2,000 Mules was a Fraud

I believe it was as legitimates we can make our elections in this huge nation...geographically and population-wise.

Can poster PeterPilot prove it was not?
Show us sufficient proofs that Bill Barr's DOJ & FBI could not find?
Show us facts and information that disprove Trump appointee, Chris Krebbs, determination that it was "most secure".

If you got that proof poster PeteP, now would be a really great time for you to show it to the forum.
And validate your credibility and sense of adult responsibility.

Thanx, in advance.


Prove it.
Don't just merely whine & snowflake about it under a fake name on a gossipboard.
Cowboy up, and show us you know what you are talking about.

Thanx, in advance.
Neither you nor Fort Fun can prove that it was legitimate. Citing the statements of known liars in government is not proof of anything except credulity.
Neither you nor Fort Fun can prove that it was legitimate.
Nobody has to lift a finger to disprove unevidenced fantasies. Welcome to the real world.

We.also don't have to prove that unicorns and leprechauns do not exist.

The people who filled your head with those lies know they are lying. They assume that you are gullible and ignorant enough to believe their lies.

That's what they think of you. Don't ever forget that.
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Like every other element of The Big Lie, the grifter Dinesh D'Souza's book is a fraud. But he was able to make bank because millions of emotionally unstable Americans couldn't accept that their convicted felon and adjudicated rapist Orange Messiah lost the election. So there's that.


I called this like a goddamn Bambino pointing his bat at the upper deck. I hope that man got paid plenty of money for the lies D'Souza told about him.
2000 Mules was a documentary about voter fraud.
2000 Mules was a fraud documentary about alleged voter fraud.....which the company that produced it said it was not able to back up the claims made in it with evidence.
Therefore, it is a lie.

Easy. :)
Nobody has to lift a finger to disprove unevidenced fantasies. Welcome to the real world.

We.also don't have to prove that unicorns and leprechauns do not exist.

The people who filled your head with those lies know they are lying. They assume that you are gullible and ignorant enough to believe their lies.

That's what they think of you. Don't ever forget that.
In your world perhaps, but not in mine, and not by the rules of logic.

If you are so certain that the election was legit, and/or that 2000 Mules showed falsehoods, then you should be able to offer some sort of proof.

On the side of those who question the results, the evidence abounds. At least hundreds of affidavits filed all over the country by people who work in elections defined irregularities. The footage and other information from 2000 Mules is persuasive and documented.

The only "evidence" on your side is the statements of known liars.

That might work for you, but it doesn't work for me.
I believe it was as legitimates we can make our elections in this huge nation...geographically and population-wise.

Can poster PeterPilot prove it was not?
Show us sufficient proofs that Bill Barr's DOJ & FBI could not find?
Show us facts and information that disprove Trump appointee, Chris Krebbs, determination that it was "most secure".

If you got that proof poster PeteP, now would be a really great time for you to show it to the forum.
And validate your credibility and sense of adult responsibility.

Thanx, in advance.


Prove it.
Don't just merely whine & snowflake about it under a fake name on a gossipboard.
Cowboy up, and show us you know what you are talking about.

Thanx, in advance.

Mark Twain noted a long time ago that No Amount of Evidence will ever persuade an idiot, harsh words but true.

I would slightly amend that to No Amount Of Evidence will ever persuade a human in denial of reality. Cognitive Dissonance is part of the human condition. Those afflicted with it will reject any and all facts that threaten their worldview. As Art Linkletter used to say in the 50s, People Are Funny.
"I would slightly amend that to No Amount Of Evidence will ever persuade a human in denial of reality."
Which, fortuitously, brings us right to the doorstep of the Trump-Groupies who refuse to consider, examine, or recognize the evidence that the 2020 election, in which Don Trump was fired from the POTUS gig was a fair, valid, and proper election.

61 courts with over 90 judges, some of them on the Supreme Court, some them appointed by Don Trump, all ruled that Don Trump had no persuasive argument that the election was stolen from him.

