2 cops shot (one killed) in Brooklyn

I hope that POS De Blasio isn't allowed to go to the funeral.

Two NYPD cops shot one fatally in Brooklyn sources - NY Daily News

Huh? He's the Mayor you bozo

Out of respect for NYPD wishes the De Blasio should stay far away from that funeral. He has not acted as a Mayor, Dante'. The NYPD are deeply offended by his words, actions and his communist agenda. They do not want him at their funerals. He needs to respect that. So do you.

I don't what kind of person would show up at a funeral where he was not welcome.

happens all the time. A public event. There are private funerals

NYPD union needs to respect the people and their elected Mayor.

No, the mayor needs to respect the wishes of the fallen officers' families. He has NO RIGHT to attend a funeral where he is not welcome or wanted. He would be upsetting people who are already upset enough.
Cops loose it because they have to deal with stupid assholes all day every day, often in an unfriendly political atmosphere with powers to be working against them. And everyone has a limit. Sometimes you don't know your limit until you get there, I know I couldn't do the job. I'd be headlines news on CNN the first week.

Yes, we need to weed out the bad ones but showing bad examples in infinite loops while pretending the perps are victims of society only serves to inflame tensions. But it makes for good TV so on and on it goes.
No one should be killed for selling loose cigarettes (which isn't even a misdemeanor)

No one should be arrested for that, but no one should resist arrest (especially someone who had been arrested multiple times before and knew the score).
It was a liberal inspired law that turned a once legal activity into a crime. Just some more unintended consequences. Liberals are stupid and should never be in control of people.

Liberal? Hey goofball, progressive. California is an example of right wing and left wing progressives and populists making bad laws
I concede the qualifier of Progressive.
I hope that POS De Blasio isn't allowed to go to the funeral.

Two NYPD cops shot one fatally in Brooklyn sources - NY Daily News

Huh? He's the Mayor you bozo

Out of respect for NYPD wishes the De Blasio should stay far away from that funeral. He has not acted as a Mayor, Dante'. The NYPD are deeply offended by his words, actions and his communist agenda. They do not want him at their funerals. He needs to respect that. So do you.

Communist agenda? wtf do you get this crap?

You're not serious, are you????

There is NO communist agenda in NYC Mayor's office

Perhaps you misunderstand the usage....

Replace 'communist' with any of the following synonyms:
socialist, Liberals, Progressive,.....
Huh? He's the Mayor you bozo

Out of respect for NYPD wishes the De Blasio should stay far away from that funeral. He has not acted as a Mayor, Dante'. The NYPD are deeply offended by his words, actions and his communist agenda. They do not want him at their funerals. He needs to respect that. So do you.

Communist agenda? wtf do you get this crap?

You're not serious, are you????

There is NO communist agenda in NYC Mayor's office

Perhaps you misunderstand the usage....

Replace 'communist' with any of the following synonyms:
socialist, Liberals, Progressive,.....
Ok Ann Coulter :lol:
What we know:
The killer was a coward as he shot the cops from behind, He also killed his girlfriend
He was a member of a of an aptly named gang: Black Guerrilla Family.
The only good that came out of his actions, was he saved NYC a lot of money by killing himself.
With this dirt bag gone the world is a better place now.
I hope that POS De Blasio isn't allowed to go to the funeral.

Two NYPD cops shot one fatally in Brooklyn sources - NY Daily News

Huh? He's the Mayor you bozo

Out of respect for NYPD wishes the De Blasio should stay far away from that funeral. He has not acted as a Mayor, Dante'. The NYPD are deeply offended by his words, actions and his communist agenda. They do not want him at their funerals. He needs to respect that. So do you.

I don't what kind of person would show up at a funeral where he was not welcome.

happens all the time. A public event. There are private funerals

NYPD union needs to respect the people and their elected Mayor.

No, the mayor needs to respect the wishes of the fallen officers' families. He has NO RIGHT to attend a funeral where he is not welcome or wanted. He would be upsetting people who are already upset enough.

Stop identifying yourself so personally with something that has nothing to do with you. Years ago you'd have been committed for Female Hysteria Syndrome
Cops loose it because they have to deal with stupid assholes all day every day, often in an unfriendly political atmosphere with powers to be working against them. And everyone has a limit. Sometimes you don't know your limit until you get there, I know I couldn't do the job. I'd be headlines news on CNN the first week.

Yes, we need to weed out the bad ones but showing bad examples in infinite loops while pretending the perps are victims of society only serves to inflame tensions. But it makes for good TV so on and on it goes.
We've all seen videos of rogues cops. They are few, but they exist. We've also seen videos of cops having a bad day and getting out of control. Poor supervision

Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department had a huge problem with cops turned bad. Huge. Newly elected Sheriff McDonnell (from Boston originally and career in LAPD) addressed that at an election night celebration.
No one should be killed for selling loose cigarettes (which isn't even a misdemeanor)

No one should be arrested for that, but no one should resist arrest (especially someone who had been arrested multiple times before and knew the score).
It was a liberal inspired laws that turned a once legal activity into a crime. Just some more unintended consequences. Liberals are stupid and should never be in control of people.

