2,527 Dept. Of Homeland Security Employees Convicted Of Crimes...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) needs a security check. Since 2004, there have been a staggering 2,527 employees and co-conspirators convicted of corruption and other criminal misconduct. And there will be more; as of July 15, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) was dealing with 1,591 open criminal cases. The majority of those cases were opened in the last three years.

Roughly 65% of the convictions come from Federal Emergency Management Agency-related investigations: 14% from those linked to the Customs and Border Protection agency, 7% from Immigration and Customs Enforcement-related investigations, 5% from the Transportation Security Administration. Another 9% are miscellaneous.

Those employees who can be prosecuted are any who committed the crime while they were appointed, contracted, or officially engaged under authority of law in the performance of a Federal function on behalf of DHS. These include contractor employees, interns, Coast Guard military personnel, Coast Guard Auxiliaries, and employees sent by other Federal agencies to work at DHS.

2,527 Dept. of Homeland Security Employees Convicted of Crimes
The right keeps bitchin about Obama's spending and increasing the size of government, how much did creating a whole new Cabinet post (DHS) cost us and which President spent our tax dollars on that?
The right keeps bitchin about Obama's spending and increasing the size of government, how much did creating a whole new Cabinet post (DHS) cost us and which President spent our tax dollars on that?

Who runs it now is the issue.

The right keeps bitchin about Obama's spending and increasing the size of government, how much did creating a whole new Cabinet post (DHS) cost us and which President spent our tax dollars on that?

The Homeland Security Department is fully supported by both Parties. But i hear ya on your 'Blame BOOOSH!' rant. And you are partially correct. You're almost there. Now you just have to go a little further and realize that the Two-Party System is really just a One-Party System. But you'll get there eventually. I'm confident of that.
The right keeps bitchin about Obama's spending and increasing the size of government, how much did creating a whole new Cabinet post (DHS) cost us and which President spent our tax dollars on that?

The Homeland Security Department is fully supported by both Parties. But i hear ya on your 'Blame BOOOSH!' rant. And you are partially correct. You're almost there. Now you just have to go a little further and realize that the Two-Party System is really just a One-Party System. But you'll get there eventually. I'm confident of that.
One Party System controlled by the Bankers.
The right keeps bitchin about Obama's spending and increasing the size of government, how much did creating a whole new Cabinet post (DHS) cost us and which President spent our tax dollars on that?

The Homeland Security Department is fully supported by both Parties. But i hear ya on your 'Blame BOOOSH!' rant. And you are partially correct. You're almost there. Now you just have to go a little further and realize that the Two-Party System is really just a One-Party System. But you'll get there eventually. I'm confident of that.

Oh, it's a two party system alright. That is to keep the plebs divided for the conquer. The thing most people don't realize about the party system is, none of us voters are part of the party. We're the cattle.
The Homeland Security Department is fully supported by both Parties. But i hear ya on your 'Blame BOOOSH!' rant. And you are partially correct. You're almost there. Now you just have to go a little further and realize that the Two-Party System is really just a One-Party System. But you'll get there eventually. I'm confident of that.
What are you talking about? I've been saying that for years. In fact, I've got a dozen posts at this website saying just that. That reps and dems are "flip-sides of the same coin", because they both answer to the same class of people.

Even though I voted for Obama and liked all his word candy during the campaign, when someone asked me what do I really expect from him out of Washington, I told him, "Business as usual!"

Most of the Presidents (lately) just carry on (and add to) the policies of their predecessors. That's why nothing changes no matter which side is in office. The 2006 mid-term revolt was a mandate to impeach Bush, but the first thing Pelosi did when she became Speaker, was to take that off the table. Obama was voted in as the anti-war candidate, but, as I last looked, we're still at war. Bush started illegal wire-tapping and Obama expanded the program and is now much worse on that issue than Bush was. Bush had the Patriot Act. Obama has the NDAA. The pattern is pretty clear. You got US citizens (cons and libs) on the one side and the corporate oligarchy (government, media and multi-national companies) on the other.

And as long as we keep arguing with each other, nothing is going to get fixed.
Once Romney is president, we'll have a new HS Director aand he'll get things going in the right direction.

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