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2000 People on "Terror Watch List" able to buy guns!

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You're wrong as usual Joe. Drugs do hurt others besides the user. Just ask my cousin Barb. She just buried her 28 year old son this past July from a heroin overdose. Don't you think she and her family were harmed?

aren't you gun whacks trying to dismiss 2/3rd of gun deaths because they are suicides? Make up your mind.

Not sure how locking her kid up would have been less devastating to her family.

The last guy I knew that was hooked on dope was a thief to support his habit. He used to rip people off all the time, but then he went to the next level. He robbed several churches in the area.

Oh, noes, not robbing a church. All that money churches make telling people there's a magic fairy in the sky and he needs money, I don't think they should whine about getting robbed.

again- we lock up 2 million people in the "War on Drugs", when we should treat it like a medical problem like those nasty old Europeans do.

So what do guns have to do with suicides, because they use guns to commit suicide? As if guns weren't around, they would just give up on the idea?

Then you wonder why we call liberals uninformed voters. You remind me of those clowns erecting a suicide net under the Golden Gate bridge. These losers want to spend 76 million dollars to stop people from jumping off, as if that will stop them from suicide altogether.

Only a lib would approve of churches getting robbed by drug addicts. Then you expect people to put you in power of this country.

"Folks, liberals judge policy by intent. Conservatives judge policy by results."
Rush Limbaugh
For those like you who failed to complete Jr. High, a fetus is an unborn human baby. They have unique genetic codes from the mother with are 100% human. Add in the heart and brain activity and you have the scientific definition of human life, used by the AMA.

Okay, and a woman who has an unwanted pregnancy will tell you exactly where you can stick that definition.

Her Body.

Her Choice

Deal with it!
So you admit that Holder and Obozo demonstrated their utter incompetence on Fast and Furious, right???

Then Obozo used executive privilege in an attempt to cover it up...

No, I just don't think it was that big of a deal.

250,000 guns cross the border every year. Losing track of a couple dozen of them while being able to catch some of the bad actors who were doing the gun walking isn't a bad trade off.

Of course, in a SANE world, we'd strictly regulate who can buy and sell guns, just like every other civilized country does.
any facts you don't like you just dismiss and make excuses....comical

Only the first 50,000 times.
No, our gun laws aren't even a little bit crazy. Remember, Wingnuts, keep pissing yourselves over 3 year olds from Syria... because this isn't something to worry about at all.

From 2004 to 2014, over 2,000 terror suspects legally purchased guns in the United States

Given France's strict gun laws, the terrorists who attacked Paris on Friday may have turned to black market sources for the weapons they used. But in the United States, known and suspected terrorists are allowed to purchase firearms under federal law.

"Membership in a terrorist organization does not prohibit a person from possessing firearms or explosives under current federal law," the Government Accountability Office concluded in 2010. The law prohibits felons, fugitives, drug addicts and domestic abusers from purchasing a firearm in the United States. But people on the FBI's consolidated terrorist watchlist — typically placed there when there is "reasonable suspicion" that they are a known or suspected terrorist — can freely purchase handguns or assault-style rifles.

And, as the GAO found, a number of them do: Between 2004 and 2014, suspected terrorists attempted to purchase guns from American dealers at least 2,233 times. And in 2,043 of those cases — 91 percent of the time — they succeeded.
wow. you guys had a veto proof presidency and now years later its a problem that someone without due process can't own a gun.
Hiding behind republicans that's all your're doing dude.
I admit when I make a mistake and would ask the Mods to correct the thread title.

correction, I can fix the thread title myself now. Thanks Mods, for installing that feature!
You should have left it. You are taking all the fun out of this...

NOrmally, I'd say yes, but it is kind of a serious discussion.

how insane is it that-

1) We have 700,000 people on a "Terror Watch List" to start with. Obviously, all 700,000 of them are not terrorists. If they were, we'd be in real shit right now. If they aren't citizens, why aren't we revoking their green cards, immediately. If they are citizens, then why are they being put on a list that prevents them from doing things like flying on an airplane without

2) that we allow people we have concerns with to buy guns with little or not questions? We can thank the NRA for this, who no doubt think that if being on a terrorist list bans you from buying guns, it's not a big stretch to put a Gun Nut who thinks we needs guns to over throw the government could be interpreted as a "Terrorist".
If it's so serious why didn't you do something about it when you controlled all 3 branches.
Might have made it more difficult for the S.C. shooter IF it worked correctly. But no registration/database/program from the Feds really works correctly..

So let me get this straight. You guys put in a shitload of loopholes into the check system, like being on the terrorist watch list can't deny you a right to buy a gun, and then you complain the system that you specifically designed to be weak isn't doing its job?

