2 cops shot (one killed) in Brooklyn

There is blood on hands of those who demanded ‘dead cops’


“What do we want?” drones the blood chant. “Dead cops!” comes the reply. Done. Thus does rhetoric have consequences. There may have been just a single shooter in Bedford-Stuyvesant on Saturday afternoon. But New York’s failure to denounce without nuance the bloodlust that’s been boiling out of the corners of the Eric Garner-Michael Brown demonstrations for weeks now boils down to this: There is blood on many hands this morning. Yes, First Amendment. Yes, redress of grievances. Yes, peaceful protests — even as clogged bridges and mobbed boulevards created, however temporarily, very real peril for tens of thousands of New...

Yes, I think there is a line between free speech and uttering threats too though.

Uttering? I could hear them quite clearly on that video, Chris. It should be clearly against the law to do what they are doing. Obviously some group like the ACLU has once again threatened with their lawsuits if anyone takes away their freedom of speech. ACLU never seems to fail to be on the wrong side of the American people!
There is NO communist agenda in NYC Mayor's office

Oh, did he take down his 'Che' poster?
So everyone who admires resistance and has a sophomoric attachment to a Che poster is a communist?

So, everyone who "admires" communist murderers and hangs idols to them in their home...

Come on, you can't be this stupid. Your desperate need for partisanship is making a fool of you.
No, the mayor needs to respect the wishes of the fallen officers' families. He has NO RIGHT to attend a funeral where he is not welcome or wanted. He would be upsetting people who are already upset enough.

Stop identifying yourself so personally with something that has nothing to do with you. Years ago you'd have been committed for Female Hysteria Syndrome

What I said is the the truth. He would have to be a complete asshole and a worthless human being to show up a funeral where he is not welcome. He should be respectful of those who are grieving and stop being selfish and stay away.

Female hysteria on display


It's not hysteria. It's called having respect.

He's part of the ACLU crowd. He has no concept of the term. Not when it comes to Americans. Criminals, Communists, Paedophiles, Cop killers, Nazis, War Criminals, Terrorists, God Haters, those are the people ACLU types respect. If you don't fall under that category you are all out of luck.

You're an immigrant and a woman?

what a world, what a world
There is NO communist agenda in NYC Mayor's office

Oh, did he take down his 'Che' poster?
So everyone who admires resistance and has a sophomoric attachment to a Che poster is a communist?

So, everyone who "admires" communist murderers and hangs idols to them in their home...

Come on, you can't be this stupid. Your desperate need for partisanship is making a fool of you.

ya think?
Im laughing...........

At the end of the day, this is about hairbrain progressive idea's.......evidently, they never saw the movie "A Christmas Story"........"you'll shoot your eye out kid!!!". Of course, that's what the progressive meatheads have done here.......the "results" of their social engineering attempts ALWAYS end up being a spectacular disaster.

Almost all of the progressive assholes ion this board hail from places like Scratchmyasville USA and Irrelevantstown USA. All their ivory tower good intentions/disaster results shit doesn't fly when applied to the read world. I live a 20 minute drive to Manhattan. I am surrounded with NYPD my whole life. A sheriff lives exactly next door to me. Two dads on my kids hockey team - NYPD. Like the human scum that killed these cops, the police heads want to explode because they put these guys away and a few months later are arresting them again for another violent crime!! Only the progressive jerkoffs think this should leave them in a blissfull mood each day they go to work!!! Plus, NYPD cops don't make shit for a salary ( Suffolk cops by me make 3X the salary ). In the boroughs, most of the neighborhoods are NOT multicultural.........there are Jewish neighborhoods........Puertorican neighborhoods.........etc............and all black neighborhoods!!! So........complete scumbags like Sharpton and those who support his methods/agenda.........this shit keeps ramping up, the blacks get fucked when the calls come in ( with specific codes identifying the crime in progress ) to the units. Only progressive bubble dwellers think the unit is moving quickly to do its duty..........trust me, on an NYPD salary, that donut and coffee will be completely finished before the siren comes on. And if by the time they get there the shit is still going down and orders are ignored, you're getting your hat knocked off like Brown or having a strong message sent in a highly discreet manner............lol........its known as the "porch monkey cycle". Funny as shit to hear the stories but underneath, a very understandable resentment of the system..............a system championed by the bonehead mental case progressives.
happens all the time. A public event. There are private funerals

NYPD union needs to respect the people and their elected Mayor.

They have no respect for Communists. Neither should any God fearing American. I believe Americans can respectfully request that a Communist Mayor stay away from their funerals and the Communist Mayor should respect that request by staying away. As someone who thinks the ACLU is a great organization I can understand why you cannot quite get that, Dante'.

