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2000 People on "Terror Watch List" able to buy guns!

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Snatching food out of children's mouths? Who's trying to do that?

Congress passes $8.7 billion food stamp cut

8.7 Billion? That would feed a lot of kids.
Are you stupid in the head?? The country is broke. Printing more is not an fix. Spending to prosperity is a myth. There is no salvation in the act of taxing, only stealing.
Did your bleeding heart cause you to slip and hit your head??

Anyway, God bless you bleeding heart...
There is a difference between taking and not giving. You leftists obviously are confused with the English language.

There's no confusion at all. Someone who whines about "the children", and then refuses to feed them when they are hungry is all manner of fucked up.

Guns to compensate for tiny dicks and living in morbid fear of women controlling their own lady parts. Conservatives are all manner of sexual dysfunction.

It's not the taxpayers nor the federal governments obligation to "feed the children." Children were fed when I was young, the people that did so were called parents. And if parents are not feeding their children, those children should be taken away from the parents.

However it doesn't work that way in liberal America where the party promotes irresponsibility. The more kids you have, the larger the SNAP's card, the larger the HUD home, the larger the welfare check. And dare anybody suggest we stop these incentives for having children, they are heartless human beings.

Not giving somebody something is not the same as taking away something. Liberals however believe that all that is earned belongs to government, and it's governments good graces that allows them to keep some of their money. The rest, it's redistributed to those that didn't earn it the way government sees fit.

"If you promote irresponsibility, don't be too surprised when you end up with more irresponsible people."
Rush Limbaugh
…to compensate for tiny dicks…

I do not think that anyone here is interested in continuing to read over and over and over again about your “tiny dick” issues. We all get the point, by now—you have a tiny dick, you're very insecure about it, and for some reason, you think it helps to keep bringing it up in this discussion. But the rest of us don't want to keep hearing about it. We really don't care about your sexual inadequacies. Give it a rest.
I'm assured any type of gun control is the work of the devil.
If that's the case, why do those same people call for gun control?
So? Since when can ones Constitutional Rights be taken away without due process?
If there is a reason they should not process weapons then they should be arrested and prosecuted for a crime.

I'm going to break this to you gently, guy.

There are no "rights". There are privileges that the rest of society thinks you should have, but there are no "rights".

Any fool who thinks he has "rights" needs to look up "Japanese Americans, 1942".

I don't think we should do mass deportations or incarcerations, but it's damned prudent to make sure these guys can't buy guns like these two assholes in California just did.
I do not think that anyone here is interested in continuing to read over and over and over again about your “tiny dick” issues. We all get the point, by now—you have a tiny dick, you're very insecure about it, and for some reason, you think it helps to keep bringing it up in this discussion. But the rest of us don't want to keep hearing about it. We really don't care about your sexual inadequacies. Give it a rest.

I'm not the one who arms up like the Zombies are coming because you feel "inadequate".

Anyone who is so scared of the world he just has to have himself a gun has some serious "inadequacy" problems.
It's not the taxpayers nor the federal governments obligation to "feed the children." Children were fed when I was young, the people that did so were called parents. And if parents are not feeding their children, those children should be taken away from the parents.

When were you young, the Dark Ages? Because I'm not a young guy, and Food Stamps have been a thing my entire life. In fact, Food Stamps were first introduced in 1939, so unless you are 90 years old, there was not a time when the government wasn't feeding at least some people.

So your right wing logic is we should force women to have babies they don't want, and then go through the expensive process of relieving them of their parental rights when they lack the economic resources to feed them.

Again, the war on women. Do you do special exercises to be such a mean-spirited asshole all the time?

However it doesn't work that way in liberal America where the party promotes irresponsibility. The more kids you have, the larger the SNAP's card, the larger the HUD home, the larger the welfare check. And dare anybody suggest we stop these incentives for having children, they are heartless human beings.

You see, I think this is kind of hilarious, because it shows the kind of fact-free brain damage that you get when you listen to hate Radio all day.

The reality is, most people who are on assistance are only on if for a few years. A lot of people on assistance have jobs, just not jobs that pay well enough to put food on the table all the time.

7 Common Myths About People on Welfare

Not giving somebody something is not the same as taking away something. Liberals however believe that all that is earned belongs to government, and it's governments good graces that allows them to keep some of their money. The rest, it's redistributed to those that didn't earn it the way government sees fit.

