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2000 People on "Terror Watch List" able to buy guns!

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Most of what you said are lies. Limbaugh never "railed" against drug addicts. Drugs are hardly a political issue and the show is about politics.

Rush Limbaugh drug-war quotes. Hypocrite windbag! Audio and banners, too! : Indybay

"Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. And the laws are good because we know what happens to people in societies and neighborhoods which become consumed by them. And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be
convicted and they ought to be sent up."

-- Rush Limbaugh. October 5, 1995 show transcript.

Secondly, Limbaugh wasn't caught doing anything. He agreed to enter a rehab clinic to get the government off his ass about the drugs. His maid and husband were blackmailing him for their silence about his addiction. When they got too greedy, Limbaugh decided to let them go to the police because they had nothing on him.

But you see, that's where the hypocrisy came in. If he was a poor person living in a ghetto, he'd have gone to jail. INstead, he got a lot of high priced lawyers to fight the charges and eventualy get him a sweet plea deal. If drug abuse is as bad as you claim it is, then the rich addicts need to go to jail right along side the poor addicts.

Limbaugh was never charged or convicted. Soliciting a male prostitute? That's a new one. There must be a new lying liberal blog that started up somewhere.

American Politics Journal -- Mailbag

We have;
1. The rumor about DJ Jeff Christie being fired from KQV in 1973 after an arrest on Winthrop Street for gay pandering. This rumor supposedly circulated on the UPitt campus for weeks following the firing. Verified parts are that Christie was fired by KQV, that Winthrop Street was a gay pickup spot in that era, and several people have confirmed hearing that same rumor at the time. One person confirmed having heard the rumor a couple of years later in water-cooler gossip at the Richmond VA radio station where he worked. At this time, nobody knew who Jeff Christie was.

Yes, food stamps were around years ago, but hardly anybody used them. DumBama expanded the program which led us to record amount of users. Back when I was younger, people had too much pride to use government benefits.

but thta isn't what you claimed. YOu claimed no one used food stamps when you were young.

But that isn't the case. If you go back and look at this chart, you've ALWAYS had a sizable chunk of the population getting assistance.


It was only in do-or-die situations. Today, one-seventh of our population is being fed by taxpayers. This is not to mention "free" school lunches and various other programs.

Yeah, but you see, being a deluded right winger, you can't see cause and effect. for the last 40 years, starting with your boy, Ronnie Ray-gun, there has been a systematic assault on the middle class, from union busting to free trade to right to work and at-will employment. The problem isn't that more people are USING food stamps, it's that more people NEED them because after Mitt Romney closed down the factory to pay for a new Dressage Horsie, that new job at Wal-Mart doesn't pay that well.

And when you have big corporations like WalMart underpaying their workers and then tellign them how to apply for food stamps and medicaid, you have to wonder who is getting over on who here.

Yeah, some of these people do work, but they won't work an hour past their allowable before it interferes with their benefits. They would sooner work less hours and keep those benefits than get off of them. Trust me, I evicted a family who was on food stamps.

That makes you kind of a creep, doesn't it? Yes, the problem here is an arbitrary thing that says if you work over a certain amount, you lose needed benefits. that is all manner of fucked up.

It's also how companies like WalMart get out of paying for medical benefits.

Government programs discourage people from bettering themselves. It discourages them from getting off of the programs. We have tens of thousands of jobs that can't be filled at the same time we have record amounts of Americans no longer in the workforce. Why do you suppose that is?

Geezus, do I have to educate you on Demographics, too?

We have record amounts of people out of the workforce because they are AGING OUT. Every other industrialized nation has this EXACT SAME PROBLEM. OUr work force participation rate of 63% is actually HIGHER than most other industrialized countries.

Now, i'd have no problem replacing welfare with workfare and a lot of other sensible reforms, but I'm not going to let you take this discussion further off track than you already have.

The topic was - you fuckhead right wingers scream about "The Children" all day when a woman wants to terminate a kidney-bean sized fetus that she can't afford right now, but when it comes to feeding, educating, clothing and nurturing REAL HONEST TO GOODNESS POOR CHILDREN, you just simply can't be bothered. You scream and whine about taxes.

Maybe what we need is a pro-life tax. If you are "pro-life", you get taxed at 70%. If you are pro choice, you get taxed at 10%. I'm willing to bet, no one, not even the biggest religious nut, would be pro-life after that.

there is that lie again...the Republicans don't care about kids...while the democrats kill them in the womb...and allow teachers unions to trap kids in schools that do not teach them to read, write or understand math and science...and when Republicans try to fix the schools...the left blocks them every step of the way......and we have more programs to help kids in this country but democrats allow their politicians to waste, steal and lose the money......and Rpublicans give more to charity in both time and money than democrats....

so sell your lie to the other left wingers...it ain't selling here....
No, our gun laws aren't even a little bit crazy. Remember, Wingnuts, keep pissing yourselves over 3 year olds from Syria... because this isn't something to worry about at all.

