20 Walls/Fences That Work (And Many of Them Controlled by Democrats and Their Allies)

OK, can we finally drop the 'walls dont work' horse shit?

PHOTOS: 20 Border Walls, Barriers, and Fences Around the World
Know what else works? Birth control
euthanasia of weak white people who whine about being victims would work just fine

White people in the US are already not having kids. usually when you ask them, they will tell you its too expensive, which is true unless you know how to work the welfare system to pay for childbirth, day care and such. Otherwise lower class to middle income people cant do any more than one or two kids tops.
If the birthrate in the US continues to fall and there's no reason to expect it won't, this country is going to have major economic problems in the 21st century. China will pass us up as the largest economy in the world, probably next year. India will pass us within one to two decades. Without a growing young population to do the work and pay taxes to support the growing debt, this county will be a has been by the end of the century. This is why it so important that population continues to grow. If the growth doesn't come from a higher birthrate, it has to come from immigration.

Immigration is fine but lets have control of who is coming in. I don't care so much which country they are from if they pass a back ground check and make the effort to do it legally. It doesn't make sense importing people who aren't literate in their own language.
White people in the US are already not having kids. usually when you ask them, they will tell you its too expensive, which is true unless you know how to work the welfare system to pay for childbirth, day care and such. Otherwise lower class to middle income people cant do any more than one or two kids tops.
If the birthrate in the US continues to fall and there's no reason to expect it won't, this country is going to have major economic problems in the 21st century. China will pass us up as the largest economy in the world, probably next year. India will pass us within one to two decades. Without a growing young population to do the work and pay taxes to support the growing debt, this county will be a has been by the end of the century. This is why it so important that population continues to grow. If the growth doesn't come from a higher birthrate, it has to come from immigration.
The drop in birthrate is not a function of race or ethnicity so much as economics. As people move into the Middle Class they have fewer children, for some set of reasons I dont fully grasp yet.

I used to think it was because the Middle Class is more consumer oriented and was choosing to have a second car rather than a third child more often, and that may be a factor.

But there is also a huge leap in standards on how to raise children culturally that requires so much more effort, that I think parents are too much harassed to have more than a couple of kids now days as well.

It might require free day care for everyone to get the birth rates back up for the Middle Class, but that is merely a guess.

But as immigrants move into our population and assimilate, their birthrates drop too. Then we have to have a new wave of immigration from other nations to supplement the recently assimilated groups.

What do we do when we run out of Botswanan Pygmies and Queensland Aborigenies?

In a way though it is kind of irrelevant. Androids with Strong AI will be cheaper than any immigrant and the magnets will turn off in about ten to twenty years.
Immigration is fine but lets have control of who is coming in. I don't care so much which country they are from if they pass a back ground check and make the effort to do it legally. It doesn't make sense importing people who aren't literate in their own language.

My preference for nations in immmigration are

1. India - well educated, speak English and smart as a whip.

2. South Africa - lots of reverse racism refugees comiong out of there and most going to Australia.

3. Taiwan - the Chicoms are making life miserable for that determined little island, and lots are ready to leave if it gets much scarier. They are a smart ethnic group that prizes education and resourcefulness.

4. Nigeria - The Ibo tribe is being horribly persecuted by the Muslim dominated system they have there. And Ibos prize education, hard work and resourcefulness too.

5. Latin America - The are largely Middle Class, well educated by USA standards and work hard. Though most dont speak any English already, they do pick it up quick when they feel the need. I have known so many from Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Venezuela that are well above average for Americans in intelligence, diligence and maturity. We can use as many of them as want to come here.

But wherever they come from, immigration should put priority on those who have skills, OBEY OUR LAWS, and who want to assimilate, not mass numbers.
OK, can we finally drop the 'walls dont work' horse shit?

PHOTOS: 20 Border Walls, Barriers, and Fences Around the World
Know what else works? Birth control
euthanasia of weak white people who whine about being victims would work just fine

White people in the US are already not having kids. usually when you ask them, they will tell you its too expensive, which is true unless you know how to work the welfare system to pay for childbirth, day care and such. Otherwise lower class to middle income people cant do any more than one or two kids tops.
If the birthrate in the US continues to fall and there's no reason to expect it won't, this country is going to have major economic problems in the 21st century. China will pass us up as the largest economy in the world, probably next year. India will pass us within one to two decades. Without a growing young population to do the work and pay taxes to support the growing debt, this county will be a has been by the end of the century. This is why it so important that population continues to grow. If the growth doesn't come from a higher birthrate, it has to come from immigration.

