2 1/2 Years To Finish Off Axis Of Evil

bush lover

Feb 18, 2005
Sweet Jesus help us. Our President has only 2 1/2 years to finish off the Axis of Evil. Iran and North Korea want to nuke us. We are running out of time. Our President promised he would protect us from the Axis of Evil. They hate our freedoms. That is clear. He took care of Iraq. Now, he has to do something militarily about Iran and North Korea. I know we have 140,000 troops in Iraq who could roll over Iran in no time. And we have 35,000 troops right on the border of North Korea, and they could finish off that little pipsqueak army in no time. Please, President Bush, finish the job, so we can be safe! Let's fight them over there before they come over here! God will help us!
bush lover said:
Sweet Jesus help us. Our President has only 2 1/2 years to finish off the Axis of Evil. Iran and North Korea want to nuke us. We are running out of time. Our President promised he would protect us from the Axis of Evil. They hate our freedoms. That is clear. He took care of Iraq. Now, he has to do something militarily about Iran and North Korea. I know we have 140,000 troops in Iraq who could roll over Iran in no time. And we have 35,000 troops right on the border of North Korea, and they could finish off that little pipsqueak army in no time. Please, President Bush, finish the job, so we can be safe! Let's fight them over there before they come over here! God will help us!

I hope you're kidding. NK has the fourth largest army in the world? Iran would be a huge blender of lives. Both would probably result in thermonuclear conflict.

NK would nuke Seoul. That's a good plan.
PsuedoGhost said:
I hope you're kidding. NK has the fourth largest army in the world? Iran would be a huge blender of lives. Both would probably result in thermonuclear conflict.

NK would nuke Seoul. That's a good plan.

Iran would not be a "rollover;" however, they are more hype than asset. The problem there is we would have to kill them to the man, and probably wouldn't be willing to.

North Korea has a reported army of 1M. Saddam Hussein had the 3rd largest army, IIRC, and it sure held us up.

Do you want to be a live, has-been coward, or play global thermonuclear war? Or act preemptively and destroy both Nations' meager assets before they can actually be a player in the game?
GunnyL said:
Iran would not be a "rollover;" however, they are more hype than asset. The problem there is we would have to kill them to the man, and probably wouldn't be willing to.

North Korea has a reported army of 1M. Saddam Hussein had the 3rd largest army, IIRC, and it sure held us up.

Do you want to be a live, has-been coward, or play global thermonuclear war? Or act preemptively and destroy both Nations' meager assets before they can actually be a player in the game?
Bottom line, Bushlover has been posting for quite some time, tongue in cheek as a 'Bush supporter.' He hates Bush, but assumed, too correctly that those that don't think too deeply, would agree with him.

I've watched this in awe, throwing in my dings at him, which to his credit, he never acknowledged. He's a troll, but a bit different than the garden variety.

That guy with the Marine corp emblem is of a similar vein...
Kathianne said:
Bottom line, Bushlover has been posting for quite some time, tongue in cheek as a 'Bush supporter.' He hates Bush, but assumed, too correctly that those that don't think too deeply, would agree with him.

I've watched this in awe, throwing in my dings at him, which to his credit, he never acknowledged. He's a troll, but a bit different than the garden variety.

That guy with the Marine corp emblem is of a similar vein...

We have two posters with Marine Corps emblems, IIRC.

Note that I did not respond to Bushlover. I figured if he was a conservative, he was an ignorant one.
GunnyL said:
Iran would not be a "rollover;" however, they are more hype than asset. The problem there is we would have to kill them to the man, and probably wouldn't be willing to.

North Korea has a reported army of 1M. Saddam Hussein had the 3rd largest army, IIRC, and it sure held us up.

Do you want to be a live, has-been coward, or play global thermonuclear war? Or act preemptively and destroy both Nations' meager assets before they can actually be a player in the game?

Agreed, Iran is simply not worth it. Any attacks against Iran will most likely ignite a large scale regional conflict drawing Syria into it... It could get messy really quickly.

Size of army is not really relevent here. NK has nukes. If we attack we cannot guarantee the absolute security of South Korea or Japan. If a single nuke gets through, its over for South Korea or Japan, if North Korea launches one, its over for them obviously.

Look, the time for preemption is over. The American people are unlikely to support another war on the notion of WMD. We got burned in Iraq (whether or not you believe there are/were WMD in Iraq). North Korea is already nuclear. There is no need to start a thermonuclear conflict. The best way to deal with the North Koreans is to develop an effective anti-missle defense shield, and shootdown their test missles. Once they realize that they have squandered billions of dollars attempting to ensure they're survival they are more likely to become reasonable or attempt to build such a large missile arsenal that they will drive themselves into oblivion economically.
GunnyL said:
I'm sick of this "taking time" crap. If something isn't done NOW, it's going to be too late when it's too late.
That WAS my point...

Then we could go the way of others, US should withdraw to their own borders. If someone attacks, the sucker will die.

Do you think that will buy us security? If so, how secure could we be in a world of insecurity? For how long?

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