2 cops shot (one killed) in Brooklyn

Out of respect for NYPD wishes the De Blasio should stay far away from that funeral. He has not acted as a Mayor, Dante'. The NYPD are deeply offended by his words, actions and his communist agenda. They do not want him at their funerals. He needs to respect that. So do you.

I don't what kind of person would show up at a funeral where he was not welcome.

happens all the time. A public event. There are private funerals

NYPD union needs to respect the people and their elected Mayor.

They have no respect for Communists. Neither should any God fearing American. I believe Americans can respectfully request that a Communist Mayor stay away from their funerals and the Communist Mayor should respect that request by staying away. As someone who thinks the ACLU is a great organization I can understand why you cannot quite get that, Dante'.

What religion? keep your dirty little twisted religious views to yourself

This is a free speech message board. If my views trouble, if you are that delicate? Then leave this board. I do not take orders from you, Dante'. Understand?

Yes, he seems to be awfully bossy. . . and patronizing.
happens all the time. A public event. There are private funerals

NYPD union needs to respect the people and their elected Mayor.

No, the mayor needs to respect the wishes of the fallen officers' families. He has NO RIGHT to attend a funeral where he is not welcome or wanted. He would be upsetting people who are already upset enough.

Stop identifying yourself so personally with something that has nothing to do with you. Years ago you'd have been committed for Female Hysteria Syndrome

What I said is the the truth. He would have to be a complete asshole and a worthless human being to show up a funeral where he is not welcome. He should be respectful of those who are grieving and stop being selfish and stay away.

Female hysteria on display


It's not hysteria. It's called having respect.

He's part of the ACLU crowd. He has no concept of the term. Not when it comes to Americans. Criminals, Communists, Paedophiles, Cop killers, Nazis, War Criminals, Terrorists, God Haters, those are the people ACLU types respect. If you don't fall under that category you are all out of luck.
There is blood on hands of those who demanded ‘dead cops’


“What do we want?” drones the blood chant. “Dead cops!” comes the reply. Done. Thus does rhetoric have consequences. There may have been just a single shooter in Bedford-Stuyvesant on Saturday afternoon. But New York’s failure to denounce without nuance the bloodlust that’s been boiling out of the corners of the Eric Garner-Michael Brown demonstrations for weeks now boils down to this: There is blood on many hands this morning. Yes, First Amendment. Yes, redress of grievances. Yes, peaceful protests — even as clogged bridges and mobbed boulevards created, however temporarily, very real peril for tens of thousands of New...
I don't what kind of person would show up at a funeral where he was not welcome.

happens all the time. A public event. There are private funerals

NYPD union needs to respect the people and their elected Mayor.

They have no respect for Communists. Neither should any God fearing American. I believe Americans can respectfully request that a Communist Mayor stay away from their funerals and the Communist Mayor should respect that request by staying away. As someone who thinks the ACLU is a great organization I can understand why you cannot quite get that, Dante'.

What religion? keep your dirty little twisted religious views to yourself

This is a free speech message board. If my views trouble, if you are that delicate? Then leave this board. I do not take orders from you, Dante'. Understand?

Yes, he seems to be awfully bossy. . . and patronizing.

Too much time spent with the ACLU. He's in for a very rude awakening one of these days. VERY.
I don't what kind of person would show up at a funeral where he was not welcome.

happens all the time. A public event. There are private funerals

NYPD union needs to respect the people and their elected Mayor.

They have no respect for Communists. Neither should any God fearing American. I believe Americans can respectfully request that a Communist Mayor stay away from their funerals and the Communist Mayor should respect that request by staying away. As someone who thinks the ACLU is a great organization I can understand why you cannot quite get that, Dante'.

What religion? keep your dirty little twisted religious views to yourself

This is a free speech message board. If my views trouble, if you are that delicate? Then leave this board. I do not take orders from you, Dante'. Understand?

Yes, he seems to be awfully bossy. . . and patronizing.

dainty made a big announcement that he was leaving usmb

what a drama queen
There is blood on hands of those who demanded ‘dead cops’


“What do we want?” drones the blood chant. “Dead cops!” comes the reply. Done. Thus does rhetoric have consequences. There may have been just a single shooter in Bedford-Stuyvesant on Saturday afternoon. But New York’s failure to denounce without nuance the bloodlust that’s been boiling out of the corners of the Eric Garner-Michael Brown demonstrations for weeks now boils down to this: There is blood on many hands this morning. Yes, First Amendment. Yes, redress of grievances. Yes, peaceful protests — even as clogged bridges and mobbed boulevards created, however temporarily, very real peril for tens of thousands of New...

