2 Saudi women kill themselves


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Two drowned Saudi sisters committed suicide: US medical examiner

This is a rather sad story, two women who immigrated from Saudi Arabia were seeking asylum in the US, but were denied asylum. They then taped each others bodies together and plunged to their deaths into the Hudson River before being deported back to crazy town.

This story predictably will have two different reactions based upon political leanings. Those that hate Trump will blame him for not allowing them into the country, and those who love Trump will point to the horrible nature of the culture and government within Saudi Arabia that caused these women to want to die rather than to return to it, and the effort by people like Trump to keep this insanity and hateful culture that leads to terrorism around the world

There is no perfect answer here, both points of view are valid, and it just high lights the desire from people all across the world wanting to come to the US. In the future, predictably some will be granted asylum and spared, as where others will use their asylum to commit terrorist acts and/or bring their culture to the US to oppress women and infidels, etc.

At the end of the day, all we can hope is to keep America someplace that people want to come, keep it a place of hope so that they don't choose to kill themselves like these two Saudi women. As Americans, no matter your political leanings, we should all be able to agree with that.
Two drowned Saudi sisters committed suicide: US medical examiner

This is a rather sad story, two women who immigrated from Saudi Arabia were seeking asylum in the US, but were denied asylum. They then taped each others bodies together and plunged to their deaths into the Hudson River before being deported back to crazy town.

This story predictably will have two different reactions based upon political leanings. Those that hate Trump will blame him for not allowing them into the country, and those who love Trump will point to the horrible nature of the culture and government within Saudi Arabia that caused these women to want to die rather than to return to it, and the effort by people like Trump to keep this insanity and hateful culture that leads to terrorism around the world

There is no perfect answer here, both points of view are valid, and it just high lights the desire from people all across the world wanting to come to the US. In the future, predictably some will be granted asylum and spared, as where others will use their asylum to commit terrorist acts and/or bring their culture to the US to oppress women and infidels, etc.

At the end of the day, all we can hope is to keep America someplace that people want to come, keep it a place of hope so that they don't choose to kill themselves like these two Saudi women. As Americans, no matter your political leanings, we should all be able to agree with that.

Morons who blame, or credit, Trump for stuff, are idiots.

The system setup denied their asylum. I would like to know why.
The situation in Saudi Arabia is well documented, so what were the reasons they were denied? Were they suspicious?
Two drowned Saudi sisters committed suicide: US medical examiner

This is a rather sad story, two women who immigrated from Saudi Arabia were seeking asylum in the US, but were denied asylum. They then taped each others bodies together and plunged to their deaths into the Hudson River before being deported back to crazy town.

This story predictably will have two different reactions based upon political leanings. Those that hate Trump will blame him for not allowing them into the country, and those who love Trump will point to the horrible nature of the culture and government within Saudi Arabia that caused these women to want to die rather than to return to it, and the effort by people like Trump to keep this insanity and hateful culture that leads to terrorism around the world

There is no perfect answer here, both points of view are valid, and it just high lights the desire from people all across the world wanting to come to the US. In the future, predictably some will be granted asylum and spared, as where others will use their asylum to commit terrorist acts and/or bring their culture to the US to oppress women and infidels, etc.

At the end of the day, all we can hope is to keep America someplace that people want to come, keep it a place of hope so that they don't choose to kill themselves like these two Saudi women. As Americans, no matter your political leanings, we should all be able to agree with that.

Morons who blame, or credit, Trump for stuff, are idiots.

The system setup denied their asylum. I would like to know why.
The situation in Saudi Arabia is well documented, so what were the reasons they were denied? Were they suspicious?

No immigration system is perfect that will no doubt lead to situations like this, but the current legal path to citizenship is a bureaucratic nightmare. I know of law abiding immigrants who have married Americans who have paid thousands of dollars and spent years trying to obtain citizenship, but can't.

At the end of the day, bureaucracy answers to no one. That is part of the problem with bureaucracy. They are largely unaccountable for their failings which is why most opt just to bypass it altogether.
Two drowned Saudi sisters committed suicide: US medical examiner

This is a rather sad story, two women who immigrated from Saudi Arabia were seeking asylum in the US, but were denied asylum. They then taped each others bodies together and plunged to their deaths into the Hudson River before being deported back to crazy town.