Uh, no, guy. You see, the thing is, most of the money the government redistributes goes to middle class entitlements you fully support. The problem is, the redistribution that occurs is money going towards the rich, not towards the poor, as the top 1% now controls 43% of the wealth and the top 20% controls 87% of the wealth. Meanwhile the bottom 40% in this country has less than 1% of the wealth. Some "Redistribution".

So guys like you fully expect your unemployment insurance, your social security and your medicare, but them there welfare people don't deserve food stamps or Medicaid! Even if they have jobs, as most of them do.

"If you promote irresponsibility, don't be too surprised when you end up with more irresponsible people."
Rush Limbaugh

This would be the same Rush Limbaugh who railed against drug addicts until he was caught trying to score illegal pain medications from his maid. The same Rush Limbaugh who applied for Unemployment during his early career when he couldn't land gigs as a DJ. The same Rush Limbaugh who was fired from his job in Philadelphia when he was arrested for soliciting a male prostitute.
In Cleveland, you can go on foodstamps for all your life and live in a government supplied mansion.

Right Ray?

When did that start happening Ray?

Cause I live in Ohio as well. And it aint like that in Dayton.
No, our gun laws aren't even a little bit crazy. Remember, Wingnuts, keep pissing yourselves over 3 year olds from Syria... because this isn't something to worry about at all.

From 2004 to 2014, over 2,000 terror suspects legally purchased guns in the United States

Given France's strict gun laws, the terrorists who attacked Paris on Friday may have turned to black market sources for the weapons they used. But in the United States, known and suspected terrorists are allowed to purchase firearms under federal law.

"Membership in a terrorist organization does not prohibit a person from possessing firearms or explosives under current federal law," the Government Accountability Office concluded in 2010. The law prohibits felons, fugitives, drug addicts and domestic abusers from purchasing a firearm in the United States. But people on the FBI's consolidated terrorist watchlist — typically placed there when there is "reasonable suspicion" that they are a known or suspected terrorist — can freely purchase handguns or assault-style rifles.

And, as the GAO found, a number of them do: Between 2004 and 2014, suspected terrorists attempted to purchase guns from American dealers at least 2,233 times. And in 2,043 of those cases — 91 percent of the time — they succeeded.
So , Joe...who was supposed to fix that problem...the local barber?
In Cleveland, you can go on foodstamps for all your life and live in a government supplied mansion.

Right Ray?

When did that start happening Ray?

Cause I live in Ohio as well. And it aint like that in Dayton.

Who said anything about a mansion? I live in the suburbs. Would you like to see how many homes and apartments under HUD are available here? Would you like to see how many HUD homes and apartments are available in other suburbs around here?

But it's not just here. Look in your own town to see lowlifes living in middle-class areas. Go to their grocery stores and watch who is using those food stamps and see what kind of vehicle they drive. See what other items they purchase with cash that food stamps doesn't pay for. Notice how many children they have in line with them.

It's the same story no matter where you live. There is a serious societal flaw in our system when the people who don't work or work little live just as good if not better of a life than those who work a lot of hours.
It's not the taxpayers nor the federal governments obligation to "feed the children." Children were fed when I was young, the people that did so were called parents. And if parents are not feeding their children, those children should be taken away from the parents.

When were you young, the Dark Ages? Because I'm not a young guy, and Food Stamps have been a thing my entire life. In fact, Food Stamps were first introduced in 1939, so unless you are 90 years old, there was not a time when the government wasn't feeding at least some people.

So your right wing logic is we should force women to have babies they don't want, and then go through the expensive process of relieving them of their parental rights when they lack the economic resources to feed them.

Again, the war on women. Do you do special exercises to be such a mean-spirited asshole all the time?

However it doesn't work that way in liberal America where the party promotes irresponsibility. The more kids you have, the larger the SNAP's card, the larger the HUD home, the larger the welfare check. And dare anybody suggest we stop these incentives for having children, they are heartless human beings.

You see, I think this is kind of hilarious, because it shows the kind of fact-free brain damage that you get when you listen to hate Radio all day.

The reality is, most people who are on assistance are only on if for a few years. A lot of people on assistance have jobs, just not jobs that pay well enough to put food on the table all the time.

