2/27 - Virginia: 3 more cops shot; Female cop shot/killed on her 1st shift on job.

There might be some relief, if officers stopped the common practice of shooting people running away in the back for a mere suspicion.

Oh the "common practice" huh??? And....how many times in the past 5 years had a cop shot someone in the back while running away??? 1,000,000 cops who perform 2.8 billion hours of police work per year.

If it's a "common practice" I assume you have at least 50 incident right away of a cop shooting a fleeing person in the back for mere suspicion. Right?

Once is too many, cowboy.

Once makes it "common practice"? Really?
Useless to argue with idiots. Go paint something
You can't defend the OP. I can't help you. A nut with a gun. The nuts we are stuck, but not the guns. Those can go away.
If you could wave a magic wand and make all guns disappear, you might have a good idea, but criminals, by definition do not follow the law. Disarming the law abiding only leaves us at the mercy of thugs.
Useless to argue with idiots. Go paint something
You can't defend the OP. I can't help you. A nut with a gun. The nuts we are stuck, but not the guns. Those can go away.
If you could wave a magic wand and make all guns disappear, you might have a good idea, but criminals, by definition do not follow the law. Disarming the law abiding only leaves us at the mercy of thugs.
Thugs like the law-abiding citizen in the OP?
Useless to argue with idiots. Go paint something
You can't defend the OP. I can't help you. A nut with a gun. The nuts we are stuck, but not the guns. Those can go away.

Then why wait??? Get rid of yours. As long as YOU own guns you have 0 credibility preaching the no guns theory. You can kill your animals with other weapons. You don't need yours.

When you practice what you preach we will take you more seriously.
Useless to argue with idiots. Go paint something
You can't defend the OP. I can't help you. A nut with a gun. The nuts we are stuck, but not the guns. Those can go away.

Then why wait??? Get rid of yours. As long as YOU own guns you have 0 credibility preaching the no guns theory. You can kill your animals with other weapons. You don't need yours.

When you practice what you preach we will take you more seriously.
Guns are for killing. I kill things. Most don't therefore, they don't need guns.
Useless to argue with idiots. Go paint something
You can't defend the OP. I can't help you. A nut with a gun. The nuts we are stuck, but not the guns. Those can go away.

Then why wait??? Get rid of yours. As long as YOU own guns you have 0 credibility preaching the no guns theory. You can kill your animals with other weapons. You don't need yours.

When you practice what you preach we will take you more seriously.
Guns are for killing. I kill things. Most don't therefore, they don't need guns.

You kill animals. That's all. You don't need a gun to do that. You have no credibility preaching that other people don't need guns and should have them taken away....but YOU get to keep yours.

Lose your guns faggot. You don't need them.

You aren't Jason Bourne.
You aren't anyone special.
You don't need a gun to kill Bambi or a cow.

You are a hypocrite.
You are a hypocrite.
When all the guns go, so do mine. Now go away and play, little one.

Nope. You first. You don't get to play this game. It's like a MADD member preaching about ending drunk driving while they drive drunk....and they say "when everyone else stops driving drunk so will I."

You first queer. You try to sound like some badass saying "I kill things". You aren't Jason Bourne. You shoot animals. That's all. Many other ways to kill a critter.

Either you give yours up first...or...you have no credibility. None. Zilch.
You are a hypocrite.
When all the guns go, so do mine. Now go away and play, little one.

Nope. You first. You don't get to play this game. It's like a MADD member preaching about ending drunk driving while they drive drunk....and they say "when everyone else stops driving drunk so will I."

You first queer. You try to sound like some badass saying "I kill things". You aren't Jason Bourne. You shoot animals. That's all. Many other ways to kill a critter.

Either you give yours up first...or...you have no credibility. None. Zilch.
Your "argument" died long ago. Now it's just spam.

This needs to stop.

*****SAD SMILE*****


It's hard to stop it when the Democrat Party and media are trying their best to convince the population that cops are all evil.

It`s the GOP who thinks criminals, crazies and terrorists should have guns. Gun mania is the GOP`s baby. Blaming democrats when there is a shooting is reaching the peak of Mt. Stupidity.
Really ? The GOP is only interested in protecting the first amendment, but the policies of the dems over the years, has empowered the very crazies that the legal gun owners are steady having to deal with now. Think about it... Christian values in which the Christians mostly cherish, have been better protected by the conservatives over the years, and not the dems... Think about it. The Christians have been disappointed by the conservatives however, because they have let the liberties of many values slip under their watch over time. Money and greed became the new value that over road many old values, thus opening the doors wide open to what we see now in America.

