2 gunmen w AR15s open fire in Houston; 2 citizens down; 4 cops; PD helicopter shot

Houston shooting: Gunmen take aim at police, bystanders - CNN.com

Terror attack????? 2 gunmen with assault rifles open fire on random people and shoot at cops and police helicopter. Developing story.

Here's your terrorist.

View attachment 76494

25-year-old veteran from California. Dionisio Garza III is from San Bernardino County and served in Afghanistan. He was discharged from active duty in 2014, and doesn't appear to have a criminal history.

Gunman in west Houston mass shooting ID'ed
. Ohhhh noooooo, Arren what ever his name is will be sooooo disappointed that the guy ain't white.... Well not the kind of white that he hates anyway. Hmmm, the name is Hispanic isn't it ?
Apparently this guy was a conspiracy theorist.

He traveled to Houston to meet others who believed the United States was on the brink of collapse.

"On the internet he met some people or some people that believed like him."

Exclusive interview with father of west Houston mass shooter
. What drives these types ? Is it conservatism, liberalism or what ? Who or what is driving these people insane anymore ? I bet the truth will never be told, because it can't be told or the real truth would then come out.
All the shooters will claim it was self defense. Or they were protecting something. Stand their ground and stuff.

Why are you not celebrating the heroic efforts of the shooters exercising their rights? Or are you?

So those that got shot were doing what?

Btw more than likely a couple of people carrying guns saw the shoot in Texas and wanted no part of a guy with an AR 15 and the ability to use it. Why would that be ya think?

Because of asswipes like you who would destroy them after they tried to save lives.......

And in this particular case, the good guy with the gun ended up in critical condition, and it was the police who ended the shooting spree.

There are times when it's best to let the professionals (policemen) do their jobs.

And of course all of a sudden we forget that this concealed carrier may have saved lives by engaging the shooter............

And as this article points out, they AR-15 isn't as deadly a weapon as you anti gun morons drool that it is....

Concealed Carrier Battled Mass Shooter In Houston: Media Silent

What many news outlets seem to be glossing over in their reporting of attack is that the veteran’s attack, carried out with an AR-15 variant, showed that the weapon was anything but “high-powered.” Six of the eight people shot with the most common rifle sold in the United States survived the attack.

One of those survivors, Byron Wilson, was a concealed carrier who drew his handgun and engaged the rifle armed shooter before being shot three times.

Pictures from the scene also show police patrol cars riddled with bullet holes.

He killed 56-year-old Eugene Linscomb and critically injured father Byron Wilson, who police say was trying to fight back and stop the deadly attack.

Authorities said Wilson had a concealed carry permit and fired at the suspect. He was shot three times in the process.

He is expected to survive.

Details are very sketchy about the exact role Mr. Wilson played in stopping the attack. We don’t know if Mr. Wilson hit the gunman, but we do know that he distracted him and shot at him. We don’t know why Mr. Wilson, who is just one of 12+ million concealed carriers in the United States, chose to draw his weapon and wade into a fight against an attacker with a longer-ranged weapon and ostensibly more training.

And he could have gotten others killed, including himself.

In this particular case, the only thing we know is that the good guy with a gun ended up in critical condition.

Yeah......let's wait and see what actuallly happenned.........the anti gun journalists will be withholding anything positive about the defensive gun user......in fact...they might be trying to find out if he is a "White Hispanic" and they might be busy editing his 911 call and editing the video footage they may have....

So let's wait genius to see what happened......and of course....all the other times where a concealed carrier actually stopped a mass shooter, let's completely ignore those....


There's no wait and see what happened, you idiot, we already know what happened. The good guy with the gun ended up in critical condition, and the police did their jobs and got the shooter.

We are not talking about other times, we are discussing this one particular incident.
Houston shooting: Gunmen take aim at police, bystanders - CNN.com

Terror attack????? 2 gunmen with assault rifles open fire on random people and shoot at cops and police helicopter. Developing story.