7 Common Myths About People on Welfare

Not giving somebody something is not the same as taking away something. Liberals however believe that all that is earned belongs to government, and it's governments good graces that allows them to keep some of their money. The rest, it's redistributed to those that didn't earn it the way government sees fit.

Uh, no, guy. You see, the thing is, most of the money the government redistributes goes to middle class entitlements you fully support. The problem is, the redistribution that occurs is money going towards the rich, not towards the poor, as the top 1% now controls 43% of the wealth and the top 20% controls 87% of the wealth. Meanwhile the bottom 40% in this country has less than 1% of the wealth. Some "Redistribution".

So guys like you fully expect your unemployment insurance, your social security and your medicare, but them there welfare people don't deserve food stamps or Medicaid! Even if they have jobs, as most of them do.

"If you promote irresponsibility, don't be too surprised when you end up with more irresponsible people."
Rush Limbaugh

This would be the same Rush Limbaugh who railed against drug addicts until he was caught trying to score illegal pain medications from his maid. The same Rush Limbaugh who applied for Unemployment during his early career when he couldn't land gigs as a DJ. The same Rush Limbaugh who was fired from his job in Philadelphia when he was arrested for soliciting a male prostitute.

Most of what you said are lies. Limbaugh never "railed" against drug addicts. Drugs are hardly a political issue and the show is about politics. Secondly, Limbaugh wasn't caught doing anything. He agreed to enter a rehab clinic to get the government off his ass about the drugs. His maid and husband were blackmailing him for their silence about his addiction. When they got too greedy, Limbaugh decided to let them go to the police because they had nothing on him. Limbaugh was never charged or convicted. Soliciting a male prostitute? That's a new one. There must be a new lying liberal blog that started up somewhere.

Yes, food stamps were around years ago, but hardly anybody used them. DumBama expanded the program which led us to record amount of users. Back when I was younger, people had too much pride to use government benefits. It was only in do-or-die situations. Today, one-seventh of our population is being fed by taxpayers. This is not to mention "free" school lunches and various other programs.

Yeah, some of these people do work, but they won't work an hour past their allowable before it interferes with their benefits. They would sooner work less hours and keep those benefits than get off of them. Trust me, I evicted a family who was on food stamps. They couldn't keep up with the rent. They could have worked more hours and brought in more money, but then they would have lost their food stamps, so they chose eviction. Now it's on their record for any future landlord to look up, and they will have to take anything they can get even if it means the slums.

Government programs discourage people from bettering themselves. It discourages them from getting off of the programs. We have tens of thousands of jobs that can't be filled at the same time we have record amounts of Americans no longer in the workforce. Why do you suppose that is?
It's not the taxpayers nor the federal governments obligation to "feed the children." Children were fed when I was young, the people that did so were called parents. And if parents are not feeding their children, those children should be taken away from the parents.

When were you young, the Dark Ages? Because I'm not a young guy, and Food Stamps have been a thing my entire life. In fact, Food Stamps were first introduced in 1939, so unless you are 90 years old, there was not a time when the government wasn't feeding at least some people.

So your right wing logic is we should force women to have babies they don't want, and then go through the expensive process of relieving them of their parental rights when they lack the economic resources to feed them.

Again, the war on women. Do you do special exercises to be such a mean-spirited asshole all the time?

However it doesn't work that way in liberal America where the party promotes irresponsibility. The more kids you have, the larger the SNAP's card, the larger the HUD home, the larger the welfare check. And dare anybody suggest we stop these incentives for having children, they are heartless human beings.

You see, I think this is kind of hilarious, because it shows the kind of fact-free brain damage that you get when you listen to hate Radio all day.

The reality is, most people who are on assistance are only on if for a few years. A lot of people on assistance have jobs, just not jobs that pay well enough to put food on the table all the time.

7 Common Myths About People on Welfare

Not giving somebody something is not the same as taking away something. Liberals however believe that all that is earned belongs to government, and it's governments good graces that allows them to keep some of their money. The rest, it's redistributed to those that didn't earn it the way government sees fit.

Uh, no, guy. You see, the thing is, most of the money the government redistributes goes to middle class entitlements you fully support. The problem is, the redistribution that occurs is money going towards the rich, not towards the poor, as the top 1% now controls 43% of the wealth and the top 20% controls 87% of the wealth. Meanwhile the bottom 40% in this country has less than 1% of the wealth. Some "Redistribution".

