2 cops shot (one killed) in Brooklyn

Leftists held a "die In" yesterday at The Mall of America. The police should mow them down making their protest a reality.

Time for this protesting to end.

What an incredible waste of ones time

It's protests like this in support of two criminals and against the police is what pushed that black Muslim thug to murder those two cops in NYC.
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Hope you retards that hate the police are happy.
Some retards think "not worshiping the police" equals "hating the police". Some retards think holding Cops up to the oaths they took as "hating the police". (That's poor form and shows no class)

How many of you even know where a Cops authority comes from? Hint:It aint the gun and badge.

When a Cop or SWAT Team comes bustin' in yer house and starts killing yer whole family what are you gonna' do? Let them do it and wait years for a retarded American Jury to find the Cop Guilty?
Leftists held a "die In" yesterday at The Mall of America. The police should mow them down making their protest a reality.

Time for this protesting to end.

What an incredible waste of ones time

It's protests like this in support of two criminals and against the police is what pushed that black Muslim thug to murder those two cops in NYC?

Quiet idiot. No one should be killed for selling loose cigarettes (which isn't even a misdemeanor)
Something worth noting here, is while this piece of excrement may have taken two officers lives, but now, not only has he disgraced his family, but he's assured that there will now be a growing support of all police officers.

With Obama surrendering the Middle East....I fear Americas next "war" will be internal and be a triple front of racist militant blacks vs anarchists vs cops, mostly the two prior vs the latter....with a little radical Islam mixed in who attacks everyone.

No doubt, you righties wish it were so.
It's good to see the numbnuts has the support of rank and file.


Watch As NYPD Officers Turn Their Backs On NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Zero Hedge

Watch As NYPD Officers Turn Their Backs On NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio

ust over two weeks ago, as NYC was turmoiling in protests following the Eric Garner chokehold death and the subsequent acquittal of the police officer involved, none other than NYC's mayor Bill de Blasio - a person whose job is to seek to impartially preserve the peace at all costs - tried to score populist points by disparaging none other than the NY Police Department.
This is how the NY Post summarized things, granted with a dose of hyperbol
Determined not to let a crisis go to waste, the mayor has spent the last two days cranking up the volume and the vitriol of his anti-cop agenda. Predictably, he trots out his son, Dante, to put a personal spin on police-black relations, saying he is fearful the biracial teen will end up in a confrontation with a cop.
Imagine that. The city is in turmoil over the Staten Island case and the mayor throws gasoline on the fire by painting the entire police force as a bunch of white racist brutes. Has he no shame?

“We need a mayor to stand up with and for us,” police union head Pat Lynch said yesterday. He said his members feel as if de Blasio is “throwing them under the bus.”

So just more politics and attempts to score political talking points on the back of yet another human tragedy? Yes, but nothing compared to the reception that de Blasio got earlier today when on his way to the press conference to address the execution-style shooting of two NYPD officers, all the present police officers very visibly and demonstratively turned their back on him.

Dear mayor Bill, a piece of advice: if you can hire the guy who is building the moat around the White House, you probably should for a comparably treatment around city hall (and/or your personal residence). Because if you ever need to dial 911, don't be surprised when it goes straight to voicemail.

Why does this board allow the N word?

Just because people are so ignorant and racist that they will use the word here, doesn't mean it has to be accepted by rational human beings.

And, if you're going to use the word, why not have the balls to spell it out? Why hide behind cute spellings the way some vile slime hide behind white pillow cases?

Racists are such cowards - all this big talk here but I'll bet most of your friends and family have no idea just what hypocrites you are.

Selective political correctness have taken hold. Let's see what we can say:

  • ******
  • Cracker
  • Whitey
  • Chink
  • Pollack
  • Gook
  • Jap
  • ****
  • Faggot
Leftists held a "die In" yesterday at The Mall of America. The police should mow them down making their protest a reality.

Time for this protesting to end.

What an incredible waste of ones time

It's protests like this in support of two criminals and against the police is what pushed that black Muslim thug to murder those two cops in NYC?

Quiet idiot. No one should be killed for selling loose cigarettes (which isn't even a misdemeanor)

That is NOT why he was killed. He was killed accidentally when he was fighting with the police. The police have a duty to protect the public from criminals like him. If they are running or fighting in the process, they may get killed. If you don't want that to happen, DO NOT break the law and DO NOT fight with the police. It's quite simple really. That is why MOST people don't have such problems.
Leftists held a "die In" yesterday at The Mall of America. The police should mow them down making their protest a reality.

Time for this protesting to end.

