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20 Million Trump Voters Set To Take HUGE Pay Cut Under Republican Plan

The obvious question is why shouldn't everyone be paid time and a half and not just those makes under 47 thousand dollars?

Well before that no one got time and a half when a salaried employee. You might try understanding the Democrats are about the poorer workers to try and get them up to middle class, unlike the Pubs who work for the corps.

You fool!! Dems lost because you abandoned the middle class for minorities and you didnt import enough of em to make up for the middle class you lost.
Fer fuks sake,even the unions deserted your dumbass!!!
Not really the Poor were paid such shit wages that they thought he Don would improve their lot.......I hate to tell you folks....when the Snake Oil Salesman leaves your town,he will have the bag of cash and you will have paid him for it.......What will you be left with,SAME AS BEFORE,BUT YOUR POCKETS WILL HAVE BEEN EMPTIED,,The Don,he'll be buying more Steel from China,Japan and Korea......whilst lounging in his $20 Grand Recliner,you see.steve

If you're a liberal...you best hope that happens, Steve because if Donald Trump does half of what he's proposed then the US economy is going to improve drastically and liberals won't be able to get elected "dog catcher". You think Trump ran for President because he wants to cash in? You've got that backwards my friend...the Clinton's were the ones looking to cash in on holding the Oval Office...they've already made millions in "donations" from people who thought Hillary was going to be the next President! Trump doesn't need a bag of cash...he's already loaded. He ran for President because he's got a HUGE ego. That same huge ego is going to want to be successful and the only way he pulls that off is if he fixes things.

I think perhaps Donald floated into Washington on borrowed money and on fumes. Time to show his tax returns and prove me wrong.
The obvious question is why shouldn't everyone be paid time and a half and not just those makes under 47 thousand dollars?

Well before that no one got time and a half when a salaried employee. You might try understanding the Democrats are about the poorer workers to try and get them up to middle class, unlike the Pubs who work for the corps.

You fool!! Dems lost because you abandoned the middle class for minorities and you didnt import enough of em to make up for the middle class you lost.
Fer fuks sake,even the unions deserted your dumbass!!!
Not really the Poor were paid such shit wages that they thought he Don would improve their lot.......I hate to tell you folks....when the Snake Oil Salesman leaves your town,he will have the bag of cash and you will have paid him for it.......What will you be left with,SAME AS BEFORE,BUT YOUR POCKETS WILL HAVE BEEN EMPTIED,,The Don,he'll be buying more Steel from China,Japan and Korea......whilst lounging in his $20 Grand Recliner,you see.steve

If you're a liberal...you best hope that happens, Steve because if Donald Trump does half of what he's proposed then the US economy is going to improve drastically and liberals won't be able to get elected "dog catcher". You think Trump ran for President because he wants to cash in? You've got that backwards my friend...the Clinton's were the ones looking to cash in on holding the Oval Office...they've already made millions in "donations" from people who thought Hillary was going to be the next President! Trump doesn't need a bag of cash...he's already loaded. He ran for President because he's got a HUGE ego. That same huge ego is going to want to be successful and the only way he pulls that off is if he fixes things.
Look Oldstyle I hope you are right,Americans deserve to be in a better position.....but can't you see that "Big Business" were/are the originators of buying CHEAP overseas products,and sending AMERICAN jobs overseas, in the1980's my Son James at 14 was selected to represent Australia in the Bodyboarding Worlds in Hawaii he did great,I went with him.....at the time he Loved the Charlotte Hornets....I promised to get him the full kit,Jersey,Baggy Shorts,Cap etc....at the store I was impressed the Blue and White kit was impressive,so was the price but hey you do anything for your kids......I later noticed that the clothing was made in,wait for it>>>>The Dominician Republic,......I thought Fcuk Me.....don't they do American made????I would have paid much more if I could have got AMERICAN MADE....it lasted about six months before the stitching started to fall apart.

Not everyone wants a Poor Quality Shittily Made Product......in 1964 94% of clothing worn by Americans was made in the USA.....Today 94% of clothing worn by Americans is made overseas NOT MADE IN AMERICA.

I have several companies,in one we use American Made Components,why when I can buy Chinese???? at the third of the price.....Because we are worlds best,and we only use American components because they make the Worlds Best...by an educated,hard working and proud workforce and by the way very lovely people I might add.

NO,Americans when they had the choice decided to buy Crap and continue to Buy Crap(you only have to see the life span of a Chinese made screwdriver to know what I mean).....it is false economy to buy cheap,because they need replacing continuesly sic....I can understand Americans have become somewhat lethargic and disappointed but it is not the likes of Don that have made America GREAT...it is the ordinary Moms and Pops of America,with values and community that have Made America Great....and only they will in the future......Stop all this angst against each other,you get more with sugar, than you do with vinegar ,..........Soon Forward Together You Americans......and Stop Feeling Sorry for yourselves.....you have more opportunity and a better life than most people in the world.....steve......mind you,you are still a bit behind Paradise(Australia) LOL...Love you Guys but Get Up,Stand Up and start Movin. By the way I am Liberal and Conservative but more importantly Australian

I'm curious...you rant about Donald Trump being a "Snake Oil Salesman" and then vent about nothing being manufactured in the US anymore...yet you seem to have wanted to see Hillary Clinton in the White House...when it was the Clinton's support of NAFTA that sent most of those manufacturing jobs out of the US in the first place! You claim to be Liberal and Conservative? What does that mean?
Maybe you should stick with local politics ...as in the ones in Australia.
Well your cheap one liner is just that,I learn and we learn from loads of different people and Countries worldwide,maybe because of your myopia, have you ever thought that others ideas may be beneficial to you personally and America as a collective..steve

I'll say it again...worry about you're own country.
It's actually pretty pathetic you find the need to worry about the US when you have your own problems.
If you'd like I can post those problems.
Anytime HWGA,we all have problems,love to discuss yours and ours......I will take this opportunity to wish You and Your Family(and all the posters on this great site)a Very Happy and Safe Christmas and New Year...steven...ps HW,never been called Pathetic before,all good HW...LOL

While I appreciate the warm holiday wishes.....
I still dont understand your fascination with bashing American culture and our politics.
As Allies,we have every right.....let me put it like this...we as a country have always been WITH YOU....we know you are so much more powerful than us....BUT as a younger brother as it were,we find you very thinned skinned to a fault.......at times.....and you sometimes need a BLOOD NOSE.....IT IS NOT BASHING AMERICAN CULTURE......just certain individuals that you feel are so Great......We don't .....and we voice our opinion<too bad if that insults you,which I don't believe unless for some reason you have been skinned!!!!!!!As for criticizing Trump....Why not he calls women DOGS but the only DOG IN THE POUND IS DONALD TRUMP.....but some of you Trumpites would gladly eat the Guys shit.........that's why you need a Blood Nose sometimes to protect some Americans from themselves.......actually I should really send you a Bill for my work....LOL'r...come on HWGA,lighten up,have a laugh and smile..steve anyway you are a fascinating person/American

Interesting concept. You're here to protect Americans from ourselves? Because we're too thin skinned? And Trump is a problem because of his attitude towards women? Gotta be honest with you, Steve...I had a number of good friends from Australia when I worked out in Aspen 20 years ago. Fun loving, hard working people who I thought were wonderful but the one thing I recall is that both of the Australian women I knew said that they found American men preferable to date because the Australian men back home treated their women so badly. So were they exaggerating or have Australian men changed completely in twenty years?
Well before that no one got time and a half when a salaried employee. You might try understanding the Democrats are about the poorer workers to try and get them up to middle class, unlike the Pubs who work for the corps.