So guys like you fully expect your unemployment insurance, your social security and your medicare, but them there welfare people don't deserve food stamps or Medicaid! Even if they have jobs, as most of them do.

"If you promote irresponsibility, don't be too surprised when you end up with more irresponsible people."
Rush Limbaugh

This would be the same Rush Limbaugh who railed against drug addicts until he was caught trying to score illegal pain medications from his maid. The same Rush Limbaugh who applied for Unemployment during his early career when he couldn't land gigs as a DJ. The same Rush Limbaugh who was fired from his job in Philadelphia when he was arrested for soliciting a male prostitute.

Most of what you said are lies. Limbaugh never "railed" against drug addicts. Drugs are hardly a political issue and the show is about politics. Secondly, Limbaugh wasn't caught doing anything. He agreed to enter a rehab clinic to get the government off his ass about the drugs. His maid and husband were blackmailing him for their silence about his addiction. When they got too greedy, Limbaugh decided to let them go to the police because they had nothing on him. Limbaugh was never charged or convicted. Soliciting a male prostitute? That's a new one. There must be a new lying liberal blog that started up somewhere.

Yes, food stamps were around years ago, but hardly anybody used them. DumBama expanded the program which led us to record amount of users. Back when I was younger, people had too much pride to use government benefits. It was only in do-or-die situations. Today, one-seventh of our population is being fed by taxpayers. This is not to mention "free" school lunches and various other programs.

Yeah, some of these people do work, but they won't work an hour past their allowable before it interferes with their benefits. They would sooner work less hours and keep those benefits than get off of them. Trust me, I evicted a family who was on food stamps. They couldn't keep up with the rent. They could have worked more hours and brought in more money, but then they would have lost their food stamps, so they chose eviction. Now it's on their record for any future landlord to look up, and they will have to take anything they can get even if it means the slums.

Government programs discourage people from bettering themselves. It discourages them from getting off of the programs. We have tens of thousands of jobs that can't be filled at the same time we have record amounts of Americans no longer in the workforce. Why do you suppose that is?
You have to excuse Joe, hes a little out of sorts lately...

It's not the taxpayers nor the federal governments obligation to "feed the children." Children were fed when I was young, the people that did so were called parents. And if parents are not feeding their children, those children should be taken away from the parents.

When were you young, the Dark Ages? Because I'm not a young guy, and Food Stamps have been a thing my entire life. In fact, Food Stamps were first introduced in 1939, so unless you are 90 years old, there was not a time when the government wasn't feeding at least some people.

So your right wing logic is we should force women to have babies they don't want, and then go through the expensive process of relieving them of their parental rights when they lack the economic resources to feed them.

Again, the war on women. Do you do special exercises to be such a mean-spirited asshole all the time?

However it doesn't work that way in liberal America where the party promotes irresponsibility. The more kids you have, the larger the SNAP's card, the larger the HUD home, the larger the welfare check. And dare anybody suggest we stop these incentives for having children, they are heartless human beings.

You see, I think this is kind of hilarious, because it shows the kind of fact-free brain damage that you get when you listen to hate Radio all day.

The reality is, most people who are on assistance are only on if for a few years. A lot of people on assistance have jobs, just not jobs that pay well enough to put food on the table all the time.

7 Common Myths About People on Welfare

Not giving somebody something is not the same as taking away something. Liberals however believe that all that is earned belongs to government, and it's governments good graces that allows them to keep some of their money. The rest, it's redistributed to those that didn't earn it the way government sees fit.

Uh, no, guy. You see, the thing is, most of the money the government redistributes goes to middle class entitlements you fully support. The problem is, the redistribution that occurs is money going towards the rich, not towards the poor, as the top 1% now controls 43% of the wealth and the top 20% controls 87% of the wealth. Meanwhile the bottom 40% in this country has less than 1% of the wealth. Some "Redistribution".

So guys like you fully expect your unemployment insurance, your social security and your medicare, but them there welfare people don't deserve food stamps or Medicaid! Even if they have jobs, as most of them do.

"If you promote irresponsibility, don't be too surprised when you end up with more irresponsible people."
Rush Limbaugh

This would be the same Rush Limbaugh who railed against drug addicts until he was caught trying to score illegal pain medications from his maid. The same Rush Limbaugh who applied for Unemployment during his early career when he couldn't land gigs as a DJ. The same Rush Limbaugh who was fired from his job in Philadelphia when he was arrested for soliciting a male prostitute.

