2 Shot During 'Old West' Gunfight Reenactment In Tombstone, Arizona Incident happened during the cit

Who said anything about glorifying death? They COMMEMORATE a historical event. One that was so famous that it was known about worldwide. Europeans are a huge group that visit the deserts of the Southwest USA and they LOVE these sorts of events.

You truly need to pull your head out of your ass and realize that not everyone is interested in under water basket weaving like you, just as you don't care for their activities. So what. That's why we all have the opportunity to do the things we like.

Glorify... commemorate. Distinction without a difference. Either way you're playing cowboy and trivializing Death.

I have no doubt Europeans, as well as Asians, South Americans, Africans, Australians and Antarcticans come to gawk. It's sensationalism. People stop to gawk at horrific traffic accidents too --- doesn't make them a good idea.

Bullshit and you bloody well know it. If you're going to be this fundamentally dishonest then there is no point wasting time on a turd like you.

My that was easy. You should cave this fast more often. Saves time.

Who's caving. You have shown you're a dishonest POS so there is no point in engaging you. No amount of discussion can penetrate your thick skull because you're DISHONEST. See how that works...

Look, this ain't rocket surgery. I'm questioning what kind of values we have, that we can cavalierly trivialize murder and shooting and slaying.

Why don't you address my standing question -- why don't we also re-enact lynchings and witch burnings and gas chambers? That should be fun, right? Git some Negro actors, string 'em up?

Or is it just because those don't involve blowing things up?

Destruction fetishes just make no damn sense.

No, you can't understand how people can have values, likes, and historical interest different from yours. Furthermore you think you are superior to anyone who doesn't think like you do, so you will lie cheat and steal to try and win a ridiculous argument. Here's the deal....you're not special. In fact you're rather pedestrian in your views and likes. So what. I don't care that you don't like the things that I like, or the things that other people like.

Got it? Now go away.
Or they might be a mix of history and gun buffs who like to socialize with people of similar interests.

As opposed to assholes who like to put down people they don't even know.

Or they might be dummies who shoot each other and cant believe guns kill so they play with them. Bang Bang

Nope. Nice people, who engage in History as a hobby.

A better, safer hobby than most.

How many people die in white water rafting, or horse riding, or parachuting?

Do you ridicule them?

"History as a hobby" is a fine, nay, a wondrous thing. Going to visit, say, a 17th century village where everybody's in costume and character -- very educational and visually communicative. I love that shit. Even a Renaissane Faire.

The question is rather -- given an opportunity and facility to re-enact something..... why go for barbarity like this? People shooting each other in the fucking street? Why don't we go ahead and re-enact lynchings and string us up some Negroes? Why don't we just grab some women from the audience and burn them at the stake? Then we'll go over to the ovens where actor-Jews are being gassed and tossed into mass graves. Over this way we've got Chinese actors re-enacting Tiananmen Square. See how they mow down the masses, wow that's soooo cool.

I mean what the fuck is wrong with this mentality? All this does is desensitize and cheapen the value of Life. "Oh look, they're just actors, pretending to shoot each other. They stand up at the end and take the applause. Guess guns aren't so dangerous after all -- and say, that looks like fun. Think I'll git me a six shooter".

Here was a dose of reality.

It wasn't that long ago when there wasn't anything going on in Tombstone. You could buy a house there for peanuts. They were little more then a bedroom community for a nearby copper mining operation that was rapidly playing out. Of course they've always played on their towns history as a means to generate tourist dollars but nothing at all like whats been going on now..

Tombstones past history is bigger then all of your wild west stories & history combined. And then some. They own it, lock, stock & barrel..So why not exploit it.

Again -- sure that's fine, and many towns have done likewise, even if the history is one they make up. There's no issue with that.

The question is ---
--- why use death as your commodity? What exactly does that say?

I also know plenty of people who like Renaissane Faires.

But others like a little action in their hobbies.

Perhaps you are such an intellectual and sophisticated person that you cannot relate to why anyone would feel this way.

IN that case, just trust me on that. I can speak for all the plebeians, and assure you that that is the case and it is normal and healthy.

Don't risk straining your self trying to empathize with someone with different interests than you. Just take my word for it.