From 2004 to 2014, over 2,000 terror suspects legally purchased guns in the United States

Given France's strict gun laws, the terrorists who attacked Paris on Friday may have turned to black market sources for the weapons they used. But in the United States, known and suspected terrorists are allowed to purchase firearms under federal law.

"Membership in a terrorist organization does not prohibit a person from possessing firearms or explosives under current federal law," the Government Accountability Office concluded in 2010. The law prohibits felons, fugitives, drug addicts and domestic abusers from purchasing a firearm in the United States. But people on the FBI's consolidated terrorist watchlist — typically placed there when there is "reasonable suspicion" that they are a known or suspected terrorist — can freely purchase handguns or assault-style rifles.

And, as the GAO found, a number of them do: Between 2004 and 2014, suspected terrorists attempted to purchase guns from American dealers at least 2,233 times. And in 2,043 of those cases — 91 percent of the time — they succeeded.

Clay Bennett by Clay Bennett, December 04, 2015 Via @GoComics
No, our gun laws aren't even a little bit crazy. Remember, Wingnuts, keep pissing yourselves over 3 year olds from Syria... because this isn't something to worry about at all.

From 2004 to 2014, over 2,000 terror suspects legally purchased guns in the United States

Given France's strict gun laws, the terrorists who attacked Paris on Friday may have turned to black market sources for the weapons they used. But in the United States, known and suspected terrorists are allowed to purchase firearms under federal law.

"Membership in a terrorist organization does not prohibit a person from possessing firearms or explosives under current federal law," the Government Accountability Office concluded in 2010. The law prohibits felons, fugitives, drug addicts and domestic abusers from purchasing a firearm in the United States. But people on the FBI's consolidated terrorist watchlist — typically placed there when there is "reasonable suspicion" that they are a known or suspected terrorist — can freely purchase handguns or assault-style rifles.

And, as the GAO found, a number of them do: Between 2004 and 2014, suspected terrorists attempted to purchase guns from American dealers at least 2,233 times. And in 2,043 of those cases — 91 percent of the time — they succeeded.

Clay Bennett by Clay Bennett, December 04, 2015 Via @GoComics

I believe our commader in Chief said we shouldn't worry about widows either....so I guess we just have to worry about married muslim women.....right...?
Who said anything about a mansion? I live in the suburbs. Would you like to see how many homes and apartments under HUD are available here? Would you like to see how many HUD homes and apartments are available in other suburbs around here?

But it's not just here. Look in your own town to see lowlifes living in middle-class areas. Go to their grocery stores and watch who is using those food stamps and see what kind of vehicle they drive. See what other items they purchase with cash that food stamps doesn't pay for. Notice how many children they have in line with them.

ah, yes, the welfare person buying steak and lobster mythology again.

It's much worse than that. I get those clowns in front of me in line, I know what they are buying.

When they are done cashing in their food stamps, they then bring out the flowers, greeting cards, 25 lbs bag of dog food, cat food, cat litter, beer and cigarettes. Those poor people.

It's the same thing with those tenants I evicted. I told them to get rid of their three cats and large dog to save some money. No such doing. They both smoked cigarettes too, and had a daughter that did the same. She was 13 when she lived here, and the parents supplied her the smokes because she was too young to get a job.
Most of what you said are lies. Limbaugh never "railed" against drug addicts. Drugs are hardly a political issue and the show is about politics.

Rush Limbaugh drug-war quotes. Hypocrite windbag! Audio and banners, too! : Indybay

"Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. And the laws are good because we know what happens to people in societies and neighborhoods which become consumed by them. And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be
convicted and they ought to be sent up."

-- Rush Limbaugh. October 5, 1995 show transcript.

Secondly, Limbaugh wasn't caught doing anything. He agreed to enter a rehab clinic to get the government off his ass about the drugs. His maid and husband were blackmailing him for their silence about his addiction. When they got too greedy, Limbaugh decided to let them go to the police because they had nothing on him.

But you see, that's where the hypocrisy came in. If he was a poor person living in a ghetto, he'd have gone to jail. INstead, he got a lot of high priced lawyers to fight the charges and eventualy get him a sweet plea deal. If drug abuse is as bad as you claim it is, then the rich addicts need to go to jail right along side the poor addicts.

Limbaugh was never charged or convicted. Soliciting a male prostitute? That's a new one. There must be a new lying liberal blog that started up somewhere.

American Politics Journal -- Mailbag

We have;
1. The rumor about DJ Jeff Christie being fired from KQV in 1973 after an arrest on Winthrop Street for gay pandering. This rumor supposedly circulated on the UPitt campus for weeks following the firing. Verified parts are that Christie was fired by KQV, that Winthrop Street was a gay pickup spot in that era, and several people have confirmed hearing that same rumor at the time. One person confirmed having heard the rumor a couple of years later in water-cooler gossip at the Richmond VA radio station where he worked. At this time, nobody knew who Jeff Christie was.

