200 Executive Orders Will Be Signed

Huh? I thought republicans believed in congress being about legislation and law? Phonies in all things, the illegitimate president Donnie, draft dodger and tax cheat will commute his family own past illegality and commute his own sentence for tax cheating with his first executive order. Who know what the second will be?

"Fred Trump entered his majority by getting himself arrested at age twenty-one for his involvement in a battle between about a hundred New York City police officers and a thousand Ku Klux Klan members and supporters, many of them in white robes. The riot took place in Jamaica, the Queens neighborhood where Fred Trump lived. Police booked him for failure to disperse, but prosecutors later declined to try him and many of the others arrested that day. It was the first of many indications of Fred Trump’s racial enmity.

Almost nine decades later, his son Donald, running for president, tried to deny the whole thing, claiming his father never lived at the address the newspapers had obtained from police records. Other public records verify that it was indeed his father’s address. They also show only one Fred Trump living in Queens during that period.

Cornered in a 2015 interview with The New York Times, Donald Trump bobbed, weaved, and tried to persuade the paper to ignore the arrest, which the website boingboing.?net had written about after uncovering a 1927 New York Times article about it. Trump’s comments went like this:
It never happened. And they said there were no charges, no nothing. It’s unfair to mention it, to be honest, because there were no charges. They said there were charges against other people, but there were absolutely no charges, totally false … Somebody showed me that website—it was a little website and somebody did that. By the way, did you notice that there were no charges? Well, if there are no charges that means it shouldn’t be mentioned … Because my father, there were no charges against him, I don’t know about the other people involved. But there were zero charges against him. So assuming it was him—I don’t even think it was him, I never even heard about it. So it’s really not fair to mention. It never happened … if there are no charges that means it shouldn’t be mentioned."

above from David Cay Johnston, 'The Making of Donald Trump'
Huh? I thought republicans believed in congress being about legislation and law? Phonies in all things, the illegitimate president Donnie, draft dodger and tax cheat will commute his family own past illegality and commute his own sentence for tax cheating with his first executive order. Who know what the second will be?

"Fred Trump entered his majority by getting himself arrested at age twenty-one for his involvement in a battle between about a hundred New York City police officers and a thousand Ku Klux Klan members and supporters, many of them in white robes. The riot took place in Jamaica, the Queens neighborhood where Fred Trump lived. Police booked him for failure to disperse, but prosecutors later declined to try him and many of the others arrested that day. It was the first of many indications of Fred Trump’s racial enmity.

Almost nine decades later, his son Donald, running for president, tried to deny the whole thing, claiming his father never lived at the address the newspapers had obtained from police records. Other public records verify that it was indeed his father’s address. They also show only one Fred Trump living in Queens during that period.

Cornered in a 2015 interview with The New York Times, Donald Trump bobbed, weaved, and tried to persuade the paper to ignore the arrest, which the website boingboing.?net had written about after uncovering a 1927 New York Times article about it. Trump’s comments went like this:
It never happened. And they said there were no charges, no nothing. It’s unfair to mention it, to be honest, because there were no charges. They said there were charges against other people, but there were absolutely no charges, totally false … Somebody showed me that website—it was a little website and somebody did that. By the way, did you notice that there were no charges? Well, if there are no charges that means it shouldn’t be mentioned … Because my father, there were no charges against him, I don’t know about the other people involved. But there were zero charges against him. So assuming it was him—I don’t even think it was him, I never even heard about it. So it’s really not fair to mention. It never happened … if there are no charges that means it shouldn’t be mentioned."

above from David Cay Johnston, 'The Making of Donald Trump'
I can't wait until I Trump gets Obamas pen and phone!!!!!
Undoing eo's is done all the time. It is not the same as undoing a law.

The rest of your post is trolling and spam.

And it is a lie, more fake news, perpetuated by this idiot. From one of the reviewers that doesn't like Trump-
I regard Trump as a dangerous narcissist, but that does not mean I can accept all things written against him.

This author seems to be trying to make a quick buck without doing his homework. After bragging about how great he is, and how thoroughly he knows the dope on Trump, he writes a pretty short but persuasive exposé of Trump's corrupt dealings.

The problem, other than his willingness to brag about himself, is that his sources are sometimes very suspect. He cites articles from very politically biased websites. I may share these political views, but I would not cite information from these sources to build an objective case against Trump.

Worst of all, he cites his own articles as the source for much of his information. In other words, "You can believe this because I wrote it somewhere else too."

Lol and more-

The author is a Reuters columnist. The opinions expressed are his own.

