20 Walls/Fences That Work (And Many of Them Controlled by Democrats and Their Allies)

does this show up?

Slade3200 your words: Interesting. What do you think I lied about?: Well like I said, most of us have evolved past that. Apparently you have not

your presentation: "Looking forward to some...some shitty gutter battles"

and I believe these are the Titles of thread topics you started

by your own words I judge you
Re-read what you just wrote and then please try again at making an argument that actually makes sense.

What exactly do you think I lied about?
OK, can we finally drop the 'walls dont work' horse shit?

PHOTOS: 20 Border Walls, Barriers, and Fences Around the World
Most walls built today are decorative and offer less security than a security fence. The advantage of a solid wall is it's more permanent than a security fence. The disadvantage is cost both to build and repair. A fence or wall only slows down the invader. The real protection is the security person on the other side of the wall. The most secure buildings in the world rely on security fences or other security features, not walls.

I agree with that in general. Most of the masonry walls are historic structures built a long time ago, but not all of them.

What I want on the Southern border is a double line of 30 foot high steel fence, with watch towers in visible intervals from which drones and patrols can be sent out, and every 30 miles or as needed, detention facilities that can handle average flow of illegals, and more judges to process them efficiently.

The fence is only a small but needed part of that security system.

The coyotes are lying to people saying that they can all get in with 'one neat trick'. The sight of a double line of fence is a clear and unmistakeable message to the contrary, so there is that messaging too.

I don't believe you

my favorite old church saying: "Save the planet, kill yourselves"
Well like I said, most of us have evolved past that. Apparently you have not

you lie

that is what I believe
Interesting. What do you think I lied about?
do you really want a brutally truthful answer?
I always want truthful answers
Lying again?
OK, can we finally drop the 'walls dont work' horse shit?

PHOTOS: 20 Border Walls, Barriers, and Fences Around the World
Most walls built today are decorative and offer less security than a security fence. The advantage of a solid wall is it's more permanent than a security fence. The disadvantage is cost both to build and repair. A fence or wall only slows down the invader. The real protection is the security person on the other side of the wall. The most secure buildings in the world rely on security fences or other security features, not walls.

I agree with that in general. Most of the masonry walls are historic structures built a long time ago, but not all of them.

What I want on the Southern border is a double line of 30 foot high steel fence, with watch towers in visible intervals from which drones and patrols can be sent out, and every 30 miles or as needed, detention facilities that can handle average flow of illegals, and more judges to process them efficiently.

The fence is only a small but needed part of that security system.

The coyotes are lying to people saying that they can all get in with 'one neat trick'. The sight of a double line of fence is a clear and unmistakeable message to the contrary, so there is that messaging too.
That would probably work but the cost would be terrible high. I suspect that with the decreasing number of people crossing the southern border, and the resistance from democrats we would never complete enough to see a substantial reduction in illegal immigrants.

Even if we did we would have to deal with a bigger immigration problem, the number coming in through ports of entry. Then we have to deal with those that overstay visas which account for half of all undocumented immigrants. Long before we got to this point, illegal immigration would be a minor problem.
OK, can we finally drop the 'walls dont work' horse shit?

PHOTOS: 20 Border Walls, Barriers, and Fences Around the World
Know what else works? Birth control
euthanasia of weak white people who whine about being victims would work just fine

White people in the US are already not having kids. usually when you ask them, they will tell you its too expensive, which is true unless you know how to work the welfare system to pay for childbirth, day care and such. Otherwise lower class to middle income people cant do any more than one or two kids tops.
White people in the US are already not having kids. usually when you ask them, they will tell you its too expensive, which is true unless you know how to work the welfare system to pay for childbirth, day care and such. Otherwise lower class to middle income people cant do any more than one or two kids tops.
Natures way of thinning the herd
Walls work.


Walls work in houses and between countries too ....walls work!:thup:

I love walls!

I love President Trump I love all Patriots! :clap: :D
That would probably work but the cost would be terrible high. I suspect that with the decreasing number of people crossing the southern border, and the resistance from democrats we would never complete enough to see a substantial reduction in illegal immigrants.

Even if we did we would have to deal with a bigger immigration problem, the number coming in through ports of entry. Then we have to deal with those that overstay visas which account for half of all undocumented immigrants. Long before we got to this point, illegal immigration would be a minor problem.

Denying criminals a route into a place is never the final step in security. But you do whatever you can to make them take more time and effort to get in, or maneuver them into a few places where you can inspect them more efficiently.

You still lock your front door, dont you?
Walls work.


Walls work in houses and between countries too ....walls work!:thup:

I love walls!