What religion? keep your dirty little twisted religious views to yourself

This is a free speech message board. If my views trouble, if you are that delicate? Then leave this board. I do not take orders from you, Dante'. Understand?

Yes, he seems to be awfully bossy. . . and patronizing.

dainty made a big announcement that he was leaving usmb

what a drama queen


It's protests like this in support of two criminals and against the police is what pushed that black Muslim thug to murder those two cops in NYC?

Quiet idiot. No one should be killed for selling loose cigarettes (which isn't even a misdemeanor)
It's people like you with a agenda of inciting riots. That fatass wasn't killed for selling loose cigarettes. He died because he's a fatass resisting arrest.
She doesn't care. She's like a little sheep. Unable to think for herself these are the people the leftist love. Educated people, who tow the line, and fall in line with the narrative pushed by the leftist, race baiting, scum

There is a reason some are unable to think for themselves. They are products of Marxist indoctrination which has dulled their abilities "to" reason. According to one former KGB Agent who was an expert in Subversion - highly trained and skilled in the technique - Communism takes over a nation in 4 stages.

The first stage is Demoralization. Demoralization is where the people begin to demoralize themselves and blame their own nation for having a system that promotes freedom, defends itself - even by war - promotes Capitolism, Christianity, good morals, etc.

They have to turn the people against their own nation and create an atmosphere of shame. Think back to Vietnam Era and the 60's - it began there, I believe. Thus the term - demoralization.

Next comes Destabalization - that happens when the military is weakened, strong leaders replaced with weaklings, Constitution no longer enforced, people dependent on huge government handouts, everything is given away rather than earned, lawlessness abounds (such as video above depicted in marching the streets of NYC unabated demanding murder of Police Officers) more government jobs, big, big government, taking over everything from car industries to banks, etc. Destabilization is stage 2. Then comes stage 3 which is Crisis and this takes 6 weeks ( America appears to be at the door to it) to complete according to Yuri Bemzanov Russian defector who taught on Communist takeovers of nations - and finally you have stage 4 and the Communists have a special word for this. It's called Normalization. Things are normalized once the Communists march in, tanks roll in and takeover phase is now finished. Nation is officially under banner of Communism.

What the people who assist Communists do not understand is that in every Communist takeover the very first people to be executed were the ones who rebelled against their government and assisted in Communist takeover. Why? Yuri said the Communists believe if these people will rebel on and betray their own people and their own nation - they cannot be trusted to be left alive. That means that those defending Marxism today - Professors, actors, actresses, producers in Hollywood, Music Moguls, writers, News media personalities, etc will be the first to go once the Communists "NORMALIZE" here in the USA. They will be executed. Then they will understand what they do not appear to understand now. And not until then - for most of them.

Which is why the Russian Communists coined a phrase for such people. "Useful Idiots". Horrific. Isn't it?
you need to get a life. Some whacko Russian says something and you take it to the bank? You have to be an immigrant
Im laughing...........

At the end of the day, this is about hairbrain progressive idea's.......evidently, they never saw the movie "A Christmas Story"........"you'll shoot your eye out kid!!!". Of course, that's what the progressive meatheads have done here.......the "results" of their social engineering attempts ALWAYS end up being a spectacular disaster.

Almost all of the progressive assholes ion this board hail from places like Scratchmyasville USA and Irrelevantstown USA. All their ivory tower good intentions/disaster results shit doesn't fly when applied to the read world. I live a 20 minute drive to Manhattan. I am surrounded with NYPD my whole life. A sheriff lives exactly next door to me. Two dads on my kids hockey team - NYPD. Like the human scum that killed these cops, the police heads want to explode because they put these guys away and a few months later are arresting them again for another violent crime!! Only the progressive jerkoffs think this should leave them in a blissfull mood each day they go to work!!! Plus, NYPD cops don't make shit for a salary ( Suffolk cops by me make 3X the salary ). In the boroughs, most of the neighborhoods are NOT multicultural.........there are Jewish neighborhoods........Puertorican neighborhoods.........etc............and all black neighborhoods!!! So........complete scumbags like Sharpton and those who support his methods/agenda.........this shit keeps ramping up, the blacks get fucked when the calls come in ( with specific codes identifying the crime in progress ) to the units. Only progressive bubble dwellers think the unit is moving quickly to do its duty..........trust me, on an NYPD salary, that donut and coffee will be completely finished before the siren comes on. And if by the time they get there the shit is still going down and orders are ignored, you're getting your hat knocked off like Brown or having a strong message sent in a highly discreet manner............lol........its known as the "porch monkey cycle". Funny as shit to hear the stories but underneath, a very understandable resentment of the system..............a system championed by the bonehead mental case progressives.

