company / Union of Insurance companies, and these insurance companies have told doctors across the state that they (doctors) WILL NOT provide any support to a plaintiff in a case like Mamma Easy's or they just might find themselves without Insurance and unable to get any. The lawyer told her that the decision and change in laws made by the State of S.C., after being pressured by lobbyists to make it harder to sue doctors in order to 'lower the cost of medical care', made all of this possible.

Mamma Easy is now suing the doctor on her own, acting as her lawyer, against 4 to 5 high-priced lawyers defending Medtronics and the doctor. The Judge has allowed her case to continue, much to the opposing lawyers' anger. Good news is several law firms - firms that turned her down - heard about this, her acting as her own lawyer....and she has been getting anonymous tips and advice on how to proceed with certain aspects / steps to help her case. LOL!

Mamma Easy is representing all the citizens who have been screwed by doctors and huge medical companies like Medtronics, caught up in the BS claim that making it harder for victims to sue them will lower costs for everyone. Mamma Easy will be in severe pain for the rest of her life, will be unable to get around / stand more than 20 - 25 minutes for the rest of her life, and the doctor and the medical company who used medical experimentation on her without informing her is being protected by an enabling state govt all in the name of 'making it harder to sue doctors so the cost of medical care will go down'.

If 'medical care' is allowed to turn into what happened to Mamma Easy, who the hell cares if it is 'affordable' or not if the results are the same as what happened to her?
College "Education" Is a Fraud That Must Be Replaced With Highly Paid Professional Training

If all you slaves jealous of talent believe that college should be work without pay in order to punish those who will get rewarded for it, you deserve the kind of doctors you get. They are bitter little Mamas' Boys who didn't earn a living until they were 26 because they were afraid to grow up. The result of that is incompetence and bribe-taking. After 8 years of college slavery, the MD comes out obsessed with making as much money as he can, as fast as he can, any way he can.

I paid a college a 'gross' amount of money to 'teach' me and prepare me for a career. The 1st 3 years they really did not provide me with any training I did not already have / did not get from the advanced high school I attended that taught college-level classes the last 2 years.

When I became a Senior in college I paid the college my 'tuition' but worked as an UNPAID intern for a company. One of my ideas used by the company netted the guy I worked for a bonus of about $10k...I got an 'A'. The point here is that the University did not teach me what I needed for my career (that I never used because I went into the military for the next 30 years) - the Company I worked for did.

A long time ago companies used to have internship programs where they would teach people all the skills they needed and how to do the job as long as they agreed to stay with the company for 5 years (or so, just an example). NO massive college debt - straight up paid job where you were taught everything you needed for your career.

IMO, a lot more of that is what is needed today.
/----/ I had similar experiences in the 1970s. The point is you were taught valuable lessons, that people will prey on young naive gullible people and rip them off, use them, abuse them and kick them to the curb. They could do it because every year there is a fresh supply of eager beaver, naive gullible people to repeat the process. It's called the School of Hard Knocks. I have an advanced degree from that school in New York Advertising.
/----/ No. House GOP quietly advances key elements of tort reform
It places caps and penalizes lawyers who file frivolous lawsuits.
No, as proven, it makes it nearly impossible to sue a doctor and criminal medical companies for actual damages.

In the earlier case a lawyer informed us that these companies now bury the plaintiff in bureaucracy / legal challenges, motions, and paperwork, to delay as long as possible, escalating the cost it takes to sue them. By the end of the trial the cost of suing them has exceed or gotten so close to those caps that the cost of the lawyer to sue these companies is too much or results in the plaintiff almost getting NOTHING.

There is a reason to have a JURY trial, for a jury of a person's peers to hear a case and decide what is 'frivolous' and what is not. Mamma Easy is lumped in with all your other cases and the passed legislation in SC protecting doctors and this criminal medical device company from 'frivolous' law suits.

Mamma Easy will never walk again the same, her quality of life is in the toilet, she will be in extreme pain for the rest of her life, and she will incur huge medical bills to address the problems they created. She has asked for $1500 a month since the surgery to cover her medical bills for the surgery and treatment since the surgery. She also asked for them to pay the medical bills regarding her back related to what they did for the rest of her life. As far as 'punitive damages', she asked that the amount be left up to the lawyers of the doctor and the medical device company, saying it will be up to them to decide how much pain and suffering they inflicted is worth. Tell me how 'frivolous' is that....

I am not talking about some opportunist spilling hot coffee she knows is hot on her crotch then suing the business that sold her the coffee.
Class-Biased Indentured Servitude Is As UnAmerican As It Gets, Yet Its Products Rule America.

Lawyers themselves spend 7 years living like little boys in college. So we are collateral damage in a Zombie Civil War. This result should have been obvious, but our mental freedom is suffocated by whatever the rich tell us to do in order to make them richer. If we ever man up, they better preach what they practice; those hypocritical parasites better give the few who belong in college the same high allowance and paid-up tuition they give their sons. Or proud High IQs must make sure those spoiled entitled snakes never graduate.
Flashback: Even Democrats Thought Obama's Iran Deal Was Total Garbage


"The deal ultimately legitimizes Iran as a threshold nuclear state," Menendez, who stepped down as the top Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee earlier this year amid corruption charges, said on MSNBC's "The Rundown." "The deal doesn't end Iran's nuclear program, it preserves it."

"...I will vote to disapprove the agreement, not because I believe war is a viable or desirable option, nor to challenge the path of diplomacy. It is because I believe Iran will not change, and under this agreement it will be able to achieve its dual goals of eliminating sanctions while ultimately retaining its nuclear and non-nuclear power. Better to keep U.S. sanctions in place, strengthen them, enforce secondary sanctions on other nations, and pursue the hard-trodden path of diplomacy once more, difficult as it may be."


The article reminds everyone that the reason Obama by-passed Congress to make this deal happen is the same reason he by-passed Congress to illegally attempt to inject 'DACA' as an Obama Edict -- HE KNEW NEITHER WOULD BE PASSED IF HE WENT THROUGH CONGRESS:

"This staunch opposition from the GOP and some Democrats is the reason why the Iran Deal is an agreement and not a treaty. It wouldn’t pass if that were the case."

Ended the ObamaCare mandate




Stifling the economy

and now.....

Out of the insane Iran deal......



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