Immigration is fine but lets have control of who is coming in. I don't care so much which country they are from if they pass a back ground check and make the effort to do it legally. It doesn't make sense importing people who aren't literate in their own language.
Background checks would not be a big problem and neither would literacy in their own language. However, getting Europeans, Australians, and Canadians would be a problem. Immigrants would be predominately Hispanic, African, or Asian. I think that's a problem for many on the right and certainly would not be welcomed by the Make America Great Again bunch.
No one except spies were trying to get into East Germany during the cold war era and that wall was to keep people from escaping...

Also I love during Obama era those Asylum seekers were Illegal Aliens if they bypass our port of entries and still are illegal aliens no matter what you want to call them.

was speaking of people trying to get over or around the East German wall. Spies didn't have to go around or over the wall you moron LOL

Set up machines guns to murder asylum seekers and women and children fleeing oppression

and don't forget the land mines.

they helped East Germany murder people trying to get around or over their wall
No one except spies were trying to get into East Germany during the cold war era and that wall was to keep people from escaping...

Also I love during Obama era those Asylum seekers were Illegal Aliens if they bypass our port of entries and still are illegal aliens no matter what you want to call them.

was speaking of people trying to get over or around the East German wall. Spies didn't have to go around or over the wall you moron LOL

Set up machines guns to murder asylum seekers and women and children fleeing oppression

and don't forget the land mines.

they helped East Germany murder people trying to get around or over their wall
As a border patrol supervisor said, someone seeking to cross a border will take the safest and easiest route which general means going around a wall instead climbing over it. Apparent the Trump people didn't listen when they planned to build a wall that would only cover 10% of the border. I guess they think Mexicans like to climb walls.
Background checks would not be a big problem and neither would literacy in their own language. However, getting Europeans, Australians, and Canadians would be a problem. Immigrants would be predominately Hispanic, African, or Asian. I think that's a problem for many on the right and certainly would not be welcomed by the Make America Great Again bunch.

Some would have a problem with immigrants without a strong background as Western Europeans, but they are pretty much a fringe, as we have civic nationalism in this country and it was NEVER based on ethnicity.
Background checks would not be a big problem and neither would literacy in their own language. However, getting Europeans, Australians, and Canadians would be a problem. Immigrants would be predominately Hispanic, African, or Asian. I think that's a problem for many on the right and certainly would not be welcomed by the Make America Great Again bunch.

Some would have a problem with immigrants without a strong background as Western Europeans, but they are pretty much a fringe, as we have civic nationalism in this country and it was NEVER based on ethnicity.
I would hope so because if this nation is to survive and continue as a major economic power in the 21st century, we will need many immigrants and that will create a population that is an amalgamation of many ethnic groups and races.
Background checks would not be a big problem and neither would literacy in their own language. However, getting Europeans, Australians, and Canadians would be a problem. Immigrants would be predominately Hispanic, African, or Asian. I think that's a problem for many on the right and certainly would not be welcomed by the Make America Great Again bunch.

Some would have a problem with immigrants without a strong background as Western Europeans, but they are pretty much a fringe, as we have civic nationalism in this country and it was NEVER based on ethnicity.
I would hope so because if this nation is to survive and continue as a major economic power in the 21st century, we will need many immigrants and that will create a population that is an amalgamation of many ethnic groups and races.

Androids will fill in for the workforce, but where do we get the consumers?

We will have to have some kind of Universal Basic Income to provide for a consumer market.
Background checks would not be a big problem and neither would literacy in their own language. However, getting Europeans, Australians, and Canadians would be a problem. Immigrants would be predominately Hispanic, African, or Asian. I think that's a problem for many on the right and certainly would not be welcomed by the Make America Great Again bunch.

Some would have a problem with immigrants without a strong background as Western Europeans, but they are pretty much a fringe, as we have civic nationalism in this country and it was NEVER based on ethnicity.
I would hope so because if this nation is to survive and continue as a major economic power in the 21st century, we will need many immigrants and that will create a population that is an amalgamation of many ethnic groups and races.

Androids will fill in for the workforce, but where do we get the consumers?

We will have to have some kind of Universal Basic Income to provide for a consumer market.
The only way we are going to get more consumers in the US is by immigration or increasing the birth rate, which seems very unlikely.

As far as jobs go, I don't see automation reducing the net number of jobs anytime soon. Automation obsoletes some jobs and creates others through economic growth.
The only way we are going to get more consumers in the US is by immigration or increasing the birth rate, which seems very unlikely.
As far as jobs go, I don't see automation reducing the net number of jobs anytime soon. Automation obsoletes some jobs and creates others through economic growth.