This story predictably will have two different reactions based upon political leanings. Those that hate Trump will blame him for not allowing them into the country, and those who love Trump will point to the horrible nature of the culture and government within Saudi Arabia that caused these women to want to die rather than to return to it, and the effort by people like Trump to keep this insanity and hateful culture that leads to terrorism around the world

There is no perfect answer here, both points of view are valid, and it just high lights the desire from people all across the world wanting to come to the US. In the future, predictably some will be granted asylum and spared, as where others will use their asylum to commit terrorist acts and/or bring their culture to the US to oppress women and infidels, etc.

At the end of the day, all we can hope is to keep America someplace that people want to come, keep it a place of hope so that they don't choose to kill themselves like these two Saudi women. As Americans, no matter your political leanings, we should all be able to agree with that.

Morons who blame, or credit, Trump for stuff, are idiots.

The system setup denied their asylum. I would like to know why.
The situation in Saudi Arabia is well documented, so what were the reasons they were denied? Were they suspicious?

No immigration system is perfect that will no doubt lead to situations like this, but the current legal path to citizenship is a bureaucratic nightmare. I know of law abiding immigrants who have married Americans who have paid thousands of dollars and spent years trying to obtain citizenship, but can't.

At the end of the day, bureaucracy answers to no one. That is part of the problem with bureaucracy. They are largely unaccountable for their failings which is why most opt just to bypass it altogether.

I agree. I have a friend who was from South America. He spent thousands of dollars and spent years trying for citizenship.

When he finally got it he framed it and it sits in a place of honor on his mantle. Its tough becoming a citizen in this country.

As for asylum seekers. That should be just as tough because most of them will end up being supported by we the tax payer and many aren't looking for asylum. They are looking for a free ride in the US.

Don't know the story on those two sisters but for them to be denied those in charge had to have a good reason.
Not all asylum request are granted. As it should be.

The application for asylum and the reason for denial need to be looked at before any opinions are given.
Blame the guy who started going bald at the age of 12...

Not all asylum request are granted. As it should be.

The application for asylum and the reason for denial need to be looked at before any opinions are given.

Agreed, but by not putting up a border wall you are essentially denying the government that opportunity. No one believes, for example, that MS 13 should be allowed in.

Pelosi in company seem to hold the public position that the state is competent enough to regulate pretty much everything, EXCEPT immigration.

The bottom line is, Pelosi realizes privately that government is dysfunctional and broken overall, but wants to defend it all EXCEPT when it comes to immigration because she believes brown skin equals Dim votes.
those who love Trump will point to the horrible nature of the culture and government within Saudi Arabia that caused these women to want to die rather than to return to it, and the effort by people like Trump to keep this insanity and hateful culture that leads to terrorism around the world

Why would those who love Trump criticize Saudi Arabia? He has done nothing but appease them. Even when he proposed a "Muslim ban" one of the only Muslim countries not on the list was the only one that had 19 people crash planes into the World Trade Center buildings.
those who love Trump will point to the horrible nature of the culture and government within Saudi Arabia that caused these women to want to die rather than to return to it, and the effort by people like Trump to keep this insanity and hateful culture that leads to terrorism around the world

Why would those who love Trump criticize Saudi Arabia? He has done nothing but appease them. Even when he proposed a "Muslim ban" one of the only Muslim countries not on the list was the only one that had 19 people crash planes into the World Trade Center buildings.

As a rule those who support Trump have issues with Islamic culture, as well they should considering how they treat women, gays, infidels, etc.

Those on the Left seem to have no such qualms.
Two drowned Saudi sisters committed suicide: US medical examiner

This is a rather sad story, two women who immigrated from Saudi Arabia were seeking asylum in the US, but were denied asylum. They then taped each others bodies together and plunged to their deaths into the Hudson River before being deported back to crazy town.