Most of what you said are lies. Limbaugh never "railed" against drug addicts. Drugs are hardly a political issue and the show is about politics. Secondly, Limbaugh wasn't caught doing anything. He agreed to enter a rehab clinic to get the government off his ass about the drugs. His maid and husband were blackmailing him for their silence about his addiction. When they got too greedy, Limbaugh decided to let them go to the police because they had nothing on him. Limbaugh was never charged or convicted. Soliciting a male prostitute? That's a new one. There must be a new lying liberal blog that started up somewhere.

Yes, food stamps were around years ago, but hardly anybody used them. DumBama expanded the program which led us to record amount of users. Back when I was younger, people had too much pride to use government benefits. It was only in do-or-die situations. Today, one-seventh of our population is being fed by taxpayers. This is not to mention "free" school lunches and various other programs.

Yeah, some of these people do work, but they won't work an hour past their allowable before it interferes with their benefits. They would sooner work less hours and keep those benefits than get off of them. Trust me, I evicted a family who was on food stamps. They couldn't keep up with the rent. They could have worked more hours and brought in more money, but then they would have lost their food stamps, so they chose eviction. Now it's on their record for any future landlord to look up, and they will have to take anything they can get even if it means the slums.

Government programs discourage people from bettering themselves. It discourages them from getting off of the programs. We have tens of thousands of jobs that can't be filled at the same time we have record amounts of Americans no longer in the workforce. Why do you suppose that is?
You have to excuse Joe, hes a little out of sorts lately...


Lately?????? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
So , Joe...who was supposed to fix that problem...the local barber?

Uh, did you not comprehend the article?

The same people who can't fly airplanes because they are on the Terrorist Watch List can go into a store and buy guns, even military grade ones.

That's kind of hte point.

And, yes, the ATF should have the power to keep that from happening.
The gun free zone was honored by the law abiding gun owners...that is why they are law abiding and why gun grabbers make stupid laws...they know normal people will obey them, and they could care less that criminals ignore them.....I do not carry into gun free zones...especially since it is a misdemeanor here in Illinois, twit.....

Oh, fuck, you live in IL? Jesus, like we don't have enough gun-toting nuts in this state.

Fact is, DGU's don't happen and Concealed Carry Cowards are usually pissing themselves in the corner when trouble breaks out.

Which is why I want to leave this sort of thing to PROFESSIONALS.

Sure Professionals arnt there when th crime goes down, they come by to take notes or pick up the body half of the time if not more
he Sandy Hook shooter had a choice of 3 schools that he attended...the middle school and the high school had armed resource officers....and the notes they found in his room stated he wanted a high death count.......and he didn't want anyone shooting him and taking his score..

Uh, guy, are you like psychic, because the SH shooter destroyed his hard drive and his motivations are largely a mystery to this day. But I guess you can just make stuff up for your narrative.

And again.....the Fort Hood shooter did not go to the live fire range with troops qualifying with their rifles...you know...armed soldiers......he did not go to the Military Police headquarters..you know...armed military police soldiers......he went to one of the places on the post where all of the soldiers were unarmed.....he targeted a gun free zone on the post...

He wouldn't have had any business on the range or at MPHQ. He did have business at the deployment office because that was part of his job, talking to soldiers before deployment.

Wrong dipshit....he left a roomful of notes....and the Feds got stuff off of his harddrive........he left notes and spreadsheets all over his room.....an 8' by 4' spread sheet on past killers and a detailed account of each shooting....

And you are saying that he couldn't be bothered to drive to a firing range or the Military Police headquarters to do his islamic jihad mass shooting...really?

YOu are a real twit.

They don't want to hear anything that would alter their narrative
Most of what you said are lies. Limbaugh never "railed" against drug addicts. Drugs are hardly a political issue and the show is about politics.

Rush Limbaugh drug-war quotes. Hypocrite windbag! Audio and banners, too! : Indybay

"Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. And the laws are good because we know what happens to people in societies and neighborhoods which become consumed by them. And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be
convicted and they ought to be sent up."

-- Rush Limbaugh. October 5, 1995 show transcript.

Secondly, Limbaugh wasn't caught doing anything. He agreed to enter a rehab clinic to get the government off his ass about the drugs. His maid and husband were blackmailing him for their silence about his addiction. When they got too greedy, Limbaugh decided to let them go to the police because they had nothing on him.