I guess it depends on what context you mean 'soon'. While geological that might be millenia, or for a CEO the next quarter, I am speaking of generations, about 20 years by most reckonings.

I think that by 2040 Androids will be doing all the labor and most of the skilled labor in the USA.

Corporations will have some kind of 'robotics tax' they will pay to replace lost wage taxes for the governments around the globe, and most people will be doing crafting that they barter or sell for cash and get their cash from a Universal income paid for by the Robotics tax.

The Consumer market will be fairly equal parts government, corporations and laborers. A few people will have jobs and they will be super consumers that will quickly spend their incomes on things to barter with, commodities to store their wealth and some equities which will be HFTs run on the behalf of mutual funds and major investment banks.

Growth in the consumer market will be largely from governments and corporations with the general population leveled out, maybe decreased some.

The whole system will be a leizurely lifestyle built on the steel spines of Androids.
Background checks would not be a big problem and neither would literacy in their own language. However, getting Europeans, Australians, and Canadians would be a problem. Immigrants would be predominately Hispanic, African, or Asian. I think that's a problem for many on the right and certainly would not be welcomed by the Make America Great Again bunch.

Some would have a problem with immigrants without a strong background as Western Europeans, but they are pretty much a fringe, as we have civic nationalism in this country and it was NEVER based on ethnicity.
I would hope so because if this nation is to survive and continue as a major economic power in the 21st century, we will need many immigrants and that will create a population that is an amalgamation of many ethnic groups and races.

Androids will fill in for the workforce, but where do we get the consumers?

We will have to have some kind of Universal Basic Income to provide for a consumer market.
The only way we are going to get more consumers in the US is by immigration or increasing the birth rate, which seems very unlikely.

As far as jobs go, I don't see automation reducing the net number of jobs anytime soon. Automation obsoletes some jobs and creates others through economic growth.
More consumets... failed eco101...how about higher wages, more money to buy more things...but NOOOO, you ABNORMALS want more taxes!
The only way we are going to get more consumers in the US is by immigration or increasing the birth rate, which seems very unlikely.
As far as jobs go, I don't see automation reducing the net number of jobs anytime soon. Automation obsoletes some jobs and creates others through economic growth.

Automation makes possible economic growth and that growth leads to more jobs.

I guess it depends on what context you mean 'soon'. While geological that might be millenia, or for a CEO the next quarter, I am speaking of generations, about 20 years by most reckonings.

I think that by 2040 Androids will be doing all the labor and most of the skilled labor in the USA.

Corporations will have some kind of 'robotics tax' they will pay to replace lost wage taxes for the governments around the globe, and most people will be doing crafting that they barter or sell for cash and get their cash from a Universal income paid for by the Robotics tax.

The Consumer market will be fairly equal parts government, corporations and laborers. A few people will have jobs and they will be super consumers that will quickly spend their incomes on things to barter with, commodities to store their wealth and some equities which will be HFTs run on the behalf of mutual funds and major investment banks.

Growth in the consumer market will be largely from governments and corporations with the general population leveled out, maybe decreased some.

The whole system will be a leizurely lifestyle built on the steel spines of Androids.
I doubt 20 years is going to put androids at the counters of McDonald's or anywhere else, someday but not in 20 years.

My son in law is an Asst. Mgt. at Red Robin. A few years ago the company started putting point of sale terminals on every table. They were looking at a reduction in wait staff of 50%.

A few weeks ago I ask how the point of sale terminals were working out. He said, we are getting better table turnover because people can pay their bills as soon as they are ready to leave so we can accommodate more people. Also sales of deserts and beer increased. The bottom line was since they have installed the terminals, sales are up 25% and they haven't cut staff at all. In fact they added 2 additional jobs in the kitten.

I'm familiar with a potato processing plant in the northwest. Back in the 70's, they employed over 600 workers. The plant automated sometime in the 80's and the number of jobs by 2000 had dropped to 55.

In the small town where the plant was located it was a disaster. People thought it was the perfect example of what awaited America. However, what few people knew was the automation of the plant made the company very profitable. In the coming years the company went public raising millions of dollars that they used to build food processing plants across the country. Today the company has far more employees than the old plant ever had.

People make the mistake of thinking automation just takes away jobs but that's not true.
The only way we are going to get more consumers in the US is by immigration or increasing the birth rate, which seems very unlikely.
As far as jobs go, I don't see automation reducing the net number of jobs anytime soon. Automation obsoletes some jobs and creates others through economic growth.