This story predictably will have two different reactions based upon political leanings. Those that hate Trump will blame him for not allowing them into the country, and those who love Trump will point to the horrible nature of the culture and government within Saudi Arabia that caused these women to want to die rather than to return to it, and the effort by people like Trump to keep this insanity and hateful culture that leads to terrorism around the world

There is no perfect answer here, both points of view are valid, and it just high lights the desire from people all across the world wanting to come to the US. In the future, predictably some will be granted asylum and spared, as where others will use their asylum to commit terrorist acts and/or bring their culture to the US to oppress women and infidels, etc.

At the end of the day, all we can hope is to keep America someplace that people want to come, keep it a place of hope so that they don't choose to kill themselves like these two Saudi women. As Americans, no matter your political leanings, we should all be able to agree with that.

Here is where I hope we can all agree.

In 5:20 your mind will, most likely, no longer be the same on immigration as it is now.

Immigration Gumballs (Short Version)

Mystic Maya
Published on Mar 8, 2014

Immigration Gumballs with Roy Beck from NumbersUSA

Total bullshit on the part of the U.S. bureaucracy that has their heads so far up the Saudi asses they can't be decent. Saudi's would rather see their daughters dead than at liberty to make their own choices. This will be a warning to any others who escape that desert shit-hole to not depend on America's bureaucrats. It is perfectly fine though to allow a Russian professor come in and write grants to himself to create vaccines that will damage American children. Anyone see a problem with all that?
those who love Trump will point to the horrible nature of the culture and government within Saudi Arabia that caused these women to want to die rather than to return to it, and the effort by people like Trump to keep this insanity and hateful culture that leads to terrorism around the world

Why would those who love Trump criticize Saudi Arabia? He has done nothing but appease them. Even when he proposed a "Muslim ban" one of the only Muslim countries not on the list was the only one that had 19 people crash planes into the World Trade Center buildings.

As a rule those who support Trump have issues with Islamic culture, as well they should considering how they treat women, gays, infidels, etc.

Those on the Left seem to have no such qualms.

They have no problem with Islamic culture, as long as it stays over there, and the oil keeps rolling in. It has nothing to do with principle, and everything to do with practicality.
Why was this so quickly determined to be a suicide? Sounds more like an honor killing.
Two drowned Saudi sisters committed suicide: US medical examiner

This is a rather sad story, two women who immigrated from Saudi Arabia were seeking asylum in the US, but were denied asylum. They then taped each others bodies together and plunged to their deaths into the Hudson River before being deported back to crazy town.

This story predictably will have two different reactions based upon political leanings. Those that hate Trump will blame him for not allowing them into the country, and those who love Trump will point to the horrible nature of the culture and government within Saudi Arabia that caused these women to want to die rather than to return to it, and the effort by people like Trump to keep this insanity and hateful culture that leads to terrorism around the world

There is no perfect answer here, both points of view are valid, and it just high lights the desire from people all across the world wanting to come to the US. In the future, predictably some will be granted asylum and spared, as where others will use their asylum to commit terrorist acts and/or bring their culture to the US to oppress women and infidels, etc.

At the end of the day, all we can hope is to keep America someplace that people want to come, keep it a place of hope so that they don't choose to kill themselves like these two Saudi women. As Americans, no matter your political leanings, we should all be able to agree with that.

Morons who blame, or credit, Trump for stuff, are idiots.

The system setup denied their asylum. I would like to know why.
The situation in Saudi Arabia is well documented, so what were the reasons they were denied? Were they suspicious?

No immigration system is perfect that will no doubt lead to situations like this, but the current legal path to citizenship is a bureaucratic nightmare. I know of law abiding immigrants who have married Americans who have paid thousands of dollars and spent years trying to obtain citizenship, but can't.

At the end of the day, bureaucracy answers to no one. That is part of the problem with bureaucracy. They are largely unaccountable for their failings which is why most opt just to bypass it altogether.

That's all true, but I wager there is more to this story. Perhaps the women were connected to questionable groups. It is unfortunately, impossible to know now.

I'm curious why they did not apply for asylum elsewhere. Could they not go to Jordan, and apply for US asylum in Jordan? Why fly here, and then apply?

