2 California mosques vandalized, both with 'Jesus' spray-painted in graffiti

If it had been my place of worship, I would be thankful that this is all that happened to the place when much worse could've been done to it.

God bless you and those who go there always!!!


P.S. Oh and to me, if the vandals don't want their place to be messed with, then maybe they should have left this mosque alone.
I will bet you were equally upset when you read about the hundreds of Christian Churches that the Muslims destroyed in the middle east.
At the end of the day, buildings can be re-constructed when actual people can not.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


At the end of the day a can of spray paint can cover up the vandalism done to the Mosques. Rebuilding a Church takes a lot more than a can of spray paint.
and in Canada, muslims have been invited to pray in jewish synagogue.
Muslims did not drive four jet airliners into Canadian buildings and fields, killing over 3,000 Canadians... faux comparison.
In France last year, an imam was found guilty of vandalising his mosque and blaming it on 'islamophobes'. He was fined and even deported I think. This has happened in Australia, and several times in Europe, usually following Islamic terrorist attacks, the most convincing time to stage mosque vandalism, of course. So, something to bear in mind.
If it had been my place of worship, I would be thankful that this is all that happened to the place when much worse could've been done to it.

God bless you and those who go there always!!!


P.S. Oh and to me, if the vandals don't want their place to be messed with, then maybe they should have left this mosque alone.
I will bet you were equally upset when you read about the hundreds of Christian Churches that the Muslims destroyed in the middle east.
At the end of the day, buildings can be re-constructed when actual people can not.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

At the end of the day a can of spray paint can cover up the vandalism done to the Mosques. Rebuilding a Church takes a lot more than a can of spray paint.
Exactly. That is why I said in my first message what it is that I said in my first message. The place is still there, so not as much needs to be done to it. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

More christian terrorism

(CNN)One mosque had "Jesus is the Way" spray-painted across the front. Another mosque was defaced and left with a fake grenade in the driveway.

Both acts of vandalism took place in the same California city, about an hour west of where the San Bernardino terror attack took place this month.

2 California mosques vandalized, both with 'Jesus' - CNN.com

I wonder how many non-Muslim's know that Muslim's have Jesus in the Qur'an. Hmmm, maybe sometimes some should learn about thy enemy before they paint a name on the building that is a pillar of Islam...
More christian terrorism

(CNN)One mosque had "Jesus is the Way" spray-painted across the front. Another mosque was defaced and left with a fake grenade in the driveway.

Both acts of vandalism took place in the same California city, about an hour west of where the San Bernardino terror attack took place this month.

2 California mosques vandalized, both with 'Jesus' - CNN.com

I wonder how many non-Muslim's know that Muslim's have Jesus in the Qur'an. Hmmm, maybe sometimes some should learn about thy enemy before they paint a name on the building that is a pillar of Islam...
They have Isa, whom they say is Jesus. In Islamic theology Isa is going to kill all Christians, Jews and anyone else who won't convert to Islam. He will also destroy all houses of worship other than mosques. Does that sound like the Christian Jesus to you?
and in Canada, muslims have been invited to pray in jewish synagogue.
Muslims did not drive four jet airliners into Canadian buildings and fields, killing over 3,000 Canadians... faux comparison.

Leave 9/11 in the past where it belongs. Don't be one of those people who mindlessly obsesses over it and chooses to relive the memory every time they see a Muslim.

The spate of anti-Islam vandalism comes as Muslims in southern California have rallied in support of the victims of the San Bernardino attack. On Thursday, a group called Muslims United for San Bernardino announced that it had raised $180,000, or nearly four times its target, to support families of the victims. And on Sunday, the day the graffiti was discovered, Muslim leaders joined Los Angeles’s mayor and police chief at a rally against violence and extremism at Los Angeles city hall.

“This type of behavior is born out of ignorance and fear,” Ahsan M. Khan, chapter president of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, told the Associated Press. “It’s through peaceful dialogue that we can hopefully see less of this type of hate crime,” he said.

‘Jesus’ graffiti left at two southern California mosques — fake hand grenade also left at one
I think this Khan asshole needs to go fucking 'dialogue' with the leaders of ISIS.
When I see a million 'peace-loving' muslim marching in the streets and turning in the terrorists the KNOW!!!!! are living among them then I'll start to give a shit about a couple of muslims 'pretending' to be speaking out against radical jihadists many of them living in Dearborn.
The FBI has said that the Muslim community has provided zero help in identifying radical Muslims. Zero!

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