2:00....Trump and Iran

His mind was made up before he was elected, Obama did it..... So he hates it.

When Iran develops nukes now, Is America suppose to protect Israel from Iranian attack? Yes or no?
/——/ Iran was already developing nukes. They never stopped. They played Lurch and Obozo for fools to get their money back and the sanctions lifted. You tool.

Hussein Obama....the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

"President Trump’s decision to abrogate the articles of appeasement is his finest hour — so far. Its message is woe to him who takes the American people for granted. That was the fundamental mistake made by President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry. They proceeded with a deal they knew the Congress of the United States opposed. They took it to the United Nations Security Council and voted there against our Congress and for the Iranians.

It is hard enough to imagine what any of them were thinking before the American voters went to the polls. It’s just impossible to see the logic of persisting in support of appeasement after the election, in which the American people were given such a clear choice.

The election in 2016 pitted two major candidates and required all 50 states to choose between them. One candidate, Secretary Clinton, had helped plot the Iran deal and, after she left office, had supported the work on it of Messrs. Obama and Kerry. She chose as her running mate a senator who led the boycott of the Joint Meeting of Congress at which Israel’s premier, Benjamin Netanyahu, stated the case against the pact. The Democrats went all in on appeasement."
Trump Redeems a Promise

I wonder how North Korea will feel about Donald showing that he doesn’t honor agreements

"Donald" didn't make that agreement, he's under no obligation to honor it.
He broke it......he bought it

His responsibility to get a better deal

When can we expect him to deliver?
We can’t even expect him to give us the health care plan he promised
Who promised that?

"There's many different ways, by the way. Everybody's got to be covered. This is an un-Republican thing for me to say because a lot of times they say, 'No, no, the lower 25 percent that can't afford private'… I am going to take care of everybody. I don't care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody's going to be taken care of much better than they're taken care of now … the government's gonna pay for it. But we're going to save so much money on the other side. But for the most it's going to be a private plan and people are going to be able to go out and negotiate great plans with lots of different competition with lots of competitors with great companies and they can have their doctors, they can have plans, they can have everything." — “60 Minutes,” September 27, 2015

Trump is not going to deliver on anything that requires work or understanding policy. Withdrawing from Agreements? Child's play - anyone could do it. Make a better deal? Don't hold your breath.
His mind was made up before he was elected, Obama did it..... So he hates it.

When Iran develops nukes now, Is America suppose to protect Israel from Iranian attack? Yes or no?
/——/ Iran was already developing nukes. They never stopped. They played Lurch and Obozo for fools to get their money back and the sanctions lifted. You tool.

Hussein Obama....the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

/-----/ BUT, but, but Obama was our first Black president and we have to cut him some slack. We can't hold him to the same high standards we do of a White guy. Besides, Obama meant well and had good intentions. We need to blame this on GW Bush or Nixon somehow.
liberal rapid resonse team.jpg
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I wonder how North Korea will feel about Donald showing that he doesn’t honor agreements

"Donald" didn't make that agreement, he's under no obligation to honor it.
He broke it......he bought it

His responsibility to get a better deal

When can we expect him to deliver?
We can’t even expect him to give us the health care plan he promised
Who promised that?

"There's many different ways, by the way. Everybody's got to be covered. This is an un-Republican thing for me to say because a lot of times they say, 'No, no, the lower 25 percent that can't afford private'… I am going to take care of everybody. I don't care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody's going to be taken care of much better than they're taken care of now … the government's gonna pay for it. But we're going to save so much money on the other side. But for the most it's going to be a private plan and people are going to be able to go out and negotiate great plans with lots of different competition with lots of competitors with great companies and they can have their doctors, they can have plans, they can have everything." — “60 Minutes,” September 27, 2015

Trump is not going to deliver on anything that requires work or understanding policy. Withdrawing from Agreements? Child's play - anyone could do it. Make a better deal? Don't hold your breath.
/----/ Easiest and fastest way to reduce health care costs is to reform the tort laws. Get the lawyers out of the picture and the costs will plummet.
Forbes - A new study reveals that the cost of medical malpractice in the United States is running at about $55.6 billion a year - $45.6 billion of which is spent on defensive medicine practiced by physicians seeking to stay clear of lawsuits.
Everybody's got to be covered.



