20 dead at UF Health Jacksonville - ALL unvaxed

This is exactly where my parents live. My parents are both in their 70s and my father is diabetic and obese and neither of them will get the vaccination.

Please encourage them to self quarantine. I'm going to say a little prayer for them.
Trump let 430,000 Chinese Americans fly back to the US from China without quarantine in the spring of 2020.

Your lies about Fauci constitute slander.

It was proper to let all Americans citizens from abroad to return home during the panic caused by Biden's Chicom buddies. You know who they are don't you? They are the ones that made the Biden family filthy rich. Despicable, isn't it?

The Chinese that unleashed a virus that destroyed the world's economy are the same ones that made the Biden family rich and allowed the Democrats the opportunity to steal the election with the scam of fradulant mail in and harvested ballots, counted by Democrats in Democrat swing districts. Disgusting isn't it?
Trump let 430,000 Chinese Americans fly back to the US from China without quarantine in the spring of 2020.

Your lies about Fauci constitute slander.

Show me the reference where the number was almost a half million seeing that most fights from China were stopped.

I would beleive a few thousand for a few dozen flights but that number seems ridiculous. Like something the hateful Moon Bats afflicted with TDS would come up with on CNN.
It was proper to let all Americans citizens from abroad to return home during the panic caused by Biden's Chicom buddies. You know who they are don't you? They are the ones that made the Biden family filthy rich. Despicable, isn't it?

The Chinese that unleashed a virus that destroyed the world's economy are the same ones that made the Biden family rich and allowed the Democrats the opportunity to steal the election with the scam of fradulant mail in and harvested ballots, counted by Democrats in Democrat swing districts. Disgusting isn't it?

As usual Moon Bat you are confused.

It is not a lie that the Chinese let the virus loose.

It is not a lie that the Chinese made the Biden family filthy ass rich. Their man is in the White House now, owned lock, stock and barrel.

It is certainly not a lie that the goddamn Democrat Dirty Tricks Department used the pandemic to steal the election with unverified mail in and harvest ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts. The Electoral College was stolen from the American people.

The only question is was the Democrats in collusion with the Chinese from the beginning or did they simply take advantage of the pandemic to create the unverified mail in and harvested ballots.
Show me the reference where the number was almost a half million seeing that most fights from China were stopped.

I would beleive a few thousand for a few dozen flights but that number seems ridiculous. Like something the hateful Moon Bats afflicted with TDS would come up with on CNN.

How could you have missed this? You can't prevent Chinese Americans from returning to the US, but Trump should have ordered quarantine for them.

I'll post several other links for you if you don't like Fox News.

Some 430,000 people flew from China to US after ...
Apr 05, 2020 · About 430,000 people have flown on direct flights from China to the United States since Chinese officials first disclosed the outbreak of a mysterious pneumonia-like illness to world health ...

430,000 people have traveled from China to the US since ...
Apr 05, 2020 · 430,000 people traveled from China to the US since the COVID-19 outbreak Nearly 40,000 arrived in the two months after Trump issued travel restrictions …
Oh another thing: a great letter FROM YOUR LAWYER saying you would like to see the employer mandate other screenings and treatments as well. HIV, Hepatitis, STDs. ETc. All of it. Can't discriminate after all! OH and henceforth, since employer has decided that Anything You Catch At Work is a Liability....oh. Well this will be so fun
Do you think COVID is a sexually transmitted disease?

There’s a difference between that and a respiratory infection.
The most likely people to be unvaccinated in the US are blacks and hispanics. This would explain the uptick in Florida.

As observed in prior weeks, Black and Hispanic people have received smaller shares of vaccinations compared to their shares of cases and compared to their shares of the total population in most states.
2. Asymptomatic carriers have very low viral loads and are not "super spreaders" Typhoid Mary DID get typhoid. The problem is that people still go out when they're sick. But our public health sucks and can't figure out anything to teach people
It seems more important than asymptomatic carriers are the ability to spread presymptomatic.

People who are vaccinated also have much lower titers if they’re detectable at all.
Americans smoked for decades believing it wasn’t dangerous even after it was proven it was. People are easily manipulated. This will end Desantis election hopes.

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