2 people arrested on weapons charges near White House, authorities say

let me guess: Trump supporters?

Let me guess, thought we still had a Constitution?

BB guns aren't protected by the Second Amendment, since they didn't use them to fend off the British back in the day.

:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg::lmao:
" The first individual was arrested for possession of a BB gun, while the second individual was arrested for carrying a pistol without a license, possession of an unregistered firearm and possession of unregistered ammunition, according to the spokesperson. "

Possession of a BB gun? Possession of "unregistered" ammunition? Really? At the same time the government is requiring other citizens to go armed in the same area? Is someone checking the registration of weapons and ammunition carried or transported by NG, Capitol Police, SS, DC metro police, FBI, and politicians' pet security in the area? Have we been officially divided into the privileged few and peons?
I would love to see the NRA side these folks in court and will most certainly contribute to their defense fund if one is started.
Absolutely shameful behavior by the U.S. constitution hating traitorous pigs who violate their oath of office.

"The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." ~ quoted from the U.S. constitution

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