You fool!! Dems lost because you abandoned the middle class for minorities and you didnt import enough of em to make up for the middle class you lost.
Fer fuks sake,even the unions deserted your dumbass!!!
Not really the Poor were paid such shit wages that they thought he Don would improve their lot.......I hate to tell you folks....when the Snake Oil Salesman leaves your town,he will have the bag of cash and you will have paid him for it.......What will you be left with,SAME AS BEFORE,BUT YOUR POCKETS WILL HAVE BEEN EMPTIED,,The Don,he'll be buying more Steel from China,Japan and Korea......whilst lounging in his $20 Grand Recliner,you see.steve

If you're a liberal...you best hope that happens, Steve because if Donald Trump does half of what he's proposed then the US economy is going to improve drastically and liberals won't be able to get elected "dog catcher". You think Trump ran for President because he wants to cash in? You've got that backwards my friend...the Clinton's were the ones looking to cash in on holding the Oval Office...they've already made millions in "donations" from people who thought Hillary was going to be the next President! Trump doesn't need a bag of cash...he's already loaded. He ran for President because he's got a HUGE ego. That same huge ego is going to want to be successful and the only way he pulls that off is if he fixes things.
Look Oldstyle I hope you are right,Americans deserve to be in a better position.....but can't you see that "Big Business" were/are the originators of buying CHEAP overseas products,and sending AMERICAN jobs overseas, in the1980's my Son James at 14 was selected to represent Australia in the Bodyboarding Worlds in Hawaii he did great,I went with him.....at the time he Loved the Charlotte Hornets....I promised to get him the full kit,Jersey,Baggy Shorts,Cap etc....at the store I was impressed the Blue and White kit was impressive,so was the price but hey you do anything for your kids......I later noticed that the clothing was made in,wait for it>>>>The Dominician Republic,......I thought Fcuk Me.....don't they do American made????I would have paid much more if I could have got AMERICAN MADE....it lasted about six months before the stitching started to fall apart.

Not everyone wants a Poor Quality Shittily Made Product......in 1964 94% of clothing worn by Americans was made in the USA.....Today 94% of clothing worn by Americans is made overseas NOT MADE IN AMERICA.

I have several companies,in one we use American Made Components,why when I can buy Chinese???? at the third of the price.....Because we are worlds best,and we only use American components because they make the Worlds Best...by an educated,hard working and proud workforce and by the way very lovely people I might add.

NO,Americans when they had the choice decided to buy Crap and continue to Buy Crap(you only have to see the life span of a Chinese made screwdriver to know what I mean).....it is false economy to buy cheap,because they need replacing continuesly sic....I can understand Americans have become somewhat lethargic and disappointed but it is not the likes of Don that have made America GREAT...it is the ordinary Moms and Pops of America,with values and community that have Made America Great....and only they will in the future......Stop all this angst against each other,you get more with sugar, than you do with vinegar ,..........Soon Forward Together You Americans......and Stop Feeling Sorry for yourselves.....you have more opportunity and a better life than most people in the world.....steve......mind you,you are still a bit behind Paradise(Australia) LOL...Love you Guys but Get Up,Stand Up and start Movin. By the way I am Liberal and Conservative but more importantly Australian

I'm curious...you rant about Donald Trump being a "Snake Oil Salesman" and then vent about nothing being manufactured in the US anymore...yet you seem to have wanted to see Hillary Clinton in the White House...when it was the Clinton's support of NAFTA that sent most of those manufacturing jobs out of the US in the first place! You claim to be Liberal and Conservative? What does that mean?
I am Australian,I speak for myself....No one speaks for me including you.....Firstly the two candidates were in a word CRAP in my opinion.....I never said I wanted the Devious Mrs Clinton to win,I never said I wanted the Don to Win because he is a Sleeze Bag and a Hypocritic Bull Shitter,and like Clinton a COMPULSIVE LIAR.........your choice out of the whole population was PATHETIC in my opinion....but nice to see the change over will be smooth.....Barack Obama has Class as was shown at the meeting between Obama and the Don.

I wish to point out how disgusting and appaullingly you have treated President Obama and more importantly his wife and children.....from day one, from the size of Michelle's Ass to Disputing Baracks birth place,..You Filth know who you are......all you did was undermine the Office of the President of the United States in which you succeeded...but Obama,stifled your batant Racism to his credit......

As for being Liberal and Conservative,of course I am.....I look at every situation or problem and decision etc., on its merit.....I am not a Lemming to be told by any political party what and how to do somethine,I decide,I live in a Democracy and think for myself.

I don't RANT..HW,stop trying to play to an audience on here with Scarcasic commentry,it's childish......Conservatives have Generally created the most job losses and manufacturing by aquesing sic to big business demands so they could im port Cheap overseas SHIT,thus causing ramifications today that the DON id exploiting in a hidious and unkind manner today as I said like a SNAKE OIL SALESMAN.......of course I didn't want Hillary or the Don by choice in the White House.....some of you must have had the feeling of having unsatifactory SEX after expeirencing YOUR Election process............steven,excuse any poor grammar and spelling today
You fool!! Dems lost because you abandoned the middle class for minorities and you didnt import enough of em to make up for the middle class you lost.
Fer fuks sake,even the unions deserted your dumbass!!!
Not really the Poor were paid such shit wages that they thought he Don would improve their lot.......I hate to tell you folks....when the Snake Oil Salesman leaves your town,he will have the bag of cash and you will have paid him for it.......What will you be left with,SAME AS BEFORE,BUT YOUR POCKETS WILL HAVE BEEN EMPTIED,,The Don,he'll be buying more Steel from China,Japan and Korea......whilst lounging in his $20 Grand Recliner,you see.steve

If you're a liberal...you best hope that happens, Steve because if Donald Trump does half of what he's proposed then the US economy is going to improve drastically and liberals won't be able to get elected "dog catcher". You think Trump ran for President because he wants to cash in? You've got that backwards my friend...the Clinton's were the ones looking to cash in on holding the Oval Office...they've already made millions in "donations" from people who thought Hillary was going to be the next President! Trump doesn't need a bag of cash...he's already loaded. He ran for President because he's got a HUGE ego. That same huge ego is going to want to be successful and the only way he pulls that off is if he fixes things.
Look Oldstyle I hope you are right,Americans deserve to be in a better position.....but can't you see that "Big Business" were/are the originators of buying CHEAP overseas products,and sending AMERICAN jobs overseas, in the1980's my Son James at 14 was selected to represent Australia in the Bodyboarding Worlds in Hawaii he did great,I went with him.....at the time he Loved the Charlotte Hornets....I promised to get him the full kit,Jersey,Baggy Shorts,Cap etc....at the store I was impressed the Blue and White kit was impressive,so was the price but hey you do anything for your kids......I later noticed that the clothing was made in,wait for it>>>>The Dominician Republic,......I thought Fcuk Me.....don't they do American made????I would have paid much more if I could have got AMERICAN MADE....it lasted about six months before the stitching started to fall apart.

