2012 Democratic National Convention: Charlotte, NC - September 4th - 6th

If you think Hitler was a socialist, you're a brainwashed Beckbot moron, and dupes don't know any facts, just Pubcrappe talking points. Dolts. lol

This is not hyberpole when I say I truly didn't think it was possible for a human to have such a miniscule IQ. francoHFW here truly rivals small rodents when it comes to IQ. I just can't believe how profoundly stupid and uneducated he is.

Anyone else notice that he (inaccurately) claims that "Hitler was not a socialist" but then fails to mention what exactly Hiter was? If he could read, I would tell him to read the exact definition of Nazi below:

National Socialism (common English short form Nazism, German: Nationalsozialismus) was the ideology of the Nazi Party and Nazi Germany.
Nazism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It would almost be funny if it weren't so tragic to see a human this stupid. Ignorance is bliss I guess...?

Hilarious, so you'll fall for ANY RW propaganda, even the Nazis', eh, dolt? The socialists were democrats in Germany, the first people Nazis threw into concentration camps, Beckbot AZZHOLE. Read something before you die or you'll be in a special HELL LOL.

And Obama's 5 1/2 trillion is 30% of 16 trillion, shyttehead.

Beckbot tools of the greedy rich, exhibit A. Everything you "know" is Pubcrappe, loudmouth knucklehead. See sig, last.

Masters in World History vs Beckbot MORON, for the peanut gallery. Oh, education is commie, right. JFC.
Slick will is next. This should be interesting.

Dang it's running late..

I gotta get up early! Better be good Bill!
Wonder if we'll hear anything about the war on women from the womanizer in chief, before the benediction by Monica Lewinkskys rabbi..?
Go Bubba! Thank you for eight years of peace and prosperity, and all the money you helped me make in the stock markets. Oh, and thanks for the first balanced budgets in thirty years.
Haha.. You mean the way that YOU hated Barack Obama, Bill Clinton?? "just a few years ago.. This guy woulda been carrying my bags!"
Haha.. You mean the way that YOU hated Barack Obama, Bill Clinton?? "just a few years ago.. This guy woulda been carrying my bags!"

It was a compliment - and he was right. Do you know who Clinton's favorite golf buddy was? Hint: A black dude.
Again I am a little confused, clinton's on now. Should I be masturbating right now? Need some opinions,? I'm confused HERE? Some guy that has a claim to a stain, want to convince me. To give the president four more years? Comprehending this reality, is to dysfunctional for fantasies, on to my next question?. I'd truly try my hardest, to comprehend, to my limited, on the reality as of what are the facts! And I am truly trying to go along with the flow, I just can't make it. Too many factual discrepancies is the problem. Come all! Go ahead make my day. Paint me some different reality:confused::eusa_
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There's just not got going to be enough hours in the day tomorrow for the press to love this speech. President Clinton is just one of the greatest speakers ever.

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