Didn't you just post this exact same thing?
I wouldn't be surprised if the Mayor puts up a fight not to resign but then the police commissioner sides with the NYPD or quits and then the cops go on strike and quit, and the city is left defenseless. That police commissioner is the key if he goes they all go.

the union is after him too

the only ones supporting him

are the thugs


December 7, 2014

NYPD cops warned militant group Black Guerilla Family ‘preparing to shoot on-duty police officers’
EXCLUSIVE: An NYPD confidential informant learned of the threat on Friday evening — three days after a Staten Island grand jury decided not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo for the chokehold death of Eric Garner. Cop union confirmed the threat late Saturday and were ordering all police officers, on duty and off, to take extra precautions.

A tattooed gang of militants declared open season on the NYPD in the wake of the Eric Garner grand jury decision, according to a threat a police union verified Saturday.

Ten Black Guerrilla Family members are “preparing to shoot on duty police officers,” Sergeants Benevolent Association President Ed Mullins said.

The gang, formed in the 1960s in the California prison system, recently surfaced on the East Coast and Maryland, where members are at the heart of a drug-trafficking and corruption probe within the Baltimore prison system.

NYPD warned militant group plans to shoot cops - NY Daily News
Two dead niiggers for two dead cops. Eye for an eye.

Why does this board allow the N word?

Just because people are so ignorant and racist that they will use the word here, doesn't mean it has to be accepted by rational human beings.

And, if you're going to use the word, why not have the balls to spell it out? Why hide behind cute spellings the way some vile slime hide behind white pillow cases?

Racists are such cowards - all this big talk here but I'll bet most of your friends and family have no idea just what hypocrites you are.

Oh Gawd............limpwristedness is so ghey. Please s0n........buckle up your chinstrap!!!
There is blood on hands of those who demanded ‘dead cops’


“What do we want?” drones the blood chant. “Dead cops!” comes the reply. Done. Thus does rhetoric have consequences. There may have been just a single shooter in Bedford-Stuyvesant on Saturday afternoon. But New York’s failure to denounce without nuance the bloodlust that’s been boiling out of the corners of the Eric Garner-Michael Brown demonstrations for weeks now boils down to this: There is blood on many hands this morning. Yes, First Amendment. Yes, redress of grievances. Yes, peaceful protests — even as clogged bridges and mobbed boulevards created, however temporarily, very real peril for tens of thousands of New...

Exactly who said they wanted dead cops? I saw crows of protesters who were respectful. Then I saw smaller crowds of agitators

facts suck and the Post is in the business of tabloid journalism

Quiet idiot. No one should be killed for selling loose cigarettes (which isn't even a misdemeanor)
It's people like you with a agenda of inciting riots. That fatass wasn't killed for selling loose cigarettes. He died because he's a fatass resisting arrest.
She doesn't care. She's like a little sheep. Unable to think for herself these are the people the leftist love. Educated people, who tow the line, and fall in line with the narrative pushed by the leftist, race baiting, scum

There is a reason some are unable to think for themselves. They are products of Marxist indoctrination which has dulled their abilities "to" reason. According to one former KGB Agent who was an expert in Subversion - highly trained and skilled in the technique - Communism takes over a nation in 4 stages.

The first stage is Demoralization. Demoralization is where the people begin to demoralize themselves and blame their own nation for having a system that promotes freedom, defends itself - even by war - promotes Capitolism, Christianity, good morals, etc.

They have to turn the people against their own nation and create an atmosphere of shame. Think back to Vietnam Era and the 60's - it began there, I believe. Thus the term - demoralization.

Next comes Destabalization - that happens when the military is weakened, strong leaders replaced with weaklings, Constitution no longer enforced, people dependent on huge government handouts, everything is given away rather than earned, lawlessness abounds (such as video above depicted in marching the streets of NYC unabated demanding murder of Police Officers) more government jobs, big, big government, taking over everything from car industries to banks, etc. Destabilization is stage 2. Then comes stage 3 which is Crisis and this takes 6 weeks ( America appears to be at the door to it) to complete according to Yuri Bemzanov Russian defector who taught on Communist takeovers of nations - and finally you have stage 4 and the Communists have a special word for this. It's called Normalization. Things are normalized once the Communists march in, tanks roll in and takeover phase is now finished. Nation is officially under banner of Communism.

What the people who assist Communists do not understand is that in every Communist takeover the very first people to be executed were the ones who rebelled against their government and assisted in Communist takeover. Why? Yuri said the Communists believe if these people will rebel on and betray their own people and their own nation - they cannot be trusted to be left alive. That means that those defending Marxism today - Professors, actors, actresses, producers in Hollywood, Music Moguls, writers, News media personalities, etc will be the first to go once the Communists "NORMALIZE" here in the USA. They will be executed. Then they will understand what they do not appear to understand now. And not until then - for most of them.