And when a bunch of preschoolers get killed, you guys say, "Well, gee, if only another nut with a gun had been there, we'd have solved the problem."
why didn't you do something about it when you controlled all 3 branches.I''ll tell you why, because you didn't want to lose elections
But now with the gop you can make empty threats.
Of course if you controlled all 3 branches it would be back to business as usually. And no gun legislation.
That's the tragic (for them) irony of the dilemma of people like JoeB131—They are weak, and rather than do anything to overcome their own weakness and better themselves, they seek instead to try to drag those who are stronger and in every other way superior to them down to their level. But the strong won't put up with it, and when push comes to shove, the strong will crush the weak. Thus, the weak, ironically, may well bring down upon themselves by their own actions, the very fate that they were afraid of in the first place.

But it probably won't really come to that, because the weak are also cowardly. They'll talk big about trying to start a fight that they know they will lose very badly if they do, but it's unlikely that they will actually act on it.

Guy, you gun nuts are the bullies, and frankly, the rest of us are tired of watching small children being wheeled out in body bags so you can feel better about your tiny dicks.
Ya the issue ranked up there didn't it when you controlled "all 3" branches of government.
And this folks from the party of Abortion....hilarious
And yet another area where those of you on the wrong go so ridiculously astray, oblivious to just how insane and evil your positions appear to sane people—you treat abusing harmful drugs and murdering innocent children as “rights”, deserving of greater respect and protection than genuine rights explicitly affirmed in the Constitution.

Only right in the constitution is the one to a Militia.

Fetuses aren't babies or children.

And we need to treat drug abuse as a medical problem, not a criminal one.

Happy to have straightened that out for you, you seem to be suffering the kind of brain damage that normally goes with listening to Hate Radio all day.
Hate. LOL And a person that supports abortion is full of love.
We don't accept your definition of what a fetus is either .
Just a baby killer that's all you are dude. Go on the offensive all you want. But all you are is a big bully that likes to screw girls with low self esteem and then tells em to get an abortion.
Hate. LOL And a person that supports abortion is full of love.
We don't accept your definition of what a fetus is either .
Just a baby killer that's all you are dude. Go on the offensive all you want. But all you are is a big bully that likes to screw girls with low self esteem and then tells em to get an abortion.

never performed an abortion.

Never got a girl pregnant and asked her to get one.

the one time someone confided to me she wanted to get an abortion, I tried to talk her out of it. But she didn't want her parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 22 and she wanted to hold on to her slimy boyfriend.

The thing is, the one bit of vestigal Catholicism I had a hard time getting rid of was oppossition to Abortion.

Until I finally figured out that the ONe Percent just uses this NON-ISSUE to get stupid people like you to vote against your own (and my) economic interests.

Now I just see the Anti-Choice nuts as another group to be CRUSHED. Legal abortions and make the taxpayers pay for them. Because honestly, that's what you deserve.

When you right wing fuckheads stop trying to snatch food out of the mouths of actual children, I'll start taking your concerns about Medical Waste seriously.
Ya the issue ranked up there didn't it when you controlled "all 3" branches of government.
And this folks from the party of Abortion....hilarious

When did the Democrats control all three branches? Not since the 1960's, really.

oh, by the way, 5 of the 7 SCOTUS Justices who legalized Abortion were REPUBLICANS. Look it up. They were appointed by Nixon and Ike. Justices appointed by Ford, Reagan and Bush upheld abortion rights since.

But you wingnuts see a picture of medical waste and whine "Why are they killing babies!"
Hate. LOL And a person that supports abortion is full of love.
We don't accept your definition of what a fetus is either .
Just a baby killer that's all you are dude. Go on the offensive all you want. But all you are is a big bully that likes to screw girls with low self esteem and then tells em to get an abortion.

never performed an abortion.

Never got a girl pregnant and asked her to get one.

the one time someone confided to me she wanted to get an abortion, I tried to talk her out of it. But she didn't want her parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 22 and she wanted to hold on to her slimy boyfriend.

The thing is, the one bit of vestigal Catholicism I had a hard time getting rid of was oppossition to Abortion.

Until I finally figured out that the ONe Percent just uses this NON-ISSUE to get stupid people like you to vote against your own (and my) economic interests.

Now I just see the Anti-Choice nuts as another group to be CRUSHED. Legal abortions and make the taxpayers pay for them. Because honestly, that's what you deserve.

When you right wing fuckheads stop trying to snatch food out of the mouths of actual children, I'll start taking your concerns about Medical Waste seriously.

Snatching food out of children's mouths? Who's trying to do that?
Ya the issue ranked up there didn't it when you controlled "all 3" branches of government.
And this folks from the party of Abortion....hilarious

When did the Democrats control all three branches? Not since the 1960's, really.

oh, by the way, 5 of the 7 SCOTUS Justices who legalized Abortion were REPUBLICANS. Look it up. They were appointed by Nixon and Ike. Justices appointed by Ford, Reagan and Bush upheld abortion rights since.

