2000 Mules Review: This Election Was Rigged Period Point Blank. End Of Story.

You are stuck on stupid. Do yourself a favor and STFU.
Trollboy here has been stuck on stupid fir decades,he is the most obvious paid shill from Langley.he has been making a fool of himself for decades now Lastamender he is easily the most phychotic nutcase I have ever encountered in my life,a good fit for surada sockpuppet,okfine and bodecca. He is ten times even more psychotic than they are though because the way he has been making himself into a fool for decades,is he talks to himself,I have had the kid on ignore fir DECADES now and he still addresses me in the first person,so he is obviously desperate fir attention from me. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I don’t know about you,but when someone puts me on ignore,I don’t reply to them in the first person and talk directly to them do you,I think the answer is safe to say no right?:abgg2q.jpg:
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Far more legitimate than the Voice of the Reich (NY Times), Jeff Bezos Amazon.Com Post, Ted Turner's CNN, or Bill Gate's MSNBCCP.

Notice, OAN has never had to pay settlements for slandering and libeling people, I doubt the other two have either, but I don't know them.

All of the fascist media I listed has. And that's BEFORE Rittenhouse take the lying fucks to the cleaners.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Trollboy okfine just got his ass Owned and embarrassed by uncensored 2008.:rofl:
Trollboy here has been stuck on stupid fir decades,he is the most obvious paid shill from Langley.he has been making a fool of himself for decades now Lastamender he is easily the most phychotic nutcase I have ever encountered in my life,a good fit for surada sockpuppet,okfine and bodecca. He is ten times even more psychotic than they are though because the way he has been making himself into a fool for decades,is he talks to himself,I have had the kid on ignore fir DECADES now and he still addresses me in the first person,so he is obviously desperate fir attention from me. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I don’t know about you,but when someone puts me on ignore,I don’t reply to them in the first person and talk directly to them do you,I think the answer is safe to say no right?:abgg2q.jpg:

How's the investigation into 9/11 going shit brains? About 18 years ago you said the truth was about to come out. Well???
I stated fact and you failed to provide evidence to the contrary making you the proven liar.

That videos offers no evidence you coward.

No, you lied for your Reich and I provided video shot by the United States Marshalls service, to which you responded with the Reich standard of "nuhn uhn."
"End of story" ?

Really? Sweet. Does that mean you're going to shut the fuck up and quit whining about it?
"End of story" ?

Really? Sweet. Does that mean you're going to shut the fuck up and quit whining about it?

No, exposure means you don't get to do it again. We keep reminding America how the Reich stole the last election.

We can't undo the past, but we can stop you from doing it again. That's the point.

17 million views?

That's critical mass. You won't be able to lie it into the cornfield. :(
Especially with all those cites and videos.

I mean, CNN told you and that's DA TWOOF!
You cited nothing with evieence and produced no videos with evidence.

CNN has nothing to do with this.

Any objectiver look at what you have cited shows no fucking evidence period.

you have embarrassed yourself and are a proven liar

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