I agree but you can be sure groups such as the ACLU will be right there to defend "their rights" and their "freedom of speech". Even though this clearly crosses the line. Sad, isn't it?
happens all the time. A public event. There are private funerals

NYPD union needs to respect the people and their elected Mayor.

They have no respect for Communists. Neither should any God fearing American. I believe Americans can respectfully request that a Communist Mayor stay away from their funerals and the Communist Mayor should respect that request by staying away. As someone who thinks the ACLU is a great organization I can understand why you cannot quite get that, Dante'.

What religion? keep your dirty little twisted religious views to yourself

This is a free speech message board. If my views trouble, if you are that delicate? Then leave this board. I do not take orders from you, Dante'. Understand?

Yes, he seems to be awfully bossy. . . and patronizing.

dainty made a big announcement that he was leaving usmb

what a drama queen

That is his choice. If he is too sensitive for this board, he's too sensitive.

They have BLOOD on their hands. The sooner people start REJECTING Al Sharpton the better
Leftists held a "die In" yesterday at The Mall of America. The police should mow them down making their protest a reality.

Time for this protesting to end.

What an incredible waste of ones time

It's protests like this in support of two criminals and against the police is what pushed that black Muslim thug to murder those two cops in NYC?

Quiet idiot. No one should be killed for selling loose cigarettes (which isn't even a misdemeanor)
He wasn't killed for that Idiot.
happens all the time. A public event. There are private funerals

NYPD union needs to respect the people and their elected Mayor.

They have no respect for Communists. Neither should any God fearing American. I believe Americans can respectfully request that a Communist Mayor stay away from their funerals and the Communist Mayor should respect that request by staying away. As someone who thinks the ACLU is a great organization I can understand why you cannot quite get that, Dante'.

What religion? keep your dirty little twisted religious views to yourself

This is a free speech message board. If my views trouble, if you are that delicate? Then leave this board. I do not take orders from you, Dante'. Understand?

Yes, he seems to be awfully bossy. . . and patronizing.

dainty made a big announcement that he was leaving usmb

what a drama queen

Not to go off topic, but I have noticed that he is a bit of an attention whore. :D

A second slay attempt on NYPD officers was narrowly avoided early Sunday when a gunman’s weapon jammed as he took aim at two cops outside a Bronx housing project, sources said.
Investigators grabbed the wannabe cop killer after he dropped his gun and ran into the Millbrook Houses on Saint Anns Ave. in Port Morris, sources said.

Two NYPD cops assassinated in Brooklyn revenge killing - NY Daily News
Out of respect for NYPD wishes the De Blasio should stay far away from that funeral. He has not acted as a Mayor, Dante'. The NYPD are deeply offended by his words, actions and his communist agenda. They do not want him at their funerals. He needs to respect that. So do you.

I don't what kind of person would show up at a funeral where he was not welcome.

happens all the time. A public event. There are private funerals

NYPD union needs to respect the people and their elected Mayor.

They have no respect for Communists. Neither should any God fearing American. I believe Americans can respectfully request that a Communist Mayor stay away from their funerals and the Communist Mayor should respect that request by staying away. As someone who thinks the ACLU is a great organization I can understand why you cannot quite get that, Dante'.

What religion? keep your dirty little twisted religious views to yourself

This is a free speech message board. If my views trouble, if you are that delicate? Then leave this board. I do not take orders from you, Dante'. Understand?

Stop prostrating yourself to the altar of crazy religious beliefs. There are less crazy ones out there. You can get on your knees and do stations of the cross, and see images in bank windows and in english muffins...
There is blood on hands of those who demanded ‘dead cops’


“What do we want?” drones the blood chant. “Dead cops!” comes the reply. Done. Thus does rhetoric have consequences. There may have been just a single shooter in Bedford-Stuyvesant on Saturday afternoon. But New York’s failure to denounce without nuance the bloodlust that’s been boiling out of the corners of the Eric Garner-Michael Brown demonstrations for weeks now boils down to this: There is blood on many hands this morning. Yes, First Amendment. Yes, redress of grievances. Yes, peaceful protests — even as clogged bridges and mobbed boulevards created, however temporarily, very real peril for tens of thousands of New...

