2000 year old roman dildo found on Hadrians Wall

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016


Not much for them to do up there. A sign that men were redundant even then.
It's not possible to say for certain the phallus is a sex toy - although Dr Collins said he "would like to think it is".

"This would be the first of its kind, and that's always exciting," he said.

Gaydar Alert!!!!!
This thread is a LOT shorter than it once was!
We have a moderator(s) on this board that have an agenda. They have particular posters in mind and he/she/they don't have a bit of character. The actions of the last two weeks are proof. It would be interesting to find out who they are. That would be an addition I would like to see. When a post is removed, it should be signed by the mod and they should be forced to cite the rule under which your post was removed so that you would be able to defend it.
Is anyone at all surprised to see that Tainted Tommy is so interested and excited about this alleged ancient sex toy?

Whitehall is most likely correct, though. It probably is some more mundane object, such as a pestle, but apparently, the “experts” cited in the article share much of Tainted Tommy's more prurient inclinations.

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.

What do you do for a living, that you should look down on me for my profession?
Is anyone at all surprised to see that Tainted Tommy is so interested and excited about this alleged ancient sex toy?

Whitehall is most likely correct, though. It probably is some more mundane object, such as a pestle, but apparently, the “experts” cited in the article share much of Tainted Tommy's more prurient inclinations.

What do you do for a living, that you should look down on me for my profession?
He hurt you bad. Real bad.
Thanks to the mods who cleaned up this thread. It might help those affected if it was explained to them why their posts were deleted.

Although they should know that trolling is not allowed.
Wherever there is a group of garrisoned soldiers there will be x-times many more civilians trying their best to relieve them of their pay. That is as true today as it has been throughout history and Romans where no different. Saying it's a Roman dildo is wishful thinking . I agree with some that it probably was a grinding instrument, and knowing soldiers the way I do they probably craved it into a dick to fuck with the owner.
Thanks to the mods who cleaned up this thread. It might help those affected if it was explained to them why their posts were deleted.

Although they should know that trolling is not allowed.
Since when is information about your topic with a source considered trolling. I stated a fact that is brought to the attention of every tourist to Pompeii. The information concerned the people who were the subject of your OP during the period you were addressing. Maybe you--and the mod should learn to read and comprehend.
Since when is information about your topic with a source considered trolling. I stated a fact that is brought to the attention of every tourist to Pompeii. The information concerned the people who were the subject of your OP during the period you were addressing. Maybe you--and the mod should learn to read and comprehend.
It's always fun when a poster is working directly with a mod who shares his politics, isn't it?

That might be considered a pornographic image, otherwise.
I doubt it.
Considering the "business end" of whatever this is, is less than 4" long and the top of it about 1 inch... that would be one small dildo.
People were smaller back then... but not that smaller
Wherever there is a group of garrisoned soldiers there will be x-times many more civilians trying their best to relieve them of their pay. That is as true today as it has been throughout history and Romans where no different. Saying it's a Roman dildo is wishful thinking . I agree with some that it probably was a grinding instrument, and knowing soldiers the way I do they probably craved it into a dick to fuck with the owner.
It doesnt look like it was bullt for comfort but it is quite old.
Thanks to the mods who cleaned up this thread. It might help those affected if it was explained to them why their posts were deleted.
Although they should know that trolling is not allowed.

“Cleaned up” a thread about a dubious interpretation of an ancient artifact as a sex toy. It's hard to imagine what sort of content could have been removed from this thread that would be any less appropriate than the content on which this thread is based.

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