2,000 Mules was a Fraud

I didn't trot out an affidavit CC, I referenced hundreds of them from around the country from individuals actually involved in running the elections. Do you know what preponderance of the evidence means?
And every recount and audit proved Biden won. Wouldn’t that be evidence?

Do you know what the law of large numbers is? Unbeknownst to you, numerous statisticians testified in various locations and venues about that, as it pertained to the election of 2020.

Are you blind, or simply deep in denial?

306 is larger than 232.

But your affidavits!
The only evidence that matters.
You mean recounts by hand-picked republican audit teams are superior to the affidavits of folks who were hired by a temp agency to clean the voting screens between voters?

Nah....you’re a deep state plant.

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