Which is why the Russian Communists coined a phrase for such people. "Useful Idiots". Horrific. Isn't it?
you need to get a life. Some whacko Russian says something and you take it to the bank? You have to be an immigrant
Im laughing...........

At the end of the day, this is about hairbrain progressive idea's.......evidently, they never saw the movie "A Christmas Story"........"you'll shoot your eye out kid!!!". Of course, that's what the progressive meatheads have done here.......the "results" of their social engineering attempts ALWAYS end up being a spectacular disaster.

Almost all of the progressive assholes ion this board hail from places like Scratchmyasville USA and Irrelevantstown USA. All their ivory tower good intentions/disaster results shit doesn't fly when applied to the read world. I live a 20 minute drive to Manhattan. I am surrounded with NYPD my whole life. A sheriff lives exactly next door to me. Two dads on my kids hockey team - NYPD. Like the human scum that killed these cops, the police heads want to explode because they put these guys away and a few months later are arresting them again for another violent crime!! Only the progressive jerkoffs think this should leave them in a blissfull mood each day they go to work!!! Plus, NYPD cops don't make shit for a salary ( Suffolk cops by me make 3X the salary ). In the boroughs, most of the neighborhoods are NOT multicultural.........there are Jewish neighborhoods........Puertorican neighborhoods.........etc............and all black neighborhoods!!! So........complete scumbags like Sharpton and those who support his methods/agenda.........this shit keeps ramping up, the blacks get fucked when the calls come in ( with specific codes identifying the crime in progress ) to the units. Only progressive bubble dwellers think the unit is moving quickly to do its duty..........trust me, on an NYPD salary, that donut and coffee will be completely finished before the siren comes on. And if by the time they get there the shit is still going down and orders are ignored, you're getting your hat knocked off like Brown or having a strong message sent in a highly discreet manner............lol........its known as the "porch monkey cycle". Funny as shit to hear the stories but underneath, a very understandable resentment of the system..............a system championed by the bonehead mental case progressives.

Didn't you just post this exact same thing?

Yep s0n...........Realville stuff sometimes needs to be reposted.:coffee:
They have no respect for Communists. Neither should any God fearing American. I believe Americans can respectfully request that a Communist Mayor stay away from their funerals and the Communist Mayor should respect that request by staying away. As someone who thinks the ACLU is a great organization I can understand why you cannot quite get that, Dante'.

What religion? keep your dirty little twisted religious views to yourself

This is a free speech message board. If my views trouble, if you are that delicate? Then leave this board. I do not take orders from you, Dante'. Understand?

Yes, he seems to be awfully bossy. . . and patronizing.

dainty made a big announcement that he was leaving usmb

what a drama queen



We already KNOW you are clueless, not to mention foolish.

Why haven't you responded to my question to you about regulating cigarettes? Why don't stop trolling and try to answer a serious question for once?
I hope that POS De Blasio isn't allowed to go to the funeral.

Two NYPD cops shot one fatally in Brooklyn sources - NY Daily News

Why? Because he is acknowledging that killing cops is unacceptable but expecting them not to choke and gun down unarmed blacks isn't acceptable either. M
The racist brigade on this board is disgusting.

This incident didn't happen in a vacuum.The anti police sentiment, which has been stoked and encouraged to run wild by De Blasio since the Eric Garner GJ decision is something that should be thought about. Jillian, enough with your black victimhood already. You play this shit a day after a black shoots two cops execution style. You want blacks to have less problems with police? Maybe you should suggest they don't commit so many crimes.
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You're talking to a guy who just threatened to shoot police officers in the head. I got it recorded in my signature now.
What does that do? Does it make it more heinous or something?

Yes, it makes you a self-centered ass.
Nothing self centered about not being a victim of someones inferiority complex. Cops dont get to exercise their power issues with me and get away with it.

The thread is NOT about you. It's about two innocent people who were gunned down by a psychotic murderer.
Then dont make it about me. If those cops were innocent people then like I said with my first post thats not cool. If they were crooked cops I'm glad someone shot them.

You said you want to shoot cops just for harassing you. I got it right in my signature line so nobody forgets.
Another De Blasio fail at the hospital...

Earlier, de Blasio approached a cluster of cops at the Brooklyn Hospital and offered, “We’re all in this together.”

“No we’re not,” an officer replied tersely, according to a cop who witnessed the icy scene.

That doesn't surprise me. This is what happens when avowed communists are voted into office.

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