But you see, that's where the hypocrisy came in. If he was a poor person living in a ghetto, he'd have gone to jail. INstead, he got a lot of high priced lawyers to fight the charges and eventualy get him a sweet plea deal. If drug abuse is as bad as you claim it is, then the rich addicts need to go to jail right along side the poor addicts.

Limbaugh was never charged or convicted. Soliciting a male prostitute? That's a new one. There must be a new lying liberal blog that started up somewhere.

American Politics Journal -- Mailbag

We have;
1. The rumor about DJ Jeff Christie being fired from KQV in 1973 after an arrest on Winthrop Street for gay pandering. This rumor supposedly circulated on the UPitt campus for weeks following the firing. Verified parts are that Christie was fired by KQV, that Winthrop Street was a gay pickup spot in that era, and several people have confirmed hearing that same rumor at the time. One person confirmed having heard the rumor a couple of years later in water-cooler gossip at the Richmond VA radio station where he worked. At this time, nobody knew who Jeff Christie was.

Yes, food stamps were around years ago, but hardly anybody used them. DumBama expanded the program which led us to record amount of users. Back when I was younger, people had too much pride to use government benefits.

but thta isn't what you claimed. YOu claimed no one used food stamps when you were young.

But that isn't the case. If you go back and look at this chart, you've ALWAYS had a sizable chunk of the population getting assistance.


It was only in do-or-die situations. Today, one-seventh of our population is being fed by taxpayers. This is not to mention "free" school lunches and various other programs.

Yeah, but you see, being a deluded right winger, you can't see cause and effect. for the last 40 years, starting with your boy, Ronnie Ray-gun, there has been a systematic assault on the middle class, from union busting to free trade to right to work and at-will employment. The problem isn't that more people are USING food stamps, it's that more people NEED them because after Mitt Romney closed down the factory to pay for a new Dressage Horsie, that new job at Wal-Mart doesn't pay that well.

And when you have big corporations like WalMart underpaying their workers and then tellign them how to apply for food stamps and medicaid, you have to wonder who is getting over on who here.

Yeah, some of these people do work, but they won't work an hour past their allowable before it interferes with their benefits. They would sooner work less hours and keep those benefits than get off of them. Trust me, I evicted a family who was on food stamps.

That makes you kind of a creep, doesn't it? Yes, the problem here is an arbitrary thing that says if you work over a certain amount, you lose needed benefits. that is all manner of fucked up.

It's also how companies like WalMart get out of paying for medical benefits.

Government programs discourage people from bettering themselves. It discourages them from getting off of the programs. We have tens of thousands of jobs that can't be filled at the same time we have record amounts of Americans no longer in the workforce. Why do you suppose that is?

Geezus, do I have to educate you on Demographics, too?

We have record amounts of people out of the workforce because they are AGING OUT. Every other industrialized nation has this EXACT SAME PROBLEM. OUr work force participation rate of 63% is actually HIGHER than most other industrialized countries.

Now, i'd have no problem replacing welfare with workfare and a lot of other sensible reforms, but I'm not going to let you take this discussion further off track than you already have.

The topic was - you fuckhead right wingers scream about "The Children" all day when a woman wants to terminate a kidney-bean sized fetus that she can't afford right now, but when it comes to feeding, educating, clothing and nurturing REAL HONEST TO GOODNESS POOR CHILDREN, you just simply can't be bothered. You scream and whine about taxes.

Maybe what we need is a pro-life tax. If you are "pro-life", you get taxed at 70%. If you are pro choice, you get taxed at 10%. I'm willing to bet, no one, not even the biggest religious nut, would be pro-life after that.
Who said anything about a mansion? I live in the suburbs. Would you like to see how many homes and apartments under HUD are available here? Would you like to see how many HUD homes and apartments are available in other suburbs around here?

But it's not just here. Look in your own town to see lowlifes living in middle-class areas. Go to their grocery stores and watch who is using those food stamps and see what kind of vehicle they drive. See what other items they purchase with cash that food stamps doesn't pay for. Notice how many children they have in line with them.

ah, yes, the welfare person buying steak and lobster mythology again.
Most of what you said are lies. Limbaugh never "railed" against drug addicts. Drugs are hardly a political issue and the show is about politics.