But you wingnuts see a picture of medical waste and whine "Why are they killing babies!"
Well folks here ya have it. The dems haven't controlled all 3 branches of government since the 60's
And we wonder why most of his answers are insults and 4 letter epitaphs .
Joe is so smart he obviously thinks that the gop might have had a say in obozocare.
Hate. LOL And a person that supports abortion is full of love.
We don't accept your definition of what a fetus is either .
Just a baby killer that's all you are dude. Go on the offensive all you want. But all you are is a big bully that likes to screw girls with low self esteem and then tells em to get an abortion.

never performed an abortion.

Never got a girl pregnant and asked her to get one.

the one time someone confided to me she wanted to get an abortion, I tried to talk her out of it. But she didn't want her parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 22 and she wanted to hold on to her slimy boyfriend.

The thing is, the one bit of vestigal Catholicism I had a hard time getting rid of was oppossition to Abortion.

Until I finally figured out that the ONe Percent just uses this NON-ISSUE to get stupid people like you to vote against your own (and my) economic interests.

Now I just see the Anti-Choice nuts as another group to be CRUSHED. Legal abortions and make the taxpayers pay for them. Because honestly, that's what you deserve.

When you right wing fuckheads stop trying to snatch food out of the mouths of actual children, I'll start taking your concerns about Medical Waste seriously.
To use your own words. I own several rifles and pistols. And I've never shot anyone. And I see you leftwing rags are crushed that the 2nd amendment allows me to own a gun. And we don't even use taxpayer funds to buy one. When you libs give up your abortions/and hideous practice of partial birth abortions I'll turn in my weapons
If only you were as clever as you think you are.
When you right wing fuckheads stop trying to snatch food out of the mouths of actual children…

An odd accusation from one on the side that is most fond of taking from workers the fruits of their labor, and by so doing, of taking food from the mouths of their children.

“…a wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.”—Thomas Jefferson​
There is a difference between taking and not giving. You leftists obviously are confused with the English language.

There's no confusion at all. Someone who whines about "the children", and then refuses to feed them when they are hungry is all manner of fucked up.

Guns to compensate for tiny dicks and living in morbid fear of women controlling their own lady parts. Conservatives are all manner of sexual dysfunction.
An odd accusation from one on the side that is most fond of taking from workers the fruits of their labor, and by so doing, of taking food from the mouths of their children.

Horseshit. As Romney said, the poorer half of the country doesn't pay taxes. The half that does has plenty of money for food. The Romney's aren't going to have to butcher their dressage horse to eat tonight.

“…a wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.”—Thomas Jefferson

Right after he said that, he went off and raped a woman- Sally Hemings- who had the bad luck to be his property. THis is a man who lived in a mansion on the coerced labor of human beings he owned.
Well folks here ya have it. The dems haven't controlled all 3 branches of government since the 60's
And we wonder why most of his answers are insults and 4 letter epitaphs .
Joe is so smart he obviously thinks that the gop might have had a say in obozocare.

Since you obviously failed CIVICS.

When ObamaCare was passed, the Democrats only controlled TWO branches of government- the Executive and Legislative. They did not control the JUDICIAL branch, as SCOTUS was dominated by Right Wing Hacks.

The last time you had a Democratic President, a Democratic Congress and a Democratic Majority on the Supreme Court was - wait for it - 1969.

The GOP did have a say in ObamaCare. Their refusal to legislate meant they had to use reconcilation to get the bill passed after Scott Brown stole Ted Kennedy's seat.
No, our gun laws aren't even a little bit crazy. Remember, Wingnuts, keep pissing yourselves over 3 year olds from Syria... because this isn't something to worry about at all.

From 2004 to 2014, over 2,000 terror suspects legally purchased guns in the United States

Given France's strict gun laws, the terrorists who attacked Paris on Friday may have turned to black market sources for the weapons they used. But in the United States, known and suspected terrorists are allowed to purchase firearms under federal law.

"Membership in a terrorist organization does not prohibit a person from possessing firearms or explosives under current federal law," the Government Accountability Office concluded in 2010. The law prohibits felons, fugitives, drug addicts and domestic abusers from purchasing a firearm in the United States. But people on the FBI's consolidated terrorist watchlist — typically placed there when there is "reasonable suspicion" that they are a known or suspected terrorist — can freely purchase handguns or assault-style rifles.

And, as the GAO found, a number of them do: Between 2004 and 2014, suspected terrorists attempted to purchase guns from American dealers at least 2,233 times. And in 2,043 of those cases — 91 percent of the time — they succeeded.
So? Since when can ones Constitutional Rights be taken away without due process?
If there is a reason they should not process weapons then they should be arrested and prosecuted for a crime.
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