2012 Democratic National Convention: Charlotte, NC - September 4th - 6th

70% of the debt is Reagan's and Booosh's, and 90% of Obama's is to avert a full on second Pub Depression, and saving their victims from homelessness. Pub dupes!

Well considering that Obama is responsible for 75% of the US debt himself, claiming Reagan and Bush were responsible for 70% would give a total of 145%. If that's not idiot liberal Dumbocrat math at it's finest, I don't know what is.... :lol:

Fact: When Obama took office, the debt stood at $9+ trillion. It surpassed $16 trillion yesterday.
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70% of the debt is Reagan's and Booosh's, and 90% of Obama's is to avert a full on second Pub Depression, and saving their victims from homelessness. Pub dupes!

Also, 100% of Reagan's debt was to avert a full on second Great Depression created by Jimmy Carter (policies Obama thought would be a good idea to copy verbatim 30 years later)... :lol:
Please read title of thread and move on.

I know - but while you're stroking yourself to the communist policies preached by some of the biggest embarassments to American history (Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the anti-American marxist dictator Barack Obama), I just want to make sure you get some facts in front of your face to chew on.
I'm sorry, but I threw up a little when Fluke ran her mouth.. I swear.. The nonchalant way they talk about abortion is just sickening. And her comments about birth control were so untruthful.. Daggone.

She said she believes in liberty.. Yet she wants the government to FORCE religious institutions to pay for her lifestyles..

And this is the kind of woman that Obama wants his daughters to be?!!

C'mon Elizibeth.. Tell us more about how Obama's plans will cut the debt..

What a job hating lady.

She's gonna lose to a Republican in such a liberal state too.

The dems love losers, don't they?
No greater figure for class-warfare.

She was, after all, the first to basically say "you didn't build it".
Switched over to watch Lizzy Warren show us why Mass will send Scott Brown back to the Senate.

She has to be one of the saddest things I've ever seen.
Dr. Warren is far too intelligent for NaziCons to understand.

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