Yes, food stamps were around years ago, but hardly anybody used them. DumBama expanded the program which led us to record amount of users. Back when I was younger, people had too much pride to use government benefits.

but thta isn't what you claimed. YOu claimed no one used food stamps when you were young.

But that isn't the case. If you go back and look at this chart, you've ALWAYS had a sizable chunk of the population getting assistance.


It was only in do-or-die situations. Today, one-seventh of our population is being fed by taxpayers. This is not to mention "free" school lunches and various other programs.

Yeah, but you see, being a deluded right winger, you can't see cause and effect. for the last 40 years, starting with your boy, Ronnie Ray-gun, there has been a systematic assault on the middle class, from union busting to free trade to right to work and at-will employment. The problem isn't that more people are USING food stamps, it's that more people NEED them because after Mitt Romney closed down the factory to pay for a new Dressage Horsie, that new job at Wal-Mart doesn't pay that well.

And when you have big corporations like WalMart underpaying their workers and then tellign them how to apply for food stamps and medicaid, you have to wonder who is getting over on who here.

Yeah, some of these people do work, but they won't work an hour past their allowable before it interferes with their benefits. They would sooner work less hours and keep those benefits than get off of them. Trust me, I evicted a family who was on food stamps.

That makes you kind of a creep, doesn't it? Yes, the problem here is an arbitrary thing that says if you work over a certain amount, you lose needed benefits. that is all manner of fucked up.

It's also how companies like WalMart get out of paying for medical benefits.

Government programs discourage people from bettering themselves. It discourages them from getting off of the programs. We have tens of thousands of jobs that can't be filled at the same time we have record amounts of Americans no longer in the workforce. Why do you suppose that is?

Geezus, do I have to educate you on Demographics, too?

We have record amounts of people out of the workforce because they are AGING OUT. Every other industrialized nation has this EXACT SAME PROBLEM. OUr work force participation rate of 63% is actually HIGHER than most other industrialized countries.

Now, i'd have no problem replacing welfare with workfare and a lot of other sensible reforms, but I'm not going to let you take this discussion further off track than you already have.

The topic was - you fuckhead right wingers scream about "The Children" all day when a woman wants to terminate a kidney-bean sized fetus that she can't afford right now, but when it comes to feeding, educating, clothing and nurturing REAL HONEST TO GOODNESS POOR CHILDREN, you just simply can't be bothered. You scream and whine about taxes.

Maybe what we need is a pro-life tax. If you are "pro-life", you get taxed at 70%. If you are pro choice, you get taxed at 10%. I'm willing to bet, no one, not even the biggest religious nut, would be pro-life after that.

Oh, we would take you up on that Joe. Sure, we'll pay the kids that aren't aborted, but in return, liberals have to pay for all our welfare programs and environmental policies. I say you have a deal.

Your claim was that Rush Limbaugh "railed" about drug users going to jail, and then you had to dig up one comment from over 10 years ago to make your point; that's railing? That's even a stretch for you Joe.

Limbaugh didn't avoid prison because of lawyers, Limbaugh avoided prison because there was no evidence against him. I don't care if you're worth twenty-dollars or twenty-million-dollars, if there is no evidence against you of a crime, they have no case.

So you believe that all of our citizens not looking for work are because of age? That's a lot of people, especially when those statistics only include people of working age. I'm on the road all day long. I see all those people driving around on the highway in their cars during work hours. They are not all elderly, in fact, most of them aren't.

And while I'm letting you in on little secrets, let me fill you in on a couple more: nobody is forced to work at Walmart......nobody. It's just like nobody is forced to have a kid. If you don't want a kid, keep your legs closed. If you can't keep your legs closed, then don't open them again until you have proper protection against pregnancy.

See how all these easy problems have easy solutions?
yes..the game banger shooting up his drug territory is the same thing as Rush getting drugs because of pain.........try again.....

we aren't talking about drug dealers, we are talking about drug users.

You don't think that the criminal network that supplies Oxycotin (AKA Hillbilly Heroin) to rich dopers like Rush isn't just as ruthless as the one that supplies Cocaine to poor dopers like Lakeesha the Crack whore?

But Rush thinks that Lakeesha should go to prison while he gets therapy.
It's much worse than that. I get those clowns in front of me in line, I know what they are buying.

When they are done cashing in their food stamps, they then bring out the flowers, greeting cards, 25 lbs bag of dog food, cat food, cat litter, beer and cigarettes. Those poor people.

Oh, noes, how dare they have "Creature comforts"! Don't they know being poor should be shameful!!!!

It's the same thing with those tenants I evicted. I told them to get rid of their three cats and large dog to save some money. No such doing. They both smoked cigarettes too, and had a daughter that did the same. She was 13 when she lived here, and the parents supplied her the smokes because she was too young to get a job.

Wow. Did you offer to sell their pets to a drug-testing lab while you were at it? Make the kids watch. Seriously, they should know the true shame of being poor!