Yes, I think there is a line between free speech and uttering threats too though.
There is blood on hands of those who demanded ‘dead cops’


“What do we want?” drones the blood chant. “Dead cops!” comes the reply. Done. Thus does rhetoric have consequences. There may have been just a single shooter in Bedford-Stuyvesant on Saturday afternoon. But New York’s failure to denounce without nuance the bloodlust that’s been boiling out of the corners of the Eric Garner-Michael Brown demonstrations for weeks now boils down to this: There is blood on many hands this morning. Yes, First Amendment. Yes, redress of grievances. Yes, peaceful protests — even as clogged bridges and mobbed boulevards created, however temporarily, very real peril for tens of thousands of New...

Cops are public servants. So are Politicians. What if these people had a march down the streets of NYC calling for their lives? It is against the law. Plain and simple. I believe the NYPD has been told to stand down and permit these people to do this. If that be the case, the Mayor is promoting lawlessness at every turn now and it is undoubtedly coming straight from the WH. Not acceptable at all.
Cops loose it because they have to deal with stupid assholes all day every day, often in an unfriendly political atmosphere with powers to be working against them. And everyone has a limit. Sometimes you don't know your limit until you get there, I know I couldn't do the job. I'd be headlines news on CNN the first week.

Yes, we need to weed out the bad ones but showing bad examples in infinite loops while pretending the perps are victims of society only serves to inflame tensions. But it makes for good TV so on and on it goes.
We've all seen videos of rogues cops. They are few, but they exist. We've also seen videos of cops having a bad day and getting out of control. Poor supervision

Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department had a huge problem with cops turned bad. Huge. Newly elected Sheriff McDonnell (from Boston originally and career in LAPD) addressed that at an election night celebration.
Are you repeating your posts?
I don't what kind of person would show up at a funeral where he was not welcome.

happens all the time. A public event. There are private funerals

NYPD union needs to respect the people and their elected Mayor.

They have no respect for Communists. Neither should any God fearing American. I believe Americans can respectfully request that a Communist Mayor stay away from their funerals and the Communist Mayor should respect that request by staying away. As someone who thinks the ACLU is a great organization I can understand why you cannot quite get that, Dante'.

What religion? keep your dirty little twisted religious views to yourself

This is a free speech message board. If my views trouble, if you are that delicate? Then leave this board. I do not take orders from you, Dante'. Understand?

Yes, he seems to be awfully bossy. . . and patronizing.

yeah, Dante's swagger and your hysteria. We are caricatures of the sexes, but you must know your place to play the caricature.

and what is this with the women who post together bleed together thing? bleeding hearts?
the union is after him too

the only ones supporting him

are the thugs


December 7, 2014

NYPD cops warned militant group Black Guerilla Family ‘preparing to shoot on-duty police officers’
EXCLUSIVE: An NYPD confidential informant learned of the threat on Friday evening — three days after a Staten Island grand jury decided not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo for the chokehold death of Eric Garner. Cop union confirmed the threat late Saturday and were ordering all police officers, on duty and off, to take extra precautions.

A tattooed gang of militants declared open season on the NYPD in the wake of the Eric Garner grand jury decision, according to a threat a police union verified Saturday.

Ten Black Guerrilla Family members are “preparing to shoot on duty police officers,” Sergeants Benevolent Association President Ed Mullins said.

The gang, formed in the 1960s in the California prison system, recently surfaced on the East Coast and Maryland, where members are at the heart of a drug-trafficking and corruption probe within the Baltimore prison system.

NYPD warned militant group plans to shoot cops - NY Daily News
Two dead niiggers for two dead cops. Eye for an eye.

Why does this board allow the N word?

Just because people are so ignorant and racist that they will use the word here, doesn't mean it has to be accepted by rational human beings.

And, if you're going to use the word, why not have the balls to spell it out? Why hide behind cute spellings the way some vile slime hide behind white pillow cases?

Racists are such cowards - all this big talk here but I'll bet most of your friends and family have no idea just what hypocrites you are.

Two innocent human beings slaughtered and being 'offended' is your biggest prob???


wow huh

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