2:00....Trump and Iran

Donald J. Trump


I will be announcing my decision on the Iran Deal tomorrow from the White House at 2:00pm.

2:44 PM - May 7, 2018

So . . . . Trump chokes the chicken and dumps it in Iran's lap now and must now decide whether to follow the U.S. and withdraw or try to salvage what's left of the deal. Kule.
There is nothing left of the Iran deal.

What To Know
Trump Decides to Exit 'Horrible, One-Sided' Iran Nuke Deal
Once the sanctions kick in, there will be nothing left of the Iran deal for Iran to think about.

Sure there is. Whether to endure the sanctions and tough it out or to renegotiate a nuclear deal that finally takes nukes out of the hands of Iran and shows Iran is serious about joining the world community.
There is nothing to tough out. Iran's economy will soon crash and conditions will continue to deteriorate without end. The message sent to Iran is submit or die.

Donald J. Trump


I will be announcing my decision on the Iran Deal tomorrow from the White House at 2:00pm.

2:44 PM - May 7, 2018

So . . . . Trump chokes the chicken and dumps it in Iran's lap now and must now decide whether to follow the U.S. and withdraw or try to salvage what's left of the deal. Kule.
There is nothing left of the Iran deal.

What To Know
Trump Decides to Exit 'Horrible, One-Sided' Iran Nuke Deal
Once the sanctions kick in, there will be nothing left of the Iran deal for Iran to think about.

Sure there is. Whether to endure the sanctions and tough it out or to renegotiate a nuclear deal that finally takes nukes out of the hands of Iran and shows Iran is serious about joining the world community.

Or.....a civil revolt in Iran......far less mild than the one Obama turned his back on.

A dick-faced Cheney tenet.

When a WH's approval ratings are in the toilet, the very "best" thing to do is either start or threaten to start a WAR.......

How is removing ourselves from a nonbinding agreement starting or threatening war?
Guess who is in the greatest pain at this moment:

" Politico…meticulously sourced and documented piece detailing how Obama had secretly undermined project Cassandra federal probe into transporting drugs and money laundering."

Obama stopped prosecution of international Muslim organized criminals.

We have an actual case of Obstruction of Justice by the chief executive: Obama ran interference for Hezbollah's drug dealers at the behest of- the orders from- a foreign power.

"The President used his position to interfere with federal investigation of these foreign powers who where committing crimes in the US."

"While there is no evidence of Trump colluding with any foreign power, the Politico piece prove that there is evidence of Obama colluding with Iran and Hezbollah to place the interests of these entities above those of the US."

Media silent on this story of collusion between Obama and the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.

Yet the story is ignored by ABC, NBC, and CBS.
Michelle Makori (@MichelleMakori) | Twitter
WASHINGTON — President Trump declared on Tuesday that he was pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal, unraveling the signature foreign policy achievement of his predecessor, Barack Obama, and isolating the United States among its Western allies.

“This was a horrible one-sided deal that should have never, ever been made,” Mr. Trump said at the White House in announcing his decision. “It didn’t bring calm, it didn’t bring peace, and it never will.”

Mr. Trump’s announcement, while long anticipated and widely telegraphed, plunges America’s relations with European allies into deep uncertainty. They have committed to staying in the deal, raising the prospect of a diplomatic and economic clash as the United States reimposes stringent sanctions on Iran.

It also raises the prospect of increasing tensions with Russia and China, which also are parties to the agreement.

Video of the president's announcement @ Trump Withdraws U.S. From ‘One-Sided’ Iran Nuclear Deal

Good for him! Kerry can leap in a lake and the Iranian leader threatening the USA can join him.

Just what we need. YET ANOTHER thread on the same goddam thing posted by morons so full of themselves they think they musta thought of it first.

In spite of this one

and this one

and this one

and this one...

