2,000 Mules was a Fraud

^^ another idiot lefty pretending to be a Republican.

2000 mules showed proof of cheating in the election. Video camera footage, cell phone tracking, all showing Dem operatives ballot stuffing over and over.

You idiots really are getting desperate.

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You have to understand that the Democrats Voters are a brainwashed cult who constantly struggle against reality.
You can show them pictures and video and you can have eyewitnesses and you can have confessions, but they will still struggle against reality.
Claims of ballot of stuffing based on people depositing multiple votes doesn’t pan out…in a state where it’s perfectly legal to deposit multiple votes for your family.

Who could’ve possibly seen this coming? :icon_rolleyes:









I can separate the two. And do so on a regular basis, when people try to confuse conservatives with Republicans.
Despite what the politicians, the media and citizens who don't know the difference, there is a huge difference.

Conservatives: Thomas Massie, Rand Paul, Justin Amash, Chip Roy, Andy Biggs,
Republicans who only identify as Conservatives: Trump, Mike Johnson, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Mitt Romney,

The difference is easy to see in their voting records.
The number of conservatives who won’t be voting for Trump constitute a tiny, irrelevant minority.
You have to understand that the Democrats Voters are a brainwashed cult who constantly struggle against reality.
You can show them pictures and video and you can have eyewitnesses and you can have confessions, but they will still struggle against reality.
"The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already, for the last 25 years, actually it’s over fulfilled because demoralization now reaches such areas where previously not even Comrade Andropov and all his experts would even dream of such a tremendous success. Most of it is being done by Americans to Americans thanks to a lack of moral standards. As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter any more. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures, even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him a concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it until he’s going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When a military boot crushes his balls, then he will understand, but not before that. That’s the tragedy of the situation of demoralization."
^^ another idiot lefty pretending to be a Republican.

2000 mules showed proof of cheating in the election. Video camera footage, cell phone tracking, all showing Dem operatives ballot stuffing over and over.

You idiots really are getting desperate.

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Uh..desperate? I think the company behind the film just claimed it can't back up what it stated in the film..that means they lied.
Hopefully, they will bet bled for a crap ton of money. :)

Your the one that's hanging on to desperation.
You just can't quit him. :)
But now the goose is loose. They were ordered by the judge to produce any and all evidence to back up their claims. Including names of those they accused of ballot stuffing. And they simply couldn't do it. Turns out, they proved themselves that the film was fake.
MAGA world has no idea how to produce the truth.

Actually, the Dominion lawsuit proved they know the truth but are too terrified to tell the rube herd the truth. They plainly stated to each other that the rubes could not handle the truth and would find another propagandist to watch if they were told the truth about the 2020 election.

The Fox News talking heads knew they were lying as they spoke on the air. They didn't believe a word of their own bullshit. Tucker Carlson called Trump a "demonic force" and couldn't wait for Trump to crawl back under a rock. Yet on the air Carlson was Trump's biggest fluffer.

Truly amazing and terrifying at the same time.

Trump's supporters are literally living in a world which does not exist.
When I watched this, I was getting all caught up in it. They way it was produced and directed, made it seem like it was 100% proof positive that these people were actually stuffing fake ballots. But then somewhere in this, something caught my eye. It was a very short snippet of someone stuffing a ballot box, but the camera did something funny. This was supposed to be sort of surveillance footage. But somehow the camera followed the guy back to the car, and got into the car with the guy.
That's when it dawned on me. They were filming this like they did "The Blair Witch Project" and "Paranormal Activity." They did a good job. And if you missed little things like that, it may have all seemed real.

But now the goose is loose. They were ordered by the judge to produce any and all evidence to back up their claims. Including names of those they accused of ballot stuffing. And they simply couldn't do it. Turns out, they proved themselves that the film was fake.

Conservative group tells judge it has no evidence to back its claims of Georgia ballot stuffing

SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) — A conservative group has told a Georgia judge that it doesn’t have evidence to support its claims of illegal ballot stuffing during the the 2020 general election and a runoff two months later.

Texas-based True the Vote filed complaints with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in 2021, including one in which it said it had obtained “a detailed account of coordinated efforts to collect and deposit ballots in drop boxes across metro Atlanta” during the November 2020 election and a January 2021 runoff.

A Fulton County Superior Court judge in Atlanta signed an order last year requiring True the Vote to provide evidence it had collected, including the names of people who were sources of information, to state elections officials who were frustrated by the group’s refusal to share evidence with investigators.

In their written response, attorneys for True the Vote said the group had no names or other documentary evidence to share.

“Once again, True the Vote has proven itself untrustworthy and unable to provide a shred of evidence for a single one of their fairy-tale allegations,” Raffensperger spokesman Mike Hassinger said Wednesday. “Like all the lies about Georgia’s 2020 election, their fabricated claims of ballot harvesting have been repeatedly debunked.”

Another article on this:

Their apology letter

CAMARILLO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Salem Media Group, Inc. has made the following statement:

Salem Media Group, Inc.’s (OTCQX: SALM) former publishing division, Regnery Publishing (together, “Salem”), published a film and book entitled 2000 Mules that examines allegations of voter fraud related to the 2020 presidential election. In publishing the film and the book, we relied on representations made to us by Dinesh D’Souza and True the Vote, Inc. (“TTV”) that the individuals depicted in the videos provided to us by TTV, including Mr. Andrews, illegally deposited ballots. We have learned that the Georgia Bureau of Investigation has cleared Mr. Andrews of illegal voting activity in connection with the event depicted in 2000 Mules.

It was never our intent that the publication of the 2000 Mules film and book would harm Mr. Andrews. We apologize for the hurt the inclusion of Mr. Andrews’ image in the movie, book, and promotional materials have caused Mr. Andrews and his family. We have removed the film from Salem’s platforms, and there will be no future distribution of the film or the book by Salem.

Everybody with a brain knew it was a fake before it was ever seen.
Ballot drop boxes are wide open for stuffing.
The Dirty Democrats are liars and cheaters.
Except that doesn't happen. And each state has their own ways of validating mail in votes...which seemed to work just fine for everyone on both sides until a certain orange spray tanned felon lost his re-election bid. Then all the sudden it was rife with fraud. :)
The number of conservatives who won’t be voting for Trump constitute a tiny, irrelevant minority.

And it shows.

$35 trillion in debt, and rising. We're still in wars (or occupations). $15hr is now a poverty wage. Most manufacturing jobs will never return. Israel, the 34th richest country in the world, is still getting billions from us. The next election is between a con man and a vegetable.
The elites destroyed the white western world slowly. Which was of many problems. Obviously, the real power in Europe has other places to go to if the worst happens that they will have caused.
"The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already, for the last 25 years, actually it’s over fulfilled because demoralization now reaches such areas where previously not even Comrade Andropov and all his experts would even dream of such a tremendous success. Most of it is being done by Americans to Americans thanks to a lack of moral standards. As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter any more. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures, even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him a concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it until he’s going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When a military boot crushes his balls, then he will understand, but not before that. That’s the tragedy of the situation of demoralization."

seriously kid, tap out. The producer has given up on the big lie already; you should too.

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