Of course, monthly upkeep of a cat is about, what $15.00 a month. That's what mine costs between dry cat food and cat litter.

So do you go around calling rape victims sluts because they were just asking for it in your spare time?
Oh, we would take you up on that Joe. Sure, we'll pay the kids that aren't aborted, but in return, liberals have to pay for all our welfare programs and environmental policies. I say you have a deal.

Uh, guy, Welfare is 5.3% of the federal budget, while Paying for War for Oil is 20% of the budget and middle class entitlements are 33% of the budget. I think your math is a little off.

If people voted for "Where my tax dollars go", liberals would fund welfare long before Conservatives funded "War without End".


Your claim was that Rush Limbaugh "railed" about drug users going to jail, and then you had to dig up one comment from over 10 years ago to make your point; that's railing? That's even a stretch for you Joe.

]If you clicked on the link, you'd have seen Rush made dozens of such comments over the years, not just that one. I just posted on as an exemplar.

Limbaugh didn't avoid prison because of lawyers, Limbaugh avoided prison because there was no evidence against him. I don't care if you're worth twenty-dollars or twenty-million-dollars, if there is no evidence against you of a crime, they have no case.

Actually, there was plenty of evidence against him, that he saw multiple doctors to get redundant prescriptions and he sent his maid out to score drugs. You are delusional or just fucking stupid if you think rich people aren't treated differently in the "War on Drugs", or that getting slick lawyers helps you avoid responsibility. Just ask OJ.

So you believe that all of our citizens not looking for work are because of age? That's a lot of people, especially when those statistics only include people of working age. I'm on the road all day long. I see all those people driving around on the highway in their cars during work hours. They are not all elderly, in fact, most of them aren't.

Guy, first, you live in Cleveland, which is a dump compared to the rest of the country. second, you don't know who those people are or why they are out on the road. they could be on their lunch breaks,t hey could be second shift workers. The fact is, the Workforce Participation Rate is exactly that- the percentage of the adult population in the workforce. It has been in decline since 1999.

And while I'm letting you in on little secrets, let me fill you in on a couple more: nobody is forced to work at Walmart......nobody. It's just like nobody is forced to have a kid. If you don't want a kid, keep your legs closed. If you can't keep your legs closed, then don't open them again until you have proper protection against pregnancy.

I'm sure "never getting laid" is a common thing for you, which is why you 'compensate' in other ways.

real world. People are going to fuck and someone is going to get stuck doing those shitty jobs like working at WalMart. And that's the problem. If Walmart can fuck the unskilled worker, it's not a big stretch for other companies to screw skilled workers.

Which is why you have the aforementioned 1% of the population controlling 42% of the wealth or the Walton Family being richer than 40% of the population combined.

But you keep thinking it's them welfare peoples with their smokes and their cats that are the problem. Just like Rush tells you to when he isn't popping pills and banging dudes.
there is that lie again...the Republicans don't care about kids...while the democrats kill them in the womb...

Kidney beaned fetuses aren't "Kids". they are "none of your fucking business". Happy to clear that up for you, but just because you need a gun to compensate for your tiny genitals doesn't mean you should tell other people what to do with theirs.

and when Republicans try to fix the schools...the left blocks them every step of the way......

When do they do that? Vouchers- They've failed every time they've been tried. Charter schools have a worse record than Public Schools. Usually, when a Repuke offers to "Fix the Schools", it usually is some kind of scheme to "Halliburton" public funds.

and allow teachers unions to trap kids in schools that do not teach them to read, write or understand math and science...

Right. So the fact that Textbook companies write textbooks that avoid discussing evolution and downplay the causes of the Civil War to appeal to the Neanderthals in Texas has nothing to do with it. It's those bad old teachers.

Here's a crazy idea. Send the kids of the rich to the same schools as the kids of the poor, you'd be AMAZED how fast the schools get fixed.

and we have more programs to help kids in this country but democrats allow their politicians to waste, steal and lose the money

Uh, guy, we spend less on poverty relief programs than any other industrialized nation, and not surprisingly, we have the highest poverty rates in the world. (Kind of like how we let every nut own a gun and have the highest crime and murder rates)


It's like the Onion Headline,


and Rpublicans give more to charity in both time and money than democrats....

Charities are how rich people feel good about themselves. Most Charities enrich the people who run them. In fact, only 30% of money given to charities actually end up helping poor people.

Oh, we would take you up on that Joe. Sure, we'll pay the kids that aren't aborted, but in return, liberals have to pay for all our welfare programs and environmental policies. I say you have a deal.

Uh, guy, Welfare is 5.3% of the federal budget, while Paying for War for Oil is 20% of the budget and middle class entitlements are 33% of the budget. I think your math is a little off.

If people voted for "Where my tax dollars go", liberals would fund welfare long before Conservatives funded "War without End".


Your claim was that Rush Limbaugh "railed" about drug users going to jail, and then you had to dig up one comment from over 10 years ago to make your point; that's railing? That's even a stretch for you Joe.