"Normal and healthy" to glorify death, is it?
So you'll be attending the next lynching re-enactment? The next gas chamber skit? The big Tulsa Race Riot performance?

Nice. I can't imagine anything more "normal and healthy".

Death, conflict, ect. all a part of the real world today, and historically.

You ever read Shakespeare? You ever see a play, or an opera?

Your welcome to spend your time with your flower arranging club or your bedazzelling circle, and we won't judge.

Try to return the favor.
Or they might be a mix of history and gun buffs who like to socialize with people of similar interests.

As opposed to assholes who like to put down people they don't even know.

Or they might be dummies who shoot each other and cant believe guns kill so they play with them. Bang Bang

Nope. Nice people, who engage in History as a hobby.

A better, safer hobby than most.

How many people die in white water rafting, or horse riding, or parachuting?

Do you ridicule them?

"History as a hobby" is a fine, nay, a wondrous thing. Going to visit, say, a 17th century village where everybody's in costume and character -- very educational and visually communicative. I love that shit. Even a Renaissane Faire.

The question is rather -- given an opportunity and facility to re-enact something..... why go for barbarity like this? People shooting each other in the fucking street? Why don't we go ahead and re-enact lynchings and string us up some Negroes? Why don't we just grab some women from the audience and burn them at the stake? Then we'll go over to the ovens where actor-Jews are being gassed and tossed into mass graves. Over this way we've got Chinese actors re-enacting Tiananmen Square. See how they mow down the masses, wow that's soooo cool.

I mean what the fuck is wrong with this mentality? All this does is desensitize and cheapen the value of Life. "Oh look, they're just actors, pretending to shoot each other. They stand up at the end and take the applause. Guess guns aren't so dangerous after all -- and say, that looks like fun. Think I'll git me a six shooter".

Here was a dose of reality.

It wasn't that long ago when there wasn't anything going on in Tombstone. You could buy a house there for peanuts. They were little more then a bedroom community for a nearby copper mining operation that was rapidly playing out. Of course they've always played on their towns history as a means to generate tourist dollars but nothing at all like whats been going on now..

Tombstones past history is bigger then all of your wild west stories & history combined. And then some. They own it, lock, stock & barrel..So why not exploit it.

Again -- sure that's fine, and many towns have done likewise, even if the history is one they make up. There's no issue with that.

The question is ---
--- why use death as your commodity? What exactly does that say?

I also know plenty of people who like Renaissane Faires.

But others like a little action in their hobbies.

Perhaps you are such an intellectual and sophisticated person that you cannot relate to why anyone would feel this way.

IN that case, just trust me on that. I can speak for all the plebeians, and assure you that that is the case and it is normal and healthy.

Don't risk straining your self trying to empathize with someone with different interests than you. Just take my word for it.


"Normal and healthy" to glorify death, is it?
So you'll be attending the next lynching re-enactment? The next gas chamber skit? The big Tulsa Race Riot performance?

Nice. I can't imagine anything more "normal and healthy".

It's not glorifying death, you nimrod.

I've never seen a group of people so strenuously object to the teaching of history than progressives. I think it's because they are terrified that we might learn from history, and put them in jail where they belong.
Who said anything about glorifying death? They COMMEMORATE a historical event. One that was so famous that it was known about worldwide. Europeans are a huge group that visit the deserts of the Southwest USA and they LOVE these sorts of events.

You truly need to pull your head out of your ass and realize that not everyone is interested in under water basket weaving like you, just as you don't care for their activities. So what. That's why we all have the opportunity to do the things we like.

Glorify... commemorate. Distinction without a difference. Either way you're playing cowboy and trivializing Death.

I have no doubt Europeans, as well as Asians, South Americans, Africans, Australians and Antarcticans come to gawk. It's sensationalism. People stop to gawk at horrific traffic accidents too --- doesn't make them a good idea.

Bullshit and you bloody well know it. If you're going to be this fundamentally dishonest then there is no point wasting time on a turd like you.

My that was easy. You should cave this fast more often. Saves time.

Who's caving. You have shown you're a dishonest POS so there is no point in engaging you. No amount of discussion can penetrate your thick skull because you're DISHONEST. See how that works...