By David Cay Johnston

Readers, I apologize. The premise of my debut column for Reuters, on News Corp's taxes, was wrong, 100 percent dead wrong.

Rupert Murdoch's News Corp did not get a $4.8 billion tax refund for the past four years, as I reported. Instead, it paid that much in cash for corporate income taxes for the years 2007 through 2010 while earning pre-tax profits of $10.4 billion.

Dead wrong, huh? Yeah.

Fred was arrested in civilian clothes at a memorial day March with over 100k attendees, during which the Klan caused a riot. Only 2 of the 7 arrested claimed to be Klan members, and Fred was let go before the other 6.

There were over 100 newspaper articles written about the incident, but NYT and others intentionally ignored them and created their own lies.


Huh? I thought republicans believed in congress being about legislation and law? Phonies in all things, the illegitimate president Donnie, draft dodger and tax cheat will commute his family own past illegality and commute his own sentence for tax cheating with his first executive order. Who know what the second will be?

"Fred Trump entered his majority by getting himself arrested at age twenty-one for his involvement in a battle between about a hundred New York City police officers and a thousand Ku Klux Klan members and supporters, many of them in white robes. The riot took place in Jamaica, the Queens neighborhood where Fred Trump lived. Police booked him for failure to disperse, but prosecutors later declined to try him and many of the others arrested that day. It was the first of many indications of Fred Trump’s racial enmity.

Almost nine decades later, his son Donald, running for president, tried to deny the whole thing, claiming his father never lived at the address the newspapers had obtained from police records. Other public records verify that it was indeed his father’s address. They also show only one Fred Trump living in Queens during that period.

Cornered in a 2015 interview with The New York Times, Donald Trump bobbed, weaved, and tried to persuade the paper to ignore the arrest, which the website boingboing.?net had written about after uncovering a 1927 New York Times article about it. Trump’s comments went like this:
It never happened. And they said there were no charges, no nothing. It’s unfair to mention it, to be honest, because there were no charges. They said there were charges against other people, but there were absolutely no charges, totally false … Somebody showed me that website—it was a little website and somebody did that. By the way, did you notice that there were no charges? Well, if there are no charges that means it shouldn’t be mentioned … Because my father, there were no charges against him, I don’t know about the other people involved. But there were zero charges against him. So assuming it was him—I don’t even think it was him, I never even heard about it. So it’s really not fair to mention. It never happened … if there are no charges that means it shouldn’t be mentioned."

above from David Cay Johnston, 'The Making of Donald Trump'
Huh? I thought republicans believed in congress being about legislation and law? Phonies in all things, the illegitimate president Donnie, draft dodger and tax cheat will commute his family own past illegality and commute his own sentence for tax cheating with his first executive order. Who know what the second will be?

"Fred Trump entered his majority by getting himself arrested at age twenty-one for his involvement in a battle between about a hundred New York City police officers and a thousand Ku Klux Klan members and supporters, many of them in white robes. The riot took place in Jamaica, the Queens neighborhood where Fred Trump lived. Police booked him for failure to disperse, but prosecutors later declined to try him and many of the others arrested that day. It was the first of many indications of Fred Trump’s racial enmity.

Almost nine decades later, his son Donald, running for president, tried to deny the whole thing, claiming his father never lived at the address the newspapers had obtained from police records. Other public records verify that it was indeed his father’s address. They also show only one Fred Trump living in Queens during that period.

Cornered in a 2015 interview with The New York Times, Donald Trump bobbed, weaved, and tried to persuade the paper to ignore the arrest, which the website boingboing.?net had written about after uncovering a 1927 New York Times article about it. Trump’s comments went like this:
It never happened. And they said there were no charges, no nothing. It’s unfair to mention it, to be honest, because there were no charges. They said there were charges against other people, but there were absolutely no charges, totally false … Somebody showed me that website—it was a little website and somebody did that. By the way, did you notice that there were no charges? Well, if there are no charges that means it shouldn’t be mentioned … Because my father, there were no charges against him, I don’t know about the other people involved. But there were zero charges against him. So assuming it was him—I don’t even think it was him, I never even heard about it. So it’s really not fair to mention. It never happened … if there are no charges that means it shouldn’t be mentioned."

above from David Cay Johnston, 'The Making of Donald Trump'
Fake news.
200 signed, while negotiating another billion dollar jobs deal, destroying the left with Tweets, ordering bricks for the wall, and drinking a cold brew.
200 signed, while negotiating another billion dollar jobs deal, destroying the left with Tweets, ordering bricks for the wall, and drinking a cold brew.
Trump doesn't drink....he doesn't have time.....he's got too much MAGA to do....
Poor LWNJ's......Obungle couldn't get jack-shit passed because he was incompetent and spent all of his political capital on Obamacare. So he used Executive orders. Trump will negate all of them in a few hours.