]If you clicked on the link, you'd have seen Rush made dozens of such comments over the years, not just that one. I just posted on as an exemplar.

Limbaugh didn't avoid prison because of lawyers, Limbaugh avoided prison because there was no evidence against him. I don't care if you're worth twenty-dollars or twenty-million-dollars, if there is no evidence against you of a crime, they have no case.

Actually, there was plenty of evidence against him, that he saw multiple doctors to get redundant prescriptions and he sent his maid out to score drugs. You are delusional or just fucking stupid if you think rich people aren't treated differently in the "War on Drugs", or that getting slick lawyers helps you avoid responsibility. Just ask OJ.

So you believe that all of our citizens not looking for work are because of age? That's a lot of people, especially when those statistics only include people of working age. I'm on the road all day long. I see all those people driving around on the highway in their cars during work hours. They are not all elderly, in fact, most of them aren't.

Guy, first, you live in Cleveland, which is a dump compared to the rest of the country. second, you don't know who those people are or why they are out on the road. they could be on their lunch breaks,t hey could be second shift workers. The fact is, the Workforce Participation Rate is exactly that- the percentage of the adult population in the workforce. It has been in decline since 1999.

And while I'm letting you in on little secrets, let me fill you in on a couple more: nobody is forced to work at Walmart......nobody. It's just like nobody is forced to have a kid. If you don't want a kid, keep your legs closed. If you can't keep your legs closed, then don't open them again until you have proper protection against pregnancy.

I'm sure "never getting laid" is a common thing for you, which is why you 'compensate' in other ways.

real world. People are going to fuck and someone is going to get stuck doing those shitty jobs like working at WalMart. And that's the problem. If Walmart can fuck the unskilled worker, it's not a big stretch for other companies to screw skilled workers.

Which is why you have the aforementioned 1% of the population controlling 42% of the wealth or the Walton Family being richer than 40% of the population combined.

But you keep thinking it's them welfare peoples with their smokes and their cats that are the problem. Just like Rush tells you to when he isn't popping pills and banging dudes.

Ah yes, banging dudes, and you got that information from a "rumor." But what the hell, you're a liberal so that's about par.

Walmart isn't screwing anybody, again, Walmart doesn't go out looking for people, put a sack around their heads and drag them into the store. People apply for Walmart jobs, are interviewed and presented an offer. The applicant has the option to accept or deny that offer. If you don't have a talent or skill to make better money, then that's not Walmart's fault, that's your fault. It's up to the individual to make themselves worth more money--not Walmart.

Let me ask you something Joe, do you overpay the people that do work for you? If you get your car repaired, do you choose the repair center with the highest estimate or the lower one? If you have a lawn care service, did you pick the one that will mow your lawn for $25.00 per cut, or did you choose the company that would cut it for $65.00 per cut? If you needed your drain unplugged tomorrow, would you hire the plumber that will do it for $60.00 or the one that charges $150.00?

Well if you don't want to pay more money than you have to in order to get a job done, why should anybody else? That's hypocritical. Whether you have to work at Walmart, or you have children you can't afford, that should be your problem--not other peoples. I don't burden other people with my problems, and they shouldn't burden me with theirs either. They created their own problems in life, I didn't.
there is that lie again...the Republicans don't care about kids...while the democrats kill them in the womb...

Kidney beaned fetuses aren't "Kids". they are "none of your fucking business". Happy to clear that up for you, but just because you need a gun to compensate for your tiny genitals doesn't mean you should tell other people what to do with theirs.

and when Republicans try to fix the schools...the left blocks them every step of the way......

When do they do that? Vouchers- They've failed every time they've been tried. Charter schools have a worse record than Public Schools. Usually, when a Repuke offers to "Fix the Schools", it usually is some kind of scheme to "Halliburton" public funds.

and allow teachers unions to trap kids in schools that do not teach them to read, write or understand math and science...

Right. So the fact that Textbook companies write textbooks that avoid discussing evolution and downplay the causes of the Civil War to appeal to the Neanderthals in Texas has nothing to do with it. It's those bad old teachers.

Here's a crazy idea. Send the kids of the rich to the same schools as the kids of the poor, you'd be AMAZED how fast the schools get fixed.

and we have more programs to help kids in this country but democrats allow their politicians to waste, steal and lose the money

Uh, guy, we spend less on poverty relief programs than any other industrialized nation, and not surprisingly, we have the highest poverty rates in the world. (Kind of like how we let every nut own a gun and have the highest crime and murder rates)


It's like the Onion Headline,


and Rpublicans give more to charity in both time and money than democrats....

Charities are how rich people feel good about themselves. Most Charities enrich the people who run them. In fact, only 30% of money given to charities actually end up helping poor people.


Obama...the first thing he did was end the D.C voucher program that let poor kids go to the school his kids were going to go to........and those socialist countries...are falling apart.....
Ah yes, banging dudes, and you got that information from a "rumor." But what the hell, you're a liberal so that's about par.