The guy was a criminal, trying to make easy money by selling cigarettes without the added tax, and meanwhile taking business away from legitimate business owners, ignoring regulations and laws regarding the sales of cigarettes to minors, etc. Also he had a rap sheet with over 30 former arrests. Yes, he deserved to be arrested and charged with a crime.

Also, he could have handled the situation like an adult, gone with the police, and handled it in court, like any sane person would do, rather than fight with the police on a public street.

The dumb ass was selling loose cigs outside a store that sells...cigarettes...
So the store owner called the police....

If the man did not put up a struggle.
If the man was not like 100 + lbs overweight with some existing health issues.
If someone spoke up against thousands protesting demanding dead cops.
We would not have two dead cops today.

But of course all this will be blamed on whitey.
Huh? He's the Mayor you bozo

Out of respect for NYPD wishes the De Blasio should stay far away from that funeral. He has not acted as a Mayor, Dante'. The NYPD are deeply offended by his words, actions and his communist agenda. They do not want him at their funerals. He needs to respect that. So do you.

I don't what kind of person would show up at a funeral where he was not welcome.

happens all the time. A public event. There are private funerals

NYPD union needs to respect the people and their elected Mayor.

No, the mayor needs to respect the wishes of the fallen officers' families. He has NO RIGHT to attend a funeral where he is not welcome or wanted. He would be upsetting people who are already upset enough.

Stop identifying yourself so personally with something that has nothing to do with you. Years ago you'd have been committed for Female Hysteria Syndrome

What I said is the the truth. He would have to be a complete asshole and a worthless human being to show up a funeral where he is not welcome. He should be respectful of those who are grieving and stop being selfish and stay away.
I hope that POS De Blasio isn't allowed to go to the funeral.

Two NYPD cops shot one fatally in Brooklyn sources - NY Daily News

Huh? He's the Mayor you bozo

Out of respect for NYPD wishes the De Blasio should stay far away from that funeral. He has not acted as a Mayor, Dante'. The NYPD are deeply offended by his words, actions and his communist agenda. They do not want him at their funerals. He needs to respect that. So do you.

I don't what kind of person would show up at a funeral where he was not welcome.

happens all the time. A public event. There are private funerals

NYPD union needs to respect the people and their elected Mayor.

They have no respect for Communists. Neither should any God fearing American. I believe Americans can respectfully request that a Communist Mayor stay away from their funerals and the Communist Mayor should respect that request by staying away. As someone who thinks the ACLU is a great organization I can understand why you cannot quite get that, Dante'.
Out of respect for NYPD wishes the De Blasio should stay far away from that funeral. He has not acted as a Mayor, Dante'. The NYPD are deeply offended by his words, actions and his communist agenda. They do not want him at their funerals. He needs to respect that. So do you.

I don't what kind of person would show up at a funeral where he was not welcome.

happens all the time. A public event. There are private funerals

NYPD union needs to respect the people and their elected Mayor.

No, the mayor needs to respect the wishes of the fallen officers' families. He has NO RIGHT to attend a funeral where he is not welcome or wanted. He would be upsetting people who are already upset enough.

Stop identifying yourself so personally with something that has nothing to do with you. Years ago you'd have been committed for Female Hysteria Syndrome

What I said is the the truth. He would have to be a complete asshole and a worthless human being to show up a funeral where he is not welcome. He should be respectful of those who are grieving and stop being selfish and stay away.

Female hysteria on display

I hope that POS De Blasio isn't allowed to go to the funeral.

Two NYPD cops shot one fatally in Brooklyn sources - NY Daily News

Huh? He's the Mayor you bozo

Out of respect for NYPD wishes the De Blasio should stay far away from that funeral. He has not acted as a Mayor, Dante'. The NYPD are deeply offended by his words, actions and his communist agenda. They do not want him at their funerals. He needs to respect that. So do you.

I don't what kind of person would show up at a funeral where he was not welcome.

happens all the time. A public event. There are private funerals

NYPD union needs to respect the people and their elected Mayor.

They have no respect for Communists. Neither should any God fearing American. I believe Americans can respectfully request that a Communist Mayor stay away from their funerals and the Communist Mayor should respect that request by staying away. As someone who thinks the ACLU is a great organization I can understand why you cannot quite get that, Dante'.

What religion? keep your dirty little twisted religious views to yourself
What an incredible waste of ones time

It's protests like this in support of two criminals and against the police is what pushed that black Muslim thug to murder those two cops in NYC?

Quiet idiot. No one should be killed for selling loose cigarettes (which isn't even a misdemeanor)
It's people like you with a agenda of inciting riots. That fatass wasn't killed for selling loose cigarettes. He died because he's a fatass resisting arrest.
She doesn't care. She's like a little sheep. Unable to think for herself these are the people the leftist love. Educated people, who tow the line, and fall in line with the narrative pushed by the leftist, race baiting, scum

There is a reason some are unable to think for themselves. They are products of Marxist indoctrination which has dulled their abilities "to" reason. According to one former KGB Agent who was an expert in Subversion - highly trained and skilled in the technique - Communism takes over a nation in 4 stages.