And how many states and jurisdictions had their own autopsies of that election? I can think of several notable ones, i.e., Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia. All found that there was no substantive fraud that would have changed the results. In fact, in the majority of 'ballot fraud' cases, it was Republican nickel-dime dicks that voted twice, or for their dead Mom, or their long divorced wife, yadda, yadda, yadda.

So, in short, the TrumpGroupies can complain, whine and snowflake till the cows come home.....but to date, they haven't brought a credible, let alone persuasive, case to any substantive court that led that court to say Don Trump was right in his wild allegation that the election was stolen.
Which, fortuitously, brings us right to the doorstep of the Trump-Groupies who refuse to consider, examine, or recognize the evidence that the 2020 election, in which Don Trump was fired from the POTUS gig was a fair, valid, and proper election.

61 courts with over 90 judges, some of them on the Supreme Court, some them appointed by Don Trump, all ruled that Don Trump had no persuasive argument that the election was stolen from him.

And how many states and jurisdictions had their own autopsies of that election? I can think of several notable ones, i.e., Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia. All found that there was no substantive fraud that would have changed the results. In fact, in the majority of 'ballot fraud' cases, it was Republican nickel-dime dicks that voted twice, or for their dead Mom, or their long divorced wife, yadda, yadda, yadda.

So, in short, the TrumpGroupies can complain, whine and snowflake till the cows come home.....but to date, they haven't brought a credible, let alone persuasive, case to any substantive court that led that court to say Don Trump was right in his wild allegation that the election was stolen.

There are 2 sets of groupies, Chillicothe: Trump Groupies, and the Official Narrative Groupies. I am in neither group, but it appears you are in the latter group.

I make a habit of disbelieving the statements of known liars, and there is no greater group of known liars that government employees, ESPECIALLY on the federal level. There are a few somewhat honorable state governments, but let's face it--most politicians are polished professional liars.

For those independent thinkers like me, there is no question the 2020 election was totally rigged. You keep those blinders on sir, you'll be much happier.
"For those independent thinkers like me, there is no question the 2020 election was totally rigged."

So, per you "the 2020 election was totally rigged" and your independent thinking leads you to not question that.

OK, cool.

But do you have anything more than your independent thinking?
You know, like proof?
Like evidence vetted by courts?

And to go a little further.....which precincts grossly cheated? And what effect did those precinct have in their particular states? And which elections in that state?

And importantly, how would you know?
What are your sources?
Or what is your personal experience in one or more of those so-called cheating precincts.

Would appreciate your considered effort in explaining ....how.....you came to your conviction.
Like every other element of The Big Lie, the grifter Dinesh D'Souza's book is a fraud. But he was able to make bank because millions of emotionally unstable Americans couldn't accept that their convicted felon and adjudicated rapist Orange Messiah lost the election. So there's that.

A parade of character witnesses provided a judge Thursday with glowing reports about a southern Arizona woman who admitted to collecting four early ballots in the 2020 primary election as her lawyer seeks leniency and prosecutors urge him to send her to prison for a year. Testimony in Yuma County Superior Court painted a picture of Guillermina Fuentes as filled with remorse and a pillar of small border community of San Luis.
Like every other element of The Big Lie, the grifter Dinesh D'Souza's book is a fraud. But he was able to make bank because millions of emotionally unstable Americans couldn't accept that their convicted felon and adjudicated rapist Orange Messiah lost the election. So there's that.

In your world perhaps, but not in mine, and not by the rules of logic.

If you are so certain that the election was legit, and/or that 2000 Mules showed falsehoods, then you should be able to offer some sort of proof.

On the side of those who question the results, the evidence abounds. At least hundreds of affidavits filed all over the country by people who work in elections defined irregularities. The footage and other information from 2000 Mules is persuasive and documented.

The only "evidence" on your side is the statements of known liars.

That might work for you, but it doesn't work for me.
Do you know what an affidavit is?
But do you have anything more than your independent thinking?
You know, like proof?
Like evidence vetted by courts?
do you know what the word rigged actually means? derp

Here's xiden saying he put together the largest voter fraud organization! He admits out loud!!!

Are we not supposed to take him at his word?


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