The fact that Limbaugh is a closeted homosexual is well known in the gay community. Or do you think it's a coincidence he's been married FOUR TIMES and hasn't produced a single kid.


Walmart isn't screwing anybody, again, Walmart doesn't go out looking for people, put a sack around their heads and drag them into the store. People apply for Walmart jobs, are interviewed and presented an offer. The applicant has the option to accept or deny that offer. If you don't have a talent or skill to make better money, then that's not Walmart's fault, that's your fault. It's up to the individual to make themselves worth more money--not Walmart.

It's also up to Walmart to not cheat its employees, which it wouldn't be able to do if we had strong labor laws like we used to.

Let me ask you something Joe, do you overpay the people that do work for you? If you get your car repaired, do you choose the repair center with the highest estimate or the lower one? If you have a lawn care service, did you pick the one that will mow your lawn for $25.00 per cut, or did you choose the company that would cut it for $65.00 per cut? If you needed your drain unplugged tomorrow, would you hire the plumber that will do it for $60.00 or the one that charges $150.00?

Here's the thing, guy, cheaper isn't always better. for instance, on my side business, I found a guy who said he could manage my SEO for about a third of what the other guy was doing. Instead they took my money, created a shit website, that got me absolutely no leads, but legally, they were able to claim they met the terms of the contract, although no reasonable person would believe they did. Wasn't worth the bother of suing them, which would have cost me more.

I buy things for a living. Cheaper is not always better, and far too many times, I've found suppliers that promise you low prices and don't deliver the goods.

This has nothing to do with the fact that WalMart is cheating its workers and then turning around and asking the rest of us to support them.

Well if you don't want to pay more money than you have to in order to get a job done, why should anybody else? That's hypocritical. Whether you have to work at Walmart, or you have children you can't afford, that should be your problem--not other peoples. I don't burden other people with my problems, and they shouldn't burden me with theirs either. They created their own problems in life, I didn't.

But the thing is, you - or to say the people you support - created those problems. You drive around Cleveland and look at the DISASTER that Free Trade policies have caused, and you want to blame the victims - working people who lost their jobs - and not the people who moved their factory to Mexico because the US imposed sensible environmental laws after the Cayahoga caught on fire.

But don't worry. You have your bible and your gun, that will protect you. Really.

It's much worse than that. I get those clowns in front of me in line, I know what they are buying.

When they are done cashing in their food stamps, they then bring out the flowers, greeting cards, 25 lbs bag of dog food, cat food, cat litter, beer and cigarettes. Those poor people.

Oh, noes, how dare they have "Creature comforts"! Don't they know being poor should be shameful!!!!

It's the same thing with those tenants I evicted. I told them to get rid of their three cats and large dog to save some money. No such doing. They both smoked cigarettes too, and had a daughter that did the same. She was 13 when she lived here, and the parents supplied her the smokes because she was too young to get a job.

Wow. Did you offer to sell their pets to a drug-testing lab while you were at it? Make the kids watch. Seriously, they should know the true shame of being poor!

Of course, monthly upkeep of a cat is about, what $15.00 a month. That's what mine costs between dry cat food and cat litter.

So do you go around calling rape victims sluts because they were just asking for it in your spare time?

Yes, and they had three cats and a large dog. Did you ever take your pet to a vet lately? After Commie Care went into effect, vets increased their fees dramatically.

So what you're saying (typical liberal) is that you're fine with people paying cash to smoke and drink, to have pets no top of pets, to buy non-essential items, but we should pay for their food so they could eat. Here's a little common sense for you Joe, or as we might call it, conservative logic: get rid of the fucken animals, quit smoking and drinking, and buy your own food for crying out loud!

You liberals would rather feed your dog than feed your children, but when somebody speaks out about feeding your children for you, they are the heartless ones--not the parents.
Obama...the first thing he did was end the D.C voucher program that let poor kids go to the school his kids were going to go to........and those socialist countries...are falling apart.....

Those socialist countries are in better shape than we are.

The DC Voucher program was a big wet sloppy kiss to the Churches and private companies that run private schools, but it was a failure on so many levels.

Failed Experiment: It’s Time To Shut Down D.C.’s Voucher Program | Americans United

A 2010 study by the U.S. Department of Education, for example, found “no conclusive evidence” that students receiving vouchers showed improved math and reading test scores over their public school peers. The experiment, it seems, had failed.

So the voucher plan was shut down in 2009, right? Nope. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) used the scheme as a bargaining chip during budget negotiations with President Barack Obama. The misbegotten program gained new life and is still stumbling along today.

A recent Washington Post study of private schools taking part in the plan uncovered a litany of disturbing facts. Vouchers are pegged at $8,000-$12,000, so they don’t even come close to paying the annual tuition at exclusive private schools in the region – most of which don’t want voucher students anyway.

As a result, vouchers in D.C. have become a taxpayer-funded bailout for struggling Catholic schools or a prop for an array of schools offering questionable education. Some of these schools wouldn’t exist if it were not for voucher subsidies.

