20 accomplishment's of obama

Gotta love George Bush! When he decides to fuck something up, he's gives it his all. Must be from all that cocaine use. Crackheads are like that, don't you know?

4 years later it's still about Boooooooosh.

Hey you Libs like to say that 9/11 was on his watch.

The recent Ambassador's killing was on "Dear Leader's" watch and the Consulate is considered American soil. What say you?

First terrorist attack on american soil since those inbred hillbilly racist militia fucks murdered a couple US citizens last month. Not really any comparison to the thousands upon thousands of American terrorists murdered overseas fighting jihad for Bush's illegal wars, don't you think. Its too bad our soldiers didn't die for a just or noble cause. But what do you expect from cokehead Bush and his cowboy bebop?

Actually no .... you forgot Fort Hood, another sucessful attack made by a muslium extremist. Obama's record doesn't hold well for protecting American civilians from attacks. However, like Iran's nuclear program, North Korea, these are all merely just another bump in the road to him.
Yes obama has accomplished much sadly it's been failure
Now if you think what obama has done is great or good care too address these?

1.42 straight months of 8% or higher unemployment

2.RECORD number of 64.7 million Americans on food stamps

3.Americas credit rating down graded not once but twice.

4.Gave aid to America's enemy in Libya


6.Extended the patriot act

7.Had an American citizen assassinated without due process

8.Fast and the Furious cover up

9. Had an ambassador killed by the people he gave aid to in Libya

10.Wasted billions of dollars on the stimulus

11.GM built plants and sent jobs outside the U.S.

12.Gas cost more now than when he first became president.

13.Reinstated off shore drilling ban.

14.Killed the keystone pipeline (reported by the request of Nebraska Governor)

15.Afghan troops killing American troops on the rise.

16.Black unemployment at 14.1 percent

17.obama loses black supporter over his gay marriage stance.

18.obama's cooked labor department unemployment numbers.

19. Signed into law largest tax called obamatax

20. Shovel ready wasn't as shovel ready as he claimed it was.

21.obama give amnesty to 20 million illegals. Even thouigh Congress did not pass the dream act.

22.Used America's military in Libya without congressional approval

23.Gave aid to America's enemy in Libya

Looks like this will be an on going growing list.

Those are ridiculous attacks that have been debunked again and again on this very site coming from someone who is obviously an idiot. You can lead a Republican to facts, but you can't make it "read".

Well then short bus facts being debunked this I got too see.
Bin Laden is dead.......General Motors is alive

Nuff said

And this makes everything ALL BETTER??

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_56ox_Zw9w]Time Square party for Osama Bin Laden death - New York 10 - YouTube[/ame]


Seems Obama spiked that football a little too soon. If he kept his guard up on intelligence gathering, and made the oval office of greater importance than the View, the death of an ambassador most likely may have been prevented.
Yes obama has accomplished much sadly it's been failure
Now if you think what obama has done is great or good care too address these?

1.42 straight months of 8% or higher unemployment

2.RECORD number of 64.7 million Americans on food stamps

3.Americas credit rating down graded not once but twice.

4.Gave aid to America's enemy in Libya


6.Extended the patriot act

7.Had an American citizen assassinated without due process

8.Fast and the Furious cover up

9. Had an ambassador killed by the people he gave aid to in Libya

10.Wasted billions of dollars on the stimulus

11.GM built plants and sent jobs outside the U.S.

12.Gas cost more now than when he first became president.

13.Reinstated off shore drilling ban.

14.Killed the keystone pipeline (reported by the request of Nebraska Governor)

15.Afghan troops killing American troops on the rise.

16.Black unemployment at 14.1 percent

17.obama loses black supporter over his gay marriage stance.

18.obama's cooked labor department unemployment numbers.

19. Signed into law largest tax called obamatax

20. Shovel ready wasn't as shovel ready as he claimed it was.

21.obama give amnesty to 20 million illegals. Even thouigh Congress did not pass the dream act.

22.Used America's military in Libya without congressional approval

23.Gave aid to America's enemy in Libya

Looks like this will be an on going growing list.

Why bother, it's just stupid shit.

Notice, no one on this board promotes Mitt Romney other than he's running against Obama?

Start here:

What the fuck has Obama done so far?

That might be a good top 10 question when Obama makes his "neilson ratings" rounds and visits Letterman. He DOES realize that it's the votes from voter polls, and not neilson ratings, that he needs for re-election?
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Conservanazi wake up! You went along with that dumbshit Bush's $10TRILLION spending spree murdering thousands upon thousands of people worldwide and now you're pissed because the new guy can't figure out how to fix your fat old white racist inbred problems? How addicted to deep-fried twinkies are you? Do you really think that if you elect yet another inbred racist conservanazi like yourself that somehow Jesus will shower you with his golden urine and make all your owies go away? Put down the banjo, stop touching your sister-mother, and turn off faux news. We're never going back to your fascist "good ol days." So, either get with the program and be a useful cog in MY America or, eat a bullet. Because YOUR America is dead and buried.
How many reps did you get for that? :lol:
Yes obama has accomplished much sadly it's been failure
Now if you think what obama has done is great or good care too address these?

1.42 straight months of 8% or higher unemployment

2.RECORD number of 64.7 million Americans on food stamps

3.Americas credit rating down graded not once but twice.

4.Gave aid to America's enemy in Libya


6.Extended the patriot act

7.Had an American citizen assassinated without due process

8.Fast and the Furious cover up

9. Had an ambassador killed by the people he gave aid to in Libya

10.Wasted billions of dollars on the stimulus

11.GM built plants and sent jobs outside the U.S.

12.Gas cost more now than when he first became president.

13.Reinstated off shore drilling ban.

14.Killed the keystone pipeline (reported by the request of Nebraska Governor)

15.Afghan troops killing American troops on the rise.

16.Black unemployment at 14.1 percent

17.obama loses black supporter over his gay marriage stance.

18.obama's cooked labor department unemployment numbers.

19. Signed into law largest tax called obamatax

20. Shovel ready wasn't as shovel ready as he claimed it was.

21.obama give amnesty to 20 million illegals. Even thouigh Congress did not pass the dream act.

22.Used America's military in Libya without congressional approval

23.Gave aid to America's enemy in Libya

Looks like this will be an on going growing list.

What a bunch of fucking cowards liberals are.
Given the mess he was handed, his time in office could have been worse.

I'm not entirely pleased with many of his policies, of course.

From my perspective I'd give him a C+ at best.

The fact that NOT ONE BANKSTER has gone to prison, tells me that he is not my ideal POTUS.

He towers, however, head and shoulders above the pampered rich-boy, sociopath the GOP has selected to run against him
Given the mess he was handed, his time in office could have been worse.

I'm not entirely pleased with many of his policies, of course.

From my perspective I'd give him a C+ at best.

The fact that NOT ONE BANKSTER has gone to prison, tells me that he is not my ideal POTUS.

He towers, however, head and shoulders above the pampered rich-boy, sociopath the GOP has selected to run against him

I'll bet your ideal POTUS would put people in jail just for being a banker or for having more than a certain amount of money.
Joe Biden said yesterday; "They buried the Middle-Class the last 4 years.....".

He can't be talking about the GOP because they haven't been in charge for 6 years.
Given the mess he was handed, his time in office could have been worse.

I'm not entirely pleased with many of his policies, of course.

From my perspective I'd give him a C+ at best.

The fact that NOT ONE BANKSTER has gone to prison, tells me that he is not my ideal POTUS.

He towers, however, head and shoulders above the pampered rich-boy, sociopath the GOP has selected to run against him

You would be giving him more than he deserves.

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