2 Russian stray missiles have just hit a farm in Przewodów on the Polish side of the Polish-Ukrainian border, killing 2 Poles. Nato Article 5?

Idiot, why would I go fight when I oppose deploying American troops there?
So in summary
* You want Putin stopped
* You don't want to fight yourself
* You don't want Americans or NATO to fight
* You want unlimited dollars sent to Ukraine

All the while Ukraine and US brought this is war about and idiots like YOU don't care enough to find out what happened over but you're more than happy to screech online while someone else, anyone but you, does anything

You're a coward
Really moron? What country did they invade?
Well there are other ways to “bring a war about,” though I would phrase it more like the US and the West in general have certainly gone out of their way to provoke Russia. Here’s a pretty good article on the subject.

Well there are other ways to “bring a war about,” though I would phrase it more like the US and the West in general have certainly gone out of their way to provoke Russia. Here’s a pretty good article on the subject.

I'll give you credit: At least you were able to name Russia as having soemthing to do with this war unlike that other moron.

But I have a much more elegant explanaiton:

Little Imperialist wanna-be Putin wanted to go grab some land and he did. Grabbed some in Georgia in 2008, grabbed Ukrainian Crimea in 2014 and when separatists in eastern Ukraine he was arming failed to start an all out civil war he moved his army in to finish the job directly..

The rest is tools like you eating up Kremlin bullshit and calling it ice cream.

Russia NEVER had any emminent security concern, nobody in their wildest dreams had any interest in crossing over into their nuke packed swamp. Nope, the biggest threat to Russian regime was "brother countries" on their borders god fobid prospering as open democracies.
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Interesting development:

Missile strike co-ordinates are a mix of Kiev latitude (50.4501N) and Lviv longtitude(24.031E).

Which makes for a realistic scenario of a missile operator screw up. It also explains 2 rockets ending up in the same place.
I didn't say I want Russia destroyed at any price.

Your posts are just curious to say the least. You seem more interested in Russia, while you claim to be from Scotland, and then you hate the EU, which would be the best motive for Scottish independence. You seem very UKIPy.
Now I know you are a class A liar and nothing you say is to be trusted.

I have never said anything to suggest I hate the EU because I do not. Rather if you were to look at my posts you will find I am one of the most supportive of the EU in this forum. You suggest I am pretending to be Scottish. Why the hell would I do that and what evidence do you have of that to suggest that? What do you mean by the EU being the best 'motive' for Scottish Independence? Do you believe that only people who voted for Scottish Independence are Scottish? Most Scots last time did not vote for Independence and you don't know what I voted. Your UKIP ending is as bizarre and untrue as everything else you have written. Insane and the opposite of all my posts.

You disgust. You have not one piece of honesty in you.
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Oh by the way - „Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła“ = "Still Poland is not lost". Looks like Poland will survive this heavy "attack" = "accident". Whether the Ukraine will survive or not is still not so clear.
This has the potential to be bad. Especially if Russia says the Poland attack wasn’t an accident


What do you need article 5 for when you're already in Ukraine

For demockwacy!


this little guy, Zelensky tried to trick the world in WWIII. He should be removed...imprisoned, and maybe worse.

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