Not everyone wants a Poor Quality Shittily Made Product......in 1964 94% of clothing worn by Americans was made in the USA.....Today 94% of clothing worn by Americans is made overseas NOT MADE IN AMERICA.

I have several companies,in one we use American Made Components,why when I can buy Chinese???? at the third of the price.....Because we are worlds best,and we only use American components because they make the Worlds Best...by an educated,hard working and proud workforce and by the way very lovely people I might add.

NO,Americans when they had the choice decided to buy Crap and continue to Buy Crap(you only have to see the life span of a Chinese made screwdriver to know what I mean).....it is false economy to buy cheap,because they need replacing continuesly sic....I can understand Americans have become somewhat lethargic and disappointed but it is not the likes of Don that have made America GREAT...it is the ordinary Moms and Pops of America,with values and community that have Made America Great....and only they will in the future......Stop all this angst against each other,you get more with sugar, than you do with vinegar ,..........Soon Forward Together You Americans......and Stop Feeling Sorry for yourselves.....you have more opportunity and a better life than most people in the world.....steve......mind you,you are still a bit behind Paradise(Australia) LOL...Love you Guys but Get Up,Stand Up and start Movin. By the way I am Liberal and Conservative but more importantly Australian

I'm curious...you rant about Donald Trump being a "Snake Oil Salesman" and then vent about nothing being manufactured in the US anymore...yet you seem to have wanted to see Hillary Clinton in the White House...when it was the Clinton's support of NAFTA that sent most of those manufacturing jobs out of the US in the first place! You claim to be Liberal and Conservative? What does that mean?
I am Australian,I speak for myself....No one speaks for me including you.....Firstly the two candidates were in a word CRAP in my opinion.....I never said I wanted the Devious Mrs Clinton to win,I never said I wanted the Don to Win because he is a Sleeze Bag and a Hypocritic Bull Shitter,and like Clinton a COMPULSIVE LIAR.........your choice out of the whole population was PATHETIC in my opinion....but nice to see the change over will be smooth.....Barack Obama has Class as was shown at the meeting between Obama and the Don.

I wish to point out how disgusting and appaullingly you have treated President Obama and more importantly his wife and children.....from day one, from the size of Michelle's Ass to Disputing Baracks birth place,..You Filth know who you are......all you did was undermine the Office of the President of the United States in which you succeeded...but Obama,stifled your batant Racism to his credit......

As for being Liberal and Conservative,of course I am.....I look at every situation or problem and decision etc., on its merit.....I am not a Lemming to be told by any political party what and how to do somethine,I decide,I live in a Democracy and think for myself.

I don't RANT..HW,stop trying to play to an audience on here with Scarcasic commentry,it's childish......Conservatives have Generally created the most job losses and manufacturing by aquesing sic to big business demands so they could im port Cheap overseas SHIT,thus causing ramifications today that the DON id exploiting in a hidious and unkind manner today as I said like a SNAKE OIL SALESMAN.......of course I didn't want Hillary or the Don by choice in the White House.....some of you must have had the feeling of having unsatifactory SEX after expeirencing YOUR Election process............steven,excuse any poor grammar and spelling today

It's become quite apparent you're trying to speak for America.
Here's a hint....we dont want your input.
20 Million Trump Voters Set To Take HUGE Pay Cut Under Republican Plan


By Colin Taylor

Posted on November 21, 2016

20 Million Trump Voters Set To Take HUGE Pay Cut Under Republican Plan

Its not going to affect us, but I do hope it affects lots of Trump voters, so many work for salary, at one time I did, but man I worked like 60 hours (when I was young and dumb) and got paid for 40. Never again. Hourly is the way to go.


why do you think they will take pay cut??
Not really the Poor were paid such shit wages that they thought he Don would improve their lot.......I hate to tell you folks....when the Snake Oil Salesman leaves your town,he will have the bag of cash and you will have paid him for it.......What will you be left with,SAME AS BEFORE,BUT YOUR POCKETS WILL HAVE BEEN EMPTIED,,The Don,he'll be buying more Steel from China,Japan and Korea......whilst lounging in his $20 Grand Recliner,you see.steve

If you're a liberal...you best hope that happens, Steve because if Donald Trump does half of what he's proposed then the US economy is going to improve drastically and liberals won't be able to get elected "dog catcher". You think Trump ran for President because he wants to cash in? You've got that backwards my friend...the Clinton's were the ones looking to cash in on holding the Oval Office...they've already made millions in "donations" from people who thought Hillary was going to be the next President! Trump doesn't need a bag of cash...he's already loaded. He ran for President because he's got a HUGE ego. That same huge ego is going to want to be successful and the only way he pulls that off is if he fixes things.
Look Oldstyle I hope you are right,Americans deserve to be in a better position.....but can't you see that "Big Business" were/are the originators of buying CHEAP overseas products,and sending AMERICAN jobs overseas, in the1980's my Son James at 14 was selected to represent Australia in the Bodyboarding Worlds in Hawaii he did great,I went with him.....at the time he Loved the Charlotte Hornets....I promised to get him the full kit,Jersey,Baggy Shorts,Cap etc....at the store I was impressed the Blue and White kit was impressive,so was the price but hey you do anything for your kids......I later noticed that the clothing was made in,wait for it>>>>The Dominician Republic,......I thought Fcuk Me.....don't they do American made????I would have paid much more if I could have got AMERICAN MADE....it lasted about six months before the stitching started to fall apart.

Not everyone wants a Poor Quality Shittily Made Product......in 1964 94% of clothing worn by Americans was made in the USA.....Today 94% of clothing worn by Americans is made overseas NOT MADE IN AMERICA.

I have several companies,in one we use American Made Components,why when I can buy Chinese???? at the third of the price.....Because we are worlds best,and we only use American components because they make the Worlds Best...by an educated,hard working and proud workforce and by the way very lovely people I might add.