Sadly, we'll never know now.
The reasons you state
those who love Trump will point to the horrible nature of the culture and government within Saudi Arabia that caused these women to want to die rather than to return to it, and the effort by people like Trump to keep this insanity and hateful culture that leads to terrorism around the world

Why would those who love Trump criticize Saudi Arabia? He has done nothing but appease them. Even when he proposed a "Muslim ban" one of the only Muslim countries not on the list was the only one that had 19 people crash planes into the World Trade Center buildings.

As a rule those who support Trump have issues with Islamic culture, as well they should considering how they treat women, gays, infidels, etc.

Those on the Left seem to have no such qualms.

"As a rule those who support Trump have issues with Islamic culture, as well they should considering how they treat women, gays, infidels, etc."

These are among the least of the reasons we should have a problem with Islamization.

The best reason to oppose Islamization is well explained by the former Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Andrew C. McCarthy, who successfully prosecuted the Blind Sheikh for the 1993 bombing of the NYC World Trade Center underground garage which was the first attempt to destroy the buildings.

The ‘peaceful’ Jihad in America

By Andrew C. McCarthy


Most Americans don’t realize that jihad is about much more than terrorism.

Even the terrorists don’t blow up buildings for the sake of blowing up buildings. There is method in their madness.
Jihad is not mindless mass-murder, nor is it a syrupy “internal struggle to become a better person.” No, jihad is the mission to establish and spread sharia.

The installation of Allah’s law, believed by Muslims to be a divine injunction, is the necessary precondition to the creation of Islamic societies. While it can, and often is, waged forcibly, Islamists don’t resort to violence (or, at least, to more violence) where surrenders, appeasements and capitulations are available.

And al Qaeda is merely an offshoot of the central Islamist group, the Muslim Brotherhood, or Hizb al-Ikhwan al-Muslimin. Founded in 1928, the Ikhwan’s motto to this day remains, “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Koran is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”

In 1991, Mohamed Akram, a US-based chieftain of the Brotherhood, penned a memo for the eyes of the central leadership in Egypt. Later seized by the FBI, this self-described “Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America” outlined the game-plan for what the organization regards as its “civilizational” war against the West:

“The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

Nor was there anything new about this “grand jihad.” During a post-9/11 raid, Swiss authorities found a similar smoking gun — a methodical plan for the long-term “cultural invasion” of the West — written by Brotherhood theorists in 1982.

As a matter of fact, this sabotage strategy has been in place for nearly half a century. Its bottom-up elements stress Islamist domination of Muslim education, mosques and community centers. From these bases of operation in every city, the Brotherhood’s method is not terrorize but to slipstream behind Islamist terrorists, assuming the posture of “moderates.”