This is a pattern we’ve seen in other states. Because legislators refuse to exercise any serious oversight, fly-by-night schools run by con artists come along. Their main goal is usually to line their pockets with tax money or push some obtuse educational theory. Any education of children that occurs is purely by accident.

The D.C. voucher experiment has failed. In fact, the national voucher experiment has failed. It’s time to shut down these reckless programs and put taxpayer resources back where they belong: in the public school system that is open to all and accountable to all.
Obama...the first thing he did was end the D.C voucher program that let poor kids go to the school his kids were going to go to........and those socialist countries...are falling apart.....

Those socialist countries are in better shape than we are.

The DC Voucher program was a big wet sloppy kiss to the Churches and private companies that run private schools, but it was a failure on so many levels.

Failed Experiment: It’s Time To Shut Down D.C.’s Voucher Program | Americans United

A 2010 study by the U.S. Department of Education, for example, found “no conclusive evidence” that students receiving vouchers showed improved math and reading test scores over their public school peers. The experiment, it seems, had failed.

So the voucher plan was shut down in 2009, right? Nope. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) used the scheme as a bargaining chip during budget negotiations with President Barack Obama. The misbegotten program gained new life and is still stumbling along today.

A recent Washington Post study of private schools taking part in the plan uncovered a litany of disturbing facts. Vouchers are pegged at $8,000-$12,000, so they don’t even come close to paying the annual tuition at exclusive private schools in the region – most of which don’t want voucher students anyway.

As a result, vouchers in D.C. have become a taxpayer-funded bailout for struggling Catholic schools or a prop for an array of schools offering questionable education. Some of these schools wouldn’t exist if it were not for voucher subsidies.

This is a pattern we’ve seen in other states. Because legislators refuse to exercise any serious oversight, fly-by-night schools run by con artists come along. Their main goal is usually to line their pockets with tax money or push some obtuse educational theory. Any education of children that occurs is purely by accident.

The D.C. voucher experiment has failed. In fact, the national voucher experiment has failed. It’s time to shut down these reckless programs and put taxpayer resources back where they belong: in the public school system that is open to all and accountable to all.

No...they aren't......
Obama...the first thing he did was end the D.C voucher program that let poor kids go to the school his kids were going to go to........and those socialist countries...are falling apart.....

Those socialist countries are in better shape than we are.

The DC Voucher program was a big wet sloppy kiss to the Churches and private companies that run private schools, but it was a failure on so many levels.

Failed Experiment: It’s Time To Shut Down D.C.’s Voucher Program | Americans United

A 2010 study by the U.S. Department of Education, for example, found “no conclusive evidence” that students receiving vouchers showed improved math and reading test scores over their public school peers. The experiment, it seems, had failed.

So the voucher plan was shut down in 2009, right? Nope. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) used the scheme as a bargaining chip during budget negotiations with President Barack Obama. The misbegotten program gained new life and is still stumbling along today.

A recent Washington Post study of private schools taking part in the plan uncovered a litany of disturbing facts. Vouchers are pegged at $8,000-$12,000, so they don’t even come close to paying the annual tuition at exclusive private schools in the region – most of which don’t want voucher students anyway.

As a result, vouchers in D.C. have become a taxpayer-funded bailout for struggling Catholic schools or a prop for an array of schools offering questionable education. Some of these schools wouldn’t exist if it were not for voucher subsidies.

This is a pattern we’ve seen in other states. Because legislators refuse to exercise any serious oversight, fly-by-night schools run by con artists come along. Their main goal is usually to line their pockets with tax money or push some obtuse educational theory. Any education of children that occurs is purely by accident.

The D.C. voucher experiment has failed. In fact, the national voucher experiment has failed. It’s time to shut down these reckless programs and put taxpayer resources back where they belong: in the public school system that is open to all and accountable to all.

yes, the department of education...why would they lie to protect teachers unions....you are a fool.....
Yes, and they had three cats and a large dog. Did you ever take your pet to a vet lately? After Commie Care went into effect, vets increased their fees dramatically.

ObamaCare caused vets to raise their prices? Wow, you really are nuts, aren't you?

So what you're saying (typical liberal) is that you're fine with people paying cash to smoke and drink, to have pets no top of pets, to buy non-essential items, but we should pay for their food so they could eat. Here's a little common sense for you Joe, or as we might call it, conservative logic: get rid of the fucken animals, quit smoking and drinking, and buy your own food for crying out loud!

Fine, you promise everyone a renumerative job that pays a living wage, and I will be happy to say to the folks who can't make ends meet, "you are on your own".

Until we do that, though, we really do have to make sure the kids don't starve. It's what a civilized society does.

You liberals would rather feed your dog than feed your children, but when somebody speaks out about feeding your children for you, they are the heartless ones--not the parents.

I think it's kind of a heartless asshole who will deny children their pets. But heartless asshole has come to define the GOP today, which is why I stopped voting Republicans.