NO,Americans when they had the choice decided to buy Crap and continue to Buy Crap(you only have to see the life span of a Chinese made screwdriver to know what I mean).....it is false economy to buy cheap,because they need replacing continuesly sic....I can understand Americans have become somewhat lethargic and disappointed but it is not the likes of Don that have made America GREAT...it is the ordinary Moms and Pops of America,with values and community that have Made America Great....and only they will in the future......Stop all this angst against each other,you get more with sugar, than you do with vinegar ,..........Soon Forward Together You Americans......and Stop Feeling Sorry for yourselves.....you have more opportunity and a better life than most people in the world.....steve......mind you,you are still a bit behind Paradise(Australia) LOL...Love you Guys but Get Up,Stand Up and start Movin. By the way I am Liberal and Conservative but more importantly Australian

I'm curious...you rant about Donald Trump being a "Snake Oil Salesman" and then vent about nothing being manufactured in the US anymore...yet you seem to have wanted to see Hillary Clinton in the White House...when it was the Clinton's support of NAFTA that sent most of those manufacturing jobs out of the US in the first place! You claim to be Liberal and Conservative? What does that mean?
I am Australian,I speak for myself....No one speaks for me including you.....Firstly the two candidates were in a word CRAP in my opinion.....I never said I wanted the Devious Mrs Clinton to win,I never said I wanted the Don to Win because he is a Sleeze Bag and a Hypocritic Bull Shitter,and like Clinton a COMPULSIVE LIAR.........your choice out of the whole population was PATHETIC in my opinion....but nice to see the change over will be smooth.....Barack Obama has Class as was shown at the meeting between Obama and the Don.

I wish to point out how disgusting and appaullingly you have treated President Obama and more importantly his wife and children.....from day one, from the size of Michelle's Ass to Disputing Baracks birth place,..You Filth know who you are......all you did was undermine the Office of the President of the United States in which you succeeded...but Obama,stifled your batant Racism to his credit......

As for being Liberal and Conservative,of course I am.....I look at every situation or problem and decision etc., on its merit.....I am not a Lemming to be told by any political party what and how to do somethine,I decide,I live in a Democracy and think for myself.

I don't RANT..HW,stop trying to play to an audience on here with Scarcasic commentry,it's childish......Conservatives have Generally created the most job losses and manufacturing by aquesing sic to big business demands so they could im port Cheap overseas SHIT,thus causing ramifications today that the DON id exploiting in a hidious and unkind manner today as I said like a SNAKE OIL SALESMAN.......of course I didn't want Hillary or the Don by choice in the White House.....some of you must have had the feeling of having unsatifactory SEX after expeirencing YOUR Election process............steven,excuse any poor grammar and spelling today

It's become quite apparent you're trying to speak for America.
Here's a hint....we dont want your input.
That is as maybe to you,for what your opinion is worth..........but collectively you have been failures on so many fronts over the past few decades.and should take some responsibily for your actions or is that inactions...you may well wear Rose coloured glasses,we don't..steve..ps HW,you have no control of my opinion,dealing with SOME Americans is much like the old adage "You can lead an Ass to Water but you can't make it drink"....for Some Americans,that are like you?.......stavros
Last edited:
You fool!! Dems lost because you abandoned the middle class for minorities and you didnt import enough of em to make up for the middle class you lost.
Fer fuks sake,even the unions deserted your dumbass!!!
Not really the Poor were paid such shit wages that they thought he Don would improve their lot.......I hate to tell you folks....when the Snake Oil Salesman leaves your town,he will have the bag of cash and you will have paid him for it.......What will you be left with,SAME AS BEFORE,BUT YOUR POCKETS WILL HAVE BEEN EMPTIED,,The Don,he'll be buying more Steel from China,Japan and Korea......whilst lounging in his $20 Grand Recliner,you see.steve

If you're a liberal...you best hope that happens, Steve because if Donald Trump does half of what he's proposed then the US economy is going to improve drastically and liberals won't be able to get elected "dog catcher". You think Trump ran for President because he wants to cash in? You've got that backwards my friend...the Clinton's were the ones looking to cash in on holding the Oval Office...they've already made millions in "donations" from people who thought Hillary was going to be the next President! Trump doesn't need a bag of cash...he's already loaded. He ran for President because he's got a HUGE ego. That same huge ego is going to want to be successful and the only way he pulls that off is if he fixes things.
Look Oldstyle I hope you are right,Americans deserve to be in a better position.....but can't you see that "Big Business" were/are the originators of buying CHEAP overseas products,and sending AMERICAN jobs overseas, in the1980's my Son James at 14 was selected to represent Australia in the Bodyboarding Worlds in Hawaii he did great,I went with him.....at the time he Loved the Charlotte Hornets....I promised to get him the full kit,Jersey,Baggy Shorts,Cap etc....at the store I was impressed the Blue and White kit was impressive,so was the price but hey you do anything for your kids......I later noticed that the clothing was made in,wait for it>>>>The Dominician Republic,......I thought Fcuk Me.....don't they do American made????I would have paid much more if I could have got AMERICAN MADE....it lasted about six months before the stitching started to fall apart.

Not everyone wants a Poor Quality Shittily Made Product......in 1964 94% of clothing worn by Americans was made in the USA.....Today 94% of clothing worn by Americans is made overseas NOT MADE IN AMERICA.

I have several companies,in one we use American Made Components,why when I can buy Chinese???? at the third of the price.....Because we are worlds best,and we only use American components because they make the Worlds Best...by an educated,hard working and proud workforce and by the way very lovely people I might add.

NO,Americans when they had the choice decided to buy Crap and continue to Buy Crap(you only have to see the life span of a Chinese made screwdriver to know what I mean).....it is false economy to buy cheap,because they need replacing continuesly sic....I can understand Americans have become somewhat lethargic and disappointed but it is not the likes of Don that have made America GREAT...it is the ordinary Moms and Pops of America,with values and community that have Made America Great....and only they will in the future......Stop all this angst against each other,you get more with sugar, than you do with vinegar ,..........Soon Forward Together You Americans......and Stop Feeling Sorry for yourselves.....you have more opportunity and a better life than most people in the world.....steve......mind you,you are still a bit behind Paradise(Australia) LOL...Love you Guys but Get Up,Stand Up and start Movin. By the way I am Liberal and Conservative but more importantly Australian

I'm curious...you rant about Donald Trump being a "Snake Oil Salesman" and then vent about nothing being manufactured in the US anymore...yet you seem to have wanted to see Hillary Clinton in the White House...when it was the Clinton's support of NAFTA that sent most of those manufacturing jobs out of the US in the first place! You claim to be Liberal and Conservative? What does that mean?
I am Australian,I speak for myself....No one speaks for me including you.....Firstly the two candidates were in a word CRAP in my opinion.....I never said I wanted the Devious Mrs Clinton to win,I never said I wanted the Don to Win because he is a Sleeze Bag and a Hypocritic Bull Shitter,and like Clinton a COMPULSIVE LIAR.........your choice out of the whole population was PATHETIC in my opinion....but nice to see the change over will be smooth.....Barack Obama has Class as was shown at the meeting between Obama and the Don.

I wish to point out how disgusting and appaullingly you have treated President Obama and more importantly his wife and children.....from day one, from the size of Michelle's Ass to Disputing Baracks birth place,..You Filth know who you are......all you did was undermine the Office of the President of the United States in which you succeeded...but Obama,stifled your batant Racism to his credit......

As for being Liberal and Conservative,of course I am.....I look at every situation or problem and decision etc., on its merit.....I am not a Lemming to be told by any political party what and how to do somethine,I decide,I live in a Democracy and think for myself.

