2/27 - Virginia: 3 more cops shot; Female cop shot/killed on her 1st shift on job.

There might be some relief, if officers stopped the common practice of shooting people running away in the back for a mere suspicion.

Oh the "common practice" huh??? And....how many times in the past 5 years had a cop shot someone in the back while running away??? 1,000,000 cops who perform 2.8 billion hours of police work per year.

If it's a "common practice" I assume you have at least 50 incident right away of a cop shooting a fleeing person in the back for mere suspicion. Right?

Once is too many, cowboy.

But....you said it's a "common practice". So....there would have to be....a half million per year or so since 14,000,000 arrests are made in 2.8 billion hours of police work.

So....are you saying you're full of shit and it's an incredibly immensely rare type of incident? Or....do you have dozens of examples you can at least start with?

Did you major in statistics in college? :laugh:

Your deflection is noted. So you can't back your "common practice" lie. Discussion/

You are just like a cop, and of course, you were. Every word, every breath is an all-or-nothing battle to ya all. So sad.
LOL Con's only answer to every incident, 'Obama's fault'.

Pencil needs sharpened? Obama.
Out of TP? Obama.
Bin Laden Dead? 'Oh wait, that was Obama but we have to give credit somewhere else cuz' blah blah yada flopsweat bullshit'.
Oh the "common practice" huh??? And....how many times in the past 5 years had a cop shot someone in the back while running away??? 1,000,000 cops who perform 2.8 billion hours of police work per year.

If it's a "common practice" I assume you have at least 50 incident right away of a cop shooting a fleeing person in the back for mere suspicion. Right?

Once is too many, cowboy.

But....you said it's a "common practice". So....there would have to be....a half million per year or so since 14,000,000 arrests are made in 2.8 billion hours of police work.

So....are you saying you're full of shit and it's an incredibly immensely rare type of incident? Or....do you have dozens of examples you can at least start with?

Did you major in statistics in college? :laugh:

Your deflection is noted. So you can't back your "common practice" lie. Discussion/

You are just like a cop, and of course, you were. Every word, every breath is an all-or-nothing battle to ya all. So sad.

So just confirming....your "common practice" statement was an absolute lie. Not that I need it confirmed. I just want you to admit it. Your brain is stuck in eternal college sophomore idiocy.

This needs to stop.

*****SAD SMILE*****


It's hard to stop it when the Democrat Party and media are trying their best to convince the population that cops are all evil.

Some cops ARE evil!
. Yep, and when empowered with a badge, their evil has no boundaries or limits (the evil ones that is). It is why proper hiring practices and leadership is a huge importance in it all. Where it is said "follow the money" in this case it's "follow the leadership".

This needs to stop.

*****SAD SMILE*****


It's hard to stop it when the Democrat Party and media are trying their best to convince the population that cops are all evil.

Some cops ARE evil!

Very very few. Less than 1%. Cops are statistically more moral and law abiding than the general public. Statistical fact.

And those facts are reported by whom? Other cops?

This needs to stop.

*****SAD SMILE*****


It's hard to stop it when the Democrat Party and media are trying their best to convince the population that cops are all evil.

Some cops ARE evil!
. Yep, and when empowered with a badge, their evil has no boundaries or limits (the evil ones that is). It is why proper hiring practices and leadership is a huge importance in it all.

Yeah, in those dark alleys and unlit side streets...just out of camera range... who knows what evil lurks in the minds of some cops. I wouldn't be surprised if murder rate spikes in our larger cities were the work of cops who then blame gangs for the killings. That is just how evil some cops are.

This needs to stop.

*****SAD SMILE*****


It's hard to stop it when the Democrat Party and media are trying their best to convince the population that cops are all evil.

Some cops ARE evil!

Very very few. Less than 1%. Cops are statistically more moral and law abiding than the general public. Statistical fact.

And those facts are reported by whom? Other cops?

Actually Obamas Department of Justice under Eric Holder. Their estimate was 0.5% of cops are corrupt. Statistics say you would have to be stopped 200 times to come across that 1 bad cop since the Obama DOJ says about 1 in 200 is corrupt.

I know....Obama and Holder are raging pro cop conservatives now right???

This needs to stop.

*****SAD SMILE*****


It's hard to stop it when the Democrat Party and media are trying their best to convince the population that cops are all evil.

Some cops ARE evil!

Very very few. Less than 1%. Cops are statistically more moral and law abiding than the general public. Statistical fact.

And those facts are reported by whom? Other cops?

Actually Obamas Department of Justice under Eric Holder. Their estimate was 0.5% of cops are corrupt. Statistics say you would have to be stopped 200 times to come across that 1 bad cop since the Obama DOJ says about 1 in 200 is corrupt.

I know....Obama and Holder are raging pro cop conservatives now right???