Barak Obama LIED TO THE American People, and the Democrats rammed a minority-supported piece of Socialist legislation down the throats of a majority of Americans who did not want Obamacare. In the aftermath, Harry Reid openly admitted the ACA was designed to fail, that it was just a stepping stone to 'Single Payer'. It just started failing, he admitted, way too quickly. (No, it's failure rate was pretty much right on par with typical Socialist programs!)

The ACA effectively DESTROYED the existing health care system. It mandated government-mandated coverage all Americans were forced to have / all Insurance companies were forced to include in all of their offered policies. Americans could no longer simply choose the policies that wanted, tailor-made for them - they had to buy insurance Barry and his Dems mandated. The vast majority of Americans lost their plans, despite what Lyin' Barry promised.
- The ACA DID 'cost a dime', did NOT 'pay for itself', premiums went UP not down, and most Americans did NOT get to keep the plans they liked. To top it off, many Americans who USED to have insurance LOST their insurance and ability to get insurance as Insurance companies left market places.

Welcome to 'fundamental change'!
"Donald" didn't make that agreement, he's under no obligation to honor it.
He broke it......he bought it

His responsibility to get a better deal

When can we expect him to deliver?
We can’t even expect him to give us the health care plan he promised
Who promised that?

"There's many different ways, by the way. Everybody's got to be covered. This is an un-Republican thing for me to say because a lot of times they say, 'No, no, the lower 25 percent that can't afford private'… I am going to take care of everybody. I don't care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody's going to be taken care of much better than they're taken care of now … the government's gonna pay for it. But we're going to save so much money on the other side. But for the most it's going to be a private plan and people are going to be able to go out and negotiate great plans with lots of different competition with lots of competitors with great companies and they can have their doctors, they can have plans, they can have everything." — “60 Minutes,” September 27, 2015

Trump is not going to deliver on anything that requires work or understanding policy. Withdrawing from Agreements? Child's play - anyone could do it. Make a better deal? Don't hold your breath.
/----/ Easiest and fastest way to reduce health care costs is to reform the tort laws. Get the lawyers out of the picture and the costs will plummet.
Forbes - A new study reveals that the cost of medical malpractice in the United States is running at about $55.6 billion a year - $45.6 billion of which is spent on defensive medicine practiced by physicians seeking to stay clear of lawsuits.

That was a Trump promise I quoted - in response to a query.
Everybody's got to be covered.



Barak Obama LIED TO THE American People, and the Democrats rammed a minority-supported piece of Socialist legislation down the throats of a majority of Americans who did not want Obamacare. In the aftermath, Harry Reid openly admitted the ACA was designed to fail, that it was just a stepping stone to 'Single Payer'. It just started failing, he admitted, way too quickly. (No, it's failure rate was pretty much right on par with typical Socialist programs!)

The ACA effectively DESTROYED the existing health care system. It mandated government-mandated coverage all Americans were forced to have / all Insurance companies were forced to include in all of their offered policies. Americans could no longer simply choose the policies that wanted, tailor-made for them - they had to buy insurance Barry and his Dems mandated. The vast majority of Americans lost their plans, despite what Lyin' Barry promised.
- The ACA DID 'cost a dime', did NOT 'pay for itself', premiums went UP not down, and most Americans did NOT get to keep the plans they liked. To top it off, many Americans who USED to have insurance LOST their insurance and ability to get insurance as Insurance companies left market places.

Welcome to 'fundamental change'!

Bullshit? Yeah, it was Trump's bullshit I quoted.
His mind was made up before he was elected, Obama did it..... So he hates it.

When Iran develops nukes now, Is America suppose to protect Israel from Iranian attack? Yes or no?
/——/ Iran was already developing nukes. They never stopped. They played Lurch and Obozo for fools to get their money back and the sanctions lifted. You tool.

Hussein Obama....the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

/-----/ BUT, but, but Obama was our first Black president and we have to cut him some slack. We can't hold him to the same high standards we do of a White guy. Besides, Obama meant well and had good intentions. We need to blame this on GW Bush or Nixon somehow.
View attachment 192659

On the other hand.....