Look, this ain't rocket surgery. I'm questioning what kind of values we have, that we can cavalierly trivialize murder and shooting and slaying.

Why don't you address my standing question -- why don't we also re-enact lynchings and witch burnings and gas chambers? That should be fun, right? Git some Negro actors, string 'em up?

Or is it just because those don't involve blowing things up?

Destruction fetishes just make no damn sense.

The only fetish is your fetish with the erasure of history.

God what a wet palmed ninny you are. And don't use the term "we" please. Believe me, my values are NOTHING like yours. I value freedom, and character.
Glorify... commemorate. Distinction without a difference. Either way you're playing cowboy and trivializing Death.

I have no doubt Europeans, as well as Asians, South Americans, Africans, Australians and Antarcticans come to gawk. It's sensationalism. People stop to gawk at horrific traffic accidents too --- doesn't make them a good idea.

Bullshit and you bloody well know it. If you're going to be this fundamentally dishonest then there is no point wasting time on a turd like you.

My that was easy. You should cave this fast more often. Saves time.

Who's caving. You have shown you're a dishonest POS so there is no point in engaging you. No amount of discussion can penetrate your thick skull because you're DISHONEST. See how that works...

Look, this ain't rocket surgery. I'm questioning what kind of values we have, that we can cavalierly trivialize murder and shooting and slaying.

Why don't you address my standing question -- why don't we also re-enact lynchings and witch burnings and gas chambers? That should be fun, right? Git some Negro actors, string 'em up?

Or is it just because those don't involve blowing things up?

Destruction fetishes just make no damn sense.

No, you can't understand how people can have values, likes, and historical interest different from yours. Furthermore you think you are superior to anyone who doesn't think like you do, so you will lie cheat and steal to try and win a ridiculous argument. Here's the deal....you're not special. In fact you're rather pedestrian in your views and likes. So what. I don't care that you don't like the things that I like, or the things that other people like.

Got it? Now go away.

Completely declines to address the point. Very well not-played. Beautifully not-done-anyting-about.
Last edited:
Or they might be dummies who shoot each other and cant believe guns kill so they play with them. Bang Bang

Nope. Nice people, who engage in History as a hobby.

A better, safer hobby than most.

How many people die in white water rafting, or horse riding, or parachuting?

Do you ridicule them?

"History as a hobby" is a fine, nay, a wondrous thing. Going to visit, say, a 17th century village where everybody's in costume and character -- very educational and visually communicative. I love that shit. Even a Renaissane Faire.

The question is rather -- given an opportunity and facility to re-enact something..... why go for barbarity like this? People shooting each other in the fucking street? Why don't we go ahead and re-enact lynchings and string us up some Negroes? Why don't we just grab some women from the audience and burn them at the stake? Then we'll go over to the ovens where actor-Jews are being gassed and tossed into mass graves. Over this way we've got Chinese actors re-enacting Tiananmen Square. See how they mow down the masses, wow that's soooo cool.

I mean what the fuck is wrong with this mentality? All this does is desensitize and cheapen the value of Life. "Oh look, they're just actors, pretending to shoot each other. They stand up at the end and take the applause. Guess guns aren't so dangerous after all -- and say, that looks like fun. Think I'll git me a six shooter".

Here was a dose of reality.

It wasn't that long ago when there wasn't anything going on in Tombstone. You could buy a house there for peanuts. They were little more then a bedroom community for a nearby copper mining operation that was rapidly playing out. Of course they've always played on their towns history as a means to generate tourist dollars but nothing at all like whats been going on now..

Tombstones past history is bigger then all of your wild west stories & history combined. And then some. They own it, lock, stock & barrel..So why not exploit it.

Again -- sure that's fine, and many towns have done likewise, even if the history is one they make up. There's no issue with that.

The question is ---
--- why use death as your commodity? What exactly does that say?

I also know plenty of people who like Renaissane Faires.

But others like a little action in their hobbies.

Perhaps you are such an intellectual and sophisticated person that you cannot relate to why anyone would feel this way.

IN that case, just trust me on that. I can speak for all the plebeians, and assure you that that is the case and it is normal and healthy.

Don't risk straining your self trying to empathize with someone with different interests than you. Just take my word for it.


