2 cops shot (one killed) in Brooklyn

I hope that POS De Blasio isn't allowed to go to the funeral.

Two NYPD cops shot one fatally in Brooklyn sources - NY Daily News

Huh? He's the Mayor you bozo

Out of respect for NYPD wishes the De Blasio should stay far away from that funeral. He has not acted as a Mayor, Dante'. The NYPD are deeply offended by his words, actions and his communist agenda. They do not want him at their funerals. He needs to respect that. So do you.

Communist agenda? wtf do you get this crap?

You're not serious, are you????

There is NO communist agenda in NYC Mayor's office

Bill de Blazio is an avowed Communist. WTFU.
Oh RetiredGySgt ...still waiting for you to clarify...are you saying Bundy cop killers didn't train sniper weapons on LEO. Are you saying white, hate filled Bundy supporters didn't threaten to use women as human shields...like terrorists while they were in a standoff with LEO?

Who did they kill with the Bundy situation? Why are you lying? Just to be a bad ass black? Women there put themselves in front of their men, not placed there by the men. What would you have whites do about a WHITE SURVIVALIST that had an experience with police and wanted revenge? There were more than a few threads in here where we of the right said they should hunt that prick down and kill him, why not go back and look instead of making stupid statements!
Because he is a stupid libtard.
LOL...whatever you say. Vigilante Show me a thread where the USMB hate ilk called for the terrorist teapers to be hunted down. From what I recall, you hypocrites were supporting the standoff and rooting for the terrorists when they said they would use women as human shields.

Go do your own work, I'm not your Boy! And WHY DID YOU LIE about Bundy and a killing? You lose any kind of credibility with shit like that! They were there to protect Bundy, from an overzealous Harry Reid, who wanted, and still wants that land! Feeding cows on public land ... how does that relate to the assassination of 2 cops?

The Bundy situation has absolutely nothing in common with this cop execution. The Loon is just attempting a very pathetic distraction.
I hope that POS De Blasio isn't allowed to go to the funeral.

Two NYPD cops shot one fatally in Brooklyn sources - NY Daily News

Huh? He's the Mayor you bozo

Out of respect for NYPD wishes the De Blasio should stay far away from that funeral. He has not acted as a Mayor, Dante'. The NYPD are deeply offended by his words, actions and his communist agenda. They do not want him at their funerals. He needs to respect that. So do you.

Communist agenda? wtf do you get this crap?

Bill de Blazio is an avowed Communist. Or didn't you know that?

He most definitely is. Bill de Blazio should be forced to resign as Mayor of NY. Immediately!

I don't understand why anyone would do that.

Because he was incited to do it by the Left Wing shitheads like Holder, deBlazio, Obama and Sharpton.

There are consequences to inciting racial hatred. Those Left Wing assholes thought they could play the race card but it got out of hand, didn't it?

Of course when all those idiots in New York voted for liberals this is what they got. They were dumbasses, weren't they?
Last Week, Al Sharpton NYC Millions March Chanted: “Shoot Back! What Do We Want? Dead Cops! When Do We Want It? Now!”

all of it here:
Last Week Al Sharpton NYC Millions March Chanted 8220 Shoot Back What Do We Want Dead Cops When Do We Want It Now 8221 Weasel Zippers

New York City Protesters Chant For "Dead Cops" - Cavuto

Al Sharpton should be asked to leave the United States and he can take the Communist Mayor of New York with him. It would be a win - win for New Yorkers!

I know these pictures are used for fodder in this discussion, but it truly saddens me to see them, their lives cut short. One of them had a 13 year old son. My own oldest son is nearly 12. He would be devastated if he lost his daddy. I can only imagine what this boy is going through having suddenly to spend Christmas without his daddy. This makes me so angry!

And yet you see the FUCKED UP SCUMBAGS in here trying to ferment hatred of the police with the TWO BLACK THUGS that died! BOTH brought on by the mother fuckers attitudes and disrespect of the law! Baby, you do the crime, you do the time... this time the time has become forever for 2 of the THUGS of this country!