“Former Obama Aide Is Sorry for Saying Obama Hates People
That happened on Tuesday when a quote by Neera Tanden, a former Obama aide and current president of the Center for American Progress, appearing in a story by John Heilemann in New York raised eyebrows:

"People say the reason Obama wouldn't call Clinton is because he doesn't like him. The truth is, Obama doesn't call anyone, and he's not close to almost anyone. It's stunning that he's in politics, because he really doesn't like people."
Former Obama Aide Is Sorry for Saying Obama Hates People

“…Tanden, who "served as senior advisor for health reform at the Department of Health and Human Services, advising Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and working on President Barack Obama’s health reform team in the White House to pass the bill," according to her bio at the Center for American Progress. She is currently president and CEO of the liberal organization.” Former Aide on Obama: 'Stunning that He’s in Politics, Because He Really Doesn’t Like People'
/----/ Easiest and fastest way to reduce health care costs is to reform the tort laws. Get the lawyers out of the picture and the costs will plummet.

That SOUNDS just 'WONDERFUL'! Let me give you a dose of reality:

The S.C. State Legislature, after being pressured by Insurance Company lobbyists who argued what you just did, changed the laws regarding the ability for patients to sue doctors / hospitals for Malpractice.

Mamma Easy has to have surgery on her back to release pressure on her spine due to a pinched nerve. She goes to a prominent doc in S.C. and is told this will be a simple procedure. When she wakes up in the hospital she is in pain OFF THE CHART - so much that she is out of her mind almost screaming the whole time for nearly 3 straight days while they try to figure out what is going on. They finally figure out her body is rejecting what they did to her and the hospital had been givng her 3 pain meds they knew she was highly allergic to.

Long story short(er): A company called Medtronics makes medical devices that have no patens and devices they pay doctors to use in surgeries - without telling the patients. Her doc lied to her - he performed 45 minutes of the surgery then let 2 Medtronic doctors using a robot implant an experimental device in her spine after severing her spine. This all came out when a judge demanded the doctor turn over ALL of the documents Mamma Easy was entitled to but that they had been hiding. (Medtronic, BTW, has been sued nation wide in several class-action lawsuits and have paid out millions...but they make so much money they don't care and prefer to settle if they have to.)

When Mamma Easy tried to get help from any doctor afterwards they shunned her due to her filing a medical malpractice suit...HERSELF. Doctors would not help her or talk to her, and Lawyers would not touch her case. One lawyer finally told her:

Almost EVERY doctor is covered by the same Insurance company / Union of Insurance companies, and these insurance companies have told doctors across the state that they (doctors) WILL NOT provide any support to a plaintiff in a case like Mamma Easy's or they just might find themselves without Insurance and unable to get any. The lawyer told her that the decision and change in laws made by the State of S.C., after being pressured by lobbyists to make it harder to sue doctors in order to 'lower the cost of medical care', made all of this possible.

Mamma Easy is now suing the doctor on her own, acting as her lawyer, against 4 to 5 high-priced lawyers defending Medtronics and the doctor. The Judge has allowed her case to continue, much to the opposing lawyers' anger. Good news is several law firms - firms that turned her down - heard about this, her acting as her own lawyer....and she has been getting anonymous tips and advice on how to proceed with certain aspects / steps to help her case. LOL!

Mamma Easy is representing all the citizens who have been screwed by doctors and huge medical companies like Medtronics, caught up in the BS claim that making it harder for victims to sue them will lower costs for everyone. Mamma Easy will be in severe pain for the rest of her life, will be unable to get around / stand more than 20 - 25 minutes for the rest of her life, and the doctor and the medical company who used medical experimentation on her without informing her is being protected by an enabling state govt all in the name of 'making it harder to sue doctors so the cost of medical care will go down'.

If 'medical care' is allowed to turn into what happened to Mamma Easy, who the hell cares if it is 'affordable' or not if the results are the same as what happened to her?
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Everybody's got to be covered.



Barak Obama LIED TO THE American People, and the Democrats rammed a minority-supported piece of Socialist legislation down the throats of a majority of Americans who did not want Obamacare. In the aftermath, Harry Reid openly admitted the ACA was designed to fail, that it was just a stepping stone to 'Single Payer'. It just started failing, he admitted, way too quickly. (No, it's failure rate was pretty much right on par with typical Socialist programs!)

