2 weeks too long

That's how it's done right there. ;)
A dangerous game... using the squeeze play to gain a raise.
It often, if not more often than not, backfires.
You may get the initial increase, but you have lost favor from your employer for sure. And they are the ones in power, and may very well use that power to replace you anyway.
I have seen that happen more than once.
A dangerous game... using the squeeze play to gain a raise.
It often, if not more often than not, backfires.
You may get the initial increase, but you have lost favor from your employer for sure. And they are the ones in power, and may very well use that power to replace you anyway.
I have seen that happen more than once.
Just sayin, I am 56 and have been in a hiring position since the late 1980s.
Larger companies use Human Resources department to filter applicants.
The ones that get kicked out, overwhelmingly are applications where the person has gaps in their work timeline.
Nothing hurts an applicant more than working, not working, working, not working...etc.
This is a telltale sign that this person is a "quiter". Or worse, they get fired a lot.
Either way is bad, so out that application goes.
The lesson of this... is don't quit your job without another job already in place. HR departments absolutely look at the dates you put down in your work timeline. And you can't lie. Because checking those dates is the second filter process. The lie will get you to step 2. But then HR folks call previous employers and ask them what were the dates that person was employed there. I have gotten those calls many-many times.

Just something to know.

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