The LEFT CELEBRATES THUGISM..... remember that!

Judging by many of the comments, that seems to sadly be the case with some.
I am from PA and I have family near where is this shooting occurred. It has never been reported that the fool that ambushed those two State Troopers had any ties to the Tea Party whatsoever.
He was outraged over a black President...claimed he lost his rights, claimed that gov't is too intrusive...he was certainly a teaper.

Please post some links to Tea Party protestors chanting "Kill The Cops" and then looting stores and spraying walls with anarchist graffiti.

I don't understand why anyone would do that.

Because he was incited to do it by the Left Wing shitheads like Holder, deBlazio, Obama and Sharpton.

There are consequences to inciting racial hatred. Those Left Wing assholes thought they could play the race card but it got out of hand, didn't it?

Of course when all those idiots in New York voted for liberals this is what they got. They were dumbasses, weren't they?

To reiterate my previous lamentation, it's so unfortunate that Leftists set these policies and these two cops were the ones to pay the ultimate price. The ones who start all this are never the ones to pay the price for it, we are. De Blazio, Obama, Holder, and Sharpton have blood on their hands, the kind that can't be washed off now or for eternity.

I don't understand why anyone would do that.

Because he was incited to do it by the Left Wing shitheads like Holder, deBlazio, Obama and Sharpton.

There are consequences to inciting racial hatred. Those Left Wing assholes thought they could play the race card but it got out of hand, didn't it?

Of course when all those idiots in New York voted for liberals this is what they got. They were dumbasses, weren't they?

I just can't imagine what mentality it takes for anyone to go murder an innocent police man.

The world is just depressing.

PS> I lean liberal on social issues and I don't agree with this act at all. It makes me feel really bad.

I don't understand why anyone would do that.

Because he was incited to do it by the Left Wing shitheads like Holder, deBlazio, Obama and Sharpton.

There are consequences to inciting racial hatred. Those Left Wing assholes thought they could play the race card but it got out of hand, didn't it?

Of course when all those idiots in New York voted for liberals this is what they got. They were dumbasses, weren't they?

Sometimes I have a hard time having sympathy for the people in New York when they put in people like this De Blazio. what did they expect? the same for Obama who has hosted Sharpton 61 times since he's been office. why didn't they EXPECT this was going to happen, he's been a community Agitator all his pathetic life

I don't understand why anyone would do that.

Because he was incited to do it by the Left Wing shitheads like Holder, deBlazio, Obama and Sharpton.

There are consequences to inciting racial hatred. Those Left Wing assholes thought they could play the race card but it got out of hand, didn't it?

Of course when all those idiots in New York voted for liberals this is what they got. They were dumbasses, weren't they?

I just can't imagine what mentality it takes for anyone to go murder an innocent police man.

The world is just depressing.

PS> I lean liberal on social issues and I don't agree with this act at all. It makes me feel really bad.

There's a whole racist narrative on the Left that I'm sure you have NOTHING to do with.

I don't understand why anyone would do that.

Because he was incited to do it by the Left Wing shitheads like Holder, deBlazio, Obama and Sharpton.

There are consequences to inciting racial hatred. Those Left Wing assholes thought they could play the race card but it got out of hand, didn't it?

Of course when all those idiots in New York voted for liberals this is what they got. They were dumbasses, weren't they?

I just can't imagine what mentality it takes for anyone to go murder an innocent police man.

The world is just depressing.

PS> I lean liberal on social issues and I don't agree with this act at all. It makes me feel really bad.

Well said, Drifter. It makes me angry to see our police officers being gunned down like this. And people can celebrate such lawlessness and evil? Something is seriously wrong with America!

I don't understand why anyone would do that.

Because he was incited to do it by the Left Wing shitheads like Holder, deBlazio, Obama and Sharpton.

There are consequences to inciting racial hatred. Those Left Wing assholes thought they could play the race card but it got out of hand, didn't it?

Of course when all those idiots in New York voted for liberals this is what they got. They were dumbasses, weren't they?