I don't RANT..HW,stop trying to play to an audience on here with Scarcasic commentry,it's childish......Conservatives have Generally created the most job losses and manufacturing by aquesing sic to big business demands so they could im port Cheap overseas SHIT,thus causing ramifications today that the DON id exploiting in a hidious and unkind manner today as I said like a SNAKE OIL SALESMAN.......of course I didn't want Hillary or the Don by choice in the White House.....some of you must have had the feeling of having unsatifactory SEX after expeirencing YOUR Election process............steven,excuse any poor grammar and spelling today

With all due respect, Steve...I've always given Barack Obama the respect he was due as President of the United States. What I haven't done is accept his "accomplishments" unquestionably. I found that what he had done since leaving Harvard Law School as the first black President of the Harvard Law Review to be quite uninspiring, quite frankly. He got hired at a very prestigious law firm in Chicago...yet never did anything of note AT that law firm! He was hired as a lecturer on Constitutional law at Chicago University and yet never published any scholarly works on the subject he taught. He was elected to the Illinois State Senate but couldn't get a single bill passed that he himself had written in the first two years he was in the State Senate. My problem with Barack Obama was never the color of his skin...it was simply that I viewed him as a bit of an "empty suit"...devoid of real accomplishments.

I've never said anything bad about Michelle Obama let alone the Obama children, nor will I.

As for the "Birther" controversy? As I've said all along the main source of doubt about where Barack Obama was born was in fact created by Barack Obama himself when he listed himself as a "foreign student" on his college applications for financial aid in order to play the system. Little did he know that he would someday be running for President.
If you're a liberal...you best hope that happens, Steve because if Donald Trump does half of what he's proposed then the US economy is going to improve drastically and liberals won't be able to get elected "dog catcher". You think Trump ran for President because he wants to cash in? You've got that backwards my friend...the Clinton's were the ones looking to cash in on holding the Oval Office...they've already made millions in "donations" from people who thought Hillary was going to be the next President! Trump doesn't need a bag of cash...he's already loaded. He ran for President because he's got a HUGE ego. That same huge ego is going to want to be successful and the only way he pulls that off is if he fixes things.
Look Oldstyle I hope you are right,Americans deserve to be in a better position.....but can't you see that "Big Business" were/are the originators of buying CHEAP overseas products,and sending AMERICAN jobs overseas, in the1980's my Son James at 14 was selected to represent Australia in the Bodyboarding Worlds in Hawaii he did great,I went with him.....at the time he Loved the Charlotte Hornets....I promised to get him the full kit,Jersey,Baggy Shorts,Cap etc....at the store I was impressed the Blue and White kit was impressive,so was the price but hey you do anything for your kids......I later noticed that the clothing was made in,wait for it>>>>The Dominician Republic,......I thought Fcuk Me.....don't they do American made????I would have paid much more if I could have got AMERICAN MADE....it lasted about six months before the stitching started to fall apart.

Not everyone wants a Poor Quality Shittily Made Product......in 1964 94% of clothing worn by Americans was made in the USA.....Today 94% of clothing worn by Americans is made overseas NOT MADE IN AMERICA.

I have several companies,in one we use American Made Components,why when I can buy Chinese???? at the third of the price.....Because we are worlds best,and we only use American components because they make the Worlds Best...by an educated,hard working and proud workforce and by the way very lovely people I might add.

NO,Americans when they had the choice decided to buy Crap and continue to Buy Crap(you only have to see the life span of a Chinese made screwdriver to know what I mean).....it is false economy to buy cheap,because they need replacing continuesly sic....I can understand Americans have become somewhat lethargic and disappointed but it is not the likes of Don that have made America GREAT...it is the ordinary Moms and Pops of America,with values and community that have Made America Great....and only they will in the future......Stop all this angst against each other,you get more with sugar, than you do with vinegar ,..........Soon Forward Together You Americans......and Stop Feeling Sorry for yourselves.....you have more opportunity and a better life than most people in the world.....steve......mind you,you are still a bit behind Paradise(Australia) LOL...Love you Guys but Get Up,Stand Up and start Movin. By the way I am Liberal and Conservative but more importantly Australian

I'm curious...you rant about Donald Trump being a "Snake Oil Salesman" and then vent about nothing being manufactured in the US anymore...yet you seem to have wanted to see Hillary Clinton in the White House...when it was the Clinton's support of NAFTA that sent most of those manufacturing jobs out of the US in the first place! You claim to be Liberal and Conservative? What does that mean?
I am Australian,I speak for myself....No one speaks for me including you.....Firstly the two candidates were in a word CRAP in my opinion.....I never said I wanted the Devious Mrs Clinton to win,I never said I wanted the Don to Win because he is a Sleeze Bag and a Hypocritic Bull Shitter,and like Clinton a COMPULSIVE LIAR.........your choice out of the whole population was PATHETIC in my opinion....but nice to see the change over will be smooth.....Barack Obama has Class as was shown at the meeting between Obama and the Don.

I wish to point out how disgusting and appaullingly you have treated President Obama and more importantly his wife and children.....from day one, from the size of Michelle's Ass to Disputing Baracks birth place,..You Filth know who you are......all you did was undermine the Office of the President of the United States in which you succeeded...but Obama,stifled your batant Racism to his credit......

As for being Liberal and Conservative,of course I am.....I look at every situation or problem and decision etc., on its merit.....I am not a Lemming to be told by any political party what and how to do somethine,I decide,I live in a Democracy and think for myself.

I don't RANT..HW,stop trying to play to an audience on here with Scarcasic commentry,it's childish......Conservatives have Generally created the most job losses and manufacturing by aquesing sic to big business demands so they could im port Cheap overseas SHIT,thus causing ramifications today that the DON id exploiting in a hidious and unkind manner today as I said like a SNAKE OIL SALESMAN.......of course I didn't want Hillary or the Don by choice in the White House.....some of you must have had the feeling of having unsatifactory SEX after expeirencing YOUR Election process............steven,excuse any poor grammar and spelling today

It's become quite apparent you're trying to speak for America.
Here's a hint....we dont want your input.
That is as maybe to you,for what your opinion is worth..........but collectively you have been failures on so many fronts over the past few decades.and should take some responsibily for your actions or is that inactions...you may well wear Rose coloured glasses,we don't..steve..ps HW,you have no control of my opinion,dealing with SOME Americans is much like the old adage "You can lead an Ass to Water but you can't make it drink"....for Some Americans,that are like you?.......stavros

I'm curious why you have the grammar and spelling of a poorly schooled fifth grader, Steve? Are Australian schools that bad?
Not really the Poor were paid such shit wages that they thought he Don would improve their lot.......I hate to tell you folks....when the Snake Oil Salesman leaves your town,he will have the bag of cash and you will have paid him for it.......What will you be left with,SAME AS BEFORE,BUT YOUR POCKETS WILL HAVE BEEN EMPTIED,,The Don,he'll be buying more Steel from China,Japan and Korea......whilst lounging in his $20 Grand Recliner,you see.steve