The ACA effectively DESTROYED the existing health care system. It mandated government-mandated coverage all Americans were forced to have / all Insurance companies were forced to include in all of their offered policies. Americans could no longer simply choose the policies that wanted, tailor-made for them - they had to buy insurance Barry and his Dems mandated. The vast majority of Americans lost their plans, despite what Lyin' Barry promised.
- The ACA DID 'cost a dime', did NOT 'pay for itself', premiums went UP not down, and most Americans did NOT get to keep the plans they liked. To top it off, many Americans who USED to have insurance LOST their insurance and ability to get insurance as Insurance companies left market places.

Welcome to 'fundamental change'!

Bullshit? Yeah, it was Trump's bullshit I quoted.
You quoted BARY's BS! 'Everyone got covered'. By the actual numbers, that is a lie / 'misquote'. Barry F*ed the country by pushing his socialist agenda.
Everybody's got to be covered.



Barak Obama LIED TO THE American People, and the Democrats rammed a minority-supported piece of Socialist legislation down the throats of a majority of Americans who did not want Obamacare. In the aftermath, Harry Reid openly admitted the ACA was designed to fail, that it was just a stepping stone to 'Single Payer'. It just started failing, he admitted, way too quickly. (No, it's failure rate was pretty much right on par with typical Socialist programs!)

The ACA effectively DESTROYED the existing health care system. It mandated government-mandated coverage all Americans were forced to have / all Insurance companies were forced to include in all of their offered policies. Americans could no longer simply choose the policies that wanted, tailor-made for them - they had to buy insurance Barry and his Dems mandated. The vast majority of Americans lost their plans, despite what Lyin' Barry promised.
- The ACA DID 'cost a dime', did NOT 'pay for itself', premiums went UP not down, and most Americans did NOT get to keep the plans they liked. To top it off, many Americans who USED to have insurance LOST their insurance and ability to get insurance as Insurance companies left market places.

Welcome to 'fundamental change'!

Bullshit? Yeah, it was Trump's bullshit I quoted.
You quoted BARY's BS! 'Everyone got covered'. By the actual numbers, that is a lie / 'misquote'. Barry F*ed the country by pushing his socialist agenda.

I quoted Donald Trump, from an appearance on 60 Minutes, during his campaign.
Everybody's got to be covered.



Barak Obama LIED TO THE American People, and the Democrats rammed a minority-supported piece of Socialist legislation down the throats of a majority of Americans who did not want Obamacare. In the aftermath, Harry Reid openly admitted the ACA was designed to fail, that it was just a stepping stone to 'Single Payer'. It just started failing, he admitted, way too quickly. (No, it's failure rate was pretty much right on par with typical Socialist programs!)

The ACA effectively DESTROYED the existing health care system. It mandated government-mandated coverage all Americans were forced to have / all Insurance companies were forced to include in all of their offered policies. Americans could no longer simply choose the policies that wanted, tailor-made for them - they had to buy insurance Barry and his Dems mandated. The vast majority of Americans lost their plans, despite what Lyin' Barry promised.
- The ACA DID 'cost a dime', did NOT 'pay for itself', premiums went UP not down, and most Americans did NOT get to keep the plans they liked. To top it off, many Americans who USED to have insurance LOST their insurance and ability to get insurance as Insurance companies left market places.

Welcome to 'fundamental change'!

Bullshit? Yeah, it was Trump's bullshit I quoted.
You quoted BARY's BS! 'Everyone got covered'. By the actual numbers, that is a lie / 'misquote'. Barry F*ed the country by pushing his socialist agenda.

I quoted Donald Trump, from an appearance on 60 Minutes, during his campaign.


If he said this then he was duped by Barry, too...or being 'polite' so as not to offend the snowflakes further. :p
Everybody's got to be covered.



Barak Obama LIED TO THE American People, and the Democrats rammed a minority-supported piece of Socialist legislation down the throats of a majority of Americans who did not want Obamacare. In the aftermath, Harry Reid openly admitted the ACA was designed to fail, that it was just a stepping stone to 'Single Payer'. It just started failing, he admitted, way too quickly. (No, it's failure rate was pretty much right on par with typical Socialist programs!)

