2 Questions For 2nd Amendment Fans


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
01. Do you agree that convicts should not have access, aka be allowed to own guns?

02. Do you believe that an individual should be tested for mental competency before being allowed to own a gun?

Why/why not?
01. Do you agree that convicts should not have access, aka be allowed to own guns?

02. Do you believe that an individual should be tested for mental competency before being allowed to own a gun?

Why/why not?

What part of "shall not be infringed" don't you understand?
01. Do you agree that convicts should not have access, aka be allowed to own guns?

02. Do you believe that an individual should be tested for mental competency before being allowed to own a gun?

Why/why not?

What part of "shall not be infringed" don't you understand?

What part of "for the general welfare of the people" don't you understand?

Going forward, I'd prefer if you either answer the questions...or keep out. Don't continue to troll. Please.

01. Do you agree that convicts should not have access, aka be allowed to own guns?

02. Do you believe that an individual should be tested for mental competency before being allowed to own a gun?

Why/why not?

What part of "shall not be infringed" don't you understand?

What part of "for the general welfare of the people" don't you understand?

Going forward, I'd prefer if you either answer the questions...or keep out. Don't continue to troll. Please.


I don't care what you'd prefer. If you think the Second Amendment has anything to do with guns, you're not in a position to express your preferences. You don't understand it.

I'm just trying to help.
I don't care what you'd prefer. If you think the Second Amendment has anything to do with guns, you're not in a position to express your preferences. You don't understand it.

I'm just trying to help.

Thus far your only response was to attack.

Although the questions being asked are totally valid and reasonable.

Should there be restrictions on gun ownership? Yes, but you paint with too broad a brush.

If you will, talk about what kinds of restrictions you would like to see.

And on the brush part...I did no such thing. All I did was ask some questions...your brains inserted the rest all by itself.

1. Depends on the conviction.

2. No, which is not the same as a background check into existing mental issues.
I don't care what you'd prefer. If you think the Second Amendment has anything to do with guns, you're not in a position to express your preferences. You don't understand it.

I'm just trying to help.

Thus far your only response was to attack.

Although the questions being asked are totally valid and reasonable.


Your questions reflect a false premise.
01. Do you agree that convicts should not have access, aka be allowed to own guns?

02. Do you believe that an individual should be tested for mental competency before being allowed to own a gun?

Why/why not?

Yes to both. Both seem like Reasonable Limitations to me.
1. If you mean felons, YES

2. When your government is trying to class returning War Veterans as possible terrorist, Not just NO But HELL NO.
You can't trust the government to give a fair test or to not manipulate the answers into something their not.

Do you really believe the inflation rate is 0% or unemployment is 9%? Well they would manipulate test answers the same way.
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1. Not all convicts. Those convicted of violent crime would sit ok with me, although constitutionally, it is a very difficult area.

2. No. Mainly because mental illness can develop at any time. Also, most people with mental illness - properly medicated - cope fine. Legislating it won't catch the 'Loughners'.
01. Do you agree that convicts should not have access, aka be allowed to own guns?

02. Do you believe that an individual should be tested for mental competency before being allowed to own a gun?

Why/why not?

Yes to felons owning guns, and no to giving mental tests to own a gun. We shouldn't interefer with "Shall Not Be Infringed." There were convicts & mental cases when the founding fathers wrote the constitution and they made no exception against anyone, while make a clause to insure it wasn't changed.
1. If you mean felons, YES

2. When your government is trying to class returning War Veterans as possible terrorist, Not just NO But HELL NO.
You can't trust the government to give a fair test or to not manipulate the answers into something their not.

Felons. Such as Bernie Madoff, but not someone convicted of several DUI's? How about vets suffering from PTSD?
1. If you mean felons, YES

2. When your government is trying to class returning War Veterans as possible terrorist, Not just NO But HELL NO.
You can't trust the government to give a fair test or to not manipulate the answers into something their not.

Felons. Such as Bernie Madoff, but not someone convicted of several DUI's? How about vets suffering from PTSD?

I know a vet who suffers from PTSD. I'd trust him with a gun. Actually, I'd trust him with my life.
01. Do you agree that convicts should not have access, aka be allowed to own guns?

02. Do you believe that an individual should be tested for mental competency before being allowed to own a gun?

Why/why not?

Yes to felons owning guns, and no to giving mental tests to own a gun. We shouldn't interefer with "Shall Not Be Infringed." There were convicts & mental cases when the founding fathers wrote the constitution and they made no exception against anyone, while make a clause to insure it wasn't changed.

How many might someone with murderous intent kill while armed with a flint lock?
01. Do you agree that convicts should not have access, aka be allowed to own guns?

02. Do you believe that an individual should be tested for mental competency before being allowed to own a gun?

Why/why not?

Yes to felons owning guns, and no to giving mental tests to own a gun. We shouldn't interefer with "Shall Not Be Infringed." There were convicts & mental cases when the founding fathers wrote the constitution and they made no exception against anyone, while make a clause to insure it wasn't changed.

How many might someone with murderous intent kill while armed with a flint lock?

I don't see the relevance of your question. I will say the civil war & Indian wars, and other early wars before the first revolver took a might toll of death. You can kill the same numbers with bows & arrows or knives or spears or frying pans, cars, tainted foods, diseases, etc. A gun is a tool like any other tool. None of this changes the Constitutional intent of "Shall Not Be Infringed."
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1. Not all convicts. Those convicted of violent crime would sit ok with me, although constitutionally, it is a very difficult area.

2. No. Mainly because mental illness can develop at any time. Also, most people with mental illness - properly medicated - cope fine. Legislating it won't catch the 'Loughners'.

What she said.... :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Why infringe on the rights of felons? If the Second Amendment is sacrosanct, and the words express the original intent of the founders, shouldn't any infringement, control or regulation be unconstitutional?
["Yes, I'd like a a two megaton warhead on my mortor. Do you deliever?"]

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