"Normal and healthy" to glorify death, is it?
So you'll be attending the next lynching re-enactment? The next gas chamber skit? The big Tulsa Race Riot performance?

Nice. I can't imagine anything more "normal and healthy".

Death, conflict, ect. all a part of the real world today, and historically.

You ever read Shakespeare? You ever see a play, or an opera?

Your welcome to spend your time with your flower arranging club or your bedazzelling circle, and we won't judge.

Try to return the favor.

It isn't a question of what you or I or anyone is "welcome to do". Stop trying to morph my point into something it isn't.
It's a spiritual question about values. Get it?
Or they might be dummies who shoot each other and cant believe guns kill so they play with them. Bang Bang

Nope. Nice people, who engage in History as a hobby.

A better, safer hobby than most.

How many people die in white water rafting, or horse riding, or parachuting?

Do you ridicule them?

"History as a hobby" is a fine, nay, a wondrous thing. Going to visit, say, a 17th century village where everybody's in costume and character -- very educational and visually communicative. I love that shit. Even a Renaissane Faire.

The question is rather -- given an opportunity and facility to re-enact something..... why go for barbarity like this? People shooting each other in the fucking street? Why don't we go ahead and re-enact lynchings and string us up some Negroes? Why don't we just grab some women from the audience and burn them at the stake? Then we'll go over to the ovens where actor-Jews are being gassed and tossed into mass graves. Over this way we've got Chinese actors re-enacting Tiananmen Square. See how they mow down the masses, wow that's soooo cool.

I mean what the fuck is wrong with this mentality? All this does is desensitize and cheapen the value of Life. "Oh look, they're just actors, pretending to shoot each other. They stand up at the end and take the applause. Guess guns aren't so dangerous after all -- and say, that looks like fun. Think I'll git me a six shooter".

Here was a dose of reality.

It wasn't that long ago when there wasn't anything going on in Tombstone. You could buy a house there for peanuts. They were little more then a bedroom community for a nearby copper mining operation that was rapidly playing out. Of course they've always played on their towns history as a means to generate tourist dollars but nothing at all like whats been going on now..

Tombstones past history is bigger then all of your wild west stories & history combined. And then some. They own it, lock, stock & barrel..So why not exploit it.

Again -- sure that's fine, and many towns have done likewise, even if the history is one they make up. There's no issue with that.

The question is ---
--- why use death as your commodity? What exactly does that say?

I also know plenty of people who like Renaissane Faires.

But others like a little action in their hobbies.

Perhaps you are such an intellectual and sophisticated person that you cannot relate to why anyone would feel this way.

IN that case, just trust me on that. I can speak for all the plebeians, and assure you that that is the case and it is normal and healthy.

Don't risk straining your self trying to empathize with someone with different interests than you. Just take my word for it.


"Normal and healthy" to glorify death, is it?
So you'll be attending the next lynching re-enactment? The next gas chamber skit? The big Tulsa Race Riot performance?

Nice. I can't imagine anything more "normal and healthy".

It's not glorifying death, you nimrod.

I've never seen a group of people so strenuously object to the teaching of history than progressives. I think it's because they are terrified that we might learn from history, and put them in jail where they belong.

Now that's funny. Because when I put up, say, a thread about the Tulsa Race Riots or histories of lynchings to remember what's been swept under the historical rug for decades, I get beset by whining wags -- including yourself -- complaining about "why do you have to bring this up, let it go".

Fascinating, that.
Bullshit and you bloody well know it. If you're going to be this fundamentally dishonest then there is no point wasting time on a turd like you.

My that was easy. You should cave this fast more often. Saves time.

Who's caving. You have shown you're a dishonest POS so there is no point in engaging you. No amount of discussion can penetrate your thick skull because you're DISHONEST. See how that works...

Look, this ain't rocket surgery. I'm questioning what kind of values we have, that we can cavalierly trivialize murder and shooting and slaying.

Why don't you address my standing question -- why don't we also re-enact lynchings and witch burnings and gas chambers? That should be fun, right? Git some Negro actors, string 'em up?

Or is it just because those don't involve blowing things up?

Destruction fetishes just make no damn sense.