Here's your terrorist.

View attachment 76494

25-year-old veteran from California. Dionisio Garza III is from San Bernardino County and served in Afghanistan. He was discharged from active duty in 2014, and doesn't appear to have a criminal history.

Gunman in west Houston mass shooting ID'ed
. Ohhhh noooooo, Arren what ever his name is will be sooooo disappointed that the guy ain't white.... Well not the kind of white that he hates anyway. Hmmm, the name is Hispanic isn't it ?

They are human beings moron being destroyed by the democrat party...

All the shooters will claim it was self defense. Or they were protecting something. Stand their ground and stuff.

Why are you not celebrating the heroic efforts of the shooters exercising their rights? Or are you?

So those that got shot were doing what?

Btw more than likely a couple of people carrying guns saw the shoot in Texas and wanted no part of a guy with an AR 15 and the ability to use it. Why would that be ya think?

Because of asswipes like you who would destroy them after they tried to save lives.......

And in this particular case, the good guy with the gun ended up in critical condition, and it was the police who ended the shooting spree.

There are times when it's best to let the professionals (policemen) do their jobs.

And of course all of a sudden we forget that this concealed carrier may have saved lives by engaging the shooter............

And as this article points out, they AR-15 isn't as deadly a weapon as you anti gun morons drool that it is....

Concealed Carrier Battled Mass Shooter In Houston: Media Silent

What many news outlets seem to be glossing over in their reporting of attack is that the veteran’s attack, carried out with an AR-15 variant, showed that the weapon was anything but “high-powered.” Six of the eight people shot with the most common rifle sold in the United States survived the attack.

One of those survivors, Byron Wilson, was a concealed carrier who drew his handgun and engaged the rifle armed shooter before being shot three times.

Pictures from the scene also show police patrol cars riddled with bullet holes.

He killed 56-year-old Eugene Linscomb and critically injured father Byron Wilson, who police say was trying to fight back and stop the deadly attack.

Authorities said Wilson had a concealed carry permit and fired at the suspect. He was shot three times in the process.

He is expected to survive.

Details are very sketchy about the exact role Mr. Wilson played in stopping the attack. We don’t know if Mr. Wilson hit the gunman, but we do know that he distracted him and shot at him. We don’t know why Mr. Wilson, who is just one of 12+ million concealed carriers in the United States, chose to draw his weapon and wade into a fight against an attacker with a longer-ranged weapon and ostensibly more training.

You're just pissing in the wind.
Because of asswipes like you who would destroy them after they tried to save lives.......

And in this particular case, the good guy with the gun ended up in critical condition, and it was the police who ended the shooting spree.

There are times when it's best to let the professionals (policemen) do their jobs.

And of course all of a sudden we forget that this concealed carrier may have saved lives by engaging the shooter............

And as this article points out, they AR-15 isn't as deadly a weapon as you anti gun morons drool that it is....

Concealed Carrier Battled Mass Shooter In Houston: Media Silent

What many news outlets seem to be glossing over in their reporting of attack is that the veteran’s attack, carried out with an AR-15 variant, showed that the weapon was anything but “high-powered.” Six of the eight people shot with the most common rifle sold in the United States survived the attack.

One of those survivors, Byron Wilson, was a concealed carrier who drew his handgun and engaged the rifle armed shooter before being shot three times.

Pictures from the scene also show police patrol cars riddled with bullet holes.

He killed 56-year-old Eugene Linscomb and critically injured father Byron Wilson, who police say was trying to fight back and stop the deadly attack.

Authorities said Wilson had a concealed carry permit and fired at the suspect. He was shot three times in the process.

He is expected to survive.

Details are very sketchy about the exact role Mr. Wilson played in stopping the attack. We don’t know if Mr. Wilson hit the gunman, but we do know that he distracted him and shot at him. We don’t know why Mr. Wilson, who is just one of 12+ million concealed carriers in the United States, chose to draw his weapon and wade into a fight against an attacker with a longer-ranged weapon and ostensibly more training.