What an incredible waste of ones time

It's protests like this in support of two criminals and against the police is what pushed that black Muslim thug to murder those two cops in NYC?

Quiet idiot. No one should be killed for selling loose cigarettes (which isn't even a misdemeanor)

I am so tired of you leftists and your dishonesty and defensive of the criminal element in our society. I think that you and people like you and YOUR disgusting rhetoric are the reason why these cops were killed. Satisfied? Now two COMPLETELY innocent men are dead and their families will have to bury them around Christmas.
I hope that POS De Blasio isn't allowed to go to the funeral.

Two NYPD cops shot one fatally in Brooklyn sources - NY Daily News

Why? Because he is acknowledging that killing cops is unacceptable but expecting them not to choke and gun down unarmed blacks isn't acceptable either. M
The racist brigade on this board is disgusting.
That communist scum DeBlasio should be recalled. You no doubt voted for the communist who attacks is own police officers and uses race as a political issue which resulted in dead cops. You should be ashamed
Leftists held a "die In" yesterday at The Mall of America. The police should mow them down making their protest a reality.

Time for this protesting to end.

What an incredible waste of ones time

It's protests like this in support of two criminals and against the police is what pushed that black Muslim thug to murder those two cops in NYC?

Quiet idiot. No one should be killed for selling loose cigarettes (which isn't even a misdemeanor)

What an idiotic typical stupid leftist comment. He was NOT killed for selling cigarettes, you idiot.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Mayor puts up a fight not to resign but then the police commissioner sides with the NYPD or quits and then the cops go on strike and quit, and the city is left defenseless. That police commissioner is the key if he goes they all go.

the union is after him too

the only ones supporting him

are the thugs


December 7, 2014

NYPD cops warned militant group Black Guerilla Family ‘preparing to shoot on-duty police officers’
EXCLUSIVE: An NYPD confidential informant learned of the threat on Friday evening — three days after a Staten Island grand jury decided not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo for the chokehold death of Eric Garner. Cop union confirmed the threat late Saturday and were ordering all police officers, on duty and off, to take extra precautions.

A tattooed gang of militants declared open season on the NYPD in the wake of the Eric Garner grand jury decision, according to a threat a police union verified Saturday.

Ten Black Guerrilla Family members are “preparing to shoot on duty police officers,” Sergeants Benevolent Association President Ed Mullins said.

The gang, formed in the 1960s in the California prison system, recently surfaced on the East Coast and Maryland, where members are at the heart of a drug-trafficking and corruption probe within the Baltimore prison system.

NYPD warned militant group plans to shoot cops - NY Daily News
Two dead niiggers for two dead cops. Eye for an eye.

Why does this board allow the N word?

Just because people are so ignorant and racist that they will use the word here, doesn't mean it has to be accepted by rational human beings.

And, if you're going to use the word, why not have the balls to spell it out? Why hide behind cute spellings the way some vile slime hide behind white pillow cases?

Racists are such cowards - all this big talk here but I'll bet most of your friends and family have no idea just what hypocrites you are.

Two innocent human beings slaughtered and being 'offended' is your biggest prob???

There's no war without casualties. This is a war.

Buy a gun - and don't be a casualty. Free advice.

Yeah and pretend you have the balls to actually use it.

Big talk. Nothing but big talk.

I never thought it would come to this.

But,then, I never thought anyone would be stupid enough to vote for Obama or de Blasio.....

Smart people make up the one and only true "minority" in America.
When a Cop or SWAT Team comes bustin' in yer house and starts killing yer whole family what are you gonna' do? Let them do it and wait years for a retarded American Jury to find the Cop Guilty?

Were the two officers murdered yesterday part of a SWAT team trying to killing the poor, innocent victim who shot them? Is that what happened? I didn't hear that FUCKING version, did you? And the American justice system is peopled with ... AMERICANS. Are you like that obamacare douche who thinks Americans are all stupid?
Leftists held a "die In" yesterday at The Mall of America. The police should mow them down making their protest a reality.

Time for this protesting to end.

What an incredible waste of ones time

It's protests like this in support of two criminals and against the police is what pushed that black Muslim thug to murder those two cops in NYC?

Quiet idiot. No one should be killed for selling loose cigarettes (which isn't even a misdemeanor)
It's people like you with a agenda of inciting riots. That fatass wasn't killed for selling loose cigarettes. He died because he's a fatass resisting arrest.
She doesn't care. She's like a little sheep. Unable to think for herself these are the people the leftist love. Educated people, who tow the line, and fall in line with the narrative pushed by the leftist, race baiting, scum

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