No, you can't understand how people can have values, likes, and historical interest different from yours. Furthermore you think you are superior to anyone who doesn't think like you do, so you will lie cheat and steal to try and win a ridiculous argument. Here's the deal....you're not special. In fact you're rather pedestrian in your views and likes. So what. I don't care that you don't like the things that I like, or the things that other people like.

Got it? Now go away.

Completely declines to address the point.

That's because you HAVE no point. You have a dislike of the activities that other people enjoy. So what. Opinions like yours are like assholes, everybody's got one.
Bullshit and you bloody well know it. If you're going to be this fundamentally dishonest then there is no point wasting time on a turd like you.

My that was easy. You should cave this fast more often. Saves time.

Who's caving. You have shown you're a dishonest POS so there is no point in engaging you. No amount of discussion can penetrate your thick skull because you're DISHONEST. See how that works...

Look, this ain't rocket surgery. I'm questioning what kind of values we have, that we can cavalierly trivialize murder and shooting and slaying.

Why don't you address my standing question -- why don't we also re-enact lynchings and witch burnings and gas chambers? That should be fun, right? Git some Negro actors, string 'em up?

Or is it just because those don't involve blowing things up?

Destruction fetishes just make no damn sense.

No, you can't understand how people can have values, likes, and historical interest different from yours. Furthermore you think you are superior to anyone who doesn't think like you do, so you will lie cheat and steal to try and win a ridiculous argument. Here's the deal....you're not special. In fact you're rather pedestrian in your views and likes. So what. I don't care that you don't like the things that I like, or the things that other people like.

Got it? Now go away.

Completely declines to address the point.

What point? That you want people to stop doing things you don't enjoy or understand?

What a fucking twit.
My that was easy. You should cave this fast more often. Saves time.

Who's caving. You have shown you're a dishonest POS so there is no point in engaging you. No amount of discussion can penetrate your thick skull because you're DISHONEST. See how that works...

Look, this ain't rocket surgery. I'm questioning what kind of values we have, that we can cavalierly trivialize murder and shooting and slaying.

Why don't you address my standing question -- why don't we also re-enact lynchings and witch burnings and gas chambers? That should be fun, right? Git some Negro actors, string 'em up?

Or is it just because those don't involve blowing things up?

Destruction fetishes just make no damn sense.

No, you can't understand how people can have values, likes, and historical interest different from yours. Furthermore you think you are superior to anyone who doesn't think like you do, so you will lie cheat and steal to try and win a ridiculous argument. Here's the deal....you're not special. In fact you're rather pedestrian in your views and likes. So what. I don't care that you don't like the things that I like, or the things that other people like.

Got it? Now go away.

Completely declines to address the point.

That's because you HAVE no point. You have a dislike of the activities that other people enjoy. So what. Opinions like yours are like assholes, everybody's got one.

Nope. Nice people, who engage in History as a hobby.

A better, safer hobby than most.

How many people die in white water rafting, or horse riding, or parachuting?

Do you ridicule them?

"History as a hobby" is a fine, nay, a wondrous thing. Going to visit, say, a 17th century village where everybody's in costume and character -- very educational and visually communicative. I love that shit. Even a Renaissane Faire.

The question is rather -- given an opportunity and facility to re-enact something..... why go for barbarity like this? People shooting each other in the fucking street? Why don't we go ahead and re-enact lynchings and string us up some Negroes? Why don't we just grab some women from the audience and burn them at the stake? Then we'll go over to the ovens where actor-Jews are being gassed and tossed into mass graves. Over this way we've got Chinese actors re-enacting Tiananmen Square. See how they mow down the masses, wow that's soooo cool.

I mean what the fuck is wrong with this mentality? All this does is desensitize and cheapen the value of Life. "Oh look, they're just actors, pretending to shoot each other. They stand up at the end and take the applause. Guess guns aren't so dangerous after all -- and say, that looks like fun. Think I'll git me a six shooter".

Here was a dose of reality.

It wasn't that long ago when there wasn't anything going on in Tombstone. You could buy a house there for peanuts. They were little more then a bedroom community for a nearby copper mining operation that was rapidly playing out. Of course they've always played on their towns history as a means to generate tourist dollars but nothing at all like whats been going on now..