If you're a liberal...you best hope that happens, Steve because if Donald Trump does half of what he's proposed then the US economy is going to improve drastically and liberals won't be able to get elected "dog catcher". You think Trump ran for President because he wants to cash in? You've got that backwards my friend...the Clinton's were the ones looking to cash in on holding the Oval Office...they've already made millions in "donations" from people who thought Hillary was going to be the next President! Trump doesn't need a bag of cash...he's already loaded. He ran for President because he's got a HUGE ego. That same huge ego is going to want to be successful and the only way he pulls that off is if he fixes things.
Look Oldstyle I hope you are right,Americans deserve to be in a better position.....but can't you see that "Big Business" were/are the originators of buying CHEAP overseas products,and sending AMERICAN jobs overseas, in the1980's my Son James at 14 was selected to represent Australia in the Bodyboarding Worlds in Hawaii he did great,I went with him.....at the time he Loved the Charlotte Hornets....I promised to get him the full kit,Jersey,Baggy Shorts,Cap etc....at the store I was impressed the Blue and White kit was impressive,so was the price but hey you do anything for your kids......I later noticed that the clothing was made in,wait for it>>>>The Dominician Republic,......I thought Fcuk Me.....don't they do American made????I would have paid much more if I could have got AMERICAN MADE....it lasted about six months before the stitching started to fall apart.

Not everyone wants a Poor Quality Shittily Made Product......in 1964 94% of clothing worn by Americans was made in the USA.....Today 94% of clothing worn by Americans is made overseas NOT MADE IN AMERICA.

I have several companies,in one we use American Made Components,why when I can buy Chinese???? at the third of the price.....Because we are worlds best,and we only use American components because they make the Worlds Best...by an educated,hard working and proud workforce and by the way very lovely people I might add.

NO,Americans when they had the choice decided to buy Crap and continue to Buy Crap(you only have to see the life span of a Chinese made screwdriver to know what I mean).....it is false economy to buy cheap,because they need replacing continuesly sic....I can understand Americans have become somewhat lethargic and disappointed but it is not the likes of Don that have made America GREAT...it is the ordinary Moms and Pops of America,with values and community that have Made America Great....and only they will in the future......Stop all this angst against each other,you get more with sugar, than you do with vinegar ,..........Soon Forward Together You Americans......and Stop Feeling Sorry for yourselves.....you have more opportunity and a better life than most people in the world.....steve......mind you,you are still a bit behind Paradise(Australia) LOL...Love you Guys but Get Up,Stand Up and start Movin. By the way I am Liberal and Conservative but more importantly Australian

I'm curious...you rant about Donald Trump being a "Snake Oil Salesman" and then vent about nothing being manufactured in the US anymore...yet you seem to have wanted to see Hillary Clinton in the White House...when it was the Clinton's support of NAFTA that sent most of those manufacturing jobs out of the US in the first place! You claim to be Liberal and Conservative? What does that mean?
I am Australian,I speak for myself....No one speaks for me including you.....Firstly the two candidates were in a word CRAP in my opinion.....I never said I wanted the Devious Mrs Clinton to win,I never said I wanted the Don to Win because he is a Sleeze Bag and a Hypocritic Bull Shitter,and like Clinton a COMPULSIVE LIAR.........your choice out of the whole population was PATHETIC in my opinion....but nice to see the change over will be smooth.....Barack Obama has Class as was shown at the meeting between Obama and the Don.

I wish to point out how disgusting and appaullingly you have treated President Obama and more importantly his wife and children.....from day one, from the size of Michelle's Ass to Disputing Baracks birth place,..You Filth know who you are......all you did was undermine the Office of the President of the United States in which you succeeded...but Obama,stifled your batant Racism to his credit......

As for being Liberal and Conservative,of course I am.....I look at every situation or problem and decision etc., on its merit.....I am not a Lemming to be told by any political party what and how to do somethine,I decide,I live in a Democracy and think for myself.

I don't RANT..HW,stop trying to play to an audience on here with Scarcasic commentry,it's childish......Conservatives have Generally created the most job losses and manufacturing by aquesing sic to big business demands so they could im port Cheap overseas SHIT,thus causing ramifications today that the DON id exploiting in a hidious and unkind manner today as I said like a SNAKE OIL SALESMAN.......of course I didn't want Hillary or the Don by choice in the White House.....some of you must have had the feeling of having unsatifactory SEX after expeirencing YOUR Election process............steven,excuse any poor grammar and spelling today

With all due respect, Steve...I've always given Barack Obama the respect he was due as President of the United States. What I haven't done is accept his "accomplishments" unquestionably. I found that what he had done since leaving Harvard Law School as the first black President of the Harvard Law Review to be quite uninspiring, quite frankly. He got hired at a very prestigious law firm in Chicago...yet never did anything of note AT that law firm! He was hired as a lecturer on Constitutional law at Chicago University and yet never published any scholarly works on the subject he taught. He was elected to the Illinois State Senate but couldn't get a single bill passed that he himself had written in the first two years he was in the State Senate. My problem with Barack Obama was never the color of his skin...it was simply that I viewed him as a bit of an "empty suit"...devoid of real accomplishments.

I've never said anything bad about Michelle Obama let alone the Obama children, nor will I.

As for the "Birther" controversy? As I've said all along the main source of doubt about where Barack Obama was born was in fact created by Barack Obama himself when he listed himself as a "foreign student" on his college applications for financial aid in order to play the system. Little did he know that he would someday be running for President.
I am glad you have conducted yourself in a Decent Manner,Old Style..Respect to YOU...steve
Last edited:
Look Oldstyle I hope you are right,Americans deserve to be in a better position.....but can't you see that "Big Business" were/are the originators of buying CHEAP overseas products,and sending AMERICAN jobs overseas, in the1980's my Son James at 14 was selected to represent Australia in the Bodyboarding Worlds in Hawaii he did great,I went with him.....at the time he Loved the Charlotte Hornets....I promised to get him the full kit,Jersey,Baggy Shorts,Cap etc....at the store I was impressed the Blue and White kit was impressive,so was the price but hey you do anything for your kids......I later noticed that the clothing was made in,wait for it>>>>The Dominician Republic,......I thought Fcuk Me.....don't they do American made????I would have paid much more if I could have got AMERICAN MADE....it lasted about six months before the stitching started to fall apart.

Not everyone wants a Poor Quality Shittily Made Product......in 1964 94% of clothing worn by Americans was made in the USA.....Today 94% of clothing worn by Americans is made overseas NOT MADE IN AMERICA.

I have several companies,in one we use American Made Components,why when I can buy Chinese???? at the third of the price.....Because we are worlds best,and we only use American components because they make the Worlds Best...by an educated,hard working and proud workforce and by the way very lovely people I might add.