Automation makes possible economic growth and that growth leads to more jobs.

I guess it depends on what context you mean 'soon'. While geological that might be millenia, or for a CEO the next quarter, I am speaking of generations, about 20 years by most reckonings.

I think that by 2040 Androids will be doing all the labor and most of the skilled labor in the USA.

Corporations will have some kind of 'robotics tax' they will pay to replace lost wage taxes for the governments around the globe, and most people will be doing crafting that they barter or sell for cash and get their cash from a Universal income paid for by the Robotics tax.

The Consumer market will be fairly equal parts government, corporations and laborers. A few people will have jobs and they will be super consumers that will quickly spend their incomes on things to barter with, commodities to store their wealth and some equities which will be HFTs run on the behalf of mutual funds and major investment banks.

Growth in the consumer market will be largely from governments and corporations with the general population leveled out, maybe decreased some.

The whole system will be a leizurely lifestyle built on the steel spines of Androids.
I doubt 20 years is going to put androids at the counters of McDonald's or anywhere else, someday but not in 20 years.

My son in law is an Asst. Mgt. at Red Robin. A few years ago the company started putting point of sale terminals on every table. They were looking at a reduction in wait staff of 50%.

A few weeks ago I ask how the point of sale terminals were working out. He said, we are getting better table turnover because people can pay their bills as soon as they are ready to leave so we can accommodate more people. Also sales of deserts and beer increased. The bottom line was since they have installed the terminals, sales are up 25% and they haven't cut staff at all. In fact they added 2 additional jobs in the kitten.

I'm familiar with a potato processing plant in the northwest. Back in the 70's, they employed over 600 workers. The plant automated sometime in the 80's and the number of jobs by 2000 had dropped to 55.

In the small town where the plant was located it was a disaster. People thought it was the perfect example of what awaited America. However, what few people knew was the automation of the plant made the company very profitable. In the coming years the company went public raising millions of dollars that they used to build food processing plants across the country. Today the company has far more employees than the old plant ever had.

People make the mistake of thinking automation just takes away jobs but that's not true.

I understand about automation from the previous generation being a net job producer, but Androids will have intelligence with Strong AI. This will be the first time we make a product that can sell, install, repair, replace and design itself and better variations of itself.

That, sir, with all due respect has not happened ever before.
White people in the US are already not having kids. usually when you ask them, they will tell you its too expensive, which is true unless you know how to work the welfare system to pay for childbirth, day care and such. Otherwise lower class to middle income people cant do any more than one or two kids tops.
If the birthrate in the US continues to fall and there's no reason to expect it won't, this country is going to have major economic problems in the 21st century. China will pass us up as the largest economy in the world, probably next year. India will pass us within one to two decades. Without a growing young population to do the work and pay taxes to support the growing debt, this county will be a has been by the end of the century. This is why it so important that population continues to grow. If the growth doesn't come from a higher birthrate, it has to come from immigration.
The drop in birthrate is not a function of race or ethnicity so much as economics. As people move into the Middle Class they have fewer children, for some set of reasons I dont fully grasp yet.

I used to think it was because the Middle Class is more consumer oriented and was choosing to have a second car rather than a third child more often, and that may be a factor.

But there is also a huge leap in standards on how to raise children culturally that requires so much more effort, that I think parents are too much harassed to have more than a couple of kids now days as well.

It might require free day care for everyone to get the birth rates back up for the Middle Class, but that is merely a guess.

But as immigrants move into our population and assimilate, their birthrates drop too. Then we have to have a new wave of immigration from other nations to supplement the recently assimilated groups.

What do we do when we run out of Botswanan Pygmies and Queensland Aborigenies?

In a way though it is kind of irrelevant. Androids with Strong AI will be cheaper than any immigrant and the magnets will turn off in about ten to twenty years.
Last year in Japan there were 1,300,000 deaths and 920,000 births. Births per woman was 1.44. In Italy it was 1.3, 1.8 in the US, 2.33 in India. I think it's a cultural things. Within 200 years there will be no Italians. Within 300 years there will be no Japanese. Americans and Europeans as we know them today will not exist.
Last year in Japan there were 1,300,000 deaths and 920,000 births. Births per woman was 1.44. In Italy it was 1.3, 1.8 in the US, 2.33 in India. I think it's a cultural things. Within 200 years there will be no Italians. Within 300 years there will be no Japanese. Americans and Europeans as we know them today will not exist.

It is a mistake to take rates of change as part of a static analysis where the rates do not change.

The factors causing a low birthrate will adjust to lowering populations and people will have more kids as they become more missed and desired.

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