Tombstones past history is bigger then all of your wild west stories & history combined. And then some. They own it, lock, stock & barrel..So why not exploit it.

Again -- sure that's fine, and many towns have done likewise, even if the history is one they make up. There's no issue with that.

The question is ---
--- why use death as your commodity? What exactly does that say?

I also know plenty of people who like Renaissane Faires.

But others like a little action in their hobbies.

Perhaps you are such an intellectual and sophisticated person that you cannot relate to why anyone would feel this way.

IN that case, just trust me on that. I can speak for all the plebeians, and assure you that that is the case and it is normal and healthy.

Don't risk straining your self trying to empathize with someone with different interests than you. Just take my word for it.


"Normal and healthy" to glorify death, is it?
So you'll be attending the next lynching re-enactment? The next gas chamber skit? The big Tulsa Race Riot performance?

Nice. I can't imagine anything more "normal and healthy".

It's not glorifying death, you nimrod.

I've never seen a group of people so strenuously object to the teaching of history than progressives. I think it's because they are terrified that we might learn from history, and put them in jail where they belong.

Now that's funny. Because when I put up, say, a thread about the Tulsa Race Riots or histories of lynchings to remember what's been swept under the historical rug for decades, I get beset by whining wags -- including yourself -- complaining about "why do you have to bring this up, let it go".

Fascinating, that.

What's fascinating is how the history YOU find interesting, you think is worthy of discussion. But you think other people shouldn't be allowed to delve into it in their own ways.

It is fascinating.

PS...link to me saying "why do you have to bring this up, let it go".
"History as a hobby" is a fine, nay, a wondrous thing. Going to visit, say, a 17th century village where everybody's in costume and character -- very educational and visually communicative. I love that shit. Even a Renaissane Faire.

The question is rather -- given an opportunity and facility to re-enact something..... why go for barbarity like this? People shooting each other in the fucking street? Why don't we go ahead and re-enact lynchings and string us up some Negroes? Why don't we just grab some women from the audience and burn them at the stake? Then we'll go over to the ovens where actor-Jews are being gassed and tossed into mass graves. Over this way we've got Chinese actors re-enacting Tiananmen Square. See how they mow down the masses, wow that's soooo cool.

I mean what the fuck is wrong with this mentality? All this does is desensitize and cheapen the value of Life. "Oh look, they're just actors, pretending to shoot each other. They stand up at the end and take the applause. Guess guns aren't so dangerous after all -- and say, that looks like fun. Think I'll git me a six shooter".

Here was a dose of reality.

Again -- sure that's fine, and many towns have done likewise, even if the history is one they make up. There's no issue with that.

The question is ---
--- why use death as your commodity? What exactly does that say?

I also know plenty of people who like Renaissane Faires.

But others like a little action in their hobbies.

Perhaps you are such an intellectual and sophisticated person that you cannot relate to why anyone would feel this way.

IN that case, just trust me on that. I can speak for all the plebeians, and assure you that that is the case and it is normal and healthy.

Don't risk straining your self trying to empathize with someone with different interests than you. Just take my word for it.


"Normal and healthy" to glorify death, is it?
So you'll be attending the next lynching re-enactment? The next gas chamber skit? The big Tulsa Race Riot performance?

Nice. I can't imagine anything more "normal and healthy".

It's not glorifying death, you nimrod.

I've never seen a group of people so strenuously object to the teaching of history than progressives. I think it's because they are terrified that we might learn from history, and put them in jail where they belong.

Now that's funny. Because when I put up, say, a thread about the Tulsa Race Riots or histories of lynchings to remember what's been swept under the historical rug for decades, I get beset by whining wags -- including yourself -- complaining about "why do you have to bring this up, let it go".

Fascinating, that.

What's fascinating is how the history YOU find interesting, you think is worthy of discussion. But you think other people shouldn't be allowed to delve into it in their own ways.

It is fascinating.

PS...link to me saying "why do you have to bring this up, let it go".

Link to where I "think other people shouldn't be allowed to delve into it their own ways"?

You first.
I also know plenty of people who like Renaissane Faires.

But others like a little action in their hobbies.