And he could have gotten others killed, including himself.

In this particular case, the only thing we know is that the good guy with a gun ended up in critical condition.

Yeah......let's wait and see what actuallly happenned.........the anti gun journalists will be withholding anything positive about the defensive gun user......in fact...they might be trying to find out if he is a "White Hispanic" and they might be busy editing his 911 call and editing the video footage they may have....

So let's wait genius to see what happened......and of course....all the other times where a concealed carrier actually stopped a mass shooter, let's completely ignore those....


There's no wait and see what happened, you idiot, we already know what happened. The good guy with the gun ended up in critical condition, and the police did their jobs and got the shooter.

We are not talking about other times, we are discussing this one particular incident.
. Yes let's focus on an incident that will make you libs case, but only in your dreams or fantasy's maybe, but wait it's only just one incident... You lose, because the nation doesn't get turned upside down for you libs, and all because of this one incident that you want to focus on so badly now. Tsk tsk.
Last edited:
Apparently this guy was a conspiracy theorist.

He traveled to Houston to meet others who believed the United States was on the brink of collapse.

"On the internet he met some people or some people that believed like him."

Exclusive interview with father of west Houston mass shooter
. What drives these types ? Is it conservatism, liberalism or what ? Who or what is driving these people insane anymore ? I bet the truth will never be told, because it can't be told or the real truth would then come out.

It's all just one big conspiracy. Why don't you go eat some toothpaste with Dale Smith. lol
From updated reports.....it seems like a work place shooting...with one guy being specifically targeted...........and the others getting caught when the guy just started shooting badly....

This was in Texas. Right? Where about everyone is armed. And not a single gun owner came by to stop this shooting.

Proving once again that your Bullshit fantasy of regular armed citizens stopping a crazed shooter is in fact some bullshit gunner fantasy.

Everyone waited for the cops to take care of the shooter.
. Meanwhile the wait allowed the shooters to do alot of damage. The wait game is a problem, and trust me if you are under assault by a gun, a tire iron, a knife, a huge person, or what ever someone will use in order to kill or mame you with, you will be ever so glad to see the citizen CCP holder or just a brave citizen to show up before the law gets there if need be to save your butt.
Apparently this guy was a conspiracy theorist.

He traveled to Houston to meet others who believed the United States was on the brink of collapse.

"On the internet he met some people or some people that believed like him."

Exclusive interview with father of west Houston mass shooter
. What drives these types ? Is it conservatism, liberalism or what ? Who or what is driving these people insane anymore ? I bet the truth will never be told, because it can't be told or the real truth would then come out.

It's all just one big conspiracy. Why don't you go eat some toothpaste with Dale Smith. lol
. Meanwhile, you just keep on concealing the truth... :poke:
What is it with you anti gun morons.......we can't bring up guns or the 2nd Amendment without you guys making a sexual comment...usually about you guys pleasuring yourselves with guns or looking at images of guns and pleasuring yourselves...you guys seriously need help. It is a tool. Something you use to save lives.........try to understand that.......and masturbating with guns is only going to get you or someone else seriously injured or killed.....

Just stop....

Save lives? By far the most likely person to be killed by their gun is the owner. They are weapons, they kill.

wrong asswipe......that is a lie that you keep bringing up.......

1,500,000 times a year Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack and to save lives....that far out numbers illegal gun murder and suicide as well as accidents combined.....moron.

I love that statistic. All one must do, on any given day, is divide that by 365 and then open up the morning paper to read about the FOUR THOUSAND successful defensive uses of firearms that happened yesterday.

You fucking idiot.

Terror attack?????


He may be white, but the trolls keep saying that I'm saying something different.

First you said "the media says...but the media is all smoke." Then you said "the trolls are picking on me - WAAAAHHHH!" Now you're saying "Where's his picture?" even though the smart people in this thread found it hours ago. When someone takes pity on you and holds your hand and shows you where to find it, you'll claim it isn't really him.

