2012 Democratic National Convention: Charlotte, NC - September 4th - 6th

Barney Frank up next.

Gen. Eric Shinseki, who warned against going into Iraq, is up at 8:35

Sandra Fluke @ 9:30

Former Employees at Companies Controlled by Bain Capital @ 9:51 :clap2:

Jim Senigal (Costco Founder & CEO) @ 10:00

Elizabeth Warren @ 10:05

THE BIG DOG after Senator Warren.

A great night!

Yup.....a wet-dream.

Too bad you fuckers don't have anything for normal people, like......you know, spending-cuts, reducing the debt,............low unemployment.

Aawww, don't be like that. You just missed Governor Jack Markell.
"Markell served as Vice President for Corporate Development at Nextel, and helped to lead the movement to wireless technology. His other work experience included a senior management position at Comcast Corporation as well as posts as a consultant at McKinsey and Company, Inc. and as a banker at First Chicago Corporation."
Barney Frank up next.

Gen. Eric Shinseki, who warned against going into Iraq, is up at 8:35

Sandra Fluke @ 9:30

Former Employees at Companies Controlled by Bain Capital @ 9:51 :clap2:

Jim Senigal (Costco Founder & CEO) @ 10:00

Elizabeth Warren @ 10:05

THE BIG DOG after Senator Warren.

A great night!

Yup.....a wet-dream.

Too bad you fuckers don't have anything for normal people, like......you know, spending-cuts, reducing the debt,............low unemployment.

Too bad you stupid lying fuckers don't accept responsibility for who caused this horrible mess - BUSH. Also, anyone who knows jack shit about economics knows you don't worry about spending cuts, debt, and deficits during a slow economy trying to recover from the Great Bush Recession. As for unemployment, ask Boehner when he plans to vote on the president's jobs bill.

Yup....Bush. He kept Obama from doing his job the last year too. Made him campaign instead of try to pass jobs packages. He gives up working with Congress and institutes a bunch of overreaching bills and he ignores scores of laws in the process. Each Executive Order is meant to buy votes rather than cut the debt or decrease the deficit.

And it is discovered that Obama had something to do with the housing collapse with his law-suits forcing banks to give risky loans to minorities that they can't pay back. The default rate on those sub-prime loans was astronomical. Barack Obama Helped Create The Mortgage Crisis - LD Jackson - Open Salon

President Barack Obama was a pioneering contributor to the national subprime real estate bubble, and roughly half of the 186 African-American clients in his landmark 1995 mortgage discrimination lawsuit against Citibank have since gone bankrupt or received foreclosure notices.

As few as 19 of those 186 clients still own homes with clean credit ratings, following a decade in which Obama and other progressives pushed banks to provide mortgages to poor African Americans.

The startling failure rate among Obama’s private sector clients was discovered during The Daily Caller’s review of previously unpublished court information from the lawsuit that a young Obama worked on as an attorney for the lead plaintiff.
Obama pushed banks to give subprime loans to Chicago blacks | The Daily Caller
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And just in case people missed when I posted this before:
During 1979, Carter deregulated the American beer industry by opening access of the home-brew market back up to the craft brewers, making it again legal to sell malt, hops, and yeast to American home brewers for the first time since the effective 1920 beginning of Prohibition in the United States.
I've known this for years..........:badgrin:

How many times have we heard Barack Obama and the liberal Democrats make statements that try to pin the blame for the mortgage crisis on the Republicans, in general, and President George W. Bush, in particular? About a month ago, the Obama campaign came out with an ad that accused Mitt Romney of wanting to go back to the failed policies that “caused the mess in the first place”. Let’s look at some of the facts and see if Barack Obama is telling the truth, or hiding from his own record.

To do that, I want to look at a couple of articles that have been published, with substantial research on the topic. It’s amazing what you can learn from a little research. For starters, it was not the policies of the Republicans, or George W. Bush, that caused the problems that led to the housing crisis. It was the Democrats who perpetuated it, and who continue to do so today.

(Saberpoint) To make a long story short, the easy mortgage money caused real estate prices to rise substantially, creating a “bubble.” When the bubble burst, home values plummeted and thousands of subprime borrowers simply walked away from their mortgage, which now exceeded the market value of the home. Banks were stuck with loan collateral that was worth less than the outstanding principal. Banks, mortgage companies and other financial institutions, including pension plans that had invested in mortgage loans, went bust. Banks failed by the thousands. The shockwave through the economy resulted in credit drying up overnight and many non-financial businesses failed as a result.

And the Democrats did it. Not Bush, who months before the crash warned of the bubble and the need to reign in FHA’s easy credit, who held committee hearings on the subject with key Democrats. The Democrats would have none of it, arguing that real estate would always go up, so no problem.​

Former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) will lead the Pledge of Allegiance at the Democratic National Convention on Thursday night, Roll Call reports.