Using Christian values to beatify the 2nd Amendment is akin to is sacrilege. Of course it would take a REAL Christian to understand that!
Yup There's one. I said vast majority, not all. How about you check on those arrested for murder or attempted murder in Chicago for the last five years and tell me how many of them legally owned a gun, OK?
How about that doesn't actually matter to me, nor should it, okay?
Because you're not really interested in cutting the number of murders, only controlling the lives of honest citizens. Yes. I already knew that.
Nope, I'm interested in people not killing each other, with guns (and other things)...
. Guns for law abiding citizens will always be a part of this nation, so dealing with the bad guys, and not messing with the good guys is the only way it works. Get use to it if you just landed here from Mars or somewhere beyond the milky way. :welcome:
You are a hypocrite.
When all the guns go, so do mine. Now go away and play, little one.

Nope. You first. You don't get to play this game. It's like a MADD member preaching about ending drunk driving while they drive drunk....and they say "when everyone else stops driving drunk so will I."

You first queer. You try to sound like some badass saying "I kill things". You aren't Jason Bourne. You shoot animals. That's all. Many other ways to kill a critter.

Either you give yours up first...or...you have no credibility. None. Zilch.
Your "argument" died long ago. Now it's just spam.

OH no no no. It didn't. You saying "No I'm not a hypocrite therefore your argument is over" doesn't cut it.

You explain how you arent.

You don't need guns to kill animals. You want "unnecessary guns" confiscated. Yet...you won't get rid of your own unnecessary guns.
You are a hypocrite.
When all the guns go, so do mine. Now go away and play, little one.

Nope. You first. You don't get to play this game. It's like a MADD member preaching about ending drunk driving while they drive drunk....and they say "when everyone else stops driving drunk so will I."

You first queer. You try to sound like some badass saying "I kill things". You aren't Jason Bourne. You shoot animals. That's all. Many other ways to kill a critter.

Either you give yours up first...or...you have no credibility. None. Zilch.
Your "argument" died long ago. Now it's just spam.

OH no no no. It didn't. You saying "No I'm not a hypocrite therefore your argument is over" doesn't cut it.

You explain how you arent.

You don't need guns to kill animals. You want "unnecessary guns" confiscated. Yet...you won't get rid of your own unnecessary guns.
I use guns as intended, most do not.

What I kill is suffering and dying. A quick death is the only humane thing. A gun is required. Deal with it.
Virginia officer killed on her first day on job, 2 other officers injured in shooting | Fox News

This shit is becoming a daily update lately. 3 more cops shot. This time in Virginia. 1 officer was killed. A female officer who was on her 1st shift on the job on her first damn day.

And the Democrats continue their presidential campaigns half based on smearing cops to pander to certain voters.

You fucking cop haters deserve whatever karma comes your way for spreading this bullshit.
A female cop 1st day on the job. Shot down...Cops lives matter TOO!
You are a hypocrite.
When all the guns go, so do mine. Now go away and play, little one.

Nope. You first. You don't get to play this game. It's like a MADD member preaching about ending drunk driving while they drive drunk....and they say "when everyone else stops driving drunk so will I."

You first queer. You try to sound like some badass saying "I kill things". You aren't Jason Bourne. You shoot animals. That's all. Many other ways to kill a critter.

Either you give yours up first...or...you have no credibility. None. Zilch.
Your "argument" died long ago. Now it's just spam.

OH no no no. It didn't. You saying "No I'm not a hypocrite therefore your argument is over" doesn't cut it.

You explain how you arent.

You don't need guns to kill animals. You want "unnecessary guns" confiscated. Yet...you won't get rid of your own unnecessary guns.
I use guns as intended, most do not.

What I kill is suffering and dying. A quick death is the only humane thing. A gun is required. Deal with it.

No its not. A crossbow. And axe. A lethal injection. A knife. All can do the job.

Your guns aren't necessary to kill dying animals. Get rid of them hypocrite.
I expect Obama to celebrate this cop killing with a party and invite his official BLM buds.
You must feel disappointment quite often when your illusions about Obama never materialize.
Obama invites BLM to the White House. BLM blames the cops for killing and chants to have cops killed. The transitive logic suggests Obama should be pleased by this tragedy. As should all black people, according to BLM and their friend Obama.

I have never heard or saw BLM chant to have cops killed. If you have video or some source that indicates that please share. Don't be shy!
Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon.
I expect Obama to celebrate this cop killing with a party and invite his official BLM buds.
You must feel disappointment quite often when your illusions about Obama never materialize.
Obama invites BLM to the White House. BLM blames the cops for killing and chants to have cops killed. The transitive logic suggests Obama should be pleased by this tragedy. As should all black people, according to BLM and their friend Obama.

I have never heard or saw BLM chant to have cops killed. If you have video or some source that indicates that please share. Don't be shy!
Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon.

Is that YOUR stance on this?

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