Then he'll dismantle Obamacare using reconciliation. It'll be as if O-BOMB-A never existed!

on January 23rd.

Ka-BOOM ...
on January 23rd.

Ka-BOOM ...

Typical republican. All about federal govt. orders
You mean undoing your Obamas federal .gov orders....it's going to be fucking epic!!!!!

^Another big government republican cheers on federal executive orders.
Fucking epic it will be I'm telling you.....:lol:
on January 23rd.

Ka-BOOM ...
on January 23rd.

Ka-BOOM ...

Typical republican. All about federal govt. orders
You mean undoing your Obamas federal .gov orders....it's going to be fucking epic!!!!!

^Another big government republican cheers on federal executive orders.

Sorry Moron. Trump's Executive orders will be unwinding Obama's orders. Meaning LESS regulations, not more
on January 23rd.

Ka-BOOM ...
on January 23rd.

Ka-BOOM ...

Typical republican. All about federal govt. orders
You mean undoing your Obamas federal .gov orders....it's going to be fucking epic!!!!!

^Another big government republican cheers on federal executive orders.

Sorry Moron. Trump's Executive orders will be unwinding Obama's orders. Meaning LESS regulations, not more
^Typical big govt republican just wants to let a new president run wild with executive orders, no say from congress or the states.

Republicans are all for the president doing whatever he wants.
Huh? I thought republicans believed in congress being about legislation and law? Phonies in all things, the illegitimate president Donnie, draft dodger and tax cheat will commute his family own past illegality and commute his own sentence for tax cheating with his first executive order. Who know what the second will be?

"Fred Trump entered his majority by getting himself arrested at age twenty-one for his involvement in a battle between about a hundred New York City police officers and a thousand Ku Klux Klan members and supporters, many of them in white robes. The riot took place in Jamaica, the Queens neighborhood where Fred Trump lived. Police booked him for failure to disperse, but prosecutors later declined to try him and many of the others arrested that day. It was the first of many indications of Fred Trump’s racial enmity.

Almost nine decades later, his son Donald, running for president, tried to deny the whole thing, claiming his father never lived at the address the newspapers had obtained from police records. Other public records verify that it was indeed his father’s address. They also show only one Fred Trump living in Queens during that period.

Cornered in a 2015 interview with The New York Times, Donald Trump bobbed, weaved, and tried to persuade the paper to ignore the arrest, which the website boingboing.?net had written about after uncovering a 1927 New York Times article about it. Trump’s comments went like this:
It never happened. And they said there were no charges, no nothing. It’s unfair to mention it, to be honest, because there were no charges. They said there were charges against other people, but there were absolutely no charges, totally false … Somebody showed me that website—it was a little website and somebody did that. By the way, did you notice that there were no charges? Well, if there are no charges that means it shouldn’t be mentioned … Because my father, there were no charges against him, I don’t know about the other people involved. But there were zero charges against him. So assuming it was him—I don’t even think it was him, I never even heard about it. So it’s really not fair to mention. It never happened … if there are no charges that means it shouldn’t be mentioned."

above from David Cay Johnston, 'The Making of Donald Trump'

You still didn't explain how Trump is an illegitimate candidate. I don't call obama an illegitimate president even though he recently commuted the sentence of that puerto rican terrorist oscar rivera, who has never shown any remorse for his crimes. I just call obama a low life scumbag. And yes, I voted for the skunk, not being too on top of what's been going on in this country, but I finally got wise to obama. I suggest you do the same, and quit making a fool out of yourself with your ignorant posts. This outrageous action on obama's part also didn't get too much press, because the msm is in the bag for the obamas and clintons 100%+. Something else you're obviously not aware of.

Puerto Rican terrorist among prisoners freed by Obama | New York Post
Last edited:
on January 23rd.

Ka-BOOM ...
on January 23rd.

Ka-BOOM ...

Typical republican. All about federal govt. orders
You mean undoing your Obamas federal .gov orders....it's going to be fucking epic!!!!!

^Another big government republican cheers on federal executive orders.

Sorry Moron. Trump's Executive orders will be unwinding Obama's orders. Meaning LESS regulations, not more
^Typical big govt republican just wants to let a new president run wild with executive orders, no say from congress or the states.

Republicans are all for the president doing whatever he wants.
Run wild? Trump is going to fucking rip off your collective democrat heads and shit down your fucking necks one by one.....

You're fucking doomed....and it will be fucking epic......

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