NO,Americans when they had the choice decided to buy Crap and continue to Buy Crap(you only have to see the life span of a Chinese made screwdriver to know what I mean).....it is false economy to buy cheap,because they need replacing continuesly sic....I can understand Americans have become somewhat lethargic and disappointed but it is not the likes of Don that have made America GREAT...it is the ordinary Moms and Pops of America,with values and community that have Made America Great....and only they will in the future......Stop all this angst against each other,you get more with sugar, than you do with vinegar ,..........Soon Forward Together You Americans......and Stop Feeling Sorry for yourselves.....you have more opportunity and a better life than most people in the world.....steve......mind you,you are still a bit behind Paradise(Australia) LOL...Love you Guys but Get Up,Stand Up and start Movin. By the way I am Liberal and Conservative but more importantly Australian

I'm curious...you rant about Donald Trump being a "Snake Oil Salesman" and then vent about nothing being manufactured in the US anymore...yet you seem to have wanted to see Hillary Clinton in the White House...when it was the Clinton's support of NAFTA that sent most of those manufacturing jobs out of the US in the first place! You claim to be Liberal and Conservative? What does that mean?
I am Australian,I speak for myself....No one speaks for me including you.....Firstly the two candidates were in a word CRAP in my opinion.....I never said I wanted the Devious Mrs Clinton to win,I never said I wanted the Don to Win because he is a Sleeze Bag and a Hypocritic Bull Shitter,and like Clinton a COMPULSIVE LIAR.........your choice out of the whole population was PATHETIC in my opinion....but nice to see the change over will be smooth.....Barack Obama has Class as was shown at the meeting between Obama and the Don.

I wish to point out how disgusting and appaullingly you have treated President Obama and more importantly his wife and children.....from day one, from the size of Michelle's Ass to Disputing Baracks birth place,..You Filth know who you are......all you did was undermine the Office of the President of the United States in which you succeeded...but Obama,stifled your batant Racism to his credit......

As for being Liberal and Conservative,of course I am.....I look at every situation or problem and decision etc., on its merit.....I am not a Lemming to be told by any political party what and how to do somethine,I decide,I live in a Democracy and think for myself.

I don't RANT..HW,stop trying to play to an audience on here with Scarcasic commentry,it's childish......Conservatives have Generally created the most job losses and manufacturing by aquesing sic to big business demands so they could im port Cheap overseas SHIT,thus causing ramifications today that the DON id exploiting in a hidious and unkind manner today as I said like a SNAKE OIL SALESMAN.......of course I didn't want Hillary or the Don by choice in the White House.....some of you must have had the feeling of having unsatifactory SEX after expeirencing YOUR Election process............steven,excuse any poor grammar and spelling today

It's become quite apparent you're trying to speak for America.
Here's a hint....we dont want your input.
That is as maybe to you,for what your opinion is worth..........but collectively you have been failures on so many fronts over the past few decades.and should take some responsibily for your actions or is that inactions...you may well wear Rose coloured glasses,we don't..steve..ps HW,you have no control of my opinion,dealing with SOME Americans is much like the old adage "You can lead an Ass to Water but you can't make it drink"....for Some Americans,that are like you?.......stavros

I'm curious why you have the grammar and spelling of a poorly schooled fifth grader, Steve? Are Australian schools that bad?
Fair point Old but I always acknowledge usually when I do it.......I don't use spell check,and due to time constraints get lacks........Educated I am(not that you'd notice LOL).........our system is good.....but Thank you for mentioning it.steve
I'm curious...you rant about Donald Trump being a "Snake Oil Salesman" and then vent about nothing being manufactured in the US anymore...yet you seem to have wanted to see Hillary Clinton in the White House...when it was the Clinton's support of NAFTA that sent most of those manufacturing jobs out of the US in the first place! You claim to be Liberal and Conservative? What does that mean?
I am Australian,I speak for myself....No one speaks for me including you.....Firstly the two candidates were in a word CRAP in my opinion.....I never said I wanted the Devious Mrs Clinton to win,I never said I wanted the Don to Win because he is a Sleeze Bag and a Hypocritic Bull Shitter,and like Clinton a COMPULSIVE LIAR.........your choice out of the whole population was PATHETIC in my opinion....but nice to see the change over will be smooth.....Barack Obama has Class as was shown at the meeting between Obama and the Don.

I wish to point out how disgusting and appaullingly you have treated President Obama and more importantly his wife and children.....from day one, from the size of Michelle's Ass to Disputing Baracks birth place,..You Filth know who you are......all you did was undermine the Office of the President of the United States in which you succeeded...but Obama,stifled your batant Racism to his credit......

As for being Liberal and Conservative,of course I am.....I look at every situation or problem and decision etc., on its merit.....I am not a Lemming to be told by any political party what and how to do somethine,I decide,I live in a Democracy and think for myself.

I don't RANT..HW,stop trying to play to an audience on here with Scarcasic commentry,it's childish......Conservatives have Generally created the most job losses and manufacturing by aquesing sic to big business demands so they could im port Cheap overseas SHIT,thus causing ramifications today that the DON id exploiting in a hidious and unkind manner today as I said like a SNAKE OIL SALESMAN.......of course I didn't want Hillary or the Don by choice in the White House.....some of you must have had the feeling of having unsatifactory SEX after expeirencing YOUR Election process............steven,excuse any poor grammar and spelling today

It's become quite apparent you're trying to speak for America.
Here's a hint....we dont want your input.
That is as maybe to you,for what your opinion is worth..........but collectively you have been failures on so many fronts over the past few decades.and should take some responsibily for your actions or is that inactions...you may well wear Rose coloured glasses,we don't..steve..ps HW,you have no control of my opinion,dealing with SOME Americans is much like the old adage "You can lead an Ass to Water but you can't make it drink"....for Some Americans,that are like you?.......stavros

I'm curious why you have the grammar and spelling of a poorly schooled fifth grader, Steve? Are Australian schools that bad?
Fair point Old but I always acknowledge usually when I do it.......I don't use spell check,and due to time constraints get lacks........Educated I am(not that you'd notice LOL).........our system is good.....but Thank you for mentioning it.steve

Not for nothing, Steve but the first indication that someone IS educated is their ability to write clearly and concisely. Should an educated person need spellcheck? Well educated people communicated with each other in various written forms for thousands of years without it and did so with correct grammar and spelling.
I am Australian,I speak for myself....No one speaks for me including you.....Firstly the two candidates were in a word CRAP in my opinion.....I never said I wanted the Devious Mrs Clinton to win,I never said I wanted the Don to Win because he is a Sleeze Bag and a Hypocritic Bull Shitter,and like Clinton a COMPULSIVE LIAR.........your choice out of the whole population was PATHETIC in my opinion....but nice to see the change over will be smooth.....Barack Obama has Class as was shown at the meeting between Obama and the Don.

I wish to point out how disgusting and appaullingly you have treated President Obama and more importantly his wife and children.....from day one, from the size of Michelle's Ass to Disputing Baracks birth place,..You Filth know who you are......all you did was undermine the Office of the President of the United States in which you succeeded...but Obama,stifled your batant Racism to his credit......

As for being Liberal and Conservative,of course I am.....I look at every situation or problem and decision etc., on its merit.....I am not a Lemming to be told by any political party what and how to do somethine,I decide,I live in a Democracy and think for myself.