I just can't imagine what mentality it takes for anyone to go murder an innocent police man.

The world is just depressing.

PS> I lean liberal on social issues and I don't agree with this act at all. It makes me feel really bad.

Well said, Drifter. It makes me angry to see our police officers being gunned down like this. And people can celebrate such lawlessness and evil? Something is seriously wrong with America!

It's just sad, smh.

I don't understand why anyone would do that.

Because he was incited to do it by the Left Wing shitheads like Holder, deBlazio, Obama and Sharpton.

There are consequences to inciting racial hatred. Those Left Wing assholes thought they could play the race card but it got out of hand, didn't it?

Of course when all those idiots in New York voted for liberals this is what they got. They were dumbasses, weren't they?

Sometimes I have a hard time having sympathy for the people in New York when they put in people like this De Blazio. what did they expect? the same for Obama who has hosted Sharpton 61 times since he's been office. why didn't they EXPECT this was going to happen, he's been a community Agitator all his pathetic life

In the end, those who assisted Communists such as De Blasio to power will suffer the ultimate price for it. That is a truth they will realize too late.
I hope that POS De Blasio isn't allowed to go to the funeral.

Two NYPD cops shot one fatally in Brooklyn sources - NY Daily News

Huh? He's the Mayor you bozo

Out of respect for NYPD wishes the De Blasio should stay far away from that funeral. He has not acted as a Mayor, Dante'. The NYPD are deeply offended by his words, actions and his communist agenda. They do not want him at their funerals. He needs to respect that. So do you.

Communist agenda? wtf do you get this crap?

Bill de Blazio is an avowed Communist. Or didn't you know that?

He most definitely is. Bill de Blazio should be forced to resign as Mayor of NY. Immediately!

What kind of ignorant and immigrant type behavior is that? In America we respect the rights of all ideologies to hold political office when the people have voted them in. That said, why can't a real commie hold office if elected? Why do you hate freedom and liberty? DO you come from a commie country?
It's absolutely retarded. I WANT the police to be tough on criminals. I'm tired of crime and criminals and the people who encourage them. Criminals make our country suck. Too bad we can't ship them all off to an island somewhere, far away from the rest of us. Then let them victimize one another.
Everyone wants cops to be tough on criminals except criminals. What sane people dont want is cops profiling racially and killing people.

No, not everyone does, obviously. ^^^^ Don't break the law. Don't fight the police. Simple.
No I'm pretty sure everyone does. You dont have to break the law for cops to harass you if you are Black. No i wont stand still for it. I'm neither timid nor docile.

Fine. You go head to head with the police to show how not intimidated you are by them.

Forward the Light Brigade!

Hopefully it will get caught on a dash cam because I really want to see it..especially if they shoot your dumb ass.
That wont happen because I will put a hollow point in their dome before they know what hit them. Let a cop harass me and I havent done anything.

Really? If a cop told you to "move along", you'd kill him.

You really are a vile piece of shit.
Huh? He's the Mayor you bozo

Out of respect for NYPD wishes the De Blasio should stay far away from that funeral. He has not acted as a Mayor, Dante'. The NYPD are deeply offended by his words, actions and his communist agenda. They do not want him at their funerals. He needs to respect that. So do you.

Communist agenda? wtf do you get this crap?

Bill de Blazio is an avowed Communist. Or didn't you know that?

He most definitely is. Bill de Blazio should be forced to resign as Mayor of NY. Immediately!

What kind of ignorant and immigrant type behavior is that? In America we respect the rights of all ideologies to hold political office when the people have voted them in. That said, why can't a real commie hold office if elected? Why do you hate freedom and liberty? DO you come from a commie country?

I was wrong. You are not looking for a job with ACLU. You must be looking for a job as a script writer for Saturday Night Live. Still. You are not funny, Dante'. Why can't a real Communist hold office if elected? Because America is the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. Not the Land of the Enslaved and Home of the Cowards. That's why.
This thread certainly is chock-full-o corrupt leftwing ideology and hatred. There are so many contenders, but Asschaps get this "worst of thread" award here.

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