2 cops shot (one killed) in Brooklyn

Being a police officer must be the MOST ungrateful job. These guys put their lives on the line every day to protect us citizens from these monsters that reside in our communities, who would rob, rape, and/or kill us without losing a wink of sleep. How sad that more people don't support them for the horrid job they have to do and would wish for them to be injured or killed. That is just disgusting and inexcusable, IMO.
Being a police officer must be the MOST ungrateful job. These guys put their lives on the line every day to protect us citizens from these monsters that reside in our communities, who would rob, rape, and/or kill us without losing a wink of sleep. How sad that more people don't support them for the horrid job they have to do and would wish for them to be injured or killed. That is just disgusting and inexcusable, IMO.

I agree. Very well said, Chris.
happens all the time. A public event. There are private funerals

NYPD union needs to respect the people and their elected Mayor.

They have no respect for Communists. Neither should any God fearing American. I believe Americans can respectfully request that a Communist Mayor stay away from their funerals and the Communist Mayor should respect that request by staying away. As someone who thinks the ACLU is a great organization I can understand why you cannot quite get that, Dante'.

What religion? keep your dirty little twisted religious views to yourself

This is a free speech message board. If my views trouble, if you are that delicate? Then leave this board. I do not take orders from you, Dante'. Understand?

Yes, he seems to be awfully bossy. . . and patronizing.

dainty made a big announcement that he was leaving usmb

what a drama queen

He quoted me in the flame zone where he started a new thread to try and get us to pay more attention to him! :cuckoo: The internet abounds with loons. :razz:

They have BLOOD on their hands. The sooner people start REJECTING Al Sharpton the better
who supports Sharpton?

He couldnt get elected as dog catcher


In Brooklyn and the Bronx, he could be voted in as GOD.... that's how fucked up many of those scumbags are! And just look who's SUCKING his lip next to the TAX CHEAT..... the Communist mayor!
Well that's what they were going for... they're trying to start race war. So that they can move toward martial law. Which will start a civil war. Which they'll lose... in a scale on which no one has ever lost before... total and complete annihilation.
I guess we're going to hear from all the racists tonight. I'll bet you were shouting with glee when you heard about this.

The only glee I've observed is on the part of people CELEBRATING the murders of the two cops...and calling for more.
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I know these pictures are used for fodder in this discussion, but it truly saddens me to see them, their lives cut short. One of them had a 13 year old son. My own oldest son is nearly 12. He would be devastated if he lost his daddy. I can only imagine what this boy is going through having suddenly to spend Christmas without his daddy. This makes me so angry!

I know these pictures are used for fodder in this discussion, but it truly saddens me to see them, their lives cut short. One of them had a 13 year old son. My own oldest son is nearly 12. He would be devastated if he lost his daddy. I can only imagine what this boy is going through having suddenly to spend Christmas without his daddy. This makes me so angry!

And to realize that some people are actually celebrating HIS dad's death. :(
He wasn't left wing.
Pretty safe bet he voted for Obabble.
And it's a pretty safe bet you are a complete asshole. I figured you would be thrilled that these two cops got killed. After all, if you looked at their last names, it is pretty clear both of the officers were minorities. One of them asian and the other one latino, or as you would most likely call them, a gook and a sp*c.
I don't get this thrilled thing. I see people saying that when their leaders are essentially proclaiming that the cops are the bad guys, these incidents are inevitable. And when I say incidents I mean murders. It certainly isn't something to be thrilled about, more like expected and dreaded.

These things have only just begun... they've been knifing people out of nowhere, for nothing for weeks and while you see a report here and there, it has been largely unreported and they've gone out of their way to not mention the obvious. Prior to that it was "the Knock-out Game".

Inevitably, they will begin to turn in earnest toward Islam and in that, they'll be taught to build bombs, IEDs, VBIEDS. Their tendency is to burn down their own hoods... so for the foreseeable future, there will be little to concern most people. But eventually, they'll hit the road and at that point, we will be justified to clean this mess up. So we can rest assured, that THAT will be when the brown-clown will run up the Martial Law flag and it will be ON!

I'll also note the use of hammers by thugs hiding in "peaceful protests" to mug people and loot stores. Anarchists and criminal gangs are engaged in a guerrilla war underway against the U.S.

I know these pictures are used for fodder in this discussion, but it truly saddens me to see them, their lives cut short. One of them had a 13 year old son. My own oldest son is nearly 12. He would be devastated if he lost his daddy. I can only imagine what this boy is going through having suddenly to spend Christmas without his daddy. This makes me so angry!

And yet you see the FUCKED UP SCUMBAGS in here trying to ferment hatred of the police with the TWO BLACK THUGS that died! BOTH brought on by the mother fuckers attitudes and disrespect of the law! Baby, you do the crime, you do the time... this time the time has become forever for 2 of the THUGS of this country!

The LEFT CELEBRATES THUGISM..... remember that!
I hope that POS De Blasio isn't allowed to go to the funeral.

Two NYPD cops shot one fatally in Brooklyn sources - NY Daily News

Huh? He's the Mayor you bozo

Out of respect for NYPD wishes the De Blasio should stay far away from that funeral. He has not acted as a Mayor, Dante'. The NYPD are deeply offended by his words, actions and his communist agenda. They do not want him at their funerals. He needs to respect that. So do you.

Communist agenda? wtf do you get this crap?

Bill de Blazio is an avowed Communist. Or didn't you know that?

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