I don't RANT..HW,stop trying to play to an audience on here with Scarcasic commentry,it's childish......Conservatives have Generally created the most job losses and manufacturing by aquesing sic to big business demands so they could im port Cheap overseas SHIT,thus causing ramifications today that the DON id exploiting in a hidious and unkind manner today as I said like a SNAKE OIL SALESMAN.......of course I didn't want Hillary or the Don by choice in the White House.....some of you must have had the feeling of having unsatifactory SEX after expeirencing YOUR Election process............steven,excuse any poor grammar and spelling today

It's become quite apparent you're trying to speak for America.
Here's a hint....we dont want your input.
That is as maybe to you,for what your opinion is worth..........but collectively you have been failures on so many fronts over the past few decades.and should take some responsibily for your actions or is that inactions...you may well wear Rose coloured glasses,we don't..steve..ps HW,you have no control of my opinion,dealing with SOME Americans is much like the old adage "You can lead an Ass to Water but you can't make it drink"....for Some Americans,that are like you?.......stavros

I'm curious why you have the grammar and spelling of a poorly schooled fifth grader, Steve? Are Australian schools that bad?
Fair point Old but I always acknowledge usually when I do it.......I don't use spell check,and due to time constraints get lacks........Educated I am(not that you'd notice LOL).........our system is good.....but Thank you for mentioning it.steve

Not for nothing, Steve but the first indication that someone IS educated is their ability to write clearly and concisely. Should an educated person need spellcheck? Well educated people communicated with each other in various written forms for thousands of years without it and did so with correct grammar and spelling.
Well what is all this Old,hit theliq week,truely I am a self made man,educated enough,enough to employ 330 team members in six countries.

Plus a few thousand more,with and including our suppliers staff etc., My Mom was widowed at the age of 28 with six kinder,we collectively worked together during our younger years with much love and affection....started my business with no money,but with desire and excellent work ethic.....people liked me and helped me....today I could be an arrogant Prick but I'm not.

Quite a few Americans have tried to take me on,on this site ...all have failed because you think you are so smart,shame your creditors can't cash in your debt today. WHY...because you would all be living in Mud Huts including you Olds

You would be scratching around for food and frankly you wouldn't give a fcuk of how educated I was...you two bit Creep.

You wanted a fight,well I've drawn a line in the sand...let the slaughter begin...The Sentinal Against Bigotry,non shall escape my judgement
Time to show his tax returns and prove me wrong.

far better yet; time to keep enriching Americans as stocks soar and companies like carrier keep jobs here!!

No tax returns yet. Yes he did help save 750 jobs but they had a lot of government contracts.

No matter what he does , coal is not returning , at least to Mi. We like clean air and energy, we are the leaders.

East Jordan Iron Works:

Our current workforce is our number-one priority in this project,” he said.

Several upgrades at the new location — modern foundry automation equipment, premier environmental controls and a technology-based production system — are expected to revamp the foundry’s image. One substantial change in energy supply may even make it unrecognizable as a foundry from the outside, Teske said.

We use coal to melt the metal products in our current facility, but operations to melt metal at the new facility will be fueled entirely by electricity,” he said. “It will be much cleaner.”


on November 25, 2016 at 9:47 AM, updated November 28, 2016 at 12:51 PM

Consumers Energy’s Classic Seven Coal Plants Shutting Down

Jackson, Mich. Monday, March 21, 2016

Need for Updated Michigan Law as Company Transitions to Clean Energy

Consumers Energy’s seven oldest coal plants are shutting down by April 15 after serving Michigan for more than 60 years. Collectively, the plants – affectionately nicknamed the “Classic Seven” – are capable of generating nearly 1,000 megawatts of electricity. Only one other utility in the U.S. is retiring a higher percentage of its coal generation than Consumers Energy.

“We honor the men and women that have worked at our Classic Seven coal plants, which have powered Michigan’s industrial growth, kept the lights on in our homes, and made amazing human and business contributions to their host communities,” said Dan Malone, senior vice president of energy resources for Consumers Energy.

News Release | Consumers Energy

Many plants are upgrading and while they are at it , move. Some move elsewhere in the US and some move to Mexico. So Trump and his cronies can do whatever, but the corps know better than to keep polluting, people will not stand for pollution anymore.
Time to show his tax returns and prove me wrong.

far better yet; time to keep enriching Americans as stocks soar and companies like carrier keep jobs here!!

No tax returns yet. Yes he did help save 750 jobs but they had a lot of government contracts.

No matter what he does , coal is not returning , at least to Mi. We like clean air and energy, we are the leaders.

East Jordan Iron Works:

Our current workforce is our number-one priority in this project,” he said.

Several upgrades at the new location — modern foundry automation equipment, premier environmental controls and a technology-based production system — are expected to revamp the foundry’s image. One substantial change in energy supply may even make it unrecognizable as a foundry from the outside, Teske said.

We use coal to melt the metal products in our current facility, but operations to melt metal at the new facility will be fueled entirely by electricity,” he said. “It will be much cleaner.”


on November 25, 2016 at 9:47 AM, updated November 28, 2016 at 12:51 PM

Consumers Energy’s Classic Seven Coal Plants Shutting Down

Jackson, Mich. Monday, March 21, 2016

Need for Updated Michigan Law as Company Transitions to Clean Energy

Consumers Energy’s seven oldest coal plants are shutting down by April 15 after serving Michigan for more than 60 years. Collectively, the plants – affectionately nicknamed the “Classic Seven” – are capable of generating nearly 1,000 megawatts of electricity. Only one other utility in the U.S. is retiring a higher percentage of its coal generation than Consumers Energy.

“We honor the men and women that have worked at our Classic Seven coal plants, which have powered Michigan’s industrial growth, kept the lights on in our homes, and made amazing human and business contributions to their host communities,” said Dan Malone, senior vice president of energy resources for Consumers Energy.

News Release | Consumers Energy

Many plants are upgrading and while they are at it , move. Some move elsewhere in the US and some move to Mexico. So Trump and his cronies can do whatever, but the corps know better than to keep polluting, people will not stand for pollution anymore.

One of the best Bass lakes in the state of Texas is the water supply for a coal fired power plant.
The water is very clean and there is zero sign that the plant is even there other than you can see it.


Bush Exported Manufacturing Jobs.
Clinton & Obama Created, Imported & Saved Manufacturing Jobs
20 Million Trump Voters Set To Take HUGE Pay Cut Under Republican Plan

what plan what pay cut???

Yes, a little misleading. Not a pay cut because the pay never was increased. The new overtime rules are currently blocked by the courts. It is a pretty safe bet that the US government will cease her appeals as soon as Trump takes office. Sad. Currently you can slap a manager label on someone and work them unlimited hours for less than five hundred bucks a week. How does eighty hours at five hundred bucks a week sound? Ninety? A hundred? It happens every single week throughout America and it is past time it stopped. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, can claim to stand up for the average American worker and block or refuse to implement this much needed "adjustment" to the overtime exempt salary requirement.

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