The first stage is Demoralization. Demoralization is where the people begin to demoralize themselves and blame their own nation for having a system that promotes freedom, defends itself - even by war - promotes Capitolism, Christianity, good morals, etc.

They have to turn the people against their own nation and create an atmosphere of shame. Think back to Vietnam Era and the 60's - it began there, I believe. Thus the term - demoralization.

Next comes Destabalization - that happens when the military is weakened, strong leaders replaced with weaklings, Constitution no longer enforced, people dependent on huge government handouts, everything is given away rather than earned, lawlessness abounds (such as video above depicted in marching the streets of NYC unabated demanding murder of Police Officers) more government jobs, big, big government, taking over everything from car industries to banks, etc. Destabilization is stage 2. Then comes stage 3 which is Crisis and this takes 6 weeks ( America appears to be at the door to it) to complete according to Yuri Bemzanov Russian defector who taught on Communist takeovers of nations - and finally you have stage 4 and the Communists have a special word for this. It's called Normalization. Things are normalized once the Communists march in, tanks roll in and takeover phase is now finished. Nation is officially under banner of Communism.

What the people who assist Communists do not understand is that in every Communist takeover the very first people to be executed were the ones who rebelled against their government and assisted in Communist takeover. Why? Yuri said the Communists believe if these people will rebel on and betray their own people and their own nation - they cannot be trusted to be left alive. That means that those defending Marxism today - Professors, actors, actresses, producers in Hollywood, Music Moguls, writers, News media personalities, etc will be the first to go once the Communists "NORMALIZE" here in the USA. They will be executed. Then they will understand what they do not appear to understand now. And not until then - for most of them.

Which is why the Russian Communists coined a phrase for such people. "Useful Idiots". Horrific. Isn't it?
you need to get a life. Some whacko Russian says something and you take it to the bank? You have to be an immigrant
There is NO communist agenda in NYC Mayor's office

Oh, did he take down his 'Che' poster?
So everyone who admires resistance and has a sophomoric attachment to a Che poster is a communist?

Dante', why provoke others to anger? What possible satifaction can you derive from grieving other people with your ridiculous questions? It's no secret De Blasio is a communist. Read my post on Useful idiots and realize there is no Cuban cigar awaiting you at the end of this road. Stop defending Communists, Dante' and for heaven's sake............ WAKE UP.
I don't what kind of person would show up at a funeral where he was not welcome.

happens all the time. A public event. There are private funerals

NYPD union needs to respect the people and their elected Mayor.

No, the mayor needs to respect the wishes of the fallen officers' families. He has NO RIGHT to attend a funeral where he is not welcome or wanted. He would be upsetting people who are already upset enough.

Stop identifying yourself so personally with something that has nothing to do with you. Years ago you'd have been committed for Female Hysteria Syndrome

What I said is the the truth. He would have to be a complete asshole and a worthless human being to show up a funeral where he is not welcome. He should be respectful of those who are grieving and stop being selfish and stay away.

Female hysteria on display


It's not hysteria. It's called having respect.
Out of respect for NYPD wishes the De Blasio should stay far away from that funeral. He has not acted as a Mayor, Dante'. The NYPD are deeply offended by his words, actions and his communist agenda. They do not want him at their funerals. He needs to respect that. So do you.

I don't what kind of person would show up at a funeral where he was not welcome.

happens all the time. A public event. There are private funerals

NYPD union needs to respect the people and their elected Mayor.

No, the mayor needs to respect the wishes of the fallen officers' families. He has NO RIGHT to attend a funeral where he is not welcome or wanted. He would be upsetting people who are already upset enough.

Stop identifying yourself so personally with something that has nothing to do with you. Years ago you'd have been committed for Female Hysteria Syndrome

What I said is the the truth. He would have to be a complete asshole and a worthless human being to show up a funeral where he is not welcome. He should be respectful of those who are grieving and stop being selfish and stay away.

Politicians waste no opportunity to get their faces on TV...
De Blasio and Sharpton will be front and center using the death of these two officers to further their careers.

I hope the families of both murdered officers shun them both.
Huh? He's the Mayor you bozo

Out of respect for NYPD wishes the De Blasio should stay far away from that funeral. He has not acted as a Mayor, Dante'. The NYPD are deeply offended by his words, actions and his communist agenda. They do not want him at their funerals. He needs to respect that. So do you.

I don't what kind of person would show up at a funeral where he was not welcome.

happens all the time. A public event. There are private funerals

NYPD union needs to respect the people and their elected Mayor.

They have no respect for Communists. Neither should any God fearing American. I believe Americans can respectfully request that a Communist Mayor stay away from their funerals and the Communist Mayor should respect that request by staying away. As someone who thinks the ACLU is a great organization I can understand why you cannot quite get that, Dante'.

What religion? keep your dirty little twisted religious views to yourself

This is a free speech message board. If my views trouble, if you are that delicate? Then leave this board. I do not take orders from you, Dante'. Understand?

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