Naw, can't say that. It's when their greed and stupidity actually started costing me money. I'm not that evolved, and shame on me.
No...they aren't......

Yeah, they are. I can show you chart after chart where the EU Nations are lapping us in education, crime stats, health care and wellness, etc. In fact, I did in a previous post and you ignored it, as usual.

To be a Rightwing Nut, you have to pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist, because they've already solved the problems.
Ah yes, banging dudes, and you got that information from a "rumor." But what the hell, you're a liberal so that's about par.

The fact that Limbaugh is a closeted homosexual is well known in the gay community. Or do you think it's a coincidence he's been married FOUR TIMES and hasn't produced a single kid.


Walmart isn't screwing anybody, again, Walmart doesn't go out looking for people, put a sack around their heads and drag them into the store. People apply for Walmart jobs, are interviewed and presented an offer. The applicant has the option to accept or deny that offer. If you don't have a talent or skill to make better money, then that's not Walmart's fault, that's your fault. It's up to the individual to make themselves worth more money--not Walmart.

It's also up to Walmart to not cheat its employees, which it wouldn't be able to do if we had strong labor laws like we used to.

Let me ask you something Joe, do you overpay the people that do work for you? If you get your car repaired, do you choose the repair center with the highest estimate or the lower one? If you have a lawn care service, did you pick the one that will mow your lawn for $25.00 per cut, or did you choose the company that would cut it for $65.00 per cut? If you needed your drain unplugged tomorrow, would you hire the plumber that will do it for $60.00 or the one that charges $150.00?

Here's the thing, guy, cheaper isn't always better. for instance, on my side business, I found a guy who said he could manage my SEO for about a third of what the other guy was doing. Instead they took my money, created a shit website, that got me absolutely no leads, but legally, they were able to claim they met the terms of the contract, although no reasonable person would believe they did. Wasn't worth the bother of suing them, which would have cost me more.

I buy things for a living. Cheaper is not always better, and far too many times, I've found suppliers that promise you low prices and don't deliver the goods.

This has nothing to do with the fact that WalMart is cheating its workers and then turning around and asking the rest of us to support them.

Well if you don't want to pay more money than you have to in order to get a job done, why should anybody else? That's hypocritical. Whether you have to work at Walmart, or you have children you can't afford, that should be your problem--not other peoples. I don't burden other people with my problems, and they shouldn't burden me with theirs either. They created their own problems in life, I didn't.

But the thing is, you - or to say the people you support - created those problems. You drive around Cleveland and look at the DISASTER that Free Trade policies have caused, and you want to blame the victims - working people who lost their jobs - and not the people who moved their factory to Mexico because the US imposed sensible environmental laws after the Cayahoga caught on fire.

But don't worry. You have your bible and your gun, that will protect you. Really.


For one, you don't have one ounce of credible evidence Limbaugh is anything but normal. You and your idiotic liberal blog sites that create lies you are just willing to accept. Then say something like Limbaugh didn't have kids. So what? He didn't have kids. I know a lot of couples that don't have children.

So you want to compare your buying faulty products or services to a floor sweeper? How bad can a floor sweeper be for crying out loud? You get hired to stock shelves, there is only one way to do it; it's an idiots job. That's why it pays so low. And for the exact same item or service, you know yourself you would never overpay. Only a complete idiot would do that.

Walmart isn't asking anybody to support anybody else, that's your liberal politicians and supporters doing that. Give them all these government goodies so they won't try to better themselves. They'll continue smoking pot, continue doing mindless jobs, work part-time so as not to let work interfere with their government benefits, and they'll remain societies losers for the rest of their lives. That's what a liberal considers success.
yes, the department of education...why would they lie to protect teachers unions....you are a fool.....

The point was, they could back up their claims with statistics.

you know, those things you Wingnuts hate. Measurable results.

Vouchers don't do much for students

In Milwaukee, just 13 percent of voucher students scored proficient in math and 11 percent made the bar in reading this spring. That’s worse on both counts than students in the city’s public schools. In Cleveland, voucher students in most grades performed worse than their peers in public schools in math, though they did better in reading.

In New Orleans, voucher students who struggle academically haven’t advanced to grade-level work any faster over the past two years than students in the public schools, many of which are rated D or F, state data show.

Here's the problem with Vouchers. I call it the "Army Hat" problem. (When someone decided to give every soldier a Beret because elite units that wear berets have higher morale)

Of course, kids in private schools do better when their PARENTS are paying the tuition. That's becaue in those cases, the parents have the time, resources and inclination to be involved. You aren't going to spend $6000 a year to send your kid to Saint Martin's and not make sure the kid does his homework.

But if you give a parent who is working two jobs a voucher to send a kid to a St. Martin's, you aren't going to get any better results. St. Martins can fudge the numbers by taking only the kids they find promising (and this is exactly what a lot of them do) but mostly, kids with vouchers don't do any better.
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