Who knew, right? Oh wait. Anybody who bothered to look, that's who.
Well, I do not see anything positive coming out of the treasonous fat senile old orange clown's actions. But then, when has there ever been anything positive come out of the morons actions?
Who are the European nations who lobbied Trump to keep the deal???

….all the European countries are down wit it!!!!
Why would the officials of these countries ignore the threat posed by a nuclear Iran?

The nations accepting this bogus deal are those who will benefit financially. The turn a blind eye to arming the psychos, based on wanting to reap the benefits of business deals with Iran.

None of them can be sure of Iran sticking to the terms of the deal.

The world saw the same attitude from these nations when they acquiesced to Hitler, and turned in their Jews.

Trump is a different sort.....thank goodness.
So . . . . Trump chokes the chicken and dumps it in Iran's lap now and must now decide whether to follow the U.S. and withdraw or try to salvage what's left of the deal. Kule.
There is nothing left of the Iran deal.

What To Know
Trump Decides to Exit 'Horrible, One-Sided' Iran Nuke Deal
Once the sanctions kick in, there will be nothing left of the Iran deal for Iran to think about.

Sure there is. Whether to endure the sanctions and tough it out or to renegotiate a nuclear deal that finally takes nukes out of the hands of Iran and shows Iran is serious about joining the world community.
There is nothing to tough out. Iran's economy will soon crash and conditions will continue to deteriorate without end. The message sent to Iran is submit or die.

WASHINGTON — President Trump declared on Tuesday that he was pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal, unraveling the signature foreign policy achievement of his predecessor, Barack Obama, and isolating the United States among its Western allies.

“This was a horrible one-sided deal that should have never, ever been made,” Mr. Trump said at the White House in announcing his decision. “It didn’t bring calm, it didn’t bring peace, and it never will.”

Mr. Trump’s announcement, while long anticipated and widely telegraphed, plunges America’s relations with European allies into deep uncertainty. They have committed to staying in the deal, raising the prospect of a diplomatic and economic clash as the United States reimposes stringent sanctions on Iran.

It also raises the prospect of increasing tensions with Russia and China, which also are parties to the agreement.

Video of the president's announcement @ Trump Withdraws U.S. From ‘One-Sided’ Iran Nuclear Deal

Good for him! Kerry can leap in a lake and the Iranian leader threatening the USA can join him.

Just what we need. YET ANOTHER thread on the same goddam thing posted by morons so full of themselves they think they musta thought of it first.

In spite of this one

and this one

and this one

and this one...

Who knew, right? Oh wait. Anybody who bothered to look, that's who.
Another thread of the left cheerleading for Islamo Terrorism.
Well, I do not see anything positive coming out of the treasonous fat senile old orange clown's actions. But then, when has there ever been anything positive come out of the morons actions?

Again with the sniffing of too much orthoclase:

treasonous except he's never committed treason.
fat except his weight only looks unduly heavy here. Everywhere else he looks pretty good.
senile except he has more smarts than you to the cube power.
old except he is about the same age as Hillary and several other presidents of the past.
orange except that he is just an average blond with a touch of red to his hair.
clown except apparently you never laugh at anything he does.

Well, I do not see anything positive coming out of the ... actions. But then, when has there ever been anything positive come out of the ... actions? except you didn't see anything positive coming out of his bristling threats against North Korea either.
So DOpers. What was wrong with the Iran deal. Explain.
What is the Great Douche getting us new?
Like pulling out of a deal, without replacing it at
the same time. Why would any nation make deals with the USA?
I wonder how North Korea will feel about Donald showing that he doesn’t honor agreements

Where are you getting these ridiculous talking points?

1) he never agreed to the Iran deal to begin with.

2) it’s not binding since it was never ratified by the senate

There literally was no binding agreement let alone one trump made
I see why the Great Douche did this today.
To hide GOP crimes against poor Americans.

Another wing off the Obama Presidential library just got dropped. All that's left of Omaba's Legacy is the wing commemorationg grown men being able to shit and shower with our 8 year old daughters.

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