I love President Trump I love all Patriots! :clap: :D

Berlin Wall worked, but they had to murder people trying to go over or around it.

so is skye proposing something as effective? and btw, people kept trying to get over and around in the face of death
Walls work.


Walls work in houses and between countries too ....walls work!:thup:

I love walls!

I love President Trump I love all Patriots! :clap: :D

Japanese use paper walls and even those work! Damn!...... well, just saying.;)
Walls work.


Walls work in houses and between countries too ....walls work!:thup:

I love walls!

I love President Trump I love all Patriots! :clap: :D

Berlin Wall worked, but they had to murder people trying to go over or around it.

so is skye proposing something as effective? and btw, people kept trying to get over and around in the face of death

Shes not proposing trapping people behind a wall. People in Mexico are free. At least as free as their government allows them to be. We are taking nothing from them should we actually decide to put up a wall.
some people just don't get it
Simple solution. Blame him for the shutdown and then write legislation that has 5 billion dollars for border security and gets those people back to work. Don't they care about them?
Shes not proposing trapping people behind a wall. People in Mexico are free. At least as free as their government allows them to be. We are taking nothing from them should we actually decide to put up a wall.
Berlin Wall worked, but they had to murder people trying to go over or around it.

so is skye proposing something as effective? and btw, people kept trying to get over and around in the face of death

It natters not WHY a wall is there, so much as HOW do you keep people from getting OVER one or AROUND one?
Simple solution. Blame him for the shutdown and then write legislation that has 5 billion dollars for border security and gets those people back to work. Don't they care about them?
really? please, send a Tweet!
I don't tweet. But I have written to both Pelosi and Schumer as well as called their offices to tell them that they need to write the legislation that contains border security funding for a barrier so that the good people who are being harmed by their stubbornness can get back to their lives.

They can fund the 0.0125% of our income to this project and then start talking about going forward from there.
OK, can we finally drop the 'walls dont work' horse shit?

PHOTOS: 20 Border Walls, Barriers, and Fences Around the World
Set up machines guns to murder asylum seekers and women and children fleeing oppression

and don't forget the land mines.

they helped East Germany murder people trying to get around or over their wall

No one except spies were trying to get into East Germany during the cold war era and that wall was to keep people from escaping...

Also I love during Obama era those Asylum seekers were Illegal Aliens if they bypass our port of entries and still are illegal aliens no matter what you want to call them.
No one except spies were trying to get into East Germany during the cold war era and that wall was to keep people from escaping...

Also I love during Obama era those Asylum seekers were Illegal Aliens if they bypass our port of entries and still are illegal aliens no matter what you want to call them.
how do you propose keeping people from going over or around any wall?

Set up machines guns to murder asylum seekers and women and children fleeing oppression?

and don't forget the land mines.

these helped East Germany murder people trying to get around or over their wall
No one except spies were trying to get into East Germany during the cold war era and that wall was to keep people from escaping...

Also I love during Obama era those Asylum seekers were Illegal Aliens if they bypass our port of entries and still are illegal aliens no matter what you want to call them.
how do you propose keeping people from going over or around any wall?

Set up machines guns to murder asylum seekers and women and children fleeing oppression?

and don't forget the land mines.

these helped East Germany murder people trying to get around or over their wall

The wall will prevent 300 from running across at once allowing say.... drug cartels a convenient diversion which keeps the border patrol tied up. Anything that maximizes the limited border patrols man power is going to help.
AKA... the wall will work. It doesnt need to work 100 %

No one seems to be talking about setting land mines or sniper towers.If anything, Trump also included in his Idea about a billion worth of humanitarian upgrades along the border such as more for medical treatment and care for minors.Who by the way are often unaccompanied and possibly Human trafficking victims themselves. maybe the limited budget now is why they get herded into metal containers.
OK, can we finally drop the 'walls dont work' horse shit?

PHOTOS: 20 Border Walls, Barriers, and Fences Around the World
Know what else works? Birth control
euthanasia of weak white people who whine about being victims would work just fine

White people in the US are already not having kids. usually when you ask them, they will tell you its too expensive, which is true unless you know how to work the welfare system to pay for childbirth, day care and such. Otherwise lower class to middle income people cant do any more than one or two kids tops.
If the birthrate in the US continues to fall and there's no reason to expect it won't, this country is going to have major economic problems in the 21st century. China will pass us up as the largest economy in the world, probably next year. India will pass us within one to two decades. Without a growing young population to do the work and pay taxes to support the growing debt, this county will be a has been by the end of the century. This is why it so important that population continues to grow. If the growth doesn't come from a higher birthrate, it has to come from immigration.

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