The goal is to seep sharia — Islam’s totalitarian legal code that governs not just the spiritual realm but all aspects of life — into our politics, law, financial system, educational institutions, labor negotiations, familial relations, and all facets of our domestic and foreign policy, from health care to engagement with Iran.
Yes, 31 years after the Iranian revolution, 17 years after Islamists declared war on the United States by bombing the World Trade Center and nine years after the 9/11 atrocities, the American people are still in the dark about the daunting challenge we face. Under jihadist siege for decades, we still don’t even get what jihad is and why it isn’t just about “violent extremists” — the politically correct term now used by government officials in their desperation to bleach the Islam out of Islamist terror.
Two years ago, I wrote about this ethos of conscious avoidance in “Willful Blindness.” But that was a memoir about trying to confront international terrorism as a federal prosecutor in the 1990s. The forces arrayed against us are much more extensive and insidious than al Qaeda, and they are not just pressing the limitations of our criminal-justice system.
The game-plan being executed against us targets American constitutional democracy itself, taking aim at its core principles of individual liberty.
Lavishly backed by Saudi billions thanks to a decades-old partnership with the kingdom, the Brotherhood is now raising, in our midst, its third generation of operatives and sympathizers. Its tentacles include such high-profile organizations as the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Islamic Society of North America and the Muslim American Society (the Brotherhood’s semi-official American branch).
Our opinion elites are only too happy to take at face value the claims of these groups to be “moderate.” Indeed, our government, media and academies are reluctant to discuss Islam honestly, let alone Islamist ideology.
And effectively allied with the jihadists is the hard left across the West. For all their differences (e.g., on abortion and the rights of women and homosexuals) Islam and the Left are in essential harmony when it comes to their vision of authoritarian government and their perception of the immediate obstacle to their designs: American constitutional democracy.
What the global Islamist project is doing, and how, are the subjects of my new book, “The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America,” published last week. It is the story of the ideology that not only fuels anti-American terror but stokes a sedulous jihadist campaign to Islamicize our society — not without firing a shot, but by capitalizing on the shots that have already been fired.
A grand jihad is hell-bent on sabotaging America. We ignore it at our peril.
Andrew C. McCarthy is a senior fellow at the National Review Institute.
Andrew C. McCarthy III (born 1959)[1] is an American columnist for National Review. He served as an Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York.[2][3][4] A Republican, he is most notable for leading the 1995 terrorism prosecution against Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman and eleven others. The defendants were convicted of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and planning a series of attacks against New York City landmarks.[5] He also contributed to the prosecutions of terrorists who bombed United States embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. He resigned from the Justice Department in 2003. During the Obama administration, McCarthy promoted conspiracy theories that the Obama administration was aiding Islamist plots to sabotage the West from within.[6][7][8]
Andrew C. McCarthy - Wikipedia
Total bullshit on the part of the U.S. bureaucracy that has their heads so far up the Saudi asses they can't be decent. Saudi's would rather see their daughters dead than at liberty to make their own choices. This will be a warning to any others who escape that desert shit-hole to not depend on America's bureaucrats. It is perfectly fine though to allow a Russian professor come in and write grants to himself to create vaccines that will damage American children. Anyone see a problem with all that?
The reasons you state
those who love Trump will point to the horrible nature of the culture and government within Saudi Arabia that caused these women to want to die rather than to return to it, and the effort by people like Trump to keep this insanity and hateful culture that leads to terrorism around the world

Why would those who love Trump criticize Saudi Arabia? He has done nothing but appease them. Even when he proposed a "Muslim ban" one of the only Muslim countries not on the list was the only one that had 19 people crash planes into the World Trade Center buildings.

As a rule those who support Trump have issues with Islamic culture, as well they should considering how they treat women, gays, infidels, etc.

Those on the Left seem to have no such qualms.

"As a rule those who support Trump have issues with Islamic culture, as well they should considering how they treat women, gays, infidels, etc."

These are among the least of the reasons we should have a problem with Islamization.

The best reason to oppose Islamization is well explained by the former Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Andrew C. McCarthy, who successfully prosecuted the Blind Sheikh for the 1993 bombing of the NYC World Trade Center underground garage which was the first attempt to destroy the buildings.

The ‘peaceful’ Jihad in America

By Andrew C. McCarthy


Most Americans don’t realize that jihad is about much more than terrorism.

Even the terrorists don’t blow up buildings for the sake of blowing up buildings. There is method in their madness.
Jihad is not mindless mass-murder, nor is it a syrupy “internal struggle to become a better person.” No, jihad is the mission to establish and spread sharia.

The installation of Allah’s law, believed by Muslims to be a divine injunction, is the necessary precondition to the creation of Islamic societies. While it can, and often is, waged forcibly, Islamists don’t resort to violence (or, at least, to more violence) where surrenders, appeasements and capitulations are available.

And al Qaeda is merely an offshoot of the central Islamist group, the Muslim Brotherhood, or Hizb al-Ikhwan al-Muslimin. Founded in 1928, the Ikhwan’s motto to this day remains, “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Koran is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”

In 1991, Mohamed Akram, a US-based chieftain of the Brotherhood, penned a memo for the eyes of the central leadership in Egypt. Later seized by the FBI, this self-described “Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America” outlined the game-plan for what the organization regards as its “civilizational” war against the West:

“The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

Nor was there anything new about this “grand jihad.” During a post-9/11 raid, Swiss authorities found a similar smoking gun — a methodical plan for the long-term “cultural invasion” of the West — written by Brotherhood theorists in 1982.