The ACA effectively DESTROYED the existing health care system. It mandated government-mandated coverage all Americans were forced to have / all Insurance companies were forced to include in all of their offered policies. Americans could no longer simply choose the policies that wanted, tailor-made for them - they had to buy insurance Barry and his Dems mandated. The vast majority of Americans lost their plans, despite what Lyin' Barry promised.
- The ACA DID 'cost a dime', did NOT 'pay for itself', premiums went UP not down, and most Americans did NOT get to keep the plans they liked. To top it off, many Americans who USED to have insurance LOST their insurance and ability to get insurance as Insurance companies left market places.

Welcome to 'fundamental change'!

Bullshit? Yeah, it was Trump's bullshit I quoted.
You quoted BARY's BS! 'Everyone got covered'. By the actual numbers, that is a lie / 'misquote'. Barry F*ed the country by pushing his socialist agenda.

I quoted Donald Trump, from an appearance on 60 Minutes, during his campaign.


If he said this then he was duped by Barry, too...or being 'polite' so as not to offend the snowflakes further. :p

18 Confusing Things Donald Trump Has Said About Health Care

It wasn't just campaign talk. In January, 2017, as President-elect, he was still at it:

Trump vows ‘insurance for everybody’ in Obamacare replacement plan


Barak Obama LIED TO THE American People, and the Democrats rammed a minority-supported piece of Socialist legislation down the throats of a majority of Americans who did not want Obamacare. In the aftermath, Harry Reid openly admitted the ACA was designed to fail, that it was just a stepping stone to 'Single Payer'. It just started failing, he admitted, way too quickly. (No, it's failure rate was pretty much right on par with typical Socialist programs!)

The ACA effectively DESTROYED the existing health care system. It mandated government-mandated coverage all Americans were forced to have / all Insurance companies were forced to include in all of their offered policies. Americans could no longer simply choose the policies that wanted, tailor-made for them - they had to buy insurance Barry and his Dems mandated. The vast majority of Americans lost their plans, despite what Lyin' Barry promised.
- The ACA DID 'cost a dime', did NOT 'pay for itself', premiums went UP not down, and most Americans did NOT get to keep the plans they liked. To top it off, many Americans who USED to have insurance LOST their insurance and ability to get insurance as Insurance companies left market places.

Welcome to 'fundamental change'!

Bullshit? Yeah, it was Trump's bullshit I quoted.
You quoted BARY's BS! 'Everyone got covered'. By the actual numbers, that is a lie / 'misquote'. Barry F*ed the country by pushing his socialist agenda.

I quoted Donald Trump, from an appearance on 60 Minutes, during his campaign.


If he said this then he was duped by Barry, too...or being 'polite' so as not to offend the snowflakes further. :p

18 Confusing Things Donald Trump Has Said About Health Care

It wasn't just campaign talk. In January, 2017, as President-elect, he was still at it:

Trump vows ‘insurance for everybody’ in Obamacare replacement plan
Ok, so you proved Trump was also duped by Obama's BS.

That does not take away from the fact that Obama lied his arse off, and the statement that 'EVERY American was covered' is a LIE!
Bullshit? Yeah, it was Trump's bullshit I quoted.
You quoted BARY's BS! 'Everyone got covered'. By the actual numbers, that is a lie / 'misquote'. Barry F*ed the country by pushing his socialist agenda.

I quoted Donald Trump, from an appearance on 60 Minutes, during his campaign.


If he said this then he was duped by Barry, too...or being 'polite' so as not to offend the snowflakes further. :p

18 Confusing Things Donald Trump Has Said About Health Care

It wasn't just campaign talk. In January, 2017, as President-elect, he was still at it:

Trump vows ‘insurance for everybody’ in Obamacare replacement plan

Ok, so you proved Trump was also duped by Obama's BS.

That does not take away from the fact that Obama lied his arse off, and the statement that 'EVERY American was covered' is a LIE!

Neither Obama, nor I, ever said "every American was covered." You're arguing with what you wish I had said. Instead, you're joining the Blamethrower in trying to pin anything and everything on others.

Trump was President-Elect when he said that. Do you fellas ever plan on holding him responsible for anything? I suppose all the winning has you verklumpt.
You quoted BARY's BS! 'Everyone got covered'. By the actual numbers, that is a lie / 'misquote'. Barry F*ed the country by pushing his socialist agenda.

