2,000 Mules was a Fraud

You have to be an independent thinker to understand.
Sure, that sounds really really defensible.
You go with that.

So, is Alex Jones an independent thinker?
Or Rudy Giuliani?
Sydney Powell?
Stormy Daniels?
What about David Pecker?
Adam Lanza?
What about the Chupacabra?

A parade of character witnesses provided a judge Thursday with glowing reports about a southern Arizona woman who admitted to collecting four early ballots in the 2020 primary election
"collectiing four early ballots"??
From legitimate voters?
From folks in a nursing home?
A veteran's hospital?
Were the "four ballots" all Republican?

Sure, that sounds really really defensible.
You go with that.

So, is Alex Jones an independent thinker?
The independentest!

The real zeitgeist of MAGA populism is the enthusiasm for "thinking" completely independent of elitist nonsense like "reason" or "facts". Only then can you see the real truth.
Sure, that sounds really really defensible.
You go with that.

So, is Alex Jones an independent thinker?
Or Rudy Giuliani?
Sydney Powell?
Stormy Daniels?
What about David Pecker?
Adam Lanza?
What about the Chupacabra?


"collectiing four early ballots"??
From legitimate voters?
From folks in a nursing home?
A veteran's hospital?
Were the "four ballots" all Republican?

So you don’t care about election law
"The real zeitgeist of MAGA populism is the enthusiasm for "thinking" completely independent of elitist nonsense like "reason" or "facts"...."

Duh!!! Why haven't more folks adopted that winning formula?
A life without reason or facts?

What could go wrong?
So, per you "the 2020 election was totally rigged" and your independent thinking leads you to not question that.

OK, cool.

But do you have anything more than your independent thinking?
You know, like proof?
Like evidence vetted by courts?

And to go a little further.....which precincts grossly cheated? And what effect did those precinct have in their particular states? And which elections in that state?

And importantly, how would you know?
What are your sources?
Or what is your personal experience in one or more of those so-called cheating precincts.

Would appreciate your considered effort in explaining ....how.....you came to your conviction.
I came to my conviction by a guilty plea in federal court.

As for thinking and reaching conclusions, you and I are worlds apart.

While I analyze facts to see if any of them are evidence, you appear to think as you are instructed by mainstream media and other known liars. We're worlds apart sir. I'm a huge fan of Mark Twain and his simple wisdom. He noted that no amount of evidence will ever persuade a closed mind.
2000 Mules was a fraud documentary about alleged voter fraud.....which the company that produced it said it was not able to back up the claims made in it with evidence.
Therefore, it is a lie.

Easy. :)

Their narrative was dogshit and they knew it was dogshit. For example, they claimed that hundreds of thousands of 'fake ballots' were pushed into drop off ballot boxes by a relatively handful of 'mules'.

Yet in all their videos, they could never show the same person showing up at different ballot boxes. Or at the same ballot box twice.

That's death to their narrative. They knew their claims were bullshit when they offered them.
"2000 Mules" did managed to show ... that Doordash exists.

That is, the pattern they highlighted is exactly what you expect to see if the same group of Doordash drivers were repeatedly picking up from the same bunch of restaurants.

Anyone with any integrity would have investigated that aspect further. They would have looked at data in areas where there were drop boxes and no restaurants, and looked at areas with restaurants and no drop boxes. D'Souza ... didn't.

Needless to say, the Trump culitsts on this thread all support the fraud. They're not that stupid. They also know Doordash exists. They just want to have reasons to commit fraud and get more violent.
"2000 Mules" did managed to show ... that Doordash exists.

That is, the pattern they highlighted is exactly what you expect to see if the same group of Doordash drivers were repeatedly picking up from the same bunch of restaurants.

Anyone with any integrity would have investigated that aspect further. They would have looked at data in areas where there were drop boxes and no restaurants, and looked at areas with restaurants and no drop boxes. D'Souza ... didn't.

Needless to say, the Trump culitsts on this thread all support the fraud. They're not that stupid. They also know Doordash exists. They just want to have reasons to commit fraud and get more violent.
Trump supporters are not violent. The FBI is violent.
All it is is lawfare and threats. What else is new?
Or.....2000 Mules was a silly, stupid lie created for gullible fools.

And you gobbled it without evidence. Remember, the 2000 mules creators have NEVER publicly released the 'data' that supposedly backed their claims.

You were rolled, rube.
Mark Twain noted a long time ago that No Amount of Evidence will ever persuade an idiot, harsh words but true.

I would slightly amend that to No Amount Of Evidence will ever persuade a human in denial of reality. Cognitive Dissonance is part of the human condition. Those afflicted with it will reject any and all facts that threaten their worldview. As Art Linkletter used to say in the 50s, People Are Funny.
And the Trumpanzees are faced with the embarrassment of knowing they got intentionally fooled again by someone who laughed at them while he took their money.

It's like you enjoy rubbing salt in your own wounds. Very bizarre.
"2000 Mules" did managed to show ... that Doordash exists.

That is, the pattern they highlighted is exactly what you expect to see if the same group of Doordash drivers were repeatedly picking up from the same bunch of restaurants.

Anyone with any integrity would have investigated that aspect further. They would have looked at data in areas where there were drop boxes and no restaurants, and looked at areas with restaurants and no drop boxes. D'Souza ... didn't.

Needless to say, the Trump culitsts on this thread all support the fraud. They're not that stupid. They also know Doordash exists. They just want to have reasons to commit fraud and get more violent.
They're tired of feeling stupid. It's one of the reasons they vote Trump in the first place.

So this is like a morbidly obese person eating to ease his depression over his obesity.
And the Trumpanzees are faced with the embarrassment of knowing they got intentionally fooled again by someone who laughed at them while he took their money.

It's like you enjoy rubbing salt in your own wounds. Very bizarre.
"Suckers" is the term.
Do you know what dodging honest adult conversation is?
No but I’m sure you could teach me everything about it since that is what you’re doing.

You trotted out an affidavit as some sort of proof of fraud. Its testimony; nothing more nothing less. There is no cross examination of the statement or the witness.

Isn’t that correct?
Or.....2000 Mules was a silly, stupid lie created for gullible fools.

And you gobbled it without evidence. Remember, the 2000 mules creators have NEVER publicly released the 'data' that supposedly backed their claims.

You were rolled, rube.
No it was geotracking like the FBI uses and the authorities never investigated their data. Period.

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