In the meantime, how many times do you plan to say "Where's his picture?"?

I guess it would be way too hard to post a link, right?
Because of asswipes like you who would destroy them after they tried to save lives.......

And in this particular case, the good guy with the gun ended up in critical condition, and it was the police who ended the shooting spree.

There are times when it's best to let the professionals (policemen) do their jobs.

And of course all of a sudden we forget that this concealed carrier may have saved lives by engaging the shooter............

And as this article points out, they AR-15 isn't as deadly a weapon as you anti gun morons drool that it is....

Concealed Carrier Battled Mass Shooter In Houston: Media Silent

What many news outlets seem to be glossing over in their reporting of attack is that the veteran’s attack, carried out with an AR-15 variant, showed that the weapon was anything but “high-powered.” Six of the eight people shot with the most common rifle sold in the United States survived the attack.

One of those survivors, Byron Wilson, was a concealed carrier who drew his handgun and engaged the rifle armed shooter before being shot three times.

Pictures from the scene also show police patrol cars riddled with bullet holes.

He killed 56-year-old Eugene Linscomb and critically injured father Byron Wilson, who police say was trying to fight back and stop the deadly attack.

Authorities said Wilson had a concealed carry permit and fired at the suspect. He was shot three times in the process.

He is expected to survive.

Details are very sketchy about the exact role Mr. Wilson played in stopping the attack. We don’t know if Mr. Wilson hit the gunman, but we do know that he distracted him and shot at him. We don’t know why Mr. Wilson, who is just one of 12+ million concealed carriers in the United States, chose to draw his weapon and wade into a fight against an attacker with a longer-ranged weapon and ostensibly more training.

And he could have gotten others killed, including himself.

In this particular case, the only thing we know is that the good guy with a gun ended up in critical condition.

Yeah......let's wait and see what actuallly happenned.........the anti gun journalists will be withholding anything positive about the defensive gun user......in fact...they might be trying to find out if he is a "White Hispanic" and they might be busy editing his 911 call and editing the video footage they may have....

So let's wait genius to see what happened......and of course....all the other times where a concealed carrier actually stopped a mass shooter, let's completely ignore those....


There's no wait and see what happened, you idiot, we already know what happened. The good guy with the gun ended up in critical condition, and the police did their jobs and got the shooter.

We are not talking about other times, we are discussing this one particular incident.

Yes...and Zimmerman was a white Hispanics, and they didn't Doctor the 911 call and they didn't edit the emergency room nutraceuticals video.......

Did the concealed carrier slow down the attacker? Did he wound the attacker?

Did he save lives?

And in this particular case, the good guy with the gun ended up in critical condition, and it was the police who ended the shooting spree.

There are times when it's best to let the professionals (policemen) do their jobs.

And of course all of a sudden we forget that this concealed carrier may have saved lives by engaging the shooter............

And as this article points out, they AR-15 isn't as deadly a weapon as you anti gun morons drool that it is....

Concealed Carrier Battled Mass Shooter In Houston: Media Silent

What many news outlets seem to be glossing over in their reporting of attack is that the veteran’s attack, carried out with an AR-15 variant, showed that the weapon was anything but “high-powered.” Six of the eight people shot with the most common rifle sold in the United States survived the attack.

One of those survivors, Byron Wilson, was a concealed carrier who drew his handgun and engaged the rifle armed shooter before being shot three times.

Pictures from the scene also show police patrol cars riddled with bullet holes.

He killed 56-year-old Eugene Linscomb and critically injured father Byron Wilson, who police say was trying to fight back and stop the deadly attack.

Authorities said Wilson had a concealed carry permit and fired at the suspect. He was shot three times in the process.

He is expected to survive.

Details are very sketchy about the exact role Mr. Wilson played in stopping the attack. We don’t know if Mr. Wilson hit the gunman, but we do know that he distracted him and shot at him. We don’t know why Mr. Wilson, who is just one of 12+ million concealed carriers in the United States, chose to draw his weapon and wade into a fight against an attacker with a longer-ranged weapon and ostensibly more training.