Gabrielle Giffords To Lead Pledge Of Allegiance At Democratic National Convention: Report
"At $16 trillion, every American’s share of the federal debt rises to $37,437. That represents nearly three-quarters of the income of the average American household earning $50,964 in 2012. And these levels are projected to grow even further, to the point where each American’s share of the federal debt will surpass the staggering $100,000 mark in less than 20 years. Current and future generations of taxpayers are on the hook for increasing levels of debt as Washington continues on its spending spree." - Nathaniel Ward

No matter how much we give the idiot liberal Dumbocrat, they always spend at least a trillion more. They have become so over the top radical and irresponsible, that we are forced with no option but to fight fire with fire. It's time we cut so deep and so severe, that essentially all of America is cut off. When people are starving, homeless, and have no Medicaid, they will see first hand the devastating effects of the idiot liberal Dumbocrat bankrupting America. It's time the only adults in the room (GOP) stops raising the debt ceiling and covering for the monumental failures of the Dumbocrats.
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Especially for ole mudwhistle...


An ABC New employee is a Romney employee?


And the first quote was also repeated by Cass Sunstein, Obama's regulatory czar.....he wrote the book about "Availability Cascades".

He must have gotten the idea from the Nazis.

"Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes a reality"

This is how Bush's Tax-cuts became "Tax-cuts for the wealthiest 1%".

Then we find out the Bush tax-cuts effect everyone......you shit-for-brains act like nothing is amiss. That's just one example. The list is getting longer and longer.

What mind numb dipshits you are.
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Especially for ole mudwhistle...


Considering your idea of "fact checkers" attended the propaganda school of Joseph Goebbels and have been caught LYING about their "fact checking", I'd say all you've done with this post here is continue your tradition of having ZERO credibility.
"At $16 trillion, every American’s share of the federal debt rises to $37,437. That represents nearly three-quarters of the income of the average American household earning $50,964 in 2012. And these levels are projected to grow even further, to the point where each American’s share of the federal debt will surpass the staggering $100,000 mark in less than 20 years. Current and future generations of taxpayers are on the hook for increasing levels of debt as Washington continues on its spending spree." - Nathaniel Ward

No matter how much we give the idiot liberal Dumbocrat, they always spend at least a trillion more. They have become so over the top radical and irresponsible, that we are forced with no option but to fight fire with fire. It's time we cut so deep and so severe, that essentially all of America is cut off. When people are starving, homeless, and have no Medicaid, they will see first hand the devastating effects of the idiot liberal Dumbocrat bankrupting America. It's time the only adults in the room (GOP) stops raising the debt ceiling and covering for the monumental failures of the Dumbocrats.

And exactly what was that $16 trillion spent on?
"At $16 trillion, every American’s share of the federal debt rises to $37,437. That represents nearly three-quarters of the income of the average American household earning $50,964 in 2012. And these levels are projected to grow even further, to the point where each American’s share of the federal debt will surpass the staggering $100,000 mark in less than 20 years. Current and future generations of taxpayers are on the hook for increasing levels of debt as Washington continues on its spending spree." - Nathaniel Ward

No matter how much we give the idiot liberal Dumbocrat, they always spend at least a trillion more. They have become so over the top radical and irresponsible, that we are forced with no option but to fight fire with fire. It's time we cut so deep and so severe, that essentially all of America is cut off. When people are starving, homeless, and have no Medicaid, they will see first hand the devastating effects of the idiot liberal Dumbocrat bankrupting America. It's time the only adults in the room (GOP) stops raising the debt ceiling and covering for the monumental failures of the Dumbocrats.

They're spending so much money that we're having to go without a manned space program, and eventually a military........just because the pricks spent too much money way too fast.

And they're still spending.

And they're solution for the moment is tax the rich, but eventually it will be "Invest in our infrastructure".
Once the election is over Obama is gonna be like "Sorry folks......but I have to raise everyone's taxes now." "I didn't know how bad it was till it was almost too late!!!"
"At $16 trillion, every American’s share of the federal debt rises to $37,437. That represents nearly three-quarters of the income of the average American household earning $50,964 in 2012. And these levels are projected to grow even further, to the point where each American’s share of the federal debt will surpass the staggering $100,000 mark in less than 20 years. Current and future generations of taxpayers are on the hook for increasing levels of debt as Washington continues on its spending spree." - Nathaniel Ward

No matter how much we give the idiot liberal Dumbocrat, they always spend at least a trillion more. They have become so over the top radical and irresponsible, that we are forced with no option but to fight fire with fire. It's time we cut so deep and so severe, that essentially all of America is cut off. When people are starving, homeless, and have no Medicaid, they will see first hand the devastating effects of the idiot liberal Dumbocrat bankrupting America. It's time the only adults in the room (GOP) stops raising the debt ceiling and covering for the monumental failures of the Dumbocrats.

And exactly what was that $16 trillion spent on?

STFU Bitch. :slap:

Waste of time talking to these fuckwads.

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