As a matter of fact, this sabotage strategy has been in place for nearly half a century. Its bottom-up elements stress Islamist domination of Muslim education, mosques and community centers. From these bases of operation in every city, the Brotherhood’s method is not terrorize but to slipstream behind Islamist terrorists, assuming the posture of “moderates.”

The goal is to seep sharia — Islam’s totalitarian legal code that governs not just the spiritual realm but all aspects of life — into our politics, law, financial system, educational institutions, labor negotiations, familial relations, and all facets of our domestic and foreign policy, from health care to engagement with Iran.
Yes, 31 years after the Iranian revolution, 17 years after Islamists declared war on the United States by bombing the World Trade Center and nine years after the 9/11 atrocities, the American people are still in the dark about the daunting challenge we face. Under jihadist siege for decades, we still don’t even get what jihad is and why it isn’t just about “violent extremists” — the politically correct term now used by government officials in their desperation to bleach the Islam out of Islamist terror.
Two years ago, I wrote about this ethos of conscious avoidance in “Willful Blindness.” But that was a memoir about trying to confront international terrorism as a federal prosecutor in the 1990s. The forces arrayed against us are much more extensive and insidious than al Qaeda, and they are not just pressing the limitations of our criminal-justice system.
The game-plan being executed against us targets American constitutional democracy itself, taking aim at its core principles of individual liberty.
Lavishly backed by Saudi billions thanks to a decades-old partnership with the kingdom, the Brotherhood is now raising, in our midst, its third generation of operatives and sympathizers. Its tentacles include such high-profile organizations as the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Islamic Society of North America and the Muslim American Society (the Brotherhood’s semi-official American branch).
Our opinion elites are only too happy to take at face value the claims of these groups to be “moderate.” Indeed, our government, media and academies are reluctant to discuss Islam honestly, let alone Islamist ideology.
And effectively allied with the jihadists is the hard left across the West. For all their differences (e.g., on abortion and the rights of women and homosexuals) Islam and the Left are in essential harmony when it comes to their vision of authoritarian government and their perception of the immediate obstacle to their designs: American constitutional democracy.
What the global Islamist project is doing, and how, are the subjects of my new book, “The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America,” published last week. It is the story of the ideology that not only fuels anti-American terror but stokes a sedulous jihadist campaign to Islamicize our society — not without firing a shot, but by capitalizing on the shots that have already been fired.
A grand jihad is hell-bent on sabotaging America. We ignore it at our peril.
Andrew C. McCarthy is a senior fellow at the National Review Institute.
Andrew C. McCarthy III (born 1959)[1] is an American columnist for National Review. He served as an Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York.[2][3][4] A Republican, he is most notable for leading the 1995 terrorism prosecution against Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman and eleven others. The defendants were convicted of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and planning a series of attacks against New York City landmarks.[5] He also contributed to the prosecutions of terrorists who bombed United States embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. He resigned from the Justice Department in 2003. During the Obama administration, McCarthy promoted conspiracy theories that the Obama administration was aiding Islamist plots to sabotage the West from within.[6][7][8]
Andrew C. McCarthy - Wikipedia
Total bullshit on the part of the U.S. bureaucracy that has their heads so far up the Saudi asses they can't be decent. Saudi's would rather see their daughters dead than at liberty to make their own choices. This will be a warning to any others who escape that desert shit-hole to not depend on America's bureaucrats. It is perfectly fine though to allow a Russian professor come in and write grants to himself to create vaccines that will damage American children. Anyone see a problem with all that?


I would compare Islam to pit bull dogs. By in large, pit bull owners swear by them as being good dogs, as most are.

However, if you ever hear of a dog killing someone, 9 times out of 10 it is a pit bull. That is because they were bred to kill.

This is how I view Islam. Most Muslims are peaceable enough, but Islamic dominated societies around the world lead the world in terrorism. Most either ignore or explain away the violent teachings of Islam but there will always be a segment that adhere to it.

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