20 accomplishment's of obama

So, you're not just boring.

You're also childish.


Sadly, that doesn't help.

Well, aint that the honkey calling the cracker white? You got anything else to say casper?


You are also extremely educated, and have clearly completed the 6th grade.

Both of which certainly allow you to be entertaining.....

Well, thank you Conservanazi, that's mighty white of you.
Regardless of anything, that it pisses the republicans all off, thats my yard stick and all that I need.

One Picture is all it takes​


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Eight-plus percent unemployment.

National debt passes sixteen trillion.

Multiple crises overseas.

Race relations at their worst in decades.

All true.

So, why isn't Romney up by at least fifteen percent?

Who says he's not? Polls are skewed by those who give the polls, a lot of Pollsters seem to be pro obama.
Conservanazi wake up! You went along with that dumbshit Bush's $10TRILLION spending spree murdering thousands upon thousands of people worldwide and now you're pissed because the new guy can't figure out how to fix your fat old white racist inbred problems? How addicted to deep-fried twinkies are you? Do you really think that if you elect yet another inbred racist conservanazi like yourself that somehow Jesus will shower you with his golden urine and make all your owies go away? Put down the banjo, stop touching your sister-mother, and turn off faux news. We're never going back to your fascist "good ol days." So, either get with the program and be a useful cog in MY America or, eat a bullet. Because YOUR America is dead and buried.

Blaming Buoooooooooosh

Hey, it worked 4 years ago, and they haven't really done much more since then.

Oddly it did not work in 2010
Things less effective now that worked in 2008
Blame Buooooosh
You're racist
What a pathetic bunch of obama supporters. this are the post so far defending obama.
I tell you what I will do I will delete every thing (one at a time) I wrote in the OP if someone can make an argument for obama on those issues I mentioned.

Bin Laden is dead.......General Motors is alive

Nuff said

Conservanazi wake up! You went along with that dumbshit Bush's $10TRILLION spending spree murdering thousands upon thousands of people worldwide and now you're pissed because the new guy can't figure out how to fix your fat old white racist inbred problems? How addicted to deep-fried twinkies are you? Do you really think that if you elect yet another inbred racist conservanazi like yourself that somehow Jesus will shower you with his golden urine and make all your owies go away? Put down the banjo, stop touching your sister-mother, and turn off faux news. We're never going back to your fascist "good ol days." So, either get with the program and be a useful cog in MY America or, eat a bullet. Because YOUR America is dead and buried.

What have Republicans accomplished in four years?

Oh yea..,.....they protected tax cuts for billionaires

What have Republicans accomplished in four years?

I let you know in 2016. :D:lol:

Better yet...what have they accomplished in twenty years?
OH I forgot a couple more

21.obama give amnesty to 20 million illegals. Even thouigh Congress did not pass the dream act.

22.Used America's military in Libya without congressional approval

23.Gave aid to America's enemy in Libya
21. During his first term as President, NASA abandoned Manned Space Flight and For the first time since Kennedy was President, NASA cannot send men into space, and must depend on the Russians to get our astronauts to the International Space Station.

22. During his first term as President the U.S. Credit Rating Downgraded twice
21. During his first term as President, NASA abandoned Manned Space Flight and For the first time since Kennedy was President, NASA cannot send men into space, and must depend on the Russians to get our astronauts to the International Space Station.

22. During his first term as President the U.S. Credit Rating Downgraded twice

21 Is not an issue
22 is already on the OP at number 3
The president who has divided the country the most since.......Man, since......The Civil War when the South wanted to succeed? Yeah, that's about right.
I guess the left is too busy bashing Romney because he farted the wrong way or some other stupid shit.:badgrin:
What a pathetic bunch of obama supporters. this are the post so far defending obama.
I tell you what I will do I will delete every thing (one at a time) I wrote in the OP if someone can make an argument for obama on those issues I mentioned.

Bin Laden is dead.......General Motors is alive

Nuff said

Conservanazi wake up! You went along with that dumbshit Bush's $10TRILLION spending spree murdering thousands upon thousands of people worldwide and now you're pissed because the new guy can't figure out how to fix your fat old white racist inbred problems? How addicted to deep-fried twinkies are you? Do you really think that if you elect yet another inbred racist conservanazi like yourself that somehow Jesus will shower you with his golden urine and make all your owies go away? Put down the banjo, stop touching your sister-mother, and turn off faux news. We're never going back to your fascist "good ol days." So, either get with the program and be a useful cog in MY America or, eat a bullet. Because YOUR America is dead and buried.
Liberals are failing obama. Well I guess they are acting like obama.
Bin Laden is dead.......General Motors is alive

Nuff said

And the ME is on fire, Obama's Apology Tour failed, he made the Libyan leader look like a liar and Iran will soon have a nuke. :clap2:

Good job, I'd say.:cool:

And that's just a few "successes". :eusa_silenced:

North Korea..which was part of George W. Bush "Axis of Evil", really did develop a nuke or two during the Bush administration. They didn't have one before it.

Why no outrage?

And by the way..Iran doesn't have a nuke now..and probably won't for quite some time.

They are in the "Iraq" column of ME countries to pick on.

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