And he could have gotten others killed, including himself.

In this particular case, the only thing we know is that the good guy with a gun ended up in critical condition.

Yeah......let's wait and see what actuallly happenned.........the anti gun journalists will be withholding anything positive about the defensive gun user......in fact...they might be trying to find out if he is a "White Hispanic" and they might be busy editing his 911 call and editing the video footage they may have....

So let's wait genius to see what happened......and of course....all the other times where a concealed carrier actually stopped a mass shooter, let's completely ignore those....


There's no wait and see what happened, you idiot, we already know what happened. The good guy with the gun ended up in critical condition, and the police did their jobs and got the shooter.

We are not talking about other times, we are discussing this one particular incident.

Yes...and Zimmerman was a white Hispanics, and they didn't Doctor the 911 call and they didn't edit the emergency room nutraceuticals video.......

Did the concealed carrier slow down the attacker? Did he wound the attacker?

Did he save lives?


Useless blabber.

Unless you have proof that any of the above occurred, you're just pissing in the wind.
Bucs90 LOVES dead cops.
Stfu loser retard. Only the left love dead cops. Friggin scumbag.

Bucs90 is actually masturbating to this news story as we speak. He LOVES a dead cop.
More stupid from a retard.
And of course all of a sudden we forget that this concealed carrier may have saved lives by engaging the shooter............

And as this article points out, they AR-15 isn't as deadly a weapon as you anti gun morons drool that it is....

Concealed Carrier Battled Mass Shooter In Houston: Media Silent

What many news outlets seem to be glossing over in their reporting of attack is that the veteran’s attack, carried out with an AR-15 variant, showed that the weapon was anything but “high-powered.” Six of the eight people shot with the most common rifle sold in the United States survived the attack.

One of those survivors, Byron Wilson, was a concealed carrier who drew his handgun and engaged the rifle armed shooter before being shot three times.

Pictures from the scene also show police patrol cars riddled with bullet holes.

He killed 56-year-old Eugene Linscomb and critically injured father Byron Wilson, who police say was trying to fight back and stop the deadly attack.

Authorities said Wilson had a concealed carry permit and fired at the suspect. He was shot three times in the process.

He is expected to survive.

Details are very sketchy about the exact role Mr. Wilson played in stopping the attack. We don’t know if Mr. Wilson hit the gunman, but we do know that he distracted him and shot at him. We don’t know why Mr. Wilson, who is just one of 12+ million concealed carriers in the United States, chose to draw his weapon and wade into a fight against an attacker with a longer-ranged weapon and ostensibly more training.

And he could have gotten others killed, including himself.

In this particular case, the only thing we know is that the good guy with a gun ended up in critical condition.

Yeah......let's wait and see what actuallly happenned.........the anti gun journalists will be withholding anything positive about the defensive gun user......in fact...they might be trying to find out if he is a "White Hispanic" and they might be busy editing his 911 call and editing the video footage they may have....

So let's wait genius to see what happened......and of course....all the other times where a concealed carrier actually stopped a mass shooter, let's completely ignore those....


There's no wait and see what happened, you idiot, we already know what happened. The good guy with the gun ended up in critical condition, and the police did their jobs and got the shooter.

We are not talking about other times, we are discussing this one particular incident.

Yes...and Zimmerman was a white Hispanics, and they didn't Doctor the 911 call and they didn't edit the emergency room nutraceuticals video.......

Did the concealed carrier slow down the attacker? Did he wound the attacker?

Did he save lives?


Useless blabber.

Unless you have proof that any of the above occurred, you're just pissing in the wind.
Then stop blabbering, useless.
And of course all of a sudden we forget that this concealed carrier may have saved lives by engaging the shooter............

And as this article points out, they AR-15 isn't as deadly a weapon as you anti gun morons drool that it is....

