2:00....Trump and Iran

It isn't ended as of now. Considering how it could have turned out, this was relatively moderate.
IDK he is about to start re-establishing sanctions. Which basically pulls us out, i believe.
Not knowing the details prevents my comment on that; you may be right, or that may be how Iran takes it. I took it that he tossed the decision to Congress.
One question springs from his words and his presentation of them: What would any country think if the U.S. said loudly that it would not allow that something that nation felt were in its national interest? How can we imagine the U.S. would react if Russia prohibited a project that would be in America's national interest?
Russia has sanctioned the US.

So Trump colluded with Russia who are now Sanctioning the U.S. Rather odd collusion, donchaknow.
Once again, the president stumbles in foreign policy


How many American service members in the ME will be hurt or killed because of this decision? Will Donald greet the flag-draped coffins, or will he be too busy on the green?

Donald J. Trump


I will be announcing my decision on the Iran Deal tomorrow from the White House at 2:00pm.

2:44 PM - May 7, 2018

So . . . . Trump chokes the chicken and dumps it in Iran's lap now and must now decide whether to follow the U.S. and withdraw or try to salvage what's left of the deal against the threat of massive sanctions. Kule. Hope they didn't spend all that money yet.

The USA, it ain't that weak, mealy-mouthed quivering-lipped country of Obama and Kerry's anymore.
Why would NK strike a deal with us?
Topic is Iran, stay on topic.
Did you read your own op?
Did you read the subject line? Can you read?
Using historical events to frame a discussion does not mean you get to go off and divert the topic of the thread with that historical event. Stay on topic.

shut the front door, moron.

her comments are on topic, so enough with the faux outrage.

"Well, if we're going to talk about evil foreign powers seeking nuclear weapons, Trump certainly has Kim Jong Un paying attention. I have no doubt the mad mullahs are paying close attention, too."

even without the very first sentence of your op ^ the topics are inextricably connected.

What does Donald Trump’s stance on the Iran deal have to do with his relationship with North Korea? It turns out, quite a lot.

Why killing the Iran deal makes Trump’s North Korea talks much, much harder
Trump's proud tradition of no solutions.

Trump says Obamacare is a disaster but had no plan of his own to replace it with

Trump says NAFTA is a disaster but had no North American trade plan of his own

Trump says he's going to build a great big beautiful wall, and Mexico is going to pay for it, but had no plan of his own to make this happen

Now Trump says the Iran deal is a disaster, but has no plan of his own to replace it with.

Does anyone see a pattern here??
I see a pattern. Obama's fading step by step.
Trump's proud tradition of no solutions.

Trump says Obamacare is a disaster but had no plan of his own to replace it with

Trump says NAFTA is a disaster but had no North American trade plan of his own

Trump says he's going to build a great big beautiful wall, and Mexico is going to pay for it, but had no plan of his own to make this happen

Now Trump says the Iran deal is a disaster, but has no plan of his own to replace it with.

Does anyone see a pattern here??
I see a pattern. Obama's fading step by step.

I'll take that for a yes.

Donald J. Trump


I will be announcing my decision on the Iran Deal tomorrow from the White House at 2:00pm.

2:44 PM - May 7, 2018

So . . . . Trump chokes the chicken and dumps it in Iran's lap now and must now decide whether to follow the U.S. and withdraw or try to salvage what's left of the deal. Kule.
There is nothing left of the Iran deal.

What To Know
Trump Decides to Exit 'Horrible, One-Sided' Iran Nuke Deal

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