Perhaps you are such an intellectual and sophisticated person that you cannot relate to why anyone would feel this way.

IN that case, just trust me on that. I can speak for all the plebeians, and assure you that that is the case and it is normal and healthy.

Don't risk straining your self trying to empathize with someone with different interests than you. Just take my word for it.


"Normal and healthy" to glorify death, is it?
So you'll be attending the next lynching re-enactment? The next gas chamber skit? The big Tulsa Race Riot performance?

Nice. I can't imagine anything more "normal and healthy".

It's not glorifying death, you nimrod.

I've never seen a group of people so strenuously object to the teaching of history than progressives. I think it's because they are terrified that we might learn from history, and put them in jail where they belong.

Now that's funny. Because when I put up, say, a thread about the Tulsa Race Riots or histories of lynchings to remember what's been swept under the historical rug for decades, I get beset by whining wags -- including yourself -- complaining about "why do you have to bring this up, let it go".

Fascinating, that.

What's fascinating is how the history YOU find interesting, you think is worthy of discussion. But you think other people shouldn't be allowed to delve into it in their own ways.

It is fascinating.

PS...link to me saying "why do you have to bring this up, let it go".

Link to where I "think other people shouldn't be allowed to delve into it their own ways"?

You first.
No, you first.
Nope. Nice people, who engage in History as a hobby.

A better, safer hobby than most.

How many people die in white water rafting, or horse riding, or parachuting?

Do you ridicule them?

"History as a hobby" is a fine, nay, a wondrous thing. Going to visit, say, a 17th century village where everybody's in costume and character -- very educational and visually communicative. I love that shit. Even a Renaissane Faire.

The question is rather -- given an opportunity and facility to re-enact something..... why go for barbarity like this? People shooting each other in the fucking street? Why don't we go ahead and re-enact lynchings and string us up some Negroes? Why don't we just grab some women from the audience and burn them at the stake? Then we'll go over to the ovens where actor-Jews are being gassed and tossed into mass graves. Over this way we've got Chinese actors re-enacting Tiananmen Square. See how they mow down the masses, wow that's soooo cool.

I mean what the fuck is wrong with this mentality? All this does is desensitize and cheapen the value of Life. "Oh look, they're just actors, pretending to shoot each other. They stand up at the end and take the applause. Guess guns aren't so dangerous after all -- and say, that looks like fun. Think I'll git me a six shooter".

Here was a dose of reality.

It wasn't that long ago when there wasn't anything going on in Tombstone. You could buy a house there for peanuts. They were little more then a bedroom community for a nearby copper mining operation that was rapidly playing out. Of course they've always played on their towns history as a means to generate tourist dollars but nothing at all like whats been going on now..

Tombstones past history is bigger then all of your wild west stories & history combined. And then some. They own it, lock, stock & barrel..So why not exploit it.

Again -- sure that's fine, and many towns have done likewise, even if the history is one they make up. There's no issue with that.

The question is ---
--- why use death as your commodity? What exactly does that say?

I also know plenty of people who like Renaissane Faires.

But others like a little action in their hobbies.

Perhaps you are such an intellectual and sophisticated person that you cannot relate to why anyone would feel this way.

IN that case, just trust me on that. I can speak for all the plebeians, and assure you that that is the case and it is normal and healthy.

Don't risk straining your self trying to empathize with someone with different interests than you. Just take my word for it.


"Normal and healthy" to glorify death, is it?
So you'll be attending the next lynching re-enactment? The next gas chamber skit? The big Tulsa Race Riot performance?

Nice. I can't imagine anything more "normal and healthy".

Death, conflict, ect. all a part of the real world today, and historically.

You ever read Shakespeare? You ever see a play, or an opera?

Your welcome to spend your time with your flower arranging club or your bedazzelling circle, and we won't judge.

Try to return the favor.

It isn't a question of what you or I or anyone is "welcome to do". Stop trying to morph my point into something it isn't.
It's a spiritual question about values. Get it?

The values you are pushing have nothing to do with any Western or Christian set of Values I am familiar with.

And I don't see how they would work for any human society.

You ever hear a tale of heroism under fire? Did it make you feel anything?

You ever see the MOvie Zulu?

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