Concealed Carrier Battled Mass Shooter In Houston: Media Silent

What many news outlets seem to be glossing over in their reporting of attack is that the veteran’s attack, carried out with an AR-15 variant, showed that the weapon was anything but “high-powered.” Six of the eight people shot with the most common rifle sold in the United States survived the attack.

One of those survivors, Byron Wilson, was a concealed carrier who drew his handgun and engaged the rifle armed shooter before being shot three times.

Pictures from the scene also show police patrol cars riddled with bullet holes.

He killed 56-year-old Eugene Linscomb and critically injured father Byron Wilson, who police say was trying to fight back and stop the deadly attack.

Authorities said Wilson had a concealed carry permit and fired at the suspect. He was shot three times in the process.

He is expected to survive.

Details are very sketchy about the exact role Mr. Wilson played in stopping the attack. We don’t know if Mr. Wilson hit the gunman, but we do know that he distracted him and shot at him. We don’t know why Mr. Wilson, who is just one of 12+ million concealed carriers in the United States, chose to draw his weapon and wade into a fight against an attacker with a longer-ranged weapon and ostensibly more training.

And he could have gotten others killed, including himself.

In this particular case, the only thing we know is that the good guy with a gun ended up in critical condition.

Yeah......let's wait and see what actuallly happenned.........the anti gun journalists will be withholding anything positive about the defensive gun user......in fact...they might be trying to find out if he is a "White Hispanic" and they might be busy editing his 911 call and editing the video footage they may have....

So let's wait genius to see what happened......and of course....all the other times where a concealed carrier actually stopped a mass shooter, let's completely ignore those....


There's no wait and see what happened, you idiot, we already know what happened. The good guy with the gun ended up in critical condition, and the police did their jobs and got the shooter.

We are not talking about other times, we are discussing this one particular incident.

Yes...and Zimmerman was a white Hispanics, and they didn't Doctor the 911 call and they didn't edit the emergency room nutraceuticals video.......

Did the concealed carrier slow down the attacker? Did he wound the attacker?

Did he save lives?


Useless blabber.

Unless you have proof that any of the above occurred, you're just pissing in the wind.

You realize they actually called Zimmerman a white Hispanics...right? after they realized he wasn't a German guy.....right?

NBC edited the 911 recording to make it seem like Zimmerman identified martin's race in his own...instead of the fact he was responding to the 911 caller's question.........

And they all claimed that Zimmerman had no injuries......

So yeah....let's wait to see what actually happened......
And he could have gotten others killed, including himself.

In this particular case, the only thing we know is that the good guy with a gun ended up in critical condition.

Yeah......let's wait and see what actuallly happenned.........the anti gun journalists will be withholding anything positive about the defensive gun user......in fact...they might be trying to find out if he is a "White Hispanic" and they might be busy editing his 911 call and editing the video footage they may have....

So let's wait genius to see what happened......and of course....all the other times where a concealed carrier actually stopped a mass shooter, let's completely ignore those....


There's no wait and see what happened, you idiot, we already know what happened. The good guy with the gun ended up in critical condition, and the police did their jobs and got the shooter.

We are not talking about other times, we are discussing this one particular incident.

Yes...and Zimmerman was a white Hispanics, and they didn't Doctor the 911 call and they didn't edit the emergency room nutraceuticals video.......

Did the concealed carrier slow down the attacker? Did he wound the attacker?

Did he save lives?


Useless blabber.

Unless you have proof that any of the above occurred, you're just pissing in the wind.

You realize they actually called Zimmerman a white Hispanics...right? after they realized he wasn't a German guy.....right?

NBC edited the 911 recording to make it seem like Zimmerman identified martin's race in his own...instead of the fact he was responding to the 911 caller's question.........

And they all claimed that Zimmerman had no injuries......

So yeah....let's wait to see what actually happened......

You're on the wrong thread, dummy. None of that has anything to do with this thread.

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