Corruptness and evil are two different things. Evil cops are the monsters with a gun who crave the opportunity to kill without being held accountable for it. Especially those who kill unarmed people who pose no threat or appear to be running away from them.
Once is too many, cowboy.

But....you said it's a "common practice". So....there would have to be....a half million per year or so since 14,000,000 arrests are made in 2.8 billion hours of police work.

So....are you saying you're full of shit and it's an incredibly immensely rare type of incident? Or....do you have dozens of examples you can at least start with?

Did you major in statistics in college? :laugh:

Your deflection is noted. So you can't back your "common practice" lie. Discussion/

You are just like a cop, and of course, you were. Every word, every breath is an all-or-nothing battle to ya all. So sad.

So just confirming....your "common practice" statement was an absolute lie. Not that I need it confirmed. I just want you to admit it. Your brain is stuck in eternal college sophomore idiocy.

But....you said it's a "common practice". So....there would have to be....a half million per year or so since 14,000,000 arrests are made in 2.8 billion hours of police work.

So....are you saying you're full of shit and it's an incredibly immensely rare type of incident? Or....do you have dozens of examples you can at least start with?

Did you major in statistics in college? :laugh:

Your deflection is noted. So you can't back your "common practice" lie. Discussion/

You are just like a cop, and of course, you were. Every word, every breath is an all-or-nothing battle to ya all. So sad.

So just confirming....your "common practice" statement was an absolute lie. Not that I need it confirmed. I just want you to admit it. Your brain is stuck in eternal college sophomore idiocy.

OOOOOH!!!!! YOU FOUND ONE!!!! 2.8 BILLION hours of police work done by 1,000,000 cops per year. And you have me 1. I'll add the North Charleston incident and the University of Cincinnati one. That's a whole 3!!!!

Man....we're bringing down whole system bro!!!!
I expect Obama to celebrate this cop killing with a party and invite his official BLM buds.
You must feel disappointment quite often when your illusions about Obama never materialize.
Obama invites BLM to the White House. BLM blames the cops for killing and chants to have cops killed. The transitive logic suggests Obama should be pleased by this tragedy. As should all black people, according to BLM and their friend Obama.
I expect Obama to celebrate this cop killing with a party and invite his official BLM buds.
You must feel disappointment quite often when your illusions about Obama never materialize.
Obama invites BLM to the White House. BLM blames the cops for killing and chants to have cops killed. The transitive logic suggests Obama should be pleased by this tragedy. As should all black people, according to BLM and their friend Obama.

I have never heard or saw BLM chant to have cops killed. If you have video or some source that indicates that please share. Don't be shy!

This needs to stop.

*****SAD SMILE*****


It's hard to stop it when the Democrat Party and media are trying their best to convince the population that cops are all evil.

It`s the GOP who thinks criminals, crazies and terrorists should have guns. Gun mania is the GOP`s baby. Blaming democrats when there is a shooting is reaching the peak of Mt. Stupidity.

This needs to stop.

*****SAD SMILE*****


It's hard to stop it when the Democrat Party and media are trying their best to convince the population that cops are all evil.

It`s the GOP who thinks criminals, crazies and terrorists should have guns. Gun mania is the GOP`s baby. Blaming democrats when there is a shooting is reaching the peak of Mt. Stupidity.
Really ? The GOP is only interested in protecting the first amendment, but the policies of the dems over the years, has empowered the very crazies that the legal gun owners are steady having to deal with now. Think about it... Christian values in which the Christians mostly cherish, have been better protected by the conservatives over the years, and not the dems... Think about it. The Christians have been disappointed by the conservatives however, because they have let the liberties of many values slip under their watch over time. Money and greed became the new value that over road many old values, thus opening the doors wide open to what we see now in America.
One can be a Christian or a Conservative. Not both. Christ was neither a racist or a warmonger and if he was I missed something when I went to Catholic school for 8 years. There is nothing Christian in hating gays and minorities.

This needs to stop.

*****SAD SMILE*****


It's hard to stop it when the Democrat Party and media are trying their best to convince the population that cops are all evil.

It`s the GOP who thinks criminals, crazies and terrorists should have guns. Gun mania is the GOP`s baby. Blaming democrats when there is a shooting is reaching the peak of Mt. Stupidity.

Bullshit! Conservatives want all citizens to be free to exercise all of their constitutional rights until they are judged disqualified.
Liberals think that they can control crime by making it difficult to exercise those rights until after a person is arrested.
My right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed and is daily, but your right to my property through taxation is exercised and applauded.
I've got let's just say, more than 10 and less than a truck load of guns here. I've never killed anyone. I'm not a felon, I am not insane. There is no reason to make it difficult for me to acquire another gun. What makes sense is to arrest and imprison convicted felons and those legally judged insane if they are found with a firearm.
The vast majority of gun crimes are committed by...... CRIMINALS. Keep guns from them and leave me the fuck alone

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