Rush Limbaugh drug-war quotes. Hypocrite windbag! Audio and banners, too! : Indybay

"Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. And the laws are good because we know what happens to people in societies and neighborhoods which become consumed by them. And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be
convicted and they ought to be sent up."

-- Rush Limbaugh. October 5, 1995 show transcript.

Secondly, Limbaugh wasn't caught doing anything. He agreed to enter a rehab clinic to get the government off his ass about the drugs. His maid and husband were blackmailing him for their silence about his addiction. When they got too greedy, Limbaugh decided to let them go to the police because they had nothing on him.

But you see, that's where the hypocrisy came in. If he was a poor person living in a ghetto, he'd have gone to jail. INstead, he got a lot of high priced lawyers to fight the charges and eventualy get him a sweet plea deal. If drug abuse is as bad as you claim it is, then the rich addicts need to go to jail right along side the poor addicts.

Limbaugh was never charged or convicted. Soliciting a male prostitute? That's a new one. There must be a new lying liberal blog that started up somewhere.

American Politics Journal -- Mailbag

We have;
1. The rumor about DJ Jeff Christie being fired from KQV in 1973 after an arrest on Winthrop Street for gay pandering. This rumor supposedly circulated on the UPitt campus for weeks following the firing. Verified parts are that Christie was fired by KQV, that Winthrop Street was a gay pickup spot in that era, and several people have confirmed hearing that same rumor at the time. One person confirmed having heard the rumor a couple of years later in water-cooler gossip at the Richmond VA radio station where he worked. At this time, nobody knew who Jeff Christie was.

Yes, food stamps were around years ago, but hardly anybody used them. DumBama expanded the program which led us to record amount of users. Back when I was younger, people had too much pride to use government benefits.

but thta isn't what you claimed. YOu claimed no one used food stamps when you were young.

But that isn't the case. If you go back and look at this chart, you've ALWAYS had a sizable chunk of the population getting assistance.


It was only in do-or-die situations. Today, one-seventh of our population is being fed by taxpayers. This is not to mention "free" school lunches and various other programs.

Yeah, but you see, being a deluded right winger, you can't see cause and effect. for the last 40 years, starting with your boy, Ronnie Ray-gun, there has been a systematic assault on the middle class, from union busting to free trade to right to work and at-will employment. The problem isn't that more people are USING food stamps, it's that more people NEED them because after Mitt Romney closed down the factory to pay for a new Dressage Horsie, that new job at Wal-Mart doesn't pay that well.

And when you have big corporations like WalMart underpaying their workers and then tellign them how to apply for food stamps and medicaid, you have to wonder who is getting over on who here.

Yeah, some of these people do work, but they won't work an hour past their allowable before it interferes with their benefits. They would sooner work less hours and keep those benefits than get off of them. Trust me, I evicted a family who was on food stamps.

That makes you kind of a creep, doesn't it? Yes, the problem here is an arbitrary thing that says if you work over a certain amount, you lose needed benefits. that is all manner of fucked up.

It's also how companies like WalMart get out of paying for medical benefits.

Government programs discourage people from bettering themselves. It discourages them from getting off of the programs. We have tens of thousands of jobs that can't be filled at the same time we have record amounts of Americans no longer in the workforce. Why do you suppose that is?

Geezus, do I have to educate you on Demographics, too?

We have record amounts of people out of the workforce because they are AGING OUT. Every other industrialized nation has this EXACT SAME PROBLEM. OUr work force participation rate of 63% is actually HIGHER than most other industrialized countries.

Now, i'd have no problem replacing welfare with workfare and a lot of other sensible reforms, but I'm not going to let you take this discussion further off track than you already have.

The topic was - you fuckhead right wingers scream about "The Children" all day when a woman wants to terminate a kidney-bean sized fetus that she can't afford right now, but when it comes to feeding, educating, clothing and nurturing REAL HONEST TO GOODNESS POOR CHILDREN, you just simply can't be bothered. You scream and whine about taxes.

Maybe what we need is a pro-life tax. If you are "pro-life", you get taxed at 70%. If you are pro choice, you get taxed at 10%. I'm willing to bet, no one, not even the biggest religious nut, would be pro-life after that.

yes..the game banger shooting up his drug territory is the same thing as Rush getting drugs because of pain.........try again.....
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