I quoted Donald Trump, from an appearance on 60 Minutes, during his campaign.


If he said this then he was duped by Barry, too...or being 'polite' so as not to offend the snowflakes further. :p

18 Confusing Things Donald Trump Has Said About Health Care

It wasn't just campaign talk. In January, 2017, as President-elect, he was still at it:

Trump vows ‘insurance for everybody’ in Obamacare replacement plan

Ok, so you proved Trump was also duped by Obama's BS.

That does not take away from the fact that Obama lied his arse off, and the statement that 'EVERY American was covered' is a LIE!

Neither Obama, nor I, ever said "every American was covered." You're arguing with what you wish I had said. Instead, you're joining the Blamethrower in trying to pin anything and everything on others.

Trump was President-Elect when he said that. Do you fellas ever plan on holding him responsible for anything? I suppose all the winning has you verklumpt.
Cellblock (post 307) did....

He, like many people, obviously bought Obama's BS, hook, line and sinker...
/----/ Easiest and fastest way to reduce health care costs is to reform the tort laws. Get the lawyers out of the picture and the costs will plummet.

That SOUNDS just 'WONDERFUL'! Let me give you a dose of reality:

The S.C. State Legislature, after being pressured by Insurance Company lobbyists who argued what you just did, changed the laws regarding the ability for patients to sue doctors / hospitals for Malpractice.

Mamma Easy has to have surgery on her back to release pressure on her spine due to a pinched nerve. She goes to a prominent doc in S.C. and is told this will be a simple procedure. When she wakes up in the hospital she is in pain OFF THE CHART - so much that she is out of her mind almost screaming the whole time for nearly 3 straight days while they try to figure out what is going on. They finally figure out her body is rejecting what they did to her and the hospital had been givng her 3 pain meds they knew she was highly allergic to.

Long story short(er): A company called Medtronics makes medical devices that have no patens and devices they pay doctors to use in surgeries - without telling the patients. Her doc lied to her - he performed 45 minutes of the surgery then let 2 Medtronic doctors using a robot implant an experimental device in her spine after severing her spine. This all came out when a judge demanded the doctor turn over ALL of the documents Mamma Easy was entitled to but that they had been hiding. (Medtronic, BTW, has been sued nation wide in several class-action lawsuits and have paid out millions...but they make so much money they don't care and prefer to settle if they have to.)

When Mamma Easy tried to get help from any doctor afterwards they shunned her due to her filing a medical malpractice suit...HERSELF. Doctors would not help her or talk to her, and Lawyers would not touch her case. One lawyer finally told her:

Almost EVERY doctor is covered by the same Insurance company / Union of Insurance companies, and these insurance companies have told doctors across the state that they (doctors) WILL NOT provide any support to a plaintiff in a case like Mamma Easy's or they just might find themselves without Insurance and unable to get any. The lawyer told her that the decision and change in laws made by the State of S.C., after being pressured by lobbyists to make it harder to sue doctors in order to 'lower the cost of medical care', made all of this possible.

Mamma Easy is now suing the doctor on her own, acting as her lawyer, against 4 to 5 high-priced lawyers defending Medtronics and the doctor. The Judge has allowed her case to continue, much to the opposing lawyers' anger. Good news is several law firms - firms that turned her down - heard about this, her acting as her own lawyer....and she has been getting anonymous tips and advice on how to proceed with certain aspects / steps to help her case. LOL!

Mamma Easy is representing all the citizens who have been screwed by doctors and huge medical companies like Medtronics, caught up in the BS claim that making it harder for victims to sue them will lower costs for everyone. Mamma Easy will be in severe pain for the rest of her life, will be unable to get around / stand more than 20 - 25 minutes for the rest of her life, and the doctor and the medical company who used medical experimentation on her without informing her is being protected by an enabling state govt all in the name of 'making it harder to sue doctors so the cost of medical care will go down'.

If 'medical care' is allowed to turn into what happened to Mamma Easy, who the hell cares if it is 'affordable' or not if the results are the same as what happened to her?
/---/